9,708 research outputs found

    Classical Emergence of Intrinsic Spin-Orbit Interaction of Light at the Nanoscale

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    Traditionally, in macroscopic geometrical optics intrinsic polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of light can be treated independently. However, at the subwavelength scale these properties appear to be coupled together, giving rise to the spin-orbit interaction (SOI) of light. In this work we address theoretically the classical emergence of the optical SOI at the nanoscale. By means of a full-vector analysis involving spherical vector waves we show that the spin-orbit factorizability condition, accounting the mutual influence between the amplitude (spin) and phase (orbit), is fulfilled only in the far-field limit. On the other side, in the near-field region, an additional relative phase introduces an extra term that hinders the factorization and reveals an intricate dynamical behavior according to the SOI regime. As a result, we find a suitable theoretical framework able to capture analytically the main features of intrinsic SOI of light. Besides allowing for a better understanding into the mechanism leading to its classical emergence at the nanoscale, our approach may be useful in order to design experimental setups that enhance the response of SOI-based effects.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Fiscal decentralization, macrostability and growth

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    This paper examines how fiscal decentralization may influence economic growth. Previous research on this question has primarily focused on the potential direct relationship between decentralization and growth. In this paper, we also examine the potential indirect influence of decentralization on growth through its impact on macroeconomic stability. We find that decentralization may positively influence price stability in developed countries, though this impact is much less clear in developing and transitional countries. We also find some evidence suggesting that decentralization may directly and negatively affect economic growth in higher-income countries but that this effect is reduced through the indirect positive impact of decentralization on growth through macroeconomic stability.Fiscal Decentralization, Economic Growth, and Macroeconomic Stability.

    Have Spanish companies built greater entrepreneurship after privatization?

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    This study analyses some of the strategic and organizational changes experienced in public firms following privatization in its double facet: sale of companies and deregulation. Specifically, we analyse the process of innovation in terms of products, processes and organization. We also look into the development of new businesses and strategic renewal, which in the end shape the entrepreneurial capacity of a company. A sample of Spanish firms which were privatized between 1985 and 2000 shows that after privatization, these companies have experienced a significant increase in entrepreneurship. These changes are even more appreciable when a high sector competition is added to the ownership shift. Once they join the private sector, their level of product, process and organizational innovation is higher. They also develop new businesses at national level, reinforce their international activity and embark on strategic renewal processes by shedding the lesser profitable businesses and modifying their competitive strategy so as to gain efficiency

    Reaction object constructions in English and Spanish

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    Reaction Object Constructions are alternations involving the transitive use of manner of speaking verbs and verbs of signs and gestures (She mumbled her adoration) paraphrased as “express a reaction by V-ing” (Levin 1993). Research on these constructions has been limited to English, often without a thorough discussion of their different elements. A closer look at examples extracted from the Corpus of Contemporary American English shows a wide variety of verbs and objects used in these constructions to denote different types of reported expressive acts. On the other hand, extensive searches of the Corpus de Referenda del Español Actual have revealed the existence of these conflated constructions in Spanish (Ella murmura su incredulidad), where the verbal event denotes the manner by which the second event - the nominalized expressive act -is produced. The data provided in this paper supports recent claims that Romance languages may use some of these “information-packed” constructions the way Germanic languages do.Las Construcciones de Objeto de ReacciĂłn son alternancias que implican el uso transitivo de verbos de manera de hablar y verbos de signos y gestos (She mumbled her adoration) parafraseables como “expresar una reacciĂłn V-ndo” (Levin 1993). La investigaciĂłn sobre estas construcciones se ha limitado al inglĂ©s, con frecuencia sin un tratamiento detallado de sus distintos elementos. Un anĂĄlisis mĂĄs detallado de ejemplos extraĂ­dos del Corpus of Contemporary American English muestra una amplia variedad de verbos y objetos usados en estas construcciones para denotar diferentes tipos de actos expresivos de estilo indirecto. Por otro lado, extensas bĂșsquedas en el Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual revelan la existencia de estas construcciones fundidas en español (Ella murmura su incredulidad) en las que el evento verbal denota la manera en la que se produce el segundo evento -el acto expresivo nominalizado. Los datos que se aportan en este artĂ­culo respaldan estudios recientes que afirman que las lenguas romances pueden usar algunas de estas construcciones de “informaciĂłn compacta” que usan las lenguas germĂĄnicas

    Predicative Complements in English and in Spanish

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    This paper discusses the use of predicative complements in English and in Spanish. These complements are defined as phrases which identify a semantic quality of the subject or the direct object of the clause. Current predicatives are those expressing a quality previous to the action denoted by the verb, while resulting predicatives denote a quality derived from the verbal process. Broadly speaking, current predicatives appear both in English and in Spanish with similar syntactic features. On the other hand, resulting predicatives, and, in particular, those which are not obligatory complements, are common to English syntax but rare in Spanish

    Valores aspectuales de "get" mås participio pasivo en inglés

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    Como han señalado distintas gramĂĄticas del inglĂ©s, el verbo get sirve para desambiguar construcciones que con be podrĂ­an ser interpretadas como estativas o dinĂĄmicas. Be puede actuar como una cĂłpula estativa seguida de un adjetivo en funciĂłn predicativa, es decir, puede ser analizada como sujeto-verbo-atributo (SVA). Be puede tambiĂ©n actuar como un auxiliar que forma una perĂ­frasis verbal junto al participio. El predicado de una expresa un estado mientras que el predicado de la otra oraciĂłn expresa una situaciĂłn dinĂĄmica. Cuando el contexto no distingue entre la interpretaciĂłn estativa y la dinĂĄmica, se recurre a la estructura de get mĂĄs participio pasivo (get + pp ) para evitar ambigĂŒedades. El verbo get es un verbo dinĂĄmico que excluye una posible interpretaciĂłn estativa del predicado.As has been pointed out by different grammars of English, that the verb get serves to see disambiguated constructions that could be interpreted as statives or dynamics. The verb be can acts as a intercourse stative followed by a predicative adjective, it can be analyzed as subject-verb-attribute (SVA). Be can also act as an auxiliary that form a verbal periphrasis beside the participle. The predicate in the first situation expresses a state situation while the predicate of the second one expresses a dynamic situation. When the context does not distinguish between the interpretation stative and the dynamics one, we resorted to the structure of get + passive participle (get + pp) to avoid ambiguity. The get verb is a dynamic one that exclude a possible interpretation stative of the predicate

    Sobre ጄλλως conjuntivo

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    This paper presents an identification and description, within a functional framework, of conjunctive uses of the adverb ጄλλως in several collocations with conjunctions and particles. The selected passages prove that the adverb was used in Ancient Greek prose in a variety of constructions expressing conditional, disjunctive, enumerative, adversative, additive and particularizing conjunction.El artĂ­culo presenta una identificaciĂłn y descripciĂłn en un marco teĂłrico funcional de empleos conjuntivos del adverbio ጄλλως en combinaciones varias con conjunciones y partĂ­culas. Los pasajes seleccionados demuestran que el adverbio fue usado en la prosa griega antigua en una variedad de construcciones en las que expresa conexiĂłn condicional, disyuntiva, enumerativa, aditiva y particularizadora
