163 research outputs found

    Proper motion of very low mass stars and brown dwarfs in the Pleiades cluster

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    We report proper motion measurements for 25 very-low mass (VLM) star and brown dwarf (BD) candidates of the Pleiades cluster previously identified by Bouvier et al. (1998). Proper motions are measured with an accuracy of 9 mas/yr, compared to an expected tangential motion of about 50 mas/yr for Pleiades members. Of the 25 candidates, 15 have a membership probability of 95% or more and 7 are rejected as being field dwarfs. The 3 remaining candidates exhibit independent evidence for membership (lithium absorption or long-term proper motion). From the firm identification of Pleiades VLM and BD members, the cluster's substellar mass function is revised to dN/dM \propto M^{-0.5} in the mass range from 0.04 to 0.3 M_solar.Comment: 7 pages, 2 tables, 2 figures, accepted by A&

    Modeling the Formation of Giant Planet Cores I: Evaluating Key Processes

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    One of the most challenging problems we face in our understanding of planet formation is how Jupiter and Saturn could have formed before the the solar nebula dispersed. The most popular model of giant planet formation is the so-called 'core accretion' model. In this model a large planetary embryo formed first, mainly by two-body accretion. This is then followed by a period of inflow of nebular gas directly onto the growing planet. The core accretion model has an Achilles heel, namely the very first step. We have undertaken the most comprehensive study of this process to date. In this study we numerically integrate the orbits of a number of planetary embryos embedded in a swarm of planetesimals. In these experiments we have included: 1) aerodynamic gas drag, 2) collisional damping between planetesimals, 3) enhanced embryo cross-sections due to their atmospheres, 4) planetesimal fragmentation, and 5) planetesimal driven migration. We find that the gravitational interaction between the embryos and the planetesimals lead to the wholesale redistribution of material - regions are cleared of material and gaps open near the embryos. Indeed, in 90% of our simulations without fragmentation, the region near that embryos is cleared of planetesimals before much growth can occur. The remaining 10%, however, the embryos undergo a burst of outward migration that significantly increases growth. On timescales of ~100,000 years, the outer embryo can migrate ~6 AU and grow to roughly 30 Earth-masses. We also find that the inclusion of planetesimal fragmentation tends to inhibit growth.Comment: Accepted to AJ, 62 pages 11 figure

    A Survey for Massive Giant Planets in Debris Disks with Evacuated Inner Cavities

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    The commonality of collisionally replenished debris around main sequence stars suggests that minor bodies are frequent around Sun-like stars. Whether or not debris disks in general are accompanied by planets is yet unknown, but debris disks with large inner cavities - perhaps dynamically cleared - are considered to be prime candidates for hosting large-separation massive giant planets. We present here a high-contrast VLT/NACO angular differential imaging survey for eight such cold debris disks. We investigated the presence of massive giant planets in the range of orbital radii where the inner edge of the dust debris is expected. Our observations are sensitive to planets and brown dwarfs with masses >3 to 7 Jupiter mass, depending on the age and distance of the target star. Our observations did not identify any planet candidates. We compare the derived planet mass upper limits to the minimum planet mass required to dynamically clear the inner disks. While we cannot exclude that single giant planets are responsible for clearing out the inner debris disks, our observations constrain the parameter space available for such planets. The non-detection of massive planets in these evacuated debris disks further reinforces the notion that the giant planet population is confined to the inner disk (<15 AU).Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    ASTRA: ASTrometry and phase-Referencing Astronomy on the Keck interferometer

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    ASTRA (ASTrometric and phase-Referencing Astronomy) is an upgrade to the existing Keck Interferometer which aims at providing new self-phase referencing (high spectral resolution observation of YSOs), dual-field phase referencing (sensitive AGN observations), and astrometric (known exoplanetary systems characterization and galactic center general relativity in strong field regime) capabilities. With the first high spectral resolution mode now offered to the community, this contribution focuses on the progress of the dual field and astrometric modes.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, SPIE 201

    Employing a New BVIc Photometric Survey of IC 4665 to Investigate the Age of this Young Open Cluster

