1,889 research outputs found

    Impacto del SARS-CoV-2 en profesionales de la asistencia sanitaria urgente: análisis del burnout y su relación con las variables resiliencia, apoyo social, ansiedad/depresión/estrés y miedo al covid.

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    El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido evaluar el impacto emocional del SARS-CoV-2 en profesionales de la emergencia sanitaria y analizar su relación con el burnout y las variables de ansiedad/depresión/estrés, miedo al COVID, resiliencia, apoyo social y clima laboral. La muestra estuvo formada por 27 participantes y la selección se realiza mediante muestreo no probabilístico de bola de nieve. El diseño utilizado fue de tipo transversal y descriptivo-correlacional. A la muestra se accede a través de internet, se recopilan datos usando una encuesta en línea a través de Google Formularios. Para el diagnóstico de la situación y la detección de necesidades de participación se ha evaluado a los participantes con el cuestionario CESQT, la Escala MOS, la Escala DASS-21, la Escala de Resiliencia de 14 ítems, la Escala CLIOR de Clima laboral, la escala de Miedo al COVID y varias preguntas de tipo ad hoc para medir las variables sociodemográficas y laborales. Se ha analizado la información mediante SPSS 22.0 y Excel 13.0. Tras analizar los resultados mediante correlaciones de Pearson se consigue afirmar la existencia de relaciones significativas positivas entre burnout y depresión/estrés y negativas entre síndrome de Burnout y resiliencia, por otro lado, se confirmó la relación positiva entre miedo al COVID y ansiedad/estrés, por lo que se concluye que es importante implementar en las organizaciones programas de bienestar para mejorar la salud física y psicológica de los profesionales sanitarios.The objective of this study was to evaluate the emotional impact of SARS-CoV-2 in health emergency professionals and to analyze its relationship with burnout and the variables of anxiety / depression / stress, fear of COVID, resilience, social support and climate. labor. The sample consisted of 27 participants and the selection is made by non-probabilistic snowball sampling. The design used was cross-sectional and descriptive-correlational. The sample is accessed through the internet, data is collected using an online survey through Google Forms. For the diagnosis of the situation and the detection of participation needs, the participants were evaluated with the CESQT questionnaire, the MOS Scale, the DASS-21 Scale, the 14-item Resilience Scale, the CLIOR Workplace Climate Scale, the Fear of COVID scale and several ad hoc questions to measure sociodemographic and labor variables. The information has been analyzed using SPSS 22.0 and Excel 13.0. After analyzing the results using Pearson's correlations, the existence of significant positive relationships between burnout and depression / stress and negative relationships between Burnout syndrome and resilience was confirmed, on the other hand, the positive relationship between fear of COVID and anxiety / stress was confirmed, for which concludes that it is important to implement wellness programs in organizations to improve the physical and psychological health of health professionals

    Satisfacción de los profesionales con el uso de la nueva estación de trabajo enfermera en urgencias

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    Màster en Lideratge i Gestió d'Infermeria, Universitat de Barcelona. Escola Universitària d'Infermeria. curs: 2022-2023, Tutor: Jordi Adamuz TomásObjetivo: Identificar el grado de satisfacción de los profesionales del área de urgencias del Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge, dos años después de la implantación, con el uso de la nueva Estación de Trabajo Enfermera. Ámbito de estudio: El estudio se llevará a cabo en el servicio de urgencias de un hospital terciario que ejerce como centro de referencia del eje sur de Catalunya. Metodología: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal con una muestra de 108 enfermeras, 67 TCAE y 34 médicos de urgencias. La variable principal será el grado de satisfacción de los profesionales recogida mediante un cuestionario ad hoc de 16, 10 y 8 preguntas respectivamente. Se recogerán variables secundarias relacionadas con la experiencia laboral y el contexto organizativo. Implicaciones para la práctica: Los resultados aportarán información referente al grado de satisfacción de los profesionales que utilizan a diario la Estación de Trabajo, con la finalidad de introducir mejoras en la herramienta, identificar necesidades formativas y determinar condiciones y características de la institución susceptibles de ser modificadas para mejorar el proceso de prestación de cuidados

    Xenotrasplante : el desafío de trasplantar con órganos de otras especies /

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    Treball presentat a la Facultat de Veterinària de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Cultural activism : a content analysis of popular culture petitions on Change.org Spain

