552 research outputs found

    Clustering Study of Vehicle Behaviors Using License Plate Recognition

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    Ubiquitous computing and artificial intelligence contribute to deploying intelligent environments. Sensor networks in cities generate large amounts of data that can be analyzed to provide relevant information in different fields, such as traffic control. We propose an analysis of vehicular behavior based on license plate recognition (LPR) in a rural region of three small villages. The contribution is twofold. First, we extend an existing taxonomy of the most widely used clustering algorithms in machine learning with additional classes. Second, we compare the performance of algorithms from each class of the taxonomy, extracting behavioral patterns. Partitional and hierarchical algorithms obtain the best results, while density-based algorithms have poor results. The results show four differentiated patterns in vehicular behavior, distinguishing different patterns in both residents and tourists. Our work can help policymakers develop strategies to improve services in rural villages, and developers choose the correct algorithm for a similar study.LifeWatch ERI

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de un bar restaurante de cerveza artesanal de producción propia

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    Este proyecto es un estudio preliminar para la factibilidad de implementación de un bar restaurante que produce su propia marca de cerveza artesanal: Mercury Brew. Este negocio está categorizado dentro del sector comercial de servicios alimenticios de bares y cafés. Durante el estudio de mercado, se emplearon metodologías de análisis cuantitativas para definir la demanda del proyecto, concluyendo que la cerveza artesanal es un bien sustituto para la cerveza industrial en los sectores socio económicos A y B. La localización del bar sería en el distrito de Miraflores. Para el primer año del proyecto, 2021, se proyecta un tamaño de 9,690 botellas al mes, el cual se mantiene a través de la vida útil del proyecto. Se calculó un área aproximada de 200 m2 . Se contará con un total de 17 trabajadores, incluyendo entre éstos el personal administrativo, operativo y de atención. Para la evaluación financiera de factibilidad del proyecto, se consideró un año pre-operativo y cinco años de vida útil, desde el 2020 al 2025, en el que se tiene que recuperar la inversión inicial de aproximadamente S/. 362,057.00. Se calculó un costo operativo de capital (COK) de aproximadamente 24.105%, y se recibirá un préstamo de Interbank Perú para financiar 30% del proyecto con una TEA de 20%. Se obtuvo un resultado favorable, siendo la tasa interna de retorno (TIR) económica de 30.056% y la financiera de 46.418%. Se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad en el que se determinó que el proyecto es altamente sensible a la variación de precio, y que es más conveniente aumentar el precio antes que disminuirlo. Se considera que se obtuvieron los resultados esperados y que se logró comprobar la factibilidad de la idea de negocio propuesta.This project is a preliminary study for the feasibility of the implementation of a bar and restaurant that also functions as brewery for its own brand of craft beer: Mercury Brew. During the market study, different quantitative market analysis methods were used to determine the project’s demand, concluding that craft beer serves as a substitute to regular industrial beer in socio-economic sectors A and B. The bar would be located in Miraflores district, in Lima city. There is an expected production size of 9,690 bottles per month for the project’s first operative year 2021. The local’s area was estimated at approximately 200 m2 . There will be 17 employees, including administration, manufacturers and attention staff. Five years of operations from 2021 to 2025 and one pre-operative year in 2020 were considered for the financial evaluation of the project. During this period the total investment of approximately S/. 362,057.00. The project’s cost of opportunity (COK) was calculated at 24.105% and a loan from Interbank Peru will be used to finance 30% of the project with an annual effective rate of 20%. The economic internal rate of return (IRR) of 39.056% and the financial IRR is of 46.418%, showing the project has profit. A sensibility analysis was performed, showing that the project is highly sensitive to the variation of prices, and that it’s more useful to increase the price. Overall, it’s considered that the obtained results were those expected and that the project is indeed feasible

    Creación de rutas senderistas mediante análisis de redes y algoritmo multicriterio. Aplicación en el parque natural Sierra de las Nieves

