250 research outputs found

    A New Approach to the Design of CMOS Inductorless Common-gate Low-noise Amplifiers

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    This work proposes a new approach to design a simple and effective LNA reaching very competitive results in 1.2V 65-nm standard CMOS technology. The proposed design uses a transconductance enhancement technique to achieve 2.3 dB of noise figure at the 5 GHz band. The paper exposes the advantages of a reduced number of devices in the circuit and analyses the topology. Simulations with complete technology models and statistical analysis are presented for more precise results

    Social Performance considered within the global performance of Microfinance Institutions: a new approach

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    [EN] In last years, microfinance has been seen as an effective measure for empowering whole nations or marginalized groups. However, some negative issues especially with respect to over-indebtedness and high interest rates have been discussed as well. In fact, the performance of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) has traditionally been measured by ratios. Thus, it should be remembered that MFIs are special socially-oriented financial organizations, mainly interested in the economic development of both rural and urban areas, in creating jobs, incorporating women into the labour market and addressing environmental concerns. The activity and performance ratios of these organizations are usually based on a single criterion, generally related to financial aspects or the extent of their outreach, in such a way that the performance measurement can vary according to the criterion selected. This paper proposes a new approach, a multicriteria method based on goal programming that considers not only financial aspects and outreach, but also the social Performance related to the activities of a group of MFIs in Ecuador. Our study shows the weight of the Social Performance dimension on the rankings compared with other dimensions. The practical significance of these results lies in that now it is possible to present a more comprehensive picture of the performance of MFIs. Besides, the methodology chosen can shed some light on the mission drift debate.Cervelló Royo, RE.; Guijarro, F.; Martinez Gomez, VD. (2019). Social Performance considered within the global performance of Microfinance Institutions: a new approach. Operational Research (Online). 19(3):737-755. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-017-0360-3S737755193Ahlin C, Lin J, Maio M (2011) Where does Microfinance flourish? Microfinance institution performance in Macroeconomic context. J Dev Econ 95(2):105–120Akpalu W, Alnaa SE, Aglobitse PB (2012) Access to microfinance and intra household business decision making: implication for efficiency of female owned enterprises in Ghana. J Soc Econ 41(5):513–518Ashta A (2009) Microcredit capital flows and interest rates: an alternative explanation. J Econ Issues 43(3):661–683Ballestero E, Garcia-Bernabeu A (2012) Portfolio selection with multiple time horizons: a mean variance—stochastic goal programming approach. INFOR 50(3):106–116Ballestero E, Pérez-Gladish B, Garcia-Bernabeu A (2015) Socially responsible investment a multi-criteria decisión making approach. Springer International Series in Operations Research and Management Series, Vol. 219Barinaga E (2014) Microfinance in a developed welfare state: a hybrid technology for the government of the outcast. Geoforum 51:27–36Barnett B, Mahul O (2007) Weather index insurance for agriculture and rural areas in lower-income countries. Am J Agric Econ 89(5):1241–1247Barry TA, Tacneng R (2014) The impact of governance and institutional quality on MFI outreach and financial performance in Sub-Saharan Africa. World Dev 58:1–20Brandon K, Gorenflo LJ, Rodrigues AS, Waller RW (2005) Reconciling biodiversity conservation, people, protected areas, and agricultural suitability in Mexico. World Dev 33(9):1403–1418Cervelló-Royo R, Moya-Clemente I, Ribes-Giner G (2015) Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Latin America: who should finance the entrepreneurial ventures of the less privileged?. In: New challenges in entrepreneurship and finance. Springer International Publishing, pp 235–245CGAP (2003) Microfinance consensus guidelines. Definitions of selected financial terms, ratios and adjustments for microfinance, 3rd edn. Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest, WashingtonCharnes A, Cooper WW, Ferguson RO (1955) Optimal estimation of executive compensation by linear programming. 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Rural Finance Learning Center, Paper No. 200612Diakoulaki D, Mavrotas G, Papayannakis L (1995) Determining objective weights in multiple criteria problems: the CRITIC method. Comput Oper Res 22(7):763–770García F, Guijarro F, Moya I (2010a) A goal programming approach to estimating performance weights for ranking firms. Comput Oper Res 37(9):1597–1609García F, Guijarro F, Moya I (2010b) Ranking Spanish savings Banks: a multicriteria approach. Math Comput Model 52:1058–1065García-Martínez G, Guijarro F, Poyatos JA (2017) Measuring the social responsibility of European companies: a goal programming approach. Int Trans Oper Res. https://doi.org/10.1111/itor.12438González-Pachón J, Romero C (1999) Distance-based consensus methods: a goal programming approach. Omega Int J Manage S 27:341–347González-Vega C (2003) Lessons for rural finance from the Microfinance revolution. In: Wenner MD et al (eds) Promising practices in rural finance: experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean. 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    Cuatro experiencias para trabajar la Historia bilingüe en la ESO a través de metodologías activas