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    We present a new, BVIc photometric survey of the young open cluster IC4665, which improves on previous studies of this young cluster by incorporating a rigorous standardization procedure, thus providing high-fidelity colors and magnitudes for cluster members. We use this new photometric dataset to reevaluate the properties (age and distance) of IC4665. Namely, using a statistical approach incorporating Tau^2 CMD modeling, we measure a pre-main-sequence isochrone age and distance of 36+-9 Myr and 360+-12 pc, as well as a upper-main-sequence turn-off age and distance of 42+-12 Myr and 357+-12 pc. These ages and distances are highly dependent on the isochrone model and color used for the fitting procedure, with a possible range of ~10-20 Myr in age and ~20 pc in distance. This spread in calculated ages and distances seen between colors and models is likely due to limitations in the individual membership catalogs and/or systematic differences in the predicted stellar parameters from the different sets of models. Interestingly, when we compare the isochrone ages for IC4665 to the published lithium depletion boundary age, 28+-5 Myr, we observe that this cluster does not appear to follow the trend of isochrone ages being 1.5 times smaller than lithium depletion boundary ages. In addition, comparing the overall magnetic activity (X-ray and H-alpha emission) in IC4665 with other well studied open clusters, we find the observed activity distributions for this young cluster are best characterized by assuming an age of 30-40 Myr, thus in agreement with our pre-main-sequence and turn-off isochrone ages for IC4665. Overall, although some age discrepancies do exist, particularly in the ages measured from pre-main-sequence isochrones, the range of possible IC4665 ages derived from the various dating techniques employed here is relatively small compared to that found for other well studied open clusters.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables; Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Are Debris Disks and Massive Planets Correlated?

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    Using data from the Spitzer Space Telescope Legacy Science Program ``Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems'' (FEPS), we have searched for debris disks around 9 FGK stars (2-10 Gyr), known from radial velocity (RV) studies to have one or more massive planets. Only one of the sources, HD 38529, has excess emission above the stellar photosphere; at 70 micron the signal-to-noise ratio in the excess is 4.7 while at wavelengths < 30 micron there is no evidence of excess. The remaining sources show no excesses at any Spitzer wavelengths. Applying survival tests to the FEPS sample and the results for the FGK survey published in Bryden et al. (2006), we do not find a significant correlation between the frequency and properties of debris disks and the presence of close-in planets. We discuss possible reasons for the lack of a correlation.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures. Accepted to Astrophysical Journa

    Clinical efficacy of omalizumab in chronic spontaneous urticaria is associated with a reduction of FcεRI-positive cells in the skin

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    Background. Treatment with omalizumab, a humanized recombinant monoclonal anti-IgE antibody, results in clinical efficacy in patients with Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria (CSU). The mechanism of action of omalizumab in CSU has not been elucidated in detail. Objectives. To determine the effects of omalizumab on levels of high affinity IgE receptor-positive (FcεRI+) and IgE- positive (IgE+) dermal cells and blood basophils. Treatment efficacy and safety were also assessed. Study design. In a double-blind study, CSU patients aged 18‑75 years were randomized to receive 300 mg omalizumab (n=20) or placebo (n=10) subcutaneously every 4 weeks for 12 weeks. Changes in disease activity were assessed by use of the weekly Urticaria Activity Score (UAS7). Circulating IgE levels, basophil numbers and levels of expression of FcεRI+ and IgE+ cells in the skin and in blood basophils were determined. Results. Patients receiving omalizumab showed a significantly greater decrease in UAS7 compared with patients receiving placebo. At Week 12 the mean difference in UAS7 between treatment groups was -14.82 (p=0.0027), consistent with previous studies. Total IgE levels in serum were increased after omalizumab treatment and remained elevated up to Week 12. Free IgE levels decreased after omalizumab treatment. Mean levels of FcεRI+ skin cells in patients treated with omalizumab 300 mg were decreased at Week 12 compared with baseline in the dermis of both non-lesional and lesional skin, reaching levels comparable with those seen in healthy volunteers (HVs). There were no statistically significant changes in mean FcɛRI+ cell levels in the placebo group. Similar results were seen for changes in IgE+ cells, although the changes were not statistically significant. The level of peripheral blood basophils increased immediately after treatment start and returned to Baseline values after the follow-up period. The levels of FcεRI and IgE expression on peripheral blood basophils were rapidly reduced by omalizumab treatment up to Week 12. Conclusions. Treatment with omalizumab resulted in rapid clinical benefits in patients with CSU. Treatment with omalizumab was associated with reduction in FcɛRI+ and IgE+ basophils and intradermal cells

    Evolution of Mid-IR Excess Around Sun-like Stars: Constraints on Models of Terrestrial Planet Formation

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    We report observations from the Spitzer Space Telescope (SST) regarding the frequency of 24 micron excess emission toward sun-like stars. Our unbiased sample is comprised of 309 stars with masses 0.7-2.2 Msun and ages from <3 Myr to >3 Gyr that lack excess emission at wavelengths <=8 microns. We identify 30 stars that exhibit clear evidence of excess emission from the observed 24/8 micron flux ratio. The implied 24 micron excesses of these candidate debris disk systems range from 13 % (the minimum detectable) to more than 100 % compared to the expected photospheric emission. The frequency of systems with evidence for dust debris emitting at 24 micron ranges from 8.5-19 % at ages <300 Myr to < 4 % for older stars. The results suggest that many, perhaps most, sun-like stars might form terrestrial planets.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter