175 research outputs found


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    This article analyzes the musical habits of French Brittany university students, taking into account how they interact with music through new technologies (ICT) and their predominant learning styles. This allowed to study how personal characteristics and the use of some ICT tools can influence the acquisition of knowledge and learning of musical content after listening and sharing different types of music. The current research followed a quantitative approach with a non-experimental descriptive survey design. In order to find out the prevailing styles and patterns of music usage and consumption by means of ICT, two questionnaires were applied to a sample of 308 undergraduate students from the Schools of Education at the University of Western Brittany (Université de Bretagne-Occidentale). After analyzing the data, the results revealed the existence of statistically significant differences in musical uses in terms of learning styles and campus of origin, showing that the particular style of learning is a conditioning factor among the youth population when consuming music through new technologies.Este artículo analiza los usos y costumbres musicales de los universitarios bretones, teniendo en cuenta cómo emplean la música mediante las nuevas tecnologías (TIC) y sus estilos de aprendizaje predominantes. Para ello, se indagó en cómo influyen las características personales y el manejo de determinadas herramientas TIC en la adquisición de conocimientos y en el aprendizaje de contenidos musicales tras escuchar y compartir diferentes tipos de música. La investigación siguió un enfoque de tipo cuantitativo con un diseño no experimental descriptivo mediante encuesta. Con el fin de averiguar los estilos predominantes y los patrones de uso y consumo musical utilizando las TIC, se aplicaron dos cuestionarios a una muestra formada por 308 estudiantes de las Facultades de Educación de la Universidad de la Bretaña Occidental. Tras analizar los datos, los resultados revelaron la existencia de diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los usos musicales en cuanto a los estilos de aprendizaje y campus de procedencia, evidenciando que la forma particular de aprendizaje es un factor condicionante entre la población juvenil cuando consume música mediante las nuevas tecnologías.В данной статье анализируются музыкальные привычки и традиции студентов бретонских университетов с учетом того, как они используют музыку с помощью новых технологий (ИКТ) и их преобладающих стилей обучения. Для этого мы изучили, как личные характеристики и использование определенных инструментов ИКТ влияют на приобретение знаний и усвоение музыкального контента после прослушивания и совместного использования различных видов музыки. В исследовании использовался количественный подход с неэкспериментальным дескриптивным методом опроса. Для того чтобы выяснить преобладающие стили и модели использования и прослушивания музыки с помощью ИКТ, были заполнены две анкеты для 308 студентов педагогического факультета Университета Западной Бретани. После анализа данных были выявлены статистически значимые различия в использовании музыки в зависимости от стиля обучения и города происхождения, что свидетельствует о том, что конкретный способ обучения является определяющим фактором среди молодежи при потреблении музыки с помощью новых технологий.本文分析了布列塔尼大学学生间的音乐习俗及其用途,同时考虑了他们如何通过信息通讯技术 (ICT) 和他们主要的学习方式来使用音乐。为此,我们调查了在听和分享不同类型的音乐后,受试者的个人特征和某些 ICT 工具的使用如何影响知识的获取和对音乐内容的学习。该研究采用定量方法和描述性非实验性调查设计。为了找出使用 ICT 的音乐的主要风格和使用模式,我们对来自西布列塔尼大学教育学院的 308 名学生进行了两份问卷调查。分析数据后,结果显示,在学习方式和校区来源方面,音乐使用存在统计上的显着差异,证明特定的学习方式是年轻人通过新技术消费音乐时的决定性因素

    TIC, estilos de aprendizaje y competencia musical en los estudios de grado de Maestro

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    The development of ICT has brought the global spreading of music and the emergence of new ways to music consumption. Our research aim was to analyze the musical competence of young people (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) taking as sample the university students of Degree (n = 172) at the Faculty of Education in Albacete, University of Castilla-La Mancha. We conducted a quantitative approach following a descriptive design by means of USMUS survey. The results reveal that students in Primary Education who used ICT tools show both musical knowledge and uses higher than students in Pre-elementary Education. Besides, students in Primary Education concede to ICT a more prominent role in their academic training due to their practical implications. cas.El desarrollo de las TIC ha traído consigo la difusión global de la música, así como la aparición de nuevas formas de consumo musical. Nuestro objetivo es analizar la competencia musical de los jóvenes (conocimientos, usos y actitudes) tomando como muestra la población universitaria de los Grados de Maestro en las especialidades de Infantil y Primaria (n =172) de la Facultad de Educación de Albacete, de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Para ello, se sigue un enfoque cuantitativo con diseño descriptivo mediante la encuesta USMUS. Los resultados revelan que los estudiantes de Primaria muestran conocimientos y usos musicales en relación con las TIC superiores a los de Infantil, al mismo tiempo que le otorgan un papel más destacado para su formación académica por sus implicaciones prácticas

