7,288 research outputs found

    Dynamical quark recombination in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions and the proton to pion ratio

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    We study quark thermal recombination as a function of energy density during the evolution of a heavy-ion collision in a numerical model that reproduces aspects of QCD phenomenology. We show that starting with a set of free quarks (or quarks and antiquarks) the probability to form colorless clusters of three quarks differs from that to form colorless clusters of quark-antiquark and that the former has a sharp jump at a critical energy density whereas the latter transits smoothly from the low to the high energy density domains. We interpret this as a quantitative difference in the production of baryons and mesons with energy density. We use this approach to compute the proton and pion spectra in a Bjorken scenario that incorporates the evolution of these probabilities with energy density, and therefore with proper time. From the spectra, we compute the proton to pion ratio and compare to data at the highest RHIC energies. We show that for a standard choice of parameters, this ratio reaches one, though the maximum is very sensitive to the initial evolution proper time.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Shannon entropy of symmetric Pollaczek polynomials

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    We discuss the asymptotic behavior (as nn\to \infty) of the entropic integrals En=11log(pn2(x))pn2(x)w(x)dx, E_n= - \int_{-1}^1 \log \big(p^2_n(x) \big) p^2_n(x) w(x) d x, and Fn=11log(pn2(x)w(x))pn2(x)w(x)dx, F_n = -\int_{-1}^1 \log (p_n^2(x)w(x)) p_n^2(x) w(x) dx, when ww is the symmetric Pollaczek weight on [1,1][-1,1] with main parameter λ1\lambda\geq 1, and pnp_n is the corresponding orthonormal polynomial of degree nn. It is well known that ww does not belong to the Szeg\H{o} class, which implies in particular that EnE_n\to -\infty. For this sequence we find the first two terms of the asymptotic expansion. Furthermore, we show that Fnlog(π)1F_n \to \log (\pi)-1, proving that this ``universal behavior'' extends beyond the Szeg\H{o} class. The asymptotics of EnE_n has also a curious interpretation in terms of the mutual energy of two relevant sequences of measures associated with pnp_n's

    Arginina, óxido nítrico y función endotelial

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    Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid with major physiological functions. One of the most outstanding of such is itsrole as an amino acid precursor of nitric oxide, a molecule produced, in many tissues, from arginine by the nitric oxidesynthase enzyme. Within the vascular endothelium, nitric oxide behaves as a vasodilator, antiatherogenic, and anti-plaqueaggregation agent. The detailed study of this enzymatic reaction indicates that nitric oxide synthase presents high affinity,for its substrate, arginine, which is found in high concentrations in the endothelium. Consequently, it is surprising thatthe functionality of this enzyme is conditioned by variations in concentrations of arginine, produced by nutritional intake.This is known as «the arginine paradox». However, the existence of an endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitor,known as asymmetric dimethylarginine, has been recently demonstrated. This compound would decrease the formationof nitric oxide through competitive inhibition with the natural substrate, arginine. It is for this reason that dietarysupplementation with arginine would be important as a means to counteracting such an effect. In addition to arginine,there are other dietary components which may also influence the synthesis of nitric oxide by the vascular endothelium.La arginina es un aminoácido semiesencial con importantes funciones fisiológicas. Entre ellas destaca su papel comoprecursora del óxido nítrico, una molécula producida a partir de la arginina por la enzima óxido nítrico sintasa enmuchos tejidos y que en el endotelio vascular se comporta como vasodilatadora, antiaterogénica y antiagreganteplaquetaria. El estudio detallado de esta reacción enzimática indica que la óxido nítrico sintasa tiene una granafinidad por su sustrato, la arginina, que se encuentra en concentraciones altas en el endotelio. Por tanto, resultabasorprendente que el funcionamiento de esta enzima estuviera condicionado por las variaciones en las concentracionesde arginina debidas al aporte nutricional. A esto se le llamó «paradoja de la arginina». Sin embargo, se hademostrado recientemente la existencia de un inhibidor endógeno de la óxido nítrico sintasa denominado dimetilargininaasimétrica. Este compuesto disminuiría la formación del óxido nítrico por inhibición competitiva con el sustratonatural, la arginina. De ahí la importancia de la suplementación con arginina para contrarrestar este efecto. Ademásde la arginina, existen otros componentes de la dieta que pueden influir también en la síntesis de óxido nítrico porel endotelio vascular

    Integral field spectroscopy of type-II QSOs at z=0.3-0.4

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    We present and analyse integral-field observations of six type-II QSOs with z=0.3-0.4, selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Two of our sample are found to be surrounded by a nebula of warm ionized gas, with the largest nebula extending across 8" (40 kpc). Some regions of the extended nebulae show kinematics that are consistent with gravitational motion, while other regions show relatively perturbed kinematics: velocity shifts and line widths too large to be readily explained by gravitational motion. We propose that a ~20 kpc x20 kpc outflow is present in one of the galaxies. Possible mechanisms for triggering the outflow are discussed. In this object, we also find evidence for ionization both by shocks and the radiation field of the AGN.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted by MNRAS Letter

