256 research outputs found

    Desde el kilómetro 18: Percepciones Infantiles en un Territorio de Conflicto Socioambiental

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    Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós- Graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino- Americanos da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Mestra em Estudos Latino-Americanos. Orientador: Dr. Antonio de la Peña Co-orientador: Dr. Andrea CiacchiEsta investigación indaga acerca de las percepciones del ambiente de niños y niñas que viven en una zona de conflicto socioambiental derivado de la expansión del agronegocio forestal. Para ello se apoya en los campos interdisciplinares de los estudios de infancia y de la ecología política, deconstruyendo y repensando la manera de concebir la relación de las y los niños con sus territorios. La investigación se apoyó en un enfoque cualitativo aplicado a un estudio de caso, explorando la percepción a través de relatos y dibujos realizados en talleres. El análisis pone en evidencia que la construcción de mundo desde la infancia, en el lugar de estudio, se hace a partir de la experiencia vivida, las emociones sentidas y la estética de la naturaleza. Sobre esta base, las niñas y niños construyen su propio paisaje dentro de un territorio devastado por las plantaciones madereras. Este paisaje informa acerca de las dimensiones que habitualmente no se consideran en el estudio de los conflictos ambientales e invitan a considerar la perspectiva infantil como la de un sujeto omitido en la reflexión acerca de los procesos territoriales. A su modo, desde la infancia, se crean espacios de resistencia y proyectos de vida que recuperan la convivencialidad con la naturaleza.This research analyzes children’s environmental perceptions in areas ridden by the expansion of the agro and forestry business. The theoretical framework is based on the interdisciplinary fields of political ecology and childhood studies, allowing the deconstruction and rethinking of the relation between children and their territory. The research used a qualitative approach to a case-study for exploring perception through children`s narratives and drawings drawn in workshops. The analysis reveals that the world construction from childhood, in the case of this study, is made of live experience, emotions and the aesthetics of nature. Upon these bases, children craft their landscape in an area devastated by tree plantations. This construction informs about the dimensions that commonly are not considered in the study of environmental conflicts and invite to consider children’s perspectives as the one of a muted subject in the discussion about the territorial processes. In their way, children create spaces of resistance and life projects that regain convivenciality with nature

    Custeio das atividades das técnicas de nucleação implantadas nas clareiras abertas pela exploração petrolífera na Amazônia central

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    The objective of this work is to present the costs of nucleation techniques in environment restoration from damaged areas due to oil exploration at the Geologist Pedro de Moura Operation Base – BOGPM, identified by Petrobras as LUC 15, JAZ 104 and JAZ 94. Three nucleation techniques were used: topsoil, artificial perches and dead wood/sticks. Nucleation consists in forming propagation nuclei in small strategic points of the area to be restored. The technique takes advantage of existing natural resources in the area, which reduces the cost of restoration. We registered the time of execution from each activity, the manpower and the input used. The data was analyzed by the method of Activity-Based Costing (ABC). For the three techniques, we found that cleaning of the damaged area was the activity that consumed more resources. For the topsoil technique, the activity of collection and transportation of the forest floor were also identified. The use of topsoil was the most costly technique, followed by the activities of dead woods/sticks and artificial perches respectively. We suggest the use of nucleation techniques to promote soil recovery to increase the number of propagule seedlings, to attract wildlife, and to act strategically in the landscapes, while minimizing erosion and costs.Key words: restoration cost, Activity Based Costing (ABC), nucleation, oil exploration.O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar o custo das técnicas de Nucleação na recuperação ambiental das áreas degradadas pela exploração petrolífera na Base de Operação Geólogo Pedro de Moura – BOGPM, identificadas pela Petrobras como LUC 15, JAZ 104 e JAZ 94. Foram utilizadas três técnicas de Nucleação: topsoil, poleiros artificiais e galhada. A nucleação consiste em formar núcleos de propagação em pequenos pontos estratégicos da área a ser restaurada. A técnica aproveita os recursos naturais existentes na área, o que reduz o custo da restauração. Coletou-se dados sobre o tempo da execução de cada atividade, da mão-de-obra empregada e de insumos utilizados. Os dados foram contabilizados pelo método do Custeio Baseado em Atividades (ABC). Para as três técnicas, identificou-se que a limpeza da área degradada foi a atividade que consumiu mais recursos. Para a técnica de topsoil, identificou-se também a atividade de coleta e transporte de solo da floresta. A utilização da técnica de topsoil foi a que apresentou o custo mais elevado, seguida das atividades da galhada e dos poleiros artificiais, respectivamente. Sugere-se a utilização das técnicas de nucleação para se promover o reconhecimento do solo, aumentar o número de propágulos de plântulas, atrair a fauna silvestre e atuar estrategicamente na paisagem, enquanto se minimiza a erosão laminar e os custos.Palavras-chave: custo de restauração, Custeio Baseado em Atividades (ABC), nucleação, exploração petrolífera