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    The digital platforms for citizen mobilisation host a multitude of protest petitions with different purposes and intentions. In this complex and pluralistic context, this study analyses the success of citizen-driven initiatives on Change.org Spain, as this platform appears to have become one of the most consequential participative websites in Spain, especially for petitions that are related to popular culture. To this end, this study used a quantitative content analysis method to examine a total of 304 petitions. The main results reveal some communication weaknesses of Change.org Spain as an important platform for cyber-activism. Specifically, troll petitions-joking messages that adulterate the seriousness of fan dynamics-are as impactful as fan or antifan initiatives; as a result, Change.org Spain has certain communicative deficiencies as a model cyber-activist channel. On the other hand, there are a significant number of non-diegetic petitions: the fandom profile is more concerned with issues outside popular culture than about modifying or changing the content. Finally, our findings show that, in general, the most successful popular culture initiatives are better written and include a longer title and text than closed initiatives, regardless of whether they were part of fan or antifan movements. In short, this study concludes that the length and linguistic correctness are relevant and meaningful elements that determine the success or failure of popular culture petitions on Change.org Spain, while all other variables (addresser, audiovisual elements, popular culture community type and type of actions) were not significant in determining the success or failure of the e-petition. In general, most of the petitions are not successful, typically use images, usually address issues related to music, are extradiegetic, contain linguistic errors and are addressed to an individual.Les plataformes digitals de mobilització ciutadana alberguen multitud d'iniciatives de protesta que representen diferents propòsits i intencions. En aquest complex mosaic pluralista, el present estudi ha considerat convenient analitzar les peticions que se situen a Change.org Espanya -ja que aquesta plataforma sembla que ha esdevingut un dels webs participatius més rellevants a Espanya-, concretament, les peticions relacionades amb la cultura popular. Per fer-ho, s'ha recorregut a la metodologia quantitativa d'anàlisi de contingut, amb la qual s'ha examinat un total de n = 304 peticions. Els principals resultats obtinguts revelen que Change.org Espanya presenta certes deficiències com a plataforma ciberactivista de referència perquè s'hi han detectat peticions trol -missatges jocosos que adulteren la serietat de les dinàmiques fan- que tenen el mateix èxit que les iniciatives fan o antifan. D'altra banda, existeix un nombre significatiu de peticions extradiegètiques: el perfil fandom (cultura fan) està més preocupat per les qüestions que envolten el producte de cultura popular que no pas per modificar-ne o replantejar-ne el contingut com a tal. Finalment, en general, les iniciatives de cultura popular més reeixides són les que estan més ben escrites i que tenen un títol i text més llargs que les peticions tancades, independentment de si aquests missatges formen o no part del moviment fan o antifan. Per tant, pot inferir-se que la longitud i la correcció lingüística són elements rellevants que condicionen l'èxit o el fracàs de les peticions de cultura popular a Change.org Espanya. En canvi, la resta de variables estudiades (emissor, tipus de contingut, temàtica i tipus de comunitat) no han resultat significatives per determinar l'èxit o el fracàs de les peticions. En línies generals, la majoria de les peticions no solen tenir èxit, l'emissor és individual, contenen preferentment imatges, aborden qüestions relacionades amb la música, són extradiegètiques i contenen errors lingüístics.Las plataformas digitales de movilización ciudadana albergan multitud de iniciativas de protesta que representan diferentes propósitos e intenciones. En este complejo mosaico pluralista, el presente estudio ha considerado conveniente analizar las peticiones que se ubican en Change.org España -ya que esta plataforma parece haberse convertido en una de las webs participativas más relevantes en España-, en concreto, aquellas peticiones relacionadas con la cultura popular. Para ello, se ha recurrido a la metodología cuantitativa de análisis de contenido, con la que se ha examinado un total de n = 304 peticiones. Los principales resultados obtenidos revelan que Change.org España presenta ciertas deficiencias como plataforma ciberactivista de referencia porque se han detectado peticiones trol -mensajes jocosos que adulteran la seriedad de las dinámicas fan- que tienen el mismo éxito que las iniciativas fan o antifán. Por otro lado, existe un significativo número de peticiones extradiegéticas: el perfil fandom (cultura fan) está más preocupado por las cuestiones que rodean al producto de cultura popular que por modificar o replantear el contenido como tal. Finalmente, en general, las iniciativas de cultura popular más exitosas son aquellas que están mejor escritas y que tienen un título y texto más largos que las peticiones cerradas, independientemente de si estos mensajes forman o no parte del movimiento fan o antifán. Por lo tanto, puede inferirse que la longitud y la corrección lingüística son elementos relevantes que condicionan el éxito o fracaso de las peticiones de cultura popular en Change.org España. En cambio, el resto de las variables estudiadas (emisor, tipo de contenido, temática y tipo de comunidad) no resultaron significativas para determinar el éxito o fracaso de las peticiones. En líneas generales, la mayoría de las peticiones no suelen tener éxito, el emisor es individual, contienen preferentemente imágenes, abordan cuestiones relacionadas con la música, son extradiegéticas y contienen errores lingüísticos