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    Este portafolio tiene como objetivo presentar y analizar un conjunto de experiencias de aprendizaje de Historia bilingüe en inglés para 4º de ESO, enmarcadas en el bloque temático de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Se trata de una propuesta metodológica basada en la integración del contenido histórico y lingüístico de la asignatura, y en la implementación de metodologías activas. Ante las dudas que despierta actualmente el bilingüismo se proponen una serie de soluciones capaces de otorgar verdadero valor educativo a este tipo de clases, reforzando las destrezas lingüísticas básicas del inglés, sin perder de vista el trabajo fundamental relacionado con el conocimiento y la disciplina histórica. Se presenta un total de cuatro experiencias de aprendizaje. Todas conllevan el contenido histórico necesario, y cada una refuerza especialmente una destreza lingüística: comprensión y expresión escrita, y comprensión y expresión oral.<br /

    Novel spiro-core dopant-free hole transporting material for planar inverted Perovskite solar cells

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    Hole-transporting materials (HTMs) have demonstrated their crucial role in promoting charge extraction, interface recombination, and device stability in perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Herein, we present the synthesis of a novel dopant-free spiro-type fluorine core-based HTM with four ethoxytriisopropylsilane groups (Syl-SC) for inverted planar perovskite solar cells (iPSCs). The thickness of the Syl-SC influences the performance of iPSCs. The best-performing iPSC is achieved with a 0.8 mg/mL Syl-SC solution (ca. 15 nm thick) and exhibits a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 15.77%, with Jsc = 20.00 mA/cm2, Voc = 1.006 V, and FF = 80.10%. As compared to devices based on PEDOT:PSS, the iPSCs based on Syl-SC exhibit a higher Voc, leading to a higher PCE. Additionally, it has been found that Syl-SC can more effectively suppress charge interfacial recombination in comparison to PEDOT:PSS, which results in an improvement in fill factor. Therefore, Syl-SC, a facilely processed and efficient hole-transporting material, presents a promising cost-effective alternative for inverted perovskite solar cells

    SNP rs403212791 in exon 2 of the MTNR1A gene is associated with reproductive seasonality in the Rasa aragonesa sheep breed