    El alumnado con dificultades de aprendizaje musical: un estudio sobre sus aptitudes musicales

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    The current article presents a study on the musical aptitudes of students, focusingon those pupils in Primary Education who show learning disabilities in Music Education, even though they are positively evaluated in other areas within the curriculum. The main aim of this research is to know the musical aptitudes of these students and to analyse up to what extent these aptitudes differ from qualities such as age and gender of the students considered here. By means of the latter, we seek to offer effective educational responses to the learning needs set in the music classroom, according to the so-examined musical aptitudes of students.This study presented a non-experimental, quantitative approach, using descriptive statistical tests and co-relational studies in order to discover the existing relationship among gender, age and musical aptitudes.With reference to the participants that took part in this investigation, we took a sample of 52 students of Primary Education, from first grade up to sixth grade, from a Spanish state school in the city of Caudete (Albacete).The results showed favourable musical aptitudes regarding aural perception, but not in movement and rhythm. However, we did not get relevant data for the parts of singing and instruments. In addition to this, differences between age and gender were significant, as they were more noticeable among students in first and second cycles of Primary Education and among girls.El presente artículo recoge un estudio sobre las aptitudes musicales del alumnado de Educación Primaria que, a pesar de obtener unas calificaciones aceptables en las áreas del currículo, manifiestan dificultades de aprendizaje en Educación Musical. La finalidad de esta investigación es la de conocer sus aptitudes musicales y analizar en qué medida estas aptitudes difieren en cuanto a la edad y el género del alumnado estudiado. Con ello, se pretende ofrecer respuestas educativas a las necesidades de aprendizaje observadas en el aula de música, de acuerdo con las aptitudes musicales diagnosticadas en los escolares.El estudio cuenta con un enfoque de tipo cuantitativo y un diseño no-experimental. En la investigación se realizaron pruebas estadísticas y estudios correlacionales para averiguar la relación existente entre género, edad y aptitudes musicales. La muestraascendió a un total de 52 participantes de primero a sexto, procedentes de un colegio público de Caudete (Albacete).Los resultados reflejaron unas aptitudes musicales favorables en percepción auditiva y desfavorables en expresión corporal y rítmica, mientras que en expresión vocal e instrumental no se obtuvieron datos destacables. También se constataron diferencias significativas en función de la edad y el género, decantándose a favor de los alumnos del primer y segundo ciclo de primaria y del género femenino

    De la música a la emoción: la competencia cultural y artística como impulso de la competencia emocional

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    El concepto de competencia no es un término nuevo pero sin embargo, ha irrumpido con fuerza en el ámbito legislativo y educativo, como respuesta a los retos y situaciones problemáticas que se plantean en las sociedades actuales y que precisan de respuestas eficaces y creativas. El trabajo de las competencias se basa en conseguir que el centro educativo gestione aquellos procesos adecuados para que sus alumnos adquieran una formación efectiva, que les capacite saber y poder desenvolverse adecuadamente en esta sociedad, tan cambiante, múltiple y diversa. Desde el área de Educación Musical, a partir de la consecución de la competencia cultural y artística, se pretende desarrollar conocimientos, procedimientos y actitudes musicales que fomenten la sensibilidad estética, la expresión creativa y la afectividad, en donde el profesor de música se convierte en agente transmisor de valores y  dinamizador en la adquisición de la competencia emocional

    Antiparasitic Tannin-Rich Plants from the South of Europe for Grazing Livestock: A Review

