5,107 research outputs found

    El sueño de la razón : la utopía del conductista

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    En este texto se presentan dos artículos escritos por John Broadus Watson, fundador del conductismo, y dirigidos al público general. A través de ellos se discute el papel de las utopías en ciencia, el contexto social del surgimiento del conductismo y las ideas de los psicólogos de principios del siglo XX sobre las mujeres, la familia y la crianza de los niños.This paper introduces two articles written by J. B. Watson, founder of behaviorism, for a general audience. Drawing upon them, it is discussed the role of utopia in science, the social context of radical behaviorism, and psychologists ideas on women, family and childrearing at the beginning of twentieth-century

    The effect of nature on designers' creativity, according to their personality profile

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    The aim of this work is to demonstrate whether natural environments, either real or simulated, tend to enhance designers' creativity, and whether the effects differ depending on their personality profile. Numerous studies have been conducted on the variables that shape the work environment and affect the designer's creativity, but few take into account the interaction between the work environment and the designer's personality profile. The aim of this study is to carry out a practical experiment in which a certain number of individuals solve conceptual design problems in different work environments, followed by an assessment of the creativity of the results. The results show higher values of creativity for both types of natural setting than in a neutral scenario. The personality of the designers determines whether the highest values are achieved in real or in artificial nature

    Foundations and social economy: conceptual approaches and socio-economic relevance

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    Theoretical debate about the nature of charitable foundations has traditionally become polarized around two distinct conceptual approaches: the non-profit or third sector approach, versus the social economy approach. This research tries to find a common ground between these two approaches, and to highlight the specificities of the foundation as an organizational formula, supporting its current socio-economic relevance with latest quantitative data on the contemporary Spanish foundation sector. In order to achieve this purpose, data from the main empirical studies about the sector during the last decade are compared, with a special focus on those obtained by the recently constituted Institute for Strategic Analysis of Foundations (INAEF).Foundations, social economy, non-profit organizations, third sector, socioeconomic impact, INAEF.

    Green coffee based CO2 adsorbent with high performance in postcombustion conditions

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    An environmentally friendly and low cost adsorbent, PPC (patent application filed González (2013)), produced from an abundant residue from the food industry, coffee grounds, is presented and evaluated as CO2 adsorbent in postcombustion conditions. PPC is a high bulk density pelletized carbon with adequate properties for its use in fixed-bed adsorption applications. The equilibrium capacity for CO2 at low partial pressures, relevant for the postcombustion case, in the 25–50 °C temperature range is superior to that of reference carbons, both in mass and volume basis. PPC presents equilibrium selectivity for CO2 over N2, with CO2/N2 equilibrium separation factor values of 15–25 at 50 °C and 130 kPa for CO2 concentrations between 9% and 31%. Moreover, it presents fast adsorption kinetics, which makes it a good candidate for rapid swing adsorption cycles. Different VSA cycle configurations were carried out at 50 °C in the fixed-bed adsorption unit to evaluate the performance of the adsorbent in cyclic operation. The adsorbent did not show any sign of deactivation over extended operation.Work carried out with financial support from the Spanish MINECO (Project ENE2011-23467), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). M.G.P. acknowledges funding from the CSIC (JAE-Doc program), and A.S.G. acknowledges a contract from the MINECO (FPI program); both programs are co-financed by the European Social Fund.Peer reviewe

    Procedimiento de obtención de un adsorbente que utiliza residuos de café postconsumo y su utilización para la adsorción de CO2

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    La presente invención se refiere a un procedimiento de obtención de un material adsorbente con capacidad para adsorber CO2 , que utiliza residuos de café postconsumo. El procedimiento de obtención comprende el secado del residuo, su conformación, en ausencia de ligantes, y su activación térmica en presencia de un agente activante, que preferentemente es CO2 . Las características texturales y de densidad del material obtenido por el procedimiento de la invención, que también se protege, lo convierten en un candidato ideal para la adsorción de CO2 , y preferentemente en la captura de CO2 postcombustión.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasR Informe sobre el estado de la técnica publicado separadament

    Knowledge generation for enhancing design creativity through co-creative Virtual Learning Communities

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    With the current technological explosion, the arrival of Web 2.0 and the growth of ICTs, designers’ tools can be understood and used by novice users. With this statement in mind, and considering previous works that claim that team-working enhances creativity, the present paper reports on an experiment conducted to test whether a large group of creative people organised in a Virtual Learning Community are able to produce a Graphic Design with a satisfactory level of creativity starting from an almost complete lack of knowledge on the discipline, where a “satisfactory level of creativity” is understood as being that level which can be achieved by an individual with specific knowledge in the subject working in isolation. The results were assessed by means of an adapted questionnaire based on the CPSS taxonomy, and statistically analysed using ANOVA. The conclusions appear to reinforce the idea that virtual team-working enhances creativity, but the lack of specific competence training can be discerned by an expert eye.The research presented in this paper was funded by the Universitat Jaume I (project ref. P1· 1B2015-30 - El arte y el diseño en la nueva sociedad digital

    Looking for phase-space structures in star-forming regions: An MST-based methodology

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    We present a method for analysing the phase space of star-forming regions. In particular we are searching for clumpy structures in the 3D sub-space formed by two position coordinates and radial velocity. The aim of the method is the detection of kinematic segregated radial velocity groups, that is, radial velocity intervals whose associated stars are spatially concentrated. To this end we define a kinematic segregation index, Λ(RV), based on the Minimum Spanning Tree graph algorithm, which is estimated for a set of radial velocity intervals in the region. When Λ(RV) is significantly greater than 1 we consider that this bin represents a grouping in the phase space. We split a star-forming region into radial velocity bins and calculate the kinematic segregation index for each bin, and then we obtain the spectrum of kinematic groupings, which enables a quick visualization of the kinematic behaviour of the region under study. We carried out numerical models of different configurations in the sub-space of the phase space formed by the coordinates and the that various case studies illustrate. The analysis of the test cases demonstrates the potential of the new methodology for detecting different kind of groupings in phase space.We acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER funds through grant AYA2013-40611-P.Peer Reviewe

    Participación en los presupuestos participativos, fortalecimiento y género. Evaluación de la experiencia de Casares.