    Accounting for frailty and multimorbidity when interpreting high-sensitivity troponin I tests in oldest old

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    Background Older patients evaluated in Emergency Departments (ED) for suspect Myocardial Infarction (MI) frequently exhibit unspecific elevations of serum high-sensitivity troponin I (hs-TnI), making interpretation particularly challenging for emergency physicians. The aim of this longitudinal study was to identify the interaction of multimorbidity and frailty with hs-TnI levels in older patients seeking emergency care. Methods A group of patients aged≥75 with suspected MI was enrolled in our acute geriatric ward immediately after ED visit. Multimorbidity and frailty were measured with Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS) and Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS), respectively. The association of hs-TnI with MI (main endpoint) was assessed by calculation of the Area Under the Receiver-Operating Characteristic Curve (AUROC), deriving population-specific cut-offs with Youden test. The factors associated with hs-TnI categories, including MI, CFS and CIRS, were determined with stepwise multinomial logistic regression. The association of hs-TnI with 3-month mortality (secondary endpoint) was also investigated with stepwise logistic regression. Results Among 268 participants (147 F, median age 85, IQR 80–89), hs-TnI elevation was found in 191 cases (71%, median 23 ng/L, IQR 11–65), but MI was present in only 12 cases (4.5%). hs-TnI was significantly associated with MI (AUROC 0.751, 95% CI 0.580–0.922, p = 0.003), with an optimal cut-off of 141 ng/L. hs-TnI levels ≥141 ng/L were significantly associated with CFS (OR 1.58, 95% CI 1.15–2.18, p = 0.005), while levels <141 ng/L were associated with the cardiac subscore of CIRS (OR 1.36, 95% CI 1.07–1.71, p = 0.011). CFS, but not hs-TnI levels, predicted 3-month mortality. Conclusions In geriatric patients with suspected MI, frailty and cardiovascular multimorbidity should be carefully considered when interpreting emergency hs-TnI testing

    Kinetic cross-modal correspondences and felt (e)motion in a novel set of musical stimuli

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    Embodied music cognition predicts that our understanding of human-made sounds relates to our experience of making the same or similar movements and sounds, which involves imitation of the source of visual and auditory information. This embodiment of sound may lead to numerous kinetic cross-modal correspondences (CMCs). This article investigates music experience in participants with a non-professionally trained music background across three musical dimensions: Contour (Ascending, Descending, Flat), Vertical Density (Low, Medium, High), and Note Pattern (Binary, Ternary, Quaternary). In order that stimuli should reflect contemporary musical usage yet be subject to a high degree of experimental control, 27 ten-second digital piano tracks were created in collaboration with a film composer. In Study 1, participants were asked to rate the stimuli for perceived Direction, Rotation, Movement, and Emotional and Physical Involvement. We test the effects of these factors in terms of the following theories: general and vocal embodied responses to music, the Ecological Theory of Rotating Sounds, and the Shared Affective Motion Experience model of emotion induction. Results for Study 1 were consistent with theories of general and vocal embodied responses to music, as well as with theories of embodied emotional contagion in music. Study 1 also revealed potential confounds in the stimuli, which were further investigated in Study 2 with a new set of participants rating the stimuli for perceived Pitch, Loudness, and Speed. Results for Study 2 served to dissociate intrinsic features of the stimuli from CMCs. Taken together, the two studies reveal a range of embodied CMCs. Although there are limitations to a perceptual study such as this, these stimuli stand to benefit future research in further investigating the embodiment of musical motion

    O trabalho por trás dos resultados: os grupos universitários de pesquisa e extensão

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    Assumindo o trabalho de pesquisa como indissociável da extensão e do ensino, este artigo apresenta, sem a pretensão de ser exaustivo, algumas sugestões para a reflexão sobre o trabalho de investigações científicas em populações ou comunidades. Todo o discurso sobre o trabalho ocorrerá dentro de discussões metodológicas e através de vivências do método científico. Os resultados das investigações costumam ser mais fáceis de serem divulgados e apresentados do que o seu método ou o trabalho de sua equipe geradora. Neste artigo enfatizamos que o “pulo do gato” de uma investigação está no envolvimento do grupo na construção do método do trabalho. A pesquisa e a extensão dependem do grupo e o sucesso repousa no empenho e nas habilidades do grupo. Sempre o método deve levar em conta o tempo e os recursos que se têm ao alcance, e um dos recursos fundamentais é a equipe de trabalho. A coordenação e a supervisão são integrantes do grupo e conduzem o trabalho. Por fim, a compensação não está somente nos resultados da investigação, mas também no prazer de se ver pessoas diferentes se tornarem uma equipe em torno de um trabalho, mas este não pode ultrapassar a tênue linha do respeito à pessoa e o respeito à verdade

    Mental Health Problems and Mental Health Perception in Nursing Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic Iquitos 2021

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    Se determinó la relación entre los problemas de salud mental (depresión, ansiedad, estrés) y la percepción de salud mental en los estudiantes de la facultad de enfermería de la UNAP durante la pandemia Covid-19, Iquitos 2021. El tipo de estudio fue cuantitativo, descriptivo, correlacional, de diseño no experimental, transversal, la población estuvo conformada por 452 estudiantes de la facultad de enfermería y la muestra por 208 estudiantes; la técnica que se utilizó para la recolección de datos fue la encuesta autoadministrada. Los resultados obtenidos, muestran que existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre la depresión leve y la percepción de salud mental moderada, obteniendo un Chi de 39,046, y una p=0,000; < 0,05; existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre la ansiedad leve y la percepción de salud mental moderada, obteniendo un Chi de 31,099, y una p=0,000; < 0,05; existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre el estrés leve y la percepción de salud mental moderada, obteniendo un Chi de 28,549, y una p=0,000; < 0,05; concluyendo que los estudiantes que presentaron mayores problemas de salud mental, tuvieron menor percepción de su salud mental y viceversa, lo cual indica que es necesario proteger la salud mental de los mismos a través de actividades de promoción y prevención de la salud mental en la institución.The relationship between mental health problems (depression, anxiety, stress) and the perception of mental health in students of the nursing school of the UNAP during the Covid- 19 pandemic, Iquitos 2021. The type of study was quantitative, descriptive, correlational, non-experimental, cross-sectional design, the population consisted of 452 students of the nursing faculty and the sample consisted of 208 students; the technique used for data collection was the self-administered survey. The results obtained show that there is a statistically significant relationship between mild depression and the perception of moderate mental health, obtaining a Chi of 39.046, and a p=0.000; < 0.05; there is a statistically significant relationship between mild anxiety and the perception of moderate mental health, obtaining a Chi of 31.099, and a p=0.000; < 0.05; there is a statistically significant relationship between mild stress and the perception of moderate mental health, obtaining a Chi of 28.549, and a p=0.000; < 0.05; concluding that the students who presented greater mental health problems, had a lower perception of their mental health and vice versa, which indicates that it is necessary to protect their mental health through activities of promotion and prevention of mental health in the institution

    A Young Algaeneers' perspective: Communication and networking are key to successful multidisciplinary research

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    In this Letter, we report the outcomes of the third biannual Young Algaeneers Symposium (YAS) that took place in April 2016 in Qawra, Malta. We are reviewing the importance of interdisciplinary communication and benefits of discussion panels. By communicating our experience of hosting YAS2016, we would like to encourage and instill scientific exchange amongst the new generation of scientists and suggest solutions to various problems arising from a lack of mutual understanding. (C) 2016 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved