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    The aim of this study was to characterize and identify causative SNPs in the MTNR1A gene responsible for the reproductive seasonality traits in the Rasa aragonesa sheep breed. A total of 290 ewes (155, 84 and 51 mature, young and ewe lambs, respectively) from one flock were controlled from January to August. The following three reproductive seasonality traits were considered: the total days of anoestrus (TDA) and the progesterone cycling months (P4CM); both ovarian function seasonality traits based on blood progesterone levels; and the oestrus cycling months (OCM) based on oestrous detection, which indicate behavioural signs of oestrous. We have sequenced the total coding region plus 733 and 251 bp from the promoter and 3'-UTR regions, respectively, from the gene in 268 ewes. We found 9 and 4 SNPs associated with seasonality traits in the promoter (for TDA and P4CM) and exon 2 (for the three traits), respectively. The SNPs located in the gene promoter modify the putative binding sites for various trans-acting factors. In exon 2, two synonymous SNPs affect RFLP sites, rs406779174/RsaI (for the three traits) and rs430181568/MnlI (for OCM), and they have been related with seasonal reproductive activity in previous association studies with other breeds. SNP rs400830807, which is located in the 3'-UTR, was associated with the three traits, but this did not modify the putative target sites for ovine miRNAs according to in silico predictions. Finally, the SNP rs403212791 (NW_014639035.1: g.15099004G > A), which is also associated with the three seasonality phenotypes, was the most significant SNP detected in this study and was a non-synonymous polymorphism, leading a change from an Arginine to a Cysteine (R336C). Haplotype analyses confirmed the association results and showed that the effects found for the seasonality traits were caused by the SNPs located in exon 2. We have demonstrated that the T allele in the SNP rs403212791 in the MNTR1A gene is associated with a lower TDA and higher P4CM and OCM values in the Rasa Aragonesa breed

    Screening for an ivermectin slow-release formulation suitable for malaria vector control

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    BACKGROUND: The prospect of eliminating malaria is challenged by emerging insecticide resistance and vectors with outdoor and/or crepuscular activity. Ivermectin can simultaneously tackle these issues by killing mosquitoes feeding on treated animals and humans. A single oral dose, however, confers only short-lived mosquitocidal plasma levels. METHODS: Three different slow-release formulations of ivermectin were screened for their capacity to sustain mosquito-killing levels of ivermectin for months. Thirty rabbits received a dose of one, two or three silicone implants containing different proportions of ivermectin, deoxycholate and sucrose. Animals were checked for toxicity and ivermectin was quantified periodically in blood. Potential impact of corresponding long-lasting formulation was mathematically modelled. RESULTS: All combinations of formulation and dose released ivermectin for more than 12 weeks; four combinations sustained plasma levels capable of killing 50% of Anopheles gambiae feeding on a treated subject for up to 24 weeks. No major adverse effects attributable to the drug were found. Modelling predicts a 98% reduction in infectious vector density by using an ivermectin formulation with a 12-week duration. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that relatively stable mosquitocidal plasma levels of ivermectin can be safely sustained in rabbits for up to six months using a silicone-based subcutaneous formulation. Modifying the formulation of ivermectin promises to be a suitable strategy for malaria vector control

    Estudio de la relación entre Índice de Crecimiento e Índices de Vegetación para el género pinus durante el periodo 2000-2014

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre el índice de crecimiento obtenido a través de métodos dendrocronológicos y las diferentes variables obtenidas desde el sensor MODIS y su producto MOD13Q1 encargado de los índices de vegetación. La metodología se ha centrado en la descarga, pre-tratamiento y extracción de datos de las imágenes necesarias para el estudio y un posterior análisis estadístico de los datos obtenidos. Se ha realizado un estudio de las series temporales a través del programa "TIMESAT" permitiendo observar el comienzo y final de los periodos de crecimiento, su valor base o su valor más alto, además de su amplitud y duración. Posteriormente se ha realizado un estudio estadístico a través del análisis de correlación bivariada. Las principales conclusiones obtenidas son: a) las coníferas tienen una amplia distribución y una gran capacidad de adaptación a las condiciones climáticas y por lo tanto es complicado dar respuestas biológicas generalizadas espacialmente a los resultados estadísticos, b) a través del estudio estadístico de correlación se ha comprobado como a pesar de la complejidad antes descrita, se observa para algunas variables de las obtenidas desde el sensor correlación positiva, c) la elaboración de cartografías ha permitido mostrar alguno de los patrones de agrupación de especies con correlaciones en las variables

