97 research outputs found

    Efectividad del Ketofol frente al Midazolam en sedaciones para tomografías de pacientes pediátricos del Hospital Infantil Manuel de Jesús Rivera, periodo agosto a octubre del 2017

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    El tema efectividad del Ketofol frente al Midazolam en sedaciones para tomografías de pacientes pediátricos es nuevo y poco estudiado, se ha evaluado el efecto de estos fármacos por separado mas no se ha hecho una comparación sistemática de ambos para poder corroborar cual fármaco resulta de mayor beneficio a la hora de realizar sedaciones en pacientes pediátricos que serán sedados para realizárseles una TAC. El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en el Hospital Infantil Manuel de Jesús Rivera, la muestra consto de 60 pacientes, 30 para el grupo A (Ketofol) y 30 para el grupo B (Midazolam). El Ketofol fue utilizado en una relación 1:1 y en dosis de 0.5 mg/kg. La dosis utilizada de Midazolam fue 0.025 mg/kg. Ambos fármacos por vía intravenosa. Dando como resultado que ambos fármacos son hemodinamicamente seguros para su uso, el tiempo promedio de la latencia fue de 1 a 2 minutos en el grupo A y en el grupo B de 2 a 6 minutos. La duración del efecto en el grupo A abarco de 5 a 10 minutos, en el grupo B la duración del efecto fue de 5 a 20 minutos. La dosis utilizada de Ketofol resulto efectiva en el 90% de los pacientes (27) del grupo A, sin embargo el 10% (3 pacientes) requirió el uso de una dosis de rescate. La dosis utilizada de Midazolam fue efectiva en el 97% (29) pacientes a los que se le administro dicho fármaco (Grupo

    Babesia bigemina en bovinos del municipio Los Palmitos (Sucre, Colombia)

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    Bovine babesiosis is a disease that usually causes losses in the livestock sector, so it is necessary to diagnose early the haemoparasite in cattle. The aim of this study was the detection, by duplex pcr, of Babesia species that are present in cattle of the municipality of Los Palmitos in the department of Sucre, Colombia. For this, a sample of 218 individuals distributed in 12 farms, between the ages of three months and nine years was studied, through blood samples that were taken and analyzed by microscopic identification in blood smears with Giemsa stain, and by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) with specific primers for the species Babesia bovis and B. bigemina. Three positive samples were obtained for Babesia bigemina by blood smear, corresponding to 1.4 % of the total samples; by pcr, five infected cattle were identified corresponding to 2.33 % of the total, detecting the haemoparasite B. bigemina, which corresponds to the samples identified by optical microscopy. Bovines positive for B. bigemina are asymptomatic; four of them males under two years of age, and only one female of three years of age. In Los Palmitos, B. bigemina is being actively carried by bovines, which remain as asymptomatic carriers of the infection.La babesiosis bovina es una enfermedad que suele causar pérdidas en el sector pecuario, por lo que es necesario el diagnóstico temprano del hemoparásito que la causa en los bovinos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue la detección mediante pcr dúplex de especies de Babesia que estén presentes en bovinos en el municipio Los Palmitos en el departamento de Sucre, Colombia. Para esto, se estudió una muestra de 218 individuos distribuidos en 12 predios, en edades comprendidas entre tres meses y nueve años, a los que se les tomaron muestras de sangre y se analizaron mediante identificación microscópica en frotis sanguíneo con coloración de Giemsa y por la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (pcr) con cebadores específicos para las especies Babesia bovis y B. bigemina. Se obtuvieron tres muestras positivas para B. bigemina por frotis sanguíneo, correspondientes al 1,4 % del total de las muestras; por pcr se identificaron cinco bovinos infectados correspondientes al 2,33 % del total, cuyo hemoparásito detectado fue B. bigemina, que obedece a las muestras identificadas por microscopia óptica. Los bovinos positivos para B. bigemina son asintomáticos; cuatro de ellos machos menores a dos años de edad y solo un individuo hembra de tres años de edad. En Los Palmitos, B. bigemina está siendo portada de manera activa por los bovinos, que se mantienen como portadores asintomáticos de la infección

    The Mouse Model as a Tool for Histological, Immunological and Parasitological Studies of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection

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    The global expansion of Chagas disease is due to the constant migration of individuals from endemic countries with incidence of vector and nonvector transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi. The disease is present in its various stages: chronological characteristic signs and symptoms of the infection and its mechanism of immune system and cell and tissue damage. The first stage, which lasts 90 days approximately, is diagnosed by direct methods (blood smears stained with Giemsa, fresh and xenodiagnosis). The indeterminate-chronic stage is asymptomatic, but the growth and intracellular binary multiplication of the trypomastigotes continue promoting cell lysis and allowing parasites to infect other cells, with preferential tropism to organs producing mega syndromes such as cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, meningoencephalitis, megaesophagus and megacolon. Inadvertently, this process is repeated for several years leading to Chagas disease. The mouse inoculation allows checking the parasitemia in vivo and the development of the disease in short time (signs, behavior and tropism), histopathological alterations and detection of antibodies in serum. These parameters may vary when using different strains of T. cruzi from different geographical areas; Triatoma species due to their genetic variability are influenced by the environment, nutrition, reservoirs and habitat. The murine model ECA CD-1 has the ability to replicate human findings of Chagas disease

    FaMYB123 interacts with FabHLH3 to regulate the late steps of anthocyanin and flavonol biosynthesis during ripening.

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    In this work, we identified and functionally characterized the strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) R2R3 MYB transcription factor FaMYB123. As in most genes associated with organoleptic properties of ripe fruit, FaMYB123 expression is ripening-related, receptacle-specific, and antagonistically regulated by ABA and auxin. Knockdown of FaMYB123 expression by RNAi in ripe strawberry fruit receptacles downregulated the expression of enzymes involved in the late steps of anthocyanin/flavonoid biosynthesis. Transgenic fruits showed a parallel decrease in the contents of total anthocyanin and flavonoid, especially malonyl derivatives of pelargonidin and cyanidins. The decrease was concomitant with accumulation of proanthocyanin, propelargonidins, and other condensed tannins associated mainly with green receptacles. Potential coregulation between FaMYB123 and FaMYB10, which may act on different sets of genes for the enzymes involved in anthocyanin production, was explored. FaMYB123 and FabHLH3 were found to interact and to be involved in the transcriptional activation of FaMT1, a gene responsible for the malonylation of anthocyanin components during ripening. Taken together, these results demonstrate that FaMYB123 regulates the late steps of the flavonoid pathway in a specific manner. In this study, a new function for an R2R3 MYB transcription factor, regulating the expression of a gene that encodes a malonyltransferase, has been elucidated.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (AGL2014-55784-C2-2-R and AGL2017-86531-C2-2-R). FJMR is supported by a ‘Margarita Salas’ post-doctoral fellowship (UCOR02MS) from the University of Cordoba (Requalification of the Spanish university system) from the Ministry of Universities financed by the European Union (NexGenerationEU). FJMH is supported by a ‘Juan de la Cierva-Incorporacion’ fellowship (IJC2020- 045526-I), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union ‘NextGenerationEU’/PRTR. AR-F and SA are on the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, Project PlantaSYST (SGA-CSA No. 739582 under FPA No. 664620). The authors thank Dr. Gema Garc ıa from the Microscopy Unit of UCAIB-IMIBIC for technical help with the microscope. Funding for open access charge: University of Cordoba/CBUA.S

