2,111 research outputs found

    Improved classification of rheumatoid arthritis with a score including anti‑acetylated ornithine antibodies

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    The presence of rheumatoid factor (RF) or anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) autoantibodies contributes to the current rheumatoid arthritis (RA) classification criteria. These criteria involve stratification on antibody levels, which limits reproducibility, and underperform in the RA patients without RF and anti-CCP. Here, we have explored if two anti-acetylated peptide antibodies (AAPA), anti-acetylated lysine (AcLys) and anti-acetylated ornithine (AcOrn), could improve the performance of the current criteria. The analysis was done in 1062 prospectively-followed early arthritis (EA) patients. The anti-AcOrn were more informative than the anti-AcLys, the conventional RA antibodies and the anti-carbamylated protein antibodies. The anti-AcOrn produced a classification that did not require antibody levels and showed improved specificity (77.6% vs. 72.6%, p = 0.003) and accuracy (79.0% vs. 75.8%, p = 0.002) over the current criteria. These improvements were obtained with a scoring system that values concordance between anti-AcOrn, RF and anti-CCP. No significant gain was obtained in sensitivity (80.2% vs. 78.8%, p = 0.25) or in improving the classification of the RA patients lacking RF and anti-CCP, although the anti-AcOrn ranked first among the analysed new antibodies. Therefore, the anti-AcOrn antibodies could contribute to the improvement of RA classification criteria by exploiting antibody concordance.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain) through grants [RD16/0012/0014 and PI17/01606 to AG; RD16/0012/0012 to AB; PI14/00442 and RD16/0012/0011 to IG-A]. These grants are partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the EU (FEDER). LRM was supported by Xunta de Galicia (Spain) through a Gain pre-doctoral fellowship. CR was supported by Ministerio de Educacion Cultura y Deporte (Spain) through a FPU pre-doctoral fellowship [FPU15/03434]

    Formación e-learning para el profesorado universitario para impartir asignaturas b-learning

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    En este trabajo se hará referencia al continuo uso de las TIC que se realiza en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco (Argentina), con el fin de favorecer e impulsar la puesta en práctica de propuestas de enseñanza b-learning y e-learning, en el contexto del Proyecto de Investigación Educativa “Definición de los principales actores y sus roles para los cursos de EaD en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la UNPSJB

    Automatic tree detection and attribute characterization using portable terrestrial lidar

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    Currently, the implementation of portable laser scanners (PLS) in forest inventories is being studied, since they allow for significantly reduced field-work time and costs when compared to the traditional inventory methods and other LiDAR systems. However, it has been shown that their operability and efficiency are dependent upon the species assessed, and therefore, there is a need for more research assessing different types of stands and species. Additionally, a few studies have been conducted in Eucalyptus stands, one of the tree genus that is most commonly planted around the world. In this study, a PLS system was tested in a Eucalyptus globulus stand to obtain different metrics of individual trees. An automatic methodology to obtain inventory data (individual tree positions, DBH, diameter at different heights, and height of individual trees) was developed using public domain software. The results were compared to results obtained with a static terrestrial laser scanner (TLS). The methodology was able to identify 100% of the trees present in the stand in both the PLS and TLS point clouds. For the PLS point cloud, the RMSE of the DBH obtained was 0.0716, and for the TLS point cloud, it was 0.176. The RMSE for height for the PLS point cloud was 3.415 m, while for the PLS point cloud, it was 10.712 m. This study demonstrates the applicability of PLS systems for the estimation of the metrics of individual trees in adult Eucalyptus globulus stands.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-111581RB-I00Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. FPU19/02054Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Relación entre la desigualdad económica y desigualdad en el uso del agua

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    En este trabajo se estudia la posible relación entre la desigualdad económica y la desigualdad en el uso del agua mundial. De la misma manera, se estudian los diferentes indicadores existentes para la medición de la desigualdad, además de poner en práctica dos de ellos. Hemos evaluado la desigualdad de dichas variables para un periodo global(1971-2020) y dos subperiodos. Asimismo, hemos evaluado dicha desigualdad entre las regiones del mundo. <br /

    Fever of Unknown Origin: Don’t Forget Kala-Azar Even in Europe

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    We present the case of a 70-year-old male patient with fever of unknown origin after a long period of convalescence from a previous admission to a chronic care hospital. During the admission, multiple combinations of antibiotic and antifungal treatments were prescribed, but with persistent fever and, eventually, neutropenia (200 lymphocytes, 0 neutrophils). Given the suspicion of infection at bone marrow level, a biopsy was performed as was serology of Leishmania, both diagnostic determinations. Treatment with amphotericin B liposomal resulted in a good outcome

    Influence of the Water Vapour Permeability of Airtight Sheets on the Behaviour of Facade