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    Internal parasites are one of the main causes of health threats in livestock production, especially in extensive livestock farming. Despite the environmental toxic effects (loss of dung beetles, biodiversity, and other issues) and resistance phenomenon derived from their prolonged use, anti-parasitic chemical pharmaceuticals are frequently used, even in organic farming. Such a situation within the context of climate change requires urgent exploration of alternative compounds to solve these problems and apparent conflicts between organic farming objectives regarding the environment, public health, and animal health. This review is focused on some plants (Artemisia spp., Cichorium intybus L., Ericaceae family, Hedysarum coronarium L., Lotus spp., Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) that are well known for their antiparasitic effect, are voluntarily grazed and ingested, and can be spontaneously found or cultivated in southern Europe and other regions with a Mediterranean climate. The differences found between effectiveness, parasite species affected, in vitro/in vivo experiments, and active compounds are explored. A total of 87 papers where antiparasitic activity of those plants have been studied are included in this review; 75% studied the effect on ruminant parasites, where gastrointestinal nematodes were the parasite group most studied (70%), and these included natural (31%) and experimental (37%) infections

    Análisis de los estilos de aprendizaje y las TIC en la formación personal del alumnado universitario a través del cuestionario REATIC

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    This article analyzes the relationship between learning styles and the use of ICT in training university students. The study presents a quantitative approach and a non-experimental design. For this study, the REATIC questionnaire was designed and validated. After data collection, statistical tests and correlational studies were carried out in order to determine the relationship between a learning style, ICT, gender and university degree. The sample was made up of 146 second-year students of Pre-school and Primary Education studying in the Teacher Training School of Albacete (Spain). The results showed significant differences in favour of male students and in the Primary Education degree.El presente artículo analiza la relación existente entre los estilos de aprendizaje y el uso de las TIC en la formación personal del alumnado universitario. El estudio cuenta con un enfoque de tipo cuantitativo y un diseño no-experimental. Para la investigación se diseñó, validó y suministró el cuestionario REATIC y, tras la recogida de datos, se realizaron pruebas estadísticas y estudios correlacionales para averiguar la relación existente entre estilo de aprendizaje, TIC, género y especialidad de Magisterio. La muestra ascendió a un total de 146 estudiantes, de segundo curso de Educación Primaria e Infantil, de la E.U. de Magisterio de Albacete. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron diferencias significativas favorables en alumnado de género masculino y de la especialidad de Educación Primaria

    Ranking the impact of human health disorders on gut metabolism: Systemic lupus erythematosus and obesity as study cases

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    Multiple factors have been shown to alter intestinal microbial diversity. It remains to be seen, however, how multiple collective pressures impact the activity in the gut environment and which, if any, is positioned as a dominant driving factor determining the final metabolic outcomes. Here, we describe the results of a metabolome-wide scan of gut microbiota in 18 subjects with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and 17 healthy control subjects and demonstrate a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between the two groups. Healthy controls could be categorized (p < 0.05) based on their body mass index (BMI), whereas individuals with SLE could not. We discuss the prevalence of SLE compared with BMI as the dominant factor that regulates gastrointestinal microbial metabolism and provide plausible explanatory causes. Our results uncover novel perspectives with clinical relevance for human biology. In particular, we rank the importance of various pathophysiologies for gut homeostasis.The present investigation was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the ERA NET PathoGenoMics2 program, grant number 0315441A. This work was further funded by grants BFU2008-04501-E, BFU2008-04398-E, SAF2009-13032-C02-01, SAF2012-31187 and CSD2007-00005, BIO2011-25012, AGL2010-14952 and AGL2006-11697/ALI from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and Prometeo/2009/092 from Generalitat Valenciana (Spain). The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Myocardial injury determination improves risk stratification and predicts mortality in COVID-19 patients

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    Background: Despite being associated with worse prognosis in patients with COVID-19, systematic determination of myocardial injury is not recommended. The aim of the study was to study the effect of myocardial injury assessment on risk stratification of COVID-19 patients.Methods: Seven hundred seven consecutive adult patients admitted to a large tertiary hospital with confirmed COVID-19 were included. Demographic data, comorbidities, laboratory results and clinical outcomes were recorded. Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) was calculated in order to quantify the degree of comorbidities. Independent association of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) increase with outcomes was evaluated by multivariate regression analyses and area under curve. In addition, propensity-score matching was performed to assemble a cohort of patients with similar baseline characteristics.Results: In the matched cohort (mean age 66.76 ± 15.7 years, 37.3% females), cTnI increase above the upper limit was present in 20.9% of the population and was associated with worse clinical outcomes, including all-cause mortality within 30 days (45.1% vs. 23.2%; p = 0.005). The addition of cTnI to a multivariate prediction model showed a significant improvement in the area under the time-dependent receiver operating characteristic curve (0.775 vs. 0.756, DC-statistic = 0.019; 95% confidence interval 0.001–0.037). Use of renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system inhibitors was not associated with mortality after adjusting by baseline risk factors.Conclusions: Myocardial injury is independently associated with adverse outcomes irrespective of baseline comorbidities and its addition to multivariate regression models significantly improves their performance in predicting mortality. The determination of myocardial injury biomarkers on hospital admission and its combination with CCI can classify patients in three risk groups (high, intermediate and low) with a clearly distinct 30-day mortality

