44 research outputs found

    Environmentální charakteristiky minerálních odpadů z metalurgie

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    Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of metallurgical wastes from the Cu-Co smelters situated in the Zambian Copperbelt have been investigated. A number of instrumental analytical methods (XRD, SEM/EDS, EPMA, TEM/EDS) has been used to identify primary and secondary phases in smelter slags and dusts. A set of leaching experiments (CEN/TS 14997 pH-static test, EN 12457 batch test) in combination with geochemical modelling has been performed, with the emphasis on the leaching behaviour of potential contaminants and their release as a function of the pH. The effect of sample preparation on metal leachability from slag was also evaluated, considering the grain size reduction required by the standardised leaching protocols. Environmental and health risk assessments of the dust samples have been performed. It was shown that the main carriers of metals in the studied slags were Cu sulphides (bornite, digenite, chalcocite), Co sulphides (cobaltpentlandite), Co-bearing intermetallic phases and alloys. Copper and cobalt were detected in major silicates and spinels, substituting for Fe or Mg in their structures, and in glass. The presence of secondary metal-bearing phases observed on the slag surfaces indicated the reactivity of the slags on contact with water/atmosphere. It was reported that in...Předmětem zkoumání byly metalurgické odpady z Cu-Co hutí z oblasti zambijského Copperbeltu a jejich mineralogické a geochemické charakteristiky. Pro identifikaci primárních a sekundárních fází metalurgických strusek a prachů byla použita řada instrumentálních analytických metod (XRD, SEM/EDS, EPMA, TEM/EDS). Dále byla provedena série loužících experimentů (pH-statický test CEN/TS 14997, vsádkový test EN 12457) v kombinaci s geochemickým modelováním. Testování bylo zaměřeno zejména na loužící charakteristiky potenciálních kontaminantů v závislosti na pH. Byl posouzen také vliv přípravy vzorku na vyluhovatelnost kovů ze strusky s ohledem na zmenšení velikosti částic, které je požadováno ve standardizovaných loužících protokolech. Bylo provedeno posouzení environmentálních a zdravotních rizik vzorků prachu. Hlavními nositeli kovů ve studovaných struskách byly sulfidy Cu (bornit, digenit, chalkozín), sulfidy Co (kobaltpentlandit), slitiny a intermetalické fáze s Co. Měď a kobalt byly detekovány také v silikátech a spinelech, v jejichž struktuře zastupují Fe nebo Mg, a ve skle. Přítomnost sekundárních fází, které byly pozorovány na povrchu vzorků strusek, ukazuje na reaktivitu strusek při jejich kontaktu s vodou/atmosférou. Výsledky mineralogického studia také ukázaly, že v odůvodněných případech je...Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral ResourcesÚstav geochemie, mineralogie a nerostných zdrojůFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron Has Minimum Toxicological Risk on the Germination and Early Growth of Two Grass Species with Potential for Phytostabilization

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    Two Poaceae species, Agrostis capillaris and Festuca rubra, were selected for their potential as phytostabilizing plants in multicontaminated soils. These species are resistant to contamination and maintain high concentrations of contaminants at the root level. Nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) is an engineered nanomaterial with the ability to stabilize metal(loid)s in soils; its potential toxicological effects in the selected species were studied in a germination test using: (i) control variant without soil; (ii) soil contaminated with Pb and Zn; and (iii) contaminated soil amended with 1% nZVI, as well as in an hydroponic experiment with the addition of nZVI 0, 25, 50 and 100 mg L−1. nZVI had no negative effects on seed germination or seedling growth, but was associated with an increase in shoot growth and reduction of the elongation inhibition rate (root-dependent) of F. rubra seedlings. However, applications of nZVI in the hydroponic solution had no effects on F. rubra but A. capillaris developed longer roots and more biomass. Increasing nZVI concentrations in the growing solution increased Mg and Fe uptake and reduced the Fe translocation factor. Our results indicate that nZVI has few toxic effects on the studied species

    Cross-linked gelatine by modified dextran as a potential bioink prepared by a simple and non-toxic process