    Organ-Dedicated Molecular Imaging Systems

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    [EN] In this review, we will cover both clinical and technical aspects of the advantages and disadvantages of organ specific (dedicated) molecular imaging (MI) systems, namely positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography, including gamma cameras. This review will start with the introduction to the organ-dedicated MI systems. Thereafter, we will describe the differences and their advantages/disadvantages when compared with the standard large size scanners. We will review time evolution of dedicated systems, from first attempts to current scanners, and the ones that ended in clinical use. We will review later the state of the art of these systems for different organs, namely: breast, brain, heart, and prostate. We will also present the advantages offered by these systems as a function of the special application or field, such as in surgery, therapy assistance and assessment, etc. Their technological evolution will be introduced for each organ-based imager. Some of the advantages of dedicated devices are: higher sensitivity by placing the detectors closer to the organ, improved spatial resolution, better image contrast recovery (by reducing the noise from other organs), and also lower cost. Designing a complete ring-shaped dedicated PET scanner is sometimes difficult and limited angle tomography systems are preferable as they have more flexibility in placing the detectors around the body/organ. Examples of these geometries will be presented for breast, prostate and heart imaging. Recently achievable excellent time of flight capabilities below 300-ps full width at half of the maximum reduce significantly the impact of missing angles on the reconstructed images.This work was supported in part by the European Research Council through the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant 695536, in part by the EU through the FP7 Program under Grant 603002, and in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad through PROSPET (DTS15/00152) funded by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under Grant TEC2016-79884-C2-1-R.González Martínez, AJ.; Sánchez, F.; Benlloch Baviera, JM. (2018). Organ-Dedicated Molecular Imaging Systems. IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences. 2(5):388-403. https://doi.org/10.1109/TRPMS.2018.2846745S3884032

    The complex structure of HH 110 as revealed from Integral Field Spectroscopy

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    HH 110 is a rather peculiar Herbig-Haro object in Orion that originates due to the deflection of another jet (HH 270) by a dense molecular clump, instead of being directly ejected from a young stellar object. Here we present new results on the kinematics and physical conditions of HH 110 based on Integral Field Spectroscopy. The 3D spectral data cover the whole outflow extent (~4.5 arcmin, ~0.6 pc at a distance of 460 pc) in the spectral range 6500-7000 \AA. We built emission-line intensity maps of Hα\alpha, [NII] and [SII] and of their radial velocity channels. Furthermore, we analysed the spatial distribution of the excitation and electron density from [NII]/Hα\alpha, [SII]/Hα\alpha, and [SII] 6716/6731 integrated line-ratio maps, as well as their behaviour as a function of velocity, from line-ratio channel maps. Our results fully reproduce the morphology and kinematics obtained from previous imaging and long-slit data. In addition, the IFS data revealed, for the first time, the complex spatial distribution of the physical conditions (excitation and density) in the whole jet, and their behaviour as a function of the kinematics. The results here derived give further support to the more recent model simulations that involve deflection of a pulsed jet propagating in an inhomogeneous ambient medium. The IFS data give richer information than that provided by current model simulations or laboratory jet experiments. Hence, they could provide valuable clues to constrain the space parameters in future theoretical works.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures Accepted in MNRA

    On the Beneficial Role of a Finite Number of Scatterers for Wireless Physical Layer Security

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    The successful emergence of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has contributed to the efficiency improvement in a number of economic sectors. However, some strategic economic sectors, such as construction, have not been targeted enough yet. Construction-related ICT solutions lack mechanisms to permit the effective integration of the whole supply chain. Semantic Web can tackle these issues. This paper presents a methodology for acquiring knowledge from construction-related databases. A domain ontology has been developed that contains the relevant concepts regarding supply management in the construction domain. The methodology basically consists of mapping the database content onto the ontology and a further this one’s population by applying a set of mapping rules.\ud Успешное появление информационно-коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ) внесло свой вклад в повышение эффективности многих секторов экономики. Однако, некоторые стратегические экономические сектора, такие, как строительство, не были все же достаточно исследованы. Связанные со строительством решения ИКТ испытывают недостаток в механизмах, позволяющих разрешать проблемы эффективной интеграции полной цепочки поставки. Семантическая Сеть может заняться этими проблемами. Эта статья представляет методологию, позволяющую извлекать знание из баз данных, связанных со строительством . Была разработана онтология домена, содержащая релевантные понятия, касающиеся управления поставками в домене строительства. Методология в основном состоит из отображения содержания базы данных на онтологию и дальнейшего ее заполнения , применяя набор правил отображения .\u