92 research outputs found

    Tephrochronological dating of Holocene moraines at Icelandic glaciers, and climatic interpretations

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    Fluctuations of Icelandic glaciers reveal the impact of regional climate change on the cryosphere, filtered by the different response characteristics of individual glaciers. Frequent tephra deposition upon steadily aggrading aeolian soils provides a useful dating environment, in which basal tephras often provide close minimum ages on underlying tills and outwash deposits in areas where the local tephrostratigraphy is well constrained. We have dated moraines at glaciers across Iceland to improve the Holocene glacial chronology in terms of its temporal extent and resolution. Tephrochronology also provides a test of lichenometric dating, an area for further research. At least five groups of regionally-synchronous advances occurred between c. AD 1700 and 1930 during the “Little Ice Age”. The maximum extent of “Little Ice Age” glaciers varies by up to 200 years across Iceland, due more to the response chraracteristics of individual glaciers than to regional climatic variation. At Gígjökull, two glacier advances occurred before the 3rd century AD, with others in the 9th and 12th centuries AD bracketing the Medieval Warm Period. In central and northern Iceland, earlier glacier advances are dated to c. 4.5-5.0, c.3.0-3.5 ka BP, c. 2.0-2.5 ka BP. This classic “Neoglacial” sequence is comparable to other parts of Europe and Scandinavia, but is discernible only at smaller mountain glaciers. In contrast, the 19th-Century advance of large ice caps censored evidence of earlier fluctuations from the moraine record, and preservation potential is preconditioned by glacier type. In general, the forefields of steep, fast-responding glaciers contain more complete archives of Holocene climatic changes than do the margins of the large icefields. Glacier advances appear to be favoured by a weakening of zonal circulation (the negative mode of the North Atlantic Oscillation) associated with cooler, drier winters and cooler, wetter summers

    Special issue for early career researchers:Editorial

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    Meltwater flow through a rapidly deglaciating glacier and foreland catchment system: Virkisjökull, SE Iceland

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    Virkisjökull is a rapidly retreating glacier in south-east Iceland. A proglacial lake has formed in the last ten years underlain by buried ice. In this study we estimate water velocities through the glacier, proglacial foreland and proglacial river using tracer tests and continuous meltwater flow measurements. Tracer testing from a glacial moulin to the glacier outlet in September 2013 demonstrated a rapid velocity of 0.58 m s�1. This was comparable to the velocity within the proglacial river, also estimated from tracer testing. A subsequent tracer test from the same glacial moulin under low flow conditions in May 2014 demonstrated a slower velocity of 0.07 m s�1. The glacier outlet river sinks back into the buried ice, and a tracer test from this sink point through the proglacial foreland to the meltwater river beyond the lake indicated a velocity of 0.03 m s�1,suggesting that an ice conduit system within the buried ice is transferring water rapidly beneath the lake. Ground penetrating radar profiles confirm the presence of this buried conduit system. This study provides an example of rapid deglaciation being associated with extensive conduit systems that enable rapid meltwater transfer from glaciers through the proglacial area to meltwater rivers

    Processes at the margins of supraglacial debris cover: quantifying dirty ice ablation and debris redistribution

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    Current glacier ablation models have difficulty simulating the high‐melt transition zone between clean and debris‐covered ice. In this zone, thin debris cover is thought to increase ablation compared to clean ice, but often this cover is patchy rather than continuous. There is a need to understand ablation and debris dynamics in this transition zone to improve the accuracy of ablation models and the predictions of future debris cover extent. To quantify the ablation of partially debris‐covered ice (or ‘dirty ice’), a high‐resolution, spatially continuous ablation map was created from repeat unmanned aerial systems surveys, corrected for glacier flow in a novel way using on‐glacier ablation stakes. Surprisingly, ablation is similar (range ~5 mm w.e. per day) across a wide range of percentage debris covers (~30–80%) due to the opposing effects of a positive correlation between percentage debris cover and clast size, countered by a negative correlation with albedo. Once debris cover becomes continuous, ablation is significantly reduced (by 61.6% compared to a partial debris cover), and there is some evidence that the cleanest ice (<~15% debris cover) has a lower ablation than dirty ice (by 3.7%). High‐resolution feature tracking of clast movement revealed a strong modal clast velocity where debris was continuous, indicating that debris moves by creep down moraine slopes, in turn promoting debris cover growth at the slope toe. However, not all slope margins gain debris due to the removal of clasts by supraglacial streams. Clast velocities in the dirty ice area were twice as fast as clasts within the continuously debris‐covered area, as clasts moved by sliding off their boulder tables. These new quantitative insights into the interplay between debris cover characteristics and ablation can be used to improve the treatment of dirty ice in ablation models, in turn improving estimates of glacial meltwater production

    Be‐10 dating of ice‐marginal moraines in the Khumbu Valley, Nepal, Central Himalaya, reveals the response of monsoon‐influenced glaciers to Holocene climate change

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    The dynamic response of large mountain glaciers to climatic forcing operates over timescales of several centuries and therefore understanding how these glaciers change requires observations of their behavior through the Holocene. We used Be-10 exposure-age dating and geomorphological mapping to constrain the evolution of glaciers in the Khumbu Valley in the Everest region of Nepal. Khumbu and Lobuche Glaciers are surrounded by high-relief lateral and terminal moraines from which seven glacial stages were identified and dated to 7.4 ± 0.2, 5.0 ± 0.3, 3.9 ± 0.1, 2.8 ± 0.2, 1.3 ± 0.1, 0.9 ± 0.02, and 0.6 ± 0.16 ka. These stages correlate to each of the seven latest Holocene regional glacial stages identified across the monsoon-influenced Himalaya, demonstrating that a coherent record of high elevation terrestrial palaeoclimate change can be extracted from dynamic mountain landscapes. The time-constrained moraine complex represents a catchment-wide denudation rate of 0.8–1.4 mm a−1 over the last 8 kyr. The geometry of the ablation area of Khumbu Glacier changed around 4 ka from a broad, shallow ice tongue to become narrower and thicker as restricted by the topographic barrier of the terminal moraine complex

    A Distributed Energy-balance Melt Model of an Alpine Debris-covered Glacier

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    Distributed energy-balance melt models have rarely been applied to glaciers with extensive supraglacial debris cover. This paper describes the development of a distributed melt model and its application to the debris-covered Miage glacier, western Italian Alps, over two summer seasons. Sub-debris melt rates are calculated using an existing debris energy-balance model (DEB-Model), and melt rates for clean ice, snow and partially debris-covered ice are calculated using standard energy-balance equations. Simulated sub-debris melt rates compare well to ablation stake observations. Melt rates are highest, and most sensitive to air temperature, on areas of dirty, crevassed ice on the middle glacier. Here melt rates are highly spatially variable because the debris thickness and surface type varies markedly. Melt rates are lowest, and least sensitive to air temperature, beneath the thickest debris on the lower glacier. Debris delays and attenuates the melt signal compared to clean ice, with peak melt occurring later in the day with increasing debris thickness. The continuously debris-covered zone consistently provides ∼30% of total melt throughout the ablation season, with the proportion increasing during cold weather. Sensitivity experiments show that an increase in debris thickness of 0.035 m would offset 1°C of atmospheric warming