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    Essential features of well-designed materials intended for 3D bioprinting via microextrusion are the appropriate rheological behavior and cell-friendly environment. Despite the rapid development, few materials are utilizable as bioinks. The aim of our work was to design a novel cytocompatible material facilitating extrusion-based 3D printing while maintaining a relatively simple and straightforward preparation process without the need for harsh chemicals or radiation. Specifically, hydrogels were prepared from gelatines coming from three sources-bovine, rabbit, and chicken-cross-linked by dextran polyaldehyde. The influence of dextran concentration on the properties of hydrogels was studied. Rheological measurements not only confirmed the strong shear-thinning behavior of prepared inks but were also used for capturing cross-linking reaction kinetics and demonstrated quick achievement of gelation point (in most cases < 3 min). Their viscoelastic properties allowed satisfactory extrusion, forming a self-supported multi-layered uniformly porous structure. All gelatin-based hydrogels were non-cytototoxic. Homogeneous cells distribution within the printed scaffold was confirmed by fluorescence confocal microscopy. In addition, no disruption of cells structure was observed. The results demonstrate the great potential of the presented hydrogels for applications related to 3D bioprinting.RP/CPS/2022/001; CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016941; Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy, MŠMT: CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0376, RP/CPS/2022/003; Grantová Agentura České Republiky, GA ČR: 20-28732SMinistry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech republic-DKRVO [RP/CPS/2022/003, RP/CPS/2022/001]; project OP RDE Junior Grants of TBU in Zlin [CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016941]; CEBIA-Tech Instrumentation [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0376]; Czech Science FoundationGrant Agency of the Czech Republic [20-28732S

    Nano zerovalent Fe did not reduce metal(loid) leaching and ecotoxicity further than conventional Fe grit in contrasting smelter impacted soils: A 1-year field study.

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    The majority of the studies on nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) are conducted at a laboratory-scale, while field-scale evidence is scarce. The objective of this study was to compare the metal(loid) immobilization efficiency of selected Fe-based materials under field conditions for a period of one year. Two contrasting metal(loid) (As, Cd, Pb, Zn) enriched soils from a smelter-contaminated area were amended with sulfidized nZVI (S-nZVI) solely or combined with thermally stabilized sewage sludge and compared to amendment with microscale iron grit. In the soil with higher pH (7.5) and organic matter content (TOC = 12.7 %), the application of amendments resulted in a moderate increase in pH and reduced As, Cd, Pb, and Zn leaching after 1-year, with S-nZVI and sludge combined being the most efficient, followed by iron grit and S-nZVI alone. However, the amendments had adverse impacts on microbial biomass quantity, S-nZVI being the least damaging. In the soil with a lower pH (6.0) and organic matter content (TOC = 2.3 %), the results were mixed; 0.01 M CaCl extraction data showed only S-nZVI with sludge as remaining effective in reducing extractable concentrations of metals; on the other hand, Cd and Zn concentrations were increased in the extracted soil pore water solutions, in contrast to the two conventional amendments. Despite that, S-nZVI with sludge enhanced the quantity of microbial biomass in this soil. Additional earthworm avoidance data indicated that they generally avoided soil treated with all Fe-based materials, but the presence of sludge impacted their preferences somewhat. In summary, no significant differences between S-nZVI and iron grit were observed for metal(loid) immobilization, though sludge significantly improved the performance of S-nZVI in terms of soil health indicators. Therefore, this study indicates that S-nZVI amendment of soils alone should be avoided, though further field evidence from a broader range of soils is now required. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Evaluation of running in floorball category U10

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    Thema works: Evaluation of running in floorball category U10 Student: Bc. Martina Vítková Supervisor: PhDr. Aleš Kaplan, Ph.D. Aims: Monitoring the running technique of school age children, who plays floorball and improve their technique in a short-time program. Methodology: In this thesis I evaluated the running technique of the selected group of children playing floorball in TJ Tatran Stresovice in order to identify different running techniques. To assist this evaluation I used photographs focussing on certain areas of the body (see Results section). Results: From the front view the feet are most commontly found in the feet out position, with the most common arm movement being across the front of the body. From the side view most commontly seen is arm movement from the shoulder joint, upright posture, running on the toes. The tests showed that the children's running technique is not established as the second test showed different mistakes to those occurring in the first test. Key words: the running technique, physical literacy, floorball and deviation from the running technique