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    Small eukaryotic plankton has been traditionally characterized using conventional microscopy techniques. Current advances in sequencing technologies allow the cost-effective study the diversity within microbial plankton based on DNA sequences. This technique has been implemented in the last 15 years for investigating prokaryotic diversity, but its application to unravel the diversity and ecology of eukaryotic organisms is still incipient. In this study we analyze the diversity of the diatoms and dinoflagellates in the marine communities using rDNA sequencing techniques, as well as the taxonomic resolution provided by the V4 region of the 18S rRNA gene. Twenty monthly 6L seawater samples for DNA metabarcoding were collected and filtered through 3 μm polycarbonate filter in a station off the Ría de A Coruña (NW Iberian Peninsula). DNA was extracted, the V4 region of the 18S rRNA was PCR amplified and subsequently sequenced using the High Throughput Sequencing (HTS) platform Illumina. Amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) were differentiated using DADA2 implemented in R. Sequences were aligned against PR2 v4.12.0 and SILVA 132 18S rRNA databases as references, as well as studied using BLAST and phylogenetic trees. Sequence-based taxonomic approach found 128 and 416 metabarcodes corresponding to diatoms and dinoflagellates, respectively. Sequences had limited resolution at species or even genus level, and overall the taxonomic resolution of diatoms was substantially higher than those of dinoflagellates

    Nano- and microplankton diversity inhabiting a coastal upwelling system: a metabarcoding approach

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    Small eukaryotic plankton has been traditionally characterized using conventional microscopy techniques. Current advances in sequencing technologies allow the costeffective study the diversity within microbial plankton based on DNA sequences. This technique has been implemented in the last 15 years for investigating prokaryotic diversity, but its application to unravel the diversity and distribution of eukaryotic organisms is still incipient. Alleged advantages of this approach include the ability of detecting the smaller fraction of the community that trend to be overlooked in microscopy studies, as well as improving the resolution of taxonomic identification for groups whose morphological study is challenging due the paucity of morphological characters. In this study we characterize the diversity of the nano- and microplankton marine communities using microscopy and rDNA sequencing techniques. The aim of this work is to compare results of both techniques, assessing whether rDNA data can provide new insights into the study of the diversity of eukaryotic planktonic communities. Twenty monthly samples were collected in a station off the Ría de A Coruña (NW Iberian Peninsula). Planktonic samples for DNA studies were collected by filtering seawater samples through a 3 μm pore size polycarbonate filter. DNA was extracted, the V4 region of the 18S rRNA was PCR amplified and subsequently sequenced using the High Throughput Sequencing (HTS) platform Illumina. Amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) were differentiated using DADA2 implemented in R. Sequences were aligned against PR2 v4.12.0 and SILVA 132 18S rRNA databases as references. Microscopic identification of plankton taxa (phytoplankton and protozoa) was made using the Uthermöhl technique. In total 1182 ASVs were identified based on rDNA data, which contrasts with only 65 species identified by microscopy. Morphological identifications of eukaryotic plankton was restricted mainly to diatoms, dinoflagellates and ciliates, while rDNA data allowed the detection of additional taxonomic groups (i.e. protist). Some of them were very abundant, such as the algae Cryptophyceae and Mamiellophyceae or the heterotrophs Ascomycota or parasitic Stramenopiles. Therefore, our study further evidenced that DNA metabarcoding is a valuable tool to uncover part of the great diversity within microbial plankton, improving the detection of small eukaryotes

    Does narrator variability facilitate incidental word learning in the classroom?