    Swine health: history, challenges and prospects

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    En los sistemas de producción porcina, uno de los puntos críticos que deben ser atendidos con estricto rigor, es la salud de los cerdos. La salud, es un componente estructural del bienestar animal y refleja un estado óptimo de los animales, lo que repercute directamente en un mayor desempeño productivo y mejores condiciones de desarrollo. Uno de los eslabones más frágiles de la salud de los cerdos, es la presencia de enfermedades infecciosas más importantes, las cuales pueden representar pérdidas hasta del 100 % de la producción, por lo cual, debe ser un tema de atención constante, y continuamente vigilado por el Médico Veterinario Zootecnista y los productores, en perfecta coordinación con las autoridades sanitarias oficiales. En la actualidad, la implementación de mejores prácticas en la cadena productiva es de interés para productores y consumidores. El control de las enfermedades infecciosas debe ser un tema de colaboración entre los diferentes actores del entorno y ser considerado un bien público, ya que las repercusiones negativas, pueden ser desde el nivel local hasta mundial. En la presente revisión, se abordará la temática relacionada con las principales enfermedades infecciosas que ponen en riesgo la salud porcina, el impacto, las principales aportaciones realizadas por el Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP) en sus 35 años de vida, específicamente en el Centro Nacional de Investigación Disciplinaria en Salud Animal e Inocuidad (CENID-SAI), anteriormente conocido como el emblemático CENID-Microbiología o Palo Alto.In swine production systems, one of the critical points that must be strictly attended to is the health of the pigs. Health is a structural component of animal welfare and reflects an optimal state of the animals, which has a direct impact on a higher productive performance and better development conditions. Infectious diseases are one of the greatest threats to the health of pigs and can cause losses of up to 100 % of production; therefore, it requires constant attention and continuous monitoring by the veterinarian and producers, in perfect coordination with the official health authorities. Currently, the implementation of best practices in the production chain is of interest to both producers and consumers. The control of infectious diseases requires collaboration between the various actors in the environment and must be considered a public good, since their negative repercussions can range from the local to the global level. This review will address the main infectious diseases that endanger swine health, their impact, the main contributions made by the National Institute for Research in Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock (INIFAP) in its 35 years of life, mainly at the National Center for Disciplinary Research in Animal Health and Safety (CENID-SAI), formerly known as the emblematic CENID-Microbiología or Palo Alto

    Multi-Omics Integration Highlights the Role of Ubiquitination in CCl4-Induced Liver Fibrosis

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    Liver fibrosis is the excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins that occurs in chronic liver disease. Ubiquitination is a post-translational modification that is crucial for a plethora of physiological processes. Even though the ubiquitin system has been implicated in several human diseases, the role of ubiquitination in liver fibrosis remains poorly understood. Here, multi-omics approaches were used to address this. Untargeted metabolomics showed that carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver fibrosis promotes changes in the hepatic metabolome, specifically in glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids. Gene ontology analysis of public deposited gene array-based data and validation in our mouse model showed that the biological process “protein polyubiquitination” is enriched after CCl4-induced liver fibrosis. Finally, by using transgenic mice expressing biotinylated ubiquitin (bioUb mice), the ubiquitinated proteome was isolated and characterized by mass spectrometry in order to unravel the hepatic ubiquitinated proteome fingerprint in CCl4-induced liver fibrosis. Under these conditions, ubiquitination appears to be involved in the regulation of cell death and survival, cell function, lipid metabolism, and DNA repair. Finally, ubiquitination of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is induced during CCl4-induced liver fibrosis and associated with the DNA damage response (DDR). Overall, hepatic ubiquitome profiling can highlight new therapeutic targets for the clinical management of liver fibrosis.This work was supported by grants from Gobierno Vasco-Departamento de Salud 2013111114 (to M.L.M.-C.), ELKARTEK 2016, Departamento de Industria del Gobierno Vasco (to M.L.M.-C.), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades MICINN: SAF2017-87301-R, SAF2017-88041-R, RTI2018-096759-A-100 and SAF2016-76898-P integrado en el Plan Estatal de Investigación Cientifica y Técnica y Innovación, cofinanciado con Fondos FEDER (to M.L.M.-C., J.M.M., T.C.D. and U.M. respectively); AECC Bizkaia (M.S.-M.); Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (T.C.D.), Fundación Científica de la Asociación Española Contra el Cancer (AECC Scientific Foundation) Rare Tumor Calls 2017 (to M.L.M., J.M.B., M.A.A., J.J.G.M.), La Caixa Foundation Program (to M.L.M.), 2018 BBVA Foundation Grants for Scientific Research Teams (to M.L.M.-C.). This research was also funded by the CIBERehd (EHD15PI05/2016) and “Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Instituto de Salud Carlos III”, Spain (PI16/00598 and PI19/00819, co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund, “Investing in your future”); Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (SAF2016-75197-R); “Junta de Castilla y Leon” (SA063P17); AECC Scientific Foundation (2017/2020), Spain; “Centro Internacional sobre el Envejecimiento” (OLD-HEPAMARKER, 0348_CIE_6_E), Spain; University of Salamanca Foundation, Spain (PC-TCUE18-20_051), and Fundació Marato TV3 (Ref. 201916-31), Spain (to J.J.G.M.). The UPV/EHU Lab and the Proteomics Platform are members of Proteored, PRB3 and is supported by grant PT17/0019, of the PE I + D + i 2013-2016, funded by ISCIII and ERDF. Ciberehd_ISCIII_MINECO is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. We thank MINECO for the Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditation to CIC bioGUNE (SEV-2016-0644)

    Current model systems for the study of preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy complex disease, distinguished by high blood pressure and proteinuria, diagnosed after the 20th gestation week. Depending on the values of blood pressure, urine protein concentrations, symptomatology, and onset of disease there is a wide range of phenotypes, from mild forms developing predominantly at the end of pregnancy to severe forms developing in the early stage of pregnancy. In the worst cases severe forms of PE could lead to systemic endothelial dysfunction, eclampsia, and maternal and/or fetal death. Worldwide the fetal morbidity and mortality related to PE is calculated to be around 8% of the total pregnancies. PE still being an enigma regarding its etiology and pathophysiology, in general a deficient trophoblast invasion during placentation at first stage of pregnancy, in combination with maternal conditions are accepted as a cause of endothelial dysfunction, inflammatory alterations and appearance of symptoms. Depending on the PE multifactorial origin, several in vitro, in vivo,andin silico models have been used to evaluate the PE pathophysiology as well as to identify or test biomarkers predicting, diagnosing or prognosing the syndrome. This review focuses on the most common models used for the study of PE, including those related to placental development, abnormal trophoblast invasion, uteroplacental ischemia, angiogenesis, oxygen deregulation, and immune response to maternal–fetal interactions. The advances in mathematical and computational modeling of metabolic network behavior, gene prioritization, the protein–protein interaction network, the genetics of PE, and the PE prediction/classification are discussed. Finally, the potential of these models to enable understanding of PE pathogenesis and to evaluate new preventative and therapeutic approaches in the management of PE are also highlighted

    Differences Between Intact and Ovariectomized Hemiparkinsonian Rats in Response to L-DOPA, Melatonin, and L-DOPA/Melatonin Coadministration on Motor Behavior and Cytological Alterations

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    Parkinson?s disease (PD) higher incidence has been observed in postmenopausal women compared to premenopausal women, suggesting estrogen neuroprotective effect. L-DOPA (LD) chronic treatment causes dyskinesia; evidences indicate that LD increases the preexisting oxidative stress condition. This study determines melatonin ability, alone or in combination with LD (LD/Mel) to protect dopaminergic loss induced by 6-OHDA in a rat PD model in ovariectomized (OVX) and intact (with ovaries (W/OV)) rats on motor behavior and cytological alterations, comparing with LD-only treated rats. LD/Mel-treated rats showed dyskinesia decrease (score 5–7.5) and had the best performance in the staircase test (five pellets) throughout all studies. The beam walking time was 20–35 s, showing good coordination (as control group (20–38 s)), dopaminergic cells increase of 22.8% (W/OV rats) and 27.2% (OVX rats) in the contralateral side as well as 100% conservation in the contralateral dendritic spines. Our results suggest that LD/Mel co-administration and estrogen presence result in an efficient treatment to reduce dyskinesia through the conservation of some dopaminergic cells, which imply a well-preserved neuropil of a less denervated striatum. We assume that these results are because of a synergistic effect between LD, melatonin and estrogens