    Interacciones entre el turismo y la cultura local

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    he aim of this paper is to provide an analysis of the transformation of the traditional mountainous locality Pejo (Italy, Autonomous Province of Trento) into a busy touristic destination in the course of the second half of the 20th century. The main purpose of the work is to determine the factors and consequences of changes in the socio-cultural environment and to analyze the relations of the observed changes to the growth of tourism in the area.Empirical data for this research have been procured through participant and non-participant observation over the past five years, and through twelve unstructured interviews with local residents carried out in June 2017 in Val di Sole. The key common themes in the interviews were identified within the present analysis and evaluated their importance in the given social and cultural context. The resulting data was analyzed also in relation to the outputs of the participant and non-participant observation.The current situation in Val di Pejo can serve as an almost ideal model for transformation of a traditional mountain site into an eco-tourist oriented destination. Environmentally friendly use of local natural and cultural resources provides local residents with constant income and job opportunities. The relatively conservative approach of the residents causes the slow pace of thetransformation process, which reduces to the minimum potential irreversible changes of the environment and ensures the preservation of the original nature of the landscape without the need for significant interventions by public institutions. The appreciation of traditional culture by visitors is a significant factor leading to reinforce the efforts of locals to preserve local traditions. The commodification of culture contributes to the revitalization of traditional culture and the attention of tourists is a source of pride for the hosts on their own history.Le but de cet article est de fournir une analyse de la transformation de la ville montagneuse traditionnelle de Pejo (province autonome de Trento en Italie) en une destination touristique très active au cours de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. L’objectif principal de ce travail est de déterminer les facteurs et les conséquences des changements de l’environnement socioculturel et d’analyser les relations entre les changements observés dans la croissance du tourisme dans la région. Les données empiriques de cette recherche ont été obtenues par l'observation des participants et des non-participants au cours des cinq dernières années et par douze entretiens non structurés menés avec des résidents locaux en juin 2017 à Val di Sole. Les principaux thèmes communs des entretiens ont été identifiés dans la présente analyse et ont évalué leur importance dans le contextesocial et culturel donné. Les données obtenues ont également été analysées par rapport aux résultats des observations des participants et des non-participants. La situation actuelle à Val di Pejo peut servir de modèle presque idéal pour transformer un site de montagne traditionnel en une destination tournée vers le tourisme écologique. L’utilisation respectueuse de l’environnement des ressources naturelles et culturelles locales offre aux résidents locaux un revenu constant et des opportunités d’emploi. L'approche relativement conservatrice des habitants est à l'origine de la lenteur du processus de transformation, qui minimise les éventuels changements irréversibles de l'environnement et garantit la préservation de la nature originale du paysage sans nécessiter d'interventions importantes de la part des institutions publiques. L’appréciation de la culture traditionnelle par les visiteurs est un facteur important qui conduit à renforcer les efforts des populations locales pour préserver les traditions locales. La marchandisation de la culture contribue à la revitalisation de la culture traditionnelle et l'attention des touristes est une source de fierté pour les hôtes de leur propre histoire.O objetivo deste artigo é fornecer uma análise da transformação da tradicional cidade montanhosa de Pejo (Itália, província autônoma de Trento) em um destino turístico muito ativo durante a segunda metade do século XX. O objetivo principal do trabalho é determinar os fatores e conseqüências das mudanças no ambiente sociocultural e analisar as relações das mudanças observadas no crescimento do turismo na área. Os dados empíricos para esta pesquisa foram obtidos por meio de observação participante e não participante nos últimos cinco anos e por meio de doze entrevistas não estruturadas com moradores locais realizadas em junho de 2017 em Val di Sole. Os principais temas comuns nas entrevistas foram identificados na presente análise e avaliados sua importância no contexto social e cultural dado. Os dados resultantes também foram analisados em relação aos resultadosda observação participante e não participante. A situação actual em Val di Pejo pode servir como um modelo quase ideal para a transformação de um local tradicional de montanha num destino orientado para o turismo ecológico. O uso ambientalmente amigável dos recursos naturais e culturais locais proporciona aos moradores locais renda constante e oportunidades de emprego. A abordagem relativamente conservadora dos moradores faz com que o ritmo lento do processo de transformação, o que minimiza possíveis mudanças ambientais irreversíveis e garante a preservação da natureza original da paisagem, sem a necessidade de intervenções significativas, por instituições públicas. A valorização da cultura tradicional pelos visitantes é um fator importante que leva a reforçar os esforços dos moradores locais para preservar as tradições locais. A mercantilização da cultura contribui para a revitalização da cultura tradicional e a atenção dos turistas é motivo de orgulho para os anfitriões em sua própria história.El objetivo de este artículo es proporcionar un análisis de la transformación de la localidad montañosa tradicional Pejo (Italia, provincia autónoma de Trento) en un destino turístico muy activo durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. El objetivo principal del trabajo es determinar los factores y las consecuencias de los cambios en el entorno sociocultural y analizar las relaciones de los cambios observados en el crecimiento del turismo en la zona. Los datos empíricos para esta investigación se obtuvieron a través de la observación participante y no participante en los últimos cinco años y a través de doce entrevistas no estructuradas con residentes locales realizadas en junio de 2017 en Val di Sole. Los temas comunes clave en las entrevistas fueron identificados dentro del presente análisis y evaluaron su importancia en el contexto social y cultural dado. Los datos resultantes se analizaron también en relación con los resultados de la observación participante y no participante. La situación actual en Val di Pejo puede servir como un modelo casi ideal para la transformación de un sitio de montaña tradicional en un destino orientado al turismo ecológico. El uso respetuoso con el medio ambiente de los recursos naturales y culturales locales brinda a los residentes locales ingresos y oportunidades de empleo constantes. El enfoque relativamente conservador de los residentesprovoca el lento ritmo del proceso de transformación, que reduce al mínimo los posibles cambios irreversibles del medio ambiente y garantiza la preservación de la naturaleza original del paisaje sin la necesidad de intervenciones significativas por parte de las instituciones públicas. La apreciación de la cultura tradicional por parte de los visitantes es un factor importante que lleva a reforzar los esfuerzos de los locales para preservar las tradiciones locales. La mercantilización de la cultura contribuye a la revitalización de la cultura tradicional y la atención de los turistas es un motivo de orgullo para los anfitriones en su propia historia