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    En este trabajo se presenta una aplicación para la creación de rutas de senderismo personalizadas a cada senderista en función de criterios como dificultad, motivación y capacidad física. La aplicación ejecuta un sistema recomendador basado en el análisis de redes y en el algoritmo de búsqueda A* para calcular las rutas que cumplan con los criterios del usuario. Para implementar el sistema se han utilizado herramientas de software libre como postgreSQL (para la base de datos), postGIS (para la creación de la información geográfica) y pgrouting (para el análisis de redes). La base de datos está cargada con capas de información geográfica públicas a escala 1/10.000 que contienen la localización de la red de caminos y sendas. A partir de ella se extrae la información que necesita el buscador y se analizan los grafos que cumplen con las condiciones impuestas por el usuario. El recomendador se ejecuta en un entorno web y el resultado que se devuelve al usuario puede ser consultado en la misma web o exportado a otros formatos (jpg, gpx o kml), con lo que el recorrido propuesto para hacer senderismo puede ser visualizado en diversos dispositivos móviles (smartphones, tablets, navegadores). El geoportal implementado (http://analisisgeografico.uma.es/sierranieves/) cumple con los estándares del Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), de manera que la información generada es compatible con otras plataformas universales.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Kinanthropometric characteristics in teenager basketball players

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    Introducción: El baloncesto presenta una gran heterogeneidad antropométrica entre jugadores en relación a la posición de juego. El base suele ser el más bajo del equipo pero también el más rápido. El escolta suele ser similar al base, más bajo, rápido y ágil que el resto. El alero es de una altura intermedia entre los jugadores interiores y exteriores, combina la altura con la velocidad, y el pívot tiene un rol más físico, es el más alto y con mayor masa muscular. El objetivo del estudio es describir el perfil cineantropométrico del equipo cadete masculino del Valencia Basket Club. Material y Métodos: Se han evaluado 20 jugadores de baloncesto cadete masculino (15,35±0,59años). Un antropometrista nivel I tomó las medidas según la metodología de la Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). Se calculó la composición corporal según el consenso de cineantropometría del Grupo Español de Cineantropometría (GREC), el somatotipo según Heath-Carter, e índices adiposo-musculares. Resultados: Se observaron diferencias en los valores de peso, talla, pliegues cutáneos y composición corporal, de las variables estudiadas de la muestra total y por posición de juego, siendo los valores menores los de la posición base y mayores en los pívots. Se estableció una tendencia creciente de estos parámetros en el siguiente orden: base, escolta, alero y pívot. Conclusiones: El somatotipo global del jugador de baloncesto cadete del Valencia Basket Club es ectomorfo balanceado. Conocer el perfil cineantropométrico puede beneficiar la elaboración de planes de entrenamiento y nutrición, así como reflejar la evolución y dirigirla hacia las características ligadas al rendimiento óptimo.Introduction: Basketball is a sport with a high heterogeneity anthropometric as playing position. Point guard is usually the lowest player but also the fastest. Guard is similar to point guard, faster and more agile than the others. Small forward has an intermediate height between the inside and outside players and it combines height with velocity. And center (pivot) has a physical role, it has the highest and more muscle mass. The aim of this study is to describe the kinanthropometric profile of male cadet “Valencia Basket Club”. Material and Methods: A total of 20 male cadet basketball players were evaluated (15.35±0.59 years old). An anthropometrist level 1 took anthropometric measures according to the methodology of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). Body composition was calculated according to the kinanthropometry consensus of the Kinanthropometry Spanish Group (GREC), somatotype with Heath-Carter’s method and adipose-muscular and cardiovascular risk index. Results: Differences in values of weight, height, skinfold and body composition from variables of sample and position were observed. Lower values were from point guard position and higher values were from center position. An increasing trend of these parameters was established in the following order: point guard, guard, small forward and center. Conclusions: The Valencia Basket Club cadet player overall somatotype is balance ectomorph. To know kinanthropometric profile may be beneficial to develop specific training and nutrition plans as well as to see evolution and characteristics for optimal performance

    Stochastic Operator Variance: An Observable to Diagnose Noise and Scrambling

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    peer reviewedNoise is ubiquitous in nature, so it is essential to characterize its effects. Considering a fluctuating Hamiltonian, we introduce an observable, the stochastic operator variance (SOV), which measures the spread of different stochastic trajectories in the space of operators. The SOV obeys an uncertainty relation and allows us to find the initial state that minimizes the spread of these trajectories. We show that the dynamics of the SOV is intimately linked to that of out-of-time-order correlators, which define the quantum Lyapunov exponent λ. Our findings are illustrated analytically and numerically in a stochastic Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Hamiltonian undergoing energy dephasing

    On time and the quantum-to-classical transition in Jordan-Brans-Dicke quantum gravity

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    Any quantum theory of gravity which treats the gravitational constant as a dynamical variable has to address the issue of superpositions of states corresponding to different eigenvalues. We show how the unobservability of such superpositions can be explained through the interaction with other gravitational degrees of freedom (decoherence). The formal framework is canonically quantized Jordan-Brans-Dicke theory. We discuss the concepts of intrinsic time and semiclassical time as well as the possibility of tunneling into regions corresponding to a negative gravitational constant. We calculate the reduced density matrix of the Jordan-Brans-Dicke field and show that the off-diagonal elements can be sufficiently suppressed to be consistent with experiments. The possible relevance of this mechanism for structure formation in extended inflation is briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, ZU-TH 15/93, BUTP-93/1

    Paramagnetic Collective Electronic Mode and Low Temperature Hybrid Modes in the Far Infrared Dynamics of Orthorhombic NdMnO3

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    We report on far- and mid-infrared reflectivity of NdMnO3 from 4 K to 300K. Two main features are distinguished in the infrared spectra: active phonons in agreement with the expected for orthorhombic D2h 16-Pbnm (Z=4) space group remaining constant down to 4 K and a well-defined collective excitation in the THz region due to eg electrons in a d-orbital fluctuating environment. We trace its origin to the NdMnO3 high temperature orbital disordered intermediate phase not being totally dynamically quenched at lower temperatures. This results in minute orbital misalignments that translate in randomize non-static eg electrons within orbitals yielding a room temperature collective excitation. Below TN~78 K, electrons gradually localize inducing long-range magnetic order as the THz band condenses into two modes that emerge pinned to the A-type antiferromagmetic order. They harden simultaneously down to 4 K obeying power laws with TN as the critical temperature and exponents {\beta}~0.25 and {\beta}~0.53, as for a tri-critical point and Landau magnetic ordering, respectively. At 4K they match known zone center spin wave modes. The power law dependence is concomitant with a second order transition in which spin modes modulate orbital instabilities in a magnetoelectric hybridized orbital/charge/spin/lattice scenario. We also found that phonon profiles also undergo strong changes at TN~78 K due to magnetoelasticity.Comment: 40 pages with 8 figure

    Interactive Role of Surrogate Liver Fibrosis Assessment and Insulin Resistance on the Incidence of Major Cardiovascular Events

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    Introduction: The combination of easy-to-obtain validated biomarkers is interesting in the prognostic evaluation of patients at cardiovascular risk in a precision medicine scenario. The evaluation of the effect modification of insulin resistance and liver fibrosis with the Triglyceride-Glucose index (TyG) and Fibrosis-4 index (FIB4) might provide prognostic information in patients at cardiovascular risk. Patients and methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed with 2055 patients recruited in the Vascular Metabolic CUN cohort. The studied outcome was the incidence rate of major cardiovascular events (MACE). The Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE), FIB4 and TyG indexes were calculated according to validated formulas. Results: FIB4 and TyG showed a synergistic interaction using validated cut-offs for both indexes in the prediction of MACE (Hazard ratio (HR) 1.05 CI95% 1.01–1.08) which remained after adjustment by age, sex, SCORE subgroup, presence of diabetes, or previous MACE using standardized cut-off (HR 2.29 CI95% 1.33–3.94). Finally, a subgroup with significant TyG and FIB4 showed a higher cardiovascular risk in the study population (adjusted HR 3.34 CI 95% 1.94–5.77). Conclusion: The combined interpretation of TyG and FIB4 indexes might have a potential predictive value of major cardiovascular events