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    The air-tightness of the thermal envelope of buildings is one of the measures to reduce their energy demands in order to achieve global warming reduction targets. To this end, airtight sheets with different water vapour permeability characteristics are used. The different products studied are highly dispersed in terms of equivalent air thickness values, leading to confusion. After the analysis carried out, it is concluded that all airtight sheets are vapour barriers. To clarify whether or not these sheets are necessary as vapour barriers, a condensation analysis was carried out on 13 different facades for 3 climate zones with severe winters as defined in Spanish regulations. The results reveal that interstitial condensation occurs in only 7 of the 39 case studies, with the traditional facades of brickwork with render causing the greatest problems if the appropriate products are not used. In these cases, airtight sheets with water vapour barrier characteristics must be applied on the interior face of the insulating material. In all other cases (32), the airtight sheets must be permeable to water vapour if it is looked for a more breathable wall to water vapour and a better control of the interior humidity conditions

    Dispensacion de anticonceptivos hormonales orales

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    El 80% de las mujeres españolas en edad fértil utilizan métodos anticonceptivos. Los anticonceptivos orales hormonales son los que obtienen mayor grado de satisfacción entre las usuarias siendo el segundo método utilizado. Método Estudio observacional descriptivo en 7 farmacias de la Comunidad de Madrid. Durante seis meses (enero-junio de 2009) se realizó una entrevista en el mostrador a las usuarias de métodos anticonceptivos hormonales orales para conocer qué tipo de paciente los demanda, si existen factores de riesgo que desaconsejen su utilización y el cumplimiento de la legislación vigente en cuanto a dispensación. Los datos se registraron y se evaluaron posteriormente. Resultados Existe un alto número de usuarias (39,3%) que creen que estos medicamentos pueden ser adquiridos sin receta médica en las farmacias comunitarias, por lo que habrá que realizar más educación sanitaria al respecto

    Challenges of the general system of social security and health: Prospective for social development in the Atlantic Coast of Colombia

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    Introducción: Concepción interdisciplinaria de la gestión del sistema de salud en el contexto latinoamericano, de acuerdo con lo establecido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud/ Organización Panamericana de la Salud. El artículo propone una estrategia prospectiva de desarrollo social en la Costa Atlántica de Colombia, para afianzar el funcionamiento, desde lo preventivo y asistencial, del Sistema General de Seguridad Social y Salud colombiano. Objetivo: Definir, desde una visión prospectiva para el desarrollo social colectivo, los retos del Sistema General de Seguridad Social y Salud colombiano. Método: Estudio exploratorio, fundamentado en el análisis teórico conceptual que permite derivar el sistema de relaciones de las categorías: gerencia del sistema de salud y desarrollo social colectivo. Se aplica la prospectiva estratégica, mediante el componente empíricoanalítico, a través del cual se visualizan escenarios futuros que direccionen el desarrollo del sistema de salud a partir de la interacción entre sus actores representativos. Resultados: Se determinaron debilidades relacionadas con la gestión integral del Sistema General de Seguridad Social y Salud colombiano, específicamente en la Costa Atlántica. En esta región del país el escaso uso de técnicas prospectivas debilita la estrategia gerencial y minimiza la posibilidad de asumir retos y prever incertidumbres en uno de los sistemas que, a través de la efectividad de servicios de salud y calidad de vida, supone un indicador de desarrollo social colectivo. Conclusiones: Necesidad de visionar retos y escenarios para modelar la gestión del Sistema General de Seguridad Social y Salud en la Costa Atlántica de Colombia para afianzar la equidad, la inclusión y la calidad de vida e incrementar los estándares de gestión de la salud en colectivos y comunidades vulneradas.Introduction: There is an interdisciplinary basis conceived for the management of the health system in the Latin American context, in accordance with the provisions of WHO/PAHO and that is linked with related disciplines, such as management and education. This article proposes a prospective strategy of social development in the Atlantic Coast of Colombia to consolidate its functioning from the preventive and welfare perspectives in the Colombian's General System of Social Security and Health (SGSSS, by its acronym in Spanish). Objective: To define the challenges of the SGSSS from a prospective point of view for the collective social development. Method: An exploratory study, based on the conceptual, theoretical analysis to derive the relations´ system of the following categories: management of the health system, and collective social development. Strategic prospective is used by the empiricalanalytical component to visualize future scenarios of probable occurrence that address the development of the health system from the interaction between its representative actors. Results: The weaknesses identified were related to the comprehensive management of the Colombian SGSSS, specifically on the Atlantic Coast, where the limited use of prospective techniques weakens the management strategy and minimizes the possibility of assuming challenges and anticipating uncertainties in one of the systems that through the effectiveness of health services and quality of life warrants responding to collective social development. Conclusions: There is a need to view challenges and scenarios for modeling the management of the SGSSS on the Atlantic Coast of Colombia to strengthen the equity, inclusion and quality of life, and to increase the standards of health management in vulnerable groups and communities