    Brno Through the Eyes of Children - The Creative Project What the Brno Dragon Sees

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    The subject of thesis is city Brno in stories, with specialization in architectonikal, natural and memorial fortune. It's considered for childrens from 9th to 12th years of age. It should be used as a basic for teacher's and paerent's work. Teaching is concepted into: outdoor walking, working exercises and following fine arts. Parts of these thesis are also texts relating to the selected localities (for exemple stories or historical facts), also fallowing working sheets and creation rows with photo documentation, which together creates fine arts and initiate children's kreativity and also their conscious view to the city of Brno. Key words: Brno, fine arts project, stories, dragon, Svratka, Svitava, Eliška Rejčka, Stará Radnice, Petrov, church st. Jakub, Špilberk, church Nanebevzetí Panny Marie, castle Veveří, Vila Tugendha

    Quality of life and development of nutritional status of patiens on home parenteral nutrition

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    My Bachelor thesis focuses on life quality evaluation and nutritional status development in patients on a home parenteral nutrition (HPN). Theoretical part focuses on general information about patient examination after their arrival in a hospital. It further focuses on indication, division, composition and complications of parenteral nutrition and it gives a brief summary of basic knowledge about parenteral nutrition applied in home environment. HPN is most often recommended in patients with short bowel syndrom, ileus or some oncological diseases. The main expected benefit of HPN is an option for the patient to persist at home surrounded by family as opposed to being in a hospital. Even though HPN still comes with many complications, these patients still have a chance to live a relatively normal life. Two goals were set to evaluate the practical part of the thesis. First goal is to assesses the quality of life of patients on HPN and to determine whether the quality of life is changed and if so then how. Second goal is to describe the change of nutritional status in patients on home parenteral nutrition. These goals were achieved by using research questions focused on determining patient's feelings, health complications, ability to take part in physical activity and to integrate back into their work..