    GeoloGuías-BioloGuías: an University Complutense of Madrid website for learning and dissemination of Natural Science through self-guided tours

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    El sitio GeoloGuías-BioloGuías (www.geologuias-biologuias.org) nace de un proyecto de innovación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y se estrena este verano. Es un espacio web dedicado a la divulgación y la formación en Ciencias Naturales a partir de actividades sobre el terreno y autoguiadas mediante dispositivos GPS; nos proponemos incluir actividades en campo, ciudad, yacimientos, espacios protegidos, etc. En la página GeoloGuías-BioloGuías usted puede encontrar o publicar guías de tres categorías: 1. Turismo Natural, para disfrutar de la Geología y la Biología para el aficionado a estas ciencias o para enriquecer los viajes. 2. Educación en Ciencias Naturales, para profesores de Ciencias Naturales de Educación Primaria y Secundaria. 3. Saber sobre la Naturaleza para profundizar: textos para profundizar en los avances recientes, guías para realizar experimentos, etc. Todas las publicaciones de las dos primeras categorías contienen un textoguía y uno o varios archivos de orientación y navegación (al menos uno en el. formato universal de intercambio *.gpx). Las publicaciones de la categoría 3 están abiertas a las ideas de los autores.The site GeoloGuías-BioloGuías (www.geologuias-biologuias.org) premieres this summer and derives from an innovation project of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. It is a website dedicated to dissemination and training in Natural Sciences based on field activities self-guided by GPS devices – country, city, sites, protected areas, etc. In GeoloGuías-BioloGuías you can find three categories of guides, or publish your own guides: 1. Natural tourism –to enjoy geology and biology for the science enthusiast or to enrich these trips. 2. Natural Science Education –Natural Science for Teachers of Primary and Secondary Education. 3. Knowledge About Nature –texts to deepen into recent advances, guides to preform experiments, etc. All publications of categories 1 and 2 have the same structure: A text guide and on or several navigation files. Guides in category 3 can adopt other structures

    Functional consequences of microbial shifts in the human gastrointestinal tract linked to antibiotic treatment and obesity

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    The microbiomes in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of individuals receiving antibiotics and those in obese subjects undergo compositional shifts, the metabolic effects and linkages of which are not clearly understood. Herein, we set to gain insight into these effects, particularly with regard to carbohydrate metabolism, and to contribute to unravel the underlying mechanisms and consequences for health conditions. We measured the activity level of GIT carbohydrate-active enzymes toward 23 distinct sugars in adults patients (n = 2) receiving 14-d β-lactam therapy and in obese (n = 7) and lean (n = 5) adolescents. We observed that both 14 d antibiotic-treated and obese subjects showed higher and less balanced sugar anabolic capacities, with 40% carbohydrates being preferentially processed as compared with non-treated and lean patients. Metaproteome-wide metabolic reconstructions confirmed that the impaired utilization of sugars propagated throughout the pentose phosphate metabolism, which had adverse consequences for the metabolic status of the GIT microbiota. The results point to an age-independent positive association between GIT glycosidase activity and the body mass index, fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance (r2 ≥ 0.95). Moreover, antibiotics altered the active fraction of enzymes controlling the thickness, composition and consistency of the mucin glycans. Our data and analyses provide biochemical insights into the effects of antibiotic usage on the dynamics of the GIT microbiota and pin-point presumptive links to obesity. The knowledge and the hypotheses generated herein lay a foundation for subsequent, systematic research that will be paramount for the design of “smart” dietary and therapeutic interventions to modulate host-microbe metabolic co-regulation in intestinal homeostasis