    A study of techniques to avoid fixation in the conceptual design process

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    Proceedings from the 26 th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering (Terrassa, July 2022) Comunicaciones presentadas al XXVI Congreso Internacional de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos, celebrado del 5 al 8 de julio de 2022, coorganizado por la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)Fixation in design is defined as a blind adherence on a set of concepts or ideas that limit the outcome of the conceptual design. This has been and is still a problem for creativity in the early stages of the design process. Proof of this is the large number of studies on the subject, and the considerable variety of proposals that have been put forward to try to circumvent the problem. External or internal stimuli, methodologies, tools, training or auxiliary material are, among others, possible solutions proposed by different authors. The present work shows a study of the way in which this subject is present in the literature, with the aim of ordering and cataloguing the different proposals for designers to unblock the problem. This classification can help designers to know what aids they have at their disposal to deal with the problem of locking. At the same time, it is intended to help researchers to develop new methods and techniques in order to improve the creative design process.La fijación en el diseño se define como una adhesión ciega a un conjunto de ideas o conceptos que limitan el resultado del diseño conceptual. Este ha sido y sigue siendo un problema para la creatividad en las fases iniciales del proceso de diseño. Prueba de ello son la gran cantidad de estudios sobre el tema, y la considerable variedad de propuestas que se han ido presentando para tratar de sortear el problema. Estímulos externos o internos, metodologías, herramientas, formación o material auxiliar son, entre otras, posibles soluciones propuestas por diferentes autores. El presente trabajo muestra un estudio sobre de qué manera está presente este tema en la literatura, para ordenar y catalogar las diferentes propuestas de desbloqueo de los diseñadores. Esta clasificación puede ayudar a los diseñadores a saber de qué ayudas dispone para enfrentarse al problema de la fijación. Al mismo tiempo, se pretende que sirva de ayuda para investigadores a la hora de desarrollar nuevos métodos y técnicas para poder mejorar el proceso de diseño creativo

    When Density Matters: The Spatial Balance between Early and Latewood

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    Understanding the influence of the current climate on the distribution, composition, and carbon storage capacity of Mediterranean tree species is key to determining future pathways under a warmer and drier climate scenario. Here, we evaluated the influence of biotic and environmental factors on earlywood (EW) and latewood (LW) growth in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.). Our investigation was based on a dense dendrochronological network (71 sites), which covered the entire distribution area of the species in the Iberian Peninsula (around 119.652 km2), and a high-resolution climate dataset of the Western Mediterranean area. We used generalized linear-mixed models to determine the spatial and temporal variations of EW and LW across the species distribution. Our results showed an intense but differentiated climatic influence on both EW and LW growth components. The climatic influence explained significant variations across the environmental gradients in the study area, which suggested an important adaptation through phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation to varying climatic conditions. In addition, we detected a clear spatial trade-off between efficiency and safety strategy in the growth patterns across the species distribution. Additionally, in more productive areas, the trees presented a higher proportion of EW (more efficient to water transport), while, in more xeric conditions, the LW proportion increased (more safety to avoid embolisms), implying an adaptation to more frequent drought episodes and a higher capacity of carbon depletion. We therefore concluded that Mediterranean forests adapted to dryer conditions might be more efficient as carbon reservoirs than forests growing in wetter areas. Finally, we advocated for the need to consider wood density (EW/LW proportion) when modeling current and future forest carbon sequestrations


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    El presente trabajo trata de definir el concepto de “empresa con propósito” a la par que contextualizar los movimientos filosóficos promotores e influyentes que caracterizan este tipo de empresas desde el punto de vista de diferentes autores. Para conocer mejor como es una “empresa con propósito”, se realizó una entrevista a dos empresas aragonesas con el objetivo de conocer las ventajas e inconvenientes que encuentran a la hora de apostar por este modelo de liderazgo empresarial. En ocasiones, la misión se confunde con el propósito, por ello, se trata de definir los objetivos que persiguen cada uno. Por otro lado, las empresas socialmente comprometidas pueden optar por el Certificado B Corp si cumplen con una serie de requisitos sostenibles. Hasta el momento no existía una legislación concreta para la “empresa con propósito”, aunque en la actualidad, España ya cuenta con leyes que regulan lo que llaman ”Sociedades de Beneficio e Interés Común”. <br /