    Psychosocial assessment of families caring for a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, epilepsy or asthma: Psychosocial risk as network of interacting symptoms

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    The purpose of this study is to assess psychosocial risk across several pediatric medical conditions and test the hypothesis that different severe or chronic pediatric illnesses are characterized by disease specific enhanced psychosocial risk and that risk is driven by disease specific connectivity and interdependencies among various domains of psychosocial function using the Psychosocial Assessment Tool (PAT). In a multicenter prospective cohort study of 195 patients, aged 5-12, 90 diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), 42 with epilepsy and 63 with asthma, parents completed the PAT2.0 or the PAT2.0 generic version. Multivariate analysis was performed with disease as factor and age as covariate. Graph theory and network analysis was employed to study the connectivity and interdependencies among subscales of the PAT while data-driven cluster analysis was used to test whether common patterns of risk exist among the various diseases. Using a network modelling approach analysis, we observed unique patterns of interconnected domains of psychosocial factors. Each pathology was characterized by different interdependencies among the most central and most connected domains. Furthermore, data-driven cluster analysis resulted in two clusters: Patients with ALL (89%) mostly belonged to cluster 1, while patients with epilepsy and asthma belonged primarily to cluster 2 (83% and 82% respectively). In sum, implementing a network approach improves our comprehension concerning the character of the problems central to the development of psychosocial difficulties. Therapy directed at problems related to the most central domain(s) constitutes the more rational one because such an approach will inevitably carry over to other domains that depend on the more central function

    Interferon-stimulated gene 15 pathway is a novel mediator of endothelial dysfunction and aneurysms development in angiotensin II infused mice through increased oxidative stress

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    AIMS: Interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) encodes a ubiquitin-like protein that induces a reversible post-translational modification (ISGylation) and can also be secreted as a free form. ISG15 plays an essential role as host-defence response to microbial infection; however, its contribution to vascular damage associated with hypertension is unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bioinformatics identified ISG15 as a mediator of hypertension-associated vascular damage. ISG15 expression positively correlated with systolic and diastolic blood pressure and carotid intima-media thickness in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Consistently, Isg15 expression was enhanced in aorta from hypertension models and in angiotensin II (AngII)-treated vascular cells and macrophages. Proteomics revealed differential expression of proteins implicated in cardiovascular function, extracellular matrix and remodelling, and vascular redox state in aorta from AngII-infused ISG15-/- mice. Moreover, ISG15-/- mice were protected against AngII-induced hypertension, vascular stiffness, elastin remodelling, endothelial dysfunction, and expression of inflammatory and oxidative stress markers. Conversely, mice with excessive ISGylation (USP18C61A) show enhanced AngII-induced hypertension, vascular fibrosis, inflammation and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation along with elastin breaks, aortic dilation, and rupture. Accordingly, human and murine abdominal aortic aneurysms showed augmented ISG15 expression. Mechanistically, ISG15 induces vascular ROS production, while antioxidant treatment prevented ISG15-induced endothelial dysfunction and vascular remodelling. CONCLUSION: ISG15 is a novel mediator of vascular damage in hypertension through oxidative stress and inflammation.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)/FSE (SAF2016-80305P; SAF2017-88089-R; SAF2016-79151-R; RTI2018-099246-B-I00), Ministerio de Innovación, Cultura y Deportes (PGC2018-097019-B-I00), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII; FIS PI18/0919); Comunidad de Madrid (CM) (AORTASANA B2017/BMD-3676) FEDER-a way to build Europe, Bayer AG (2019-09-2433), CM-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (SI1-PJI-2019-00321), and British Heart Foundation (CH/12/4/29762; RE//18/6/34217). M.G.-A. was supported by an FPI-UAM fellowship, R.R.-D. by a Juan de la Cierva contract (IJCI-2017-31399), and A.C.M. by a Walton Fellowship, University of Glasgow. The CNIC is supported by ISCIII, the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505)