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    Published online: 20 September 2021Recent studies have revealed that presenting novel words across various contexts (i.e., contextual diversity) helps to consolidate the meaning of these words both in adults and children. This effect has been typically explained in terms of semantic distinctiveness (e.g., Semantic Distinctiveness Model, Jones et al., Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66(2), 115, 2012). However, the relative influence of other, non-semantic, elements of the context is still unclear. In this study, we examined whether incidental learning of new words in children was facilitated when the words were uttered by several individuals rather than when they were uttered by the same individual. In the learning phase, the to-be-learned words were presented through audible fables recorded either by the same voice (low diversity) or by different voices (high diversity). Subsequently, word learning was assessed through two orthographic and semantic integration tasks. Results showed that words uttered by different voices were learned better than those uttered by the same voice. Thus, the benefits of contextual diversity in word learning extend beyond semantic differences among contexts; they also benefit from perceptual differences among contexts.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities: PSI2017-86210-P

    Historic evolution of State of Mexico’s population

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    The State of Mexico has been redefining its area at different times in its history as well as the size and composition of its population, which also has been modified when its territorial limits has been established. In this paper, the changes experienced by the population of the State in the course of its history are identified, the growth of its population and its distribution is analyzed by age since 1871, when its territory was bounded to the limits currently held, until 2010.El Estado de México ha visto redefinir su extensión territorial en diversos momentos de su historia y, con ello, el tamaño y la composición de su población, modificadas al establecerse las mensiones territoriales que ocupa actualmente. En este trabajo se identifican las variaciones que ha experimentado la población del Estado en el transcurso de su historia; se analiza el recimiento de su población y su distribución por edad desde 1871, año en que su territorio quedó acotado a los límites que conserva hasta el año 2010

    Estudio genético de las hipoacusias de causa desconocida en Castilla y León

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    La hipoacusia tiene una incidencia de 1 a 3/1000 recién nacidos, y la mayoría son de causa genética. Las de herencia autosómica recesiva (AR) son las más frecuentes y, dentro de estas, la mutación 35delG es la principal implicada en la sordera congénita entre los europeos. La mutación A1555G mitocondrial es la causa más frecuente en sorderas postlinguales de causa genética. Ante una hipoacusia infantil de causa desconocida la prueba diagnóstica con un mayor rendimiento es el estudio genético. Entre los objetivos de este trabajo se encuentran: proponer un panel de genes para el diagnóstico etiológico de las hipoacusias neurosensoriales no sindrómicas (HNSNS) de causa desconocida; identificar el espectro de mutaciones causantes de hipoacusia bilateral en la población de Castilla y León; y proponer un protocolo de diagnóstico etiológico integral de las hipoacusias congénitas. Para ello se hizo un estudio observacional descriptivo de tipo transversal con 128 pacientes de Castilla y León con diagnóstico de HNSNS y una revisión sistemática. En el total de hipoacusias estudiadas, la frecuencia de homocigotos para la mutación 35delG fue 6,3%, y 7,8% de heterocigotos. El 17,2% presentaron la mutación A1555G. Finalmente se propone el panel de genes y el protocolo mencionados.Grado en Medicin

    Does narrator variability facilitate incidental word learning in the classroom?

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    Recent studies have revealed that presenting novel words across various contexts (i.e., contextual diversity) helps to consolidate the meaning of these words both in adults and children. This effect has been typically explained in terms of semantic distinctiveness (e.g., Semantic Distinctiveness Model, Jones et al., Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66(2), 115, 2012). However, the relative influence of other, non-semantic, elements of the context is still unclear. In this study, we examined whether incidental learning of new words in children was facilitated when the words were uttered by several individuals rather than when they were uttered by the same individual. In the learning phase, the to-be-learned words were presented through audible fables recorded either by the same voice (low diversity) or by different voices (high diversity). Subsequently, word learning was assessed through two orthographic and semantic integration tasks. Results showed that words uttered by different voices were learned better than those uttered by the same voice. Thus, the benefits of contextual diversity in word learning extend beyond semantic differences among contexts; they also benefit from perceptual differences among contexts.Psicologí