    Association of breast and gut microbiota dysbiosis and the risk of breast cancer: a case-control clinical study

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    We would like to thank M Luisa Puertas-Martin and Isabel Manzano-Jimenez, nurses at the Unit of Mammary Pathology, General Surgery Service, San Cecilio University Hospital (Granada), without whose enthusiasm the enrolment of participants in Granada would still be stalled. We are indebted to all the women taking part in the study.The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03885648, 03/25/2019. Retrospectively registered.Background Breast cancer ranks first in women, and is the second cause of death in this gender. In addition to genetics, the environment contributes to the development of the disease, although the factors involved are not well known. Among the latter is the influence of microorganisms and, therefore, attention is recently being paid to the mammary microbiota. We hypothesize that the risk of breast cancer could be associated with the composition and functionality of the mammary/gut microbiota, and that exposure to environmental contaminants (endocrine disruptors, EDCs) might contribute to alter these microbiota. Methods We describe a case-control clinical study that will be performed in women between 25 and 70 years of age. Cases will be women diagnosed and surgically intervened of breast cancer (stages I and II). Women with antecedents of cancer or advanced tumor stage (metastasis), or who have received antibiotic treatment within a period of 3 months prior to recruitment, or any neoadjuvant therapy, will be excluded. Controls will be women surgically intervened of breast augmentation or reduction. Women with oncological, gynecological or endocrine history, and those who have received antibiotic treatment within a period of 3 months prior to recruitment will also be excluded. Blood, urine, breast tissue and stool samples will be collected. Data regarding anthropometric, sociodemographic, reproductive history, tumor features and dietary habits will be gathered. Metabolomic studies will be carried out in stool and breast tissue samples. Metagenomic studies will also be performed in stool and breast tissue samples to ascertain the viral, fungal, bacterial and archaea populations of the microbiota. Quantitation of estrogens, estrogen metabolites and EDCs in samples of serum, urine and breast tissue will also be performed. Discussion: This is the first time that the contribution of bacteria, archaea, viruses and fungi together with their alteration by environmental contaminants to the risk of breast cancer will be evaluated in the same study. Results obtained could contribute to elucidate risk factors, improve the prognosis, as well as to propose novel intervention studies in this disease.This work is funded by grants PI-0538-2017 (Junta de Andalucía, Spain, to LF) and Biomedical Research Networking Center-CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP) of the Institute of Health Carlos III -supported by European Regional Development Fund/FEDER (FIS-PI16/01812) (to MFF)

    Relación de compresión maxilar y rinitis alérgica en niños

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    Relacionar la compresión maxilar en niños con rinitis alérgica del Centro Regional de Alergias e Inmunología Clínica (C.R.A.I.C) del Hospital Universitario, U.A.N.L. Métodos: A pacientes con diagnóstico de Rinitis Alérgica (RA), se les tomaron modelos de estudio de la arcada superior dental, mediante el Índice de Pont se verificó la presencia de compresión maxilar, se relacionaron las variables con X2 y correlación de Pearson para obtener el grado de dependencia y asociación ABSTRACT Relate the maxilla compression in kids with allergic rhinitis in C.R.A.I.C Hospital Universitario U.A.N.L. Materials and Methods: Patients diagnosed with Allergic rhinitis (RA) underwent medical records, study models of superior dental arch, by Pont classification we verify the presence of maxillary compression, relate variables with X2 and Pearson to obtain a dependence degree and associate with p=0.05