    Quality of life and development of nutritional status of patiens on home parenteral nutrition

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    My Bachelor thesis focuses on life quality evaluation and nutritional status development in patients on a home parenteral nutrition (HPN). Theoretical part focuses on general information about patient examination after their arrival in a hospital. It further focuses on indication, division, composition and complications of parenteral nutrition and it gives a brief summary of basic knowledge about parenteral nutrition applied in home environment. HPN is most often recommended in patients with short bowel syndrom, ileus or some oncological diseases. The main expected benefit of HPN is an option for the patient to persist at home surrounded by family as opposed to being in a hospital. Even though HPN still comes with many complications, these patients still have a chance to live a relatively normal life. Two goals were set to evaluate the practical part of the thesis. First goal is to assesses the quality of life of patients on HPN and to determine whether the quality of life is changed and if so then how. Second goal is to describe the change of nutritional status in patients on home parenteral nutrition. These goals were achieved by using research questions focused on determining patient's feelings, health complications, ability to take part in physical activity and to integrate back into their work...Bakalářská práce se zabývá hodnocením kvality života a vývojem nutričního stavu pacientů na domácí parenterální výživě. V teoretické části jsou shrnuty obecné informace o vyšetření pacienta při vstupu do nemocnice, indikaci, dělení, složení a komplikacích parenterální výživy a také stručný přehled základních poznatků o aplikaci parenterální výživy v domácím prostředí. Nejčastěji ji pacientům doporučujeme se syndromem krátkého střeva, ileu nebo onkologických onemocnění. Hlavním očekávaným přínosem DPV je možnost pacienta setrvávat v domácím prostředí, nikoliv v nemocnici. I když tento způsob podávání stravy zahrnuje mnoho komplikací, pořád má pacient šanci na relativně normální život. Pro vyhodnocení praktické části práce, jsou stanoveny dva cíle. Prvním cílem je posoudit kvalitu života pacientů na DPV, určit, zda se jejich kvalita života změnila a jak. Druhým cílem je popsat změnu nutričního stavu u pacientů na domácí parenterální výživě. Těchto cílů bylo dosaženo pomocí výzkumných otázek zaměřených na zjištění vlastního pocitu pacienta, zdravotních komplikací, schopnosti pohybové aktivity a začlenění se do pracovního života, změny stravovacích návyku a hmotnosti. Ve srovnání s léčbou v nemocnici se obecně kvalita života těchto pacientů zlepšila, hmotnost pacientů se postupně stabilizuje, mají...3rd Medical Department - Clinical Department of Endocrinology and MetabolismIII. interní klinika - klinika endokrinologie a metabolismu 1.LF a VFN v Praze1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Marketing communication of the selected company

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    Tématem této bakalářské práce je v první řadě marketingová komunikace značky Primalex. Tato značka, stejně jako další silní hráči na trhu nátěrových hmot patří pod společnost PPG Deco Czech a.s., tudíž samotnému rozboru komunikace předchází detailní představení této společnosti a její analýza z hlediska postavení na trhu, pomocí dat o spotřebitelském chování, prodejích a konkurenci. Cílem této práce je analýza komunikačního mixu značky Primalex a následné vytvoření doporučení pro další komunikaci. Tohoto cíle je dosaženo pomocí rozboru jednotlivých komunikačních nástrojů na základě interních materiálů, poskytnutých výzkumů a jejich vlastního hodnocení. Jedná se o výzkum spotřebitelského chování agentury IBRS zaměřený na povědomí respondentů o značce a dotazníkový výzkum společnosti OMG Research ohledně hodnocení reklamních spotů. Na základě zjištěných předností a nedostatků v komunikaci jsou stanovena vhodná doporučení pro zlepšování a inovace v této oblasti.ObhájenoThe theme of this bachelor thesis is in the first row a marketing communication of the brand Primalex. This brand like the other strong players on the market of paint belongs under company PPG Deco Czech, a.s., therefore the analysis of communication itself precedes detailed introduction of this company and its analysis from terms of position on the market, thanks to data about consumer behaviour, sales and competition. The goal of this thesis is the analysis of communication mix of the brand Primalex and creation of recommendations for another communication. This goal is achieved by analysis of individual communication tools based on internal materials, provided researches and their own assessment. This is research about consumer behaviour of the agency IBRS focused on awareness of respondents about brand and survey research of brand OMB Research about ratings of TV commercials. Appropiate recommendations for improvement and innovation in this area are based on identified strengths and lack of communication