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    El presente trabajo recoge los resultados de la evaluación de la experiencia del pre-supuesto participativo de Casares, un municipio de la provincia de Málaga. El obje-tivo de la investigación es examinar las diferencias existentes entre los hombres y las mujeres que participan en el proceso. Para ello, se analizan dichas diferencias en la variable psicosocial de fortalecimiento psicológico, de acuerdo con el modelo de Zimmerman (1995, 2000), y se observan las dinámicas de interacción en las asambleas, que son los espacios de deliberación vecinal de la experiencia. La in-vestigación se ha realizado mediante técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas, utilizan-do metodologías como la observación con registro narrativo y el cuestionario. La integración de preguntas utilizadas por el CIS en el instrumento cuantitativo ha permitido comparar los resultados del estudio con los datos de la población general española. Los principales resultados muestran que en Casares la mayoría de las personas que participan son mujeres. En cuanto a las dinámicas de participación, se evidencian diferencias entre sexo, siendo las mujeres quienes más participan en los grupos y los hombres quienes suelen asumir el rol de portavoces de estos espacios. En relación a la variable psicosocial de fortalecimiento, la tendencia sigue lo espe-rado, las mujeres que participan presentan un mayor nivel de empowerment. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los casos, la población general presenta un mayor em-powerment que la población de Casares.Coglobal y Plan Propio UMA Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The graphic project of a festival: the 1972 Pamplona Encounters Catalogue

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    [EN] On the 23rd of June 197, the catalogue of the Encounters in Pamplona was finally printed. The festival started on the afternoon 26th of June in the Labrit Pelota Court of Navarre s capital with the celebration of a pelota match and the authorities´ speech. During eight days and before the known festivity of San Fermin, Pamplona turned itself into the capital of art. The article, not only speaks about the event but it s focused on the document designed by Jose Luis Alexanco, which is the advertisement of the celebration that had the power to bind artists of different disciplines and countries together in a Spanish city during the last years of Francoism. The catalogue has turned itself into an authentic piece of art because of its interest and rareness, reveals itself as the graphic project of the imagined celebration.[ES] El 23 de junio de 1972 se terminó de imprimir el Catálogo de los Encuentros de Pamplona que comenzaron la tarde del 26 de junio en el frontón Labrit de la capital de Navarra con la celebración de un partido de pelota y el discurso de las autoridades. Durante ocho días y antes de la conocida fiesta de San Fermín, Pamplona se convirtió en capital del arte. El artículo, más allá de hablar del evento, se centra en el estudio del documento diseñado por José Luis Alexanco, que constituye el anuncio de la fiesta que tuvo el poder de aglutinar a artistas de diferentes disciplinas y países diversos en una ciudad española en los últimos años del franquismo. El Catálogo, que por su interés y su rareza se ha convertido en una auténtica pieza de arte, se revela como el proyecto gráfico de la fiesta imaginada.García Alonso, M.; González Presencio, M. (2022). El proyecto gráfico de una fiesta: el Catálogo de los Encuentros de Pamplona. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 27(46):208-221. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2022.17661208221274

    Hypothalamic and mesencephalic regions involved in the control of laryngeal activity and subglottic pressure in spontaneously breathing anaesthetized rats

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    Changes of laryngeal caliber allow changes in airflow which are necessary for the vibration of the vocal folds and emission of voice. It is known that stimulation of the Periaqueductal Gray matter (PAG) and nucleus retroambiguus (nRA) produces vocalization, and lesions in PAG cause mutism in animals and humans. The nRA is the perfect target to turn passive into active expiration modifying the activity of laryngeal motoneurons located in the nucleus ambiguous (Paton and Nolan, 2000). We have shown that rostral and ventral pontine structures are involved in changes of laryngeal caliber (Lara et al., 2002). It has been also demonstrated a high expression of FOXP2 protein (transcription factor related to vocalization) at mesencephalic and pontine regions (PAG, Parabrachial complex and A5 Region) involved in cardiorespiratory control. The aim of this study was to characterize the relations between hypothalamic and mesencephalic regions involved in cardiorespiratory control and their possible role in modulating laryngeal activity. Experimental studies were carried out with non-inbred male rats (n=7), SPF, Sprague-Dawley (250-300 g) housed under standard conditions. Animals were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbitone (60 mg/kg i.p., initial dose, supplemented 2 mg/kg, i.v., as necessary). A double tracheal cannulation to develop the classical technique of the “glottis isolated in situ” and for the recording of respiratory airflow was carried out. DMH-PeF, dlPAG, and CnF stimulations evoked a significant decrease of laryngeal resistance (subglottal pressure) (p<0.01) accompanied with an inspiratory facilitatory response consisted of an increase in respiratory rate, together with a pressor and tachycardic response. The results of our study contribute with new data on the role of the hypothalamic-mesencephalic neuronal circuits in the control mechanisms of subglottic pressure and laryngeal activity.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec