2,618 research outputs found

    El sector caprino en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura

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    Assessment of Cold Ironing and LNG as Mitigation Tools of Short Sea Shipping Emissions in Port: A Spanish Case Study

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    [Abstract] By the end of 2025 European ports are required to provide (Directive 2014/94/EU) facilities to ensure the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) use and on-shore electricity supply for vessels (Cold Ironing—CI). Even though this involves considerable port investment, many uncertainties about CI and LNG performance exist because their application depends on vessel operators’ willingness. Additionally, lag times for CI connection/disconnection along with methane emissions from LNG undermine their feasibility for Short Sea Shipping (SSS). Since, among the SSS aims are the reduction in berthing times and its effectiveness for-inter-islands’ traffic where, land electricity grids are frequently dependent on the fuel burning generation by penalizing the CI performance. This paper introduces a calculation method to evaluate the pollution savings in monetary terms by CI and LNG use in SSS. The method is applied to three European routes by testing the environmental performance of two fleets: feeder and Ro-Pax vessels. The results show that feeders reach higher environmental improvements by using port mitigation than Ro-Pax vessels. Additionally, the need for ensuring the sustainability of on-shore grids before the CI implementation was evinced, especially in insularity frameworks, where the environmental benefits from LNG use proved to be more effectiveThis publication has been supported by the H2020 project FLOTANT, which is coordinated by the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN). The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 81528

    Maximum likelihood inference for a class of discrete-time Markov-switching time series models with multiple delays

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    Autoregressive Markov switching (ARMS) time series models are used to represent real-world signals whose dynamics may change over time. They have found application in many areas of the natural and social sciences, as well as in engineering. In general, inference in this kind of systems involves two problems: (a) detecting the number of distinct dynamical models that the signal may adopt and (b) estimating any unknown parameters in these models. In this paper, we introduce a class of ARMS time series models that includes many systems resulting from the discretisation of stochastic delay differential equations (DDEs). Remarkably, this class includes cases in which the discretisation time grid is not necessarily aligned with the delays of the DDE, resulting in discrete-time ARMS models with real (non-integer) delays. We describe methods for the maximum likelihood detection of the number of dynamical modes and the estimation of unknown parameters (including the possibly non-integer delays) and illustrate their application with an ARMS model of El Ni\~no--southern oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon

    Turismo Gastronómico Y Turismo De Masas: La Satisfacción De Los Turistas Con La Alimentación Que Reciben En Benidorm

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    Los cambios en las preferencias de los turistas hacen que la gastronomía forme parte de las nuevas modalidades de hacer turismo. No obstante, la atracción por degustar la comida típica u original de los destinos requieren de un turista interesado por conocer y desarrollar su paladar, así como, de un destino interesado en desarrollar un turismo gastronómico. Por ello, en esta investigación se presenta un análisis de la satisfacción de los turistas con la alimentación en Benidorm, España. El estudio se sustenta en el análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo derivado de las encuestas y entrevistas a los turistas que se encontraban en el sitio. En general, se encontró un nivel de satisfacción aceptable por parte del turista sobre la alimentación en Benidorm, sólo resalta la importancia de incorporar menús acordes a las necesidades de los turistas con alguna dificultad médica

    Impact on the Hipparcos2-UCAC4 geometric relation from some physical properties of the stars

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    [EN] The aim of this paper is the study of the impact that the consideration of different physical properties as magnitude and spectral type of stars has on the geometric relations between Hipparcos2 and UCAC4. In this sense, the pairs of residuals ¿¿ ¿ and ¿¿ can be considered as functions of (¿, ¿, r) and for each fixed r, we can fit a vector field on the sphere from which to obtain its components in the VSH basis. The same can be done by grouping the stars considering their magnitudes, spectral types (or mixing them) and then studying the variations in the mentioned geometry. We must not forget that ¿¿ ¿ and ¿¿ are numerical random variables whose regression on the magnitude m, for example, can be estimated. The results will be computed taking into account r as well as the physical mentionThis work was supported by a grant UJI-B2016-18Marco, FJ.; Martínez Uso, MJ.; López, JA. (2018). Impact on the Hipparcos2-UCAC4 geometric relation from some physical properties of the stars. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 12(S330):237-238. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1743921317006457S23723812S330Marco F. J. , Martínez M. J. & López J. A. 2017, Astrometry and Astrophysics in the Gaia Sky, In Press

    A 3D-Study of the residual vector field

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    [EN] One of the important challenges that Gaia imposes on the Astrometric Catalogs, is a careful study in everything affected by parallax. A particularly important case is the necessary linkage Gaia - HCRF - ICRF2, which require methods of analysis that are accurate enough so that the provided results are at the same precision level as the work data.This work was supported by a grant UJI-B2016-18Marco, FJ.; Martínez Uso, MJ.; López, JA. (2018). A 3D-Study of the residual vector field. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 12(S330):235-236. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1743921317006536S23523612S33

    Un cambio de materiais... ¿un cambio máis profundo?

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    Artigo no que se describe a experiencia do uso de materiais de refugallo nas clases de educación física.Artículo en el que se describe la experiencia del uso de materiales de reciclaje en las clases de educación física

    Complete Genome Sequence of Sinorhizobium meliloti Strain AK21, a Salt-Tolerant Isolate from the Aral Sea Region

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    [EN] We report here the complete genome sequence of the salt-tolerant Sinorhizobium meliloti strain AK21, isolated from nodules of Medicago sativa L. subsp. ambigua inhabiting the northern Aral Sea Region. This genome (7.36 Mb) consists of a chromosome and four accessory plasmids, two of which are the symbiotic megaplasmids pSymA and pSymBSIThis work was funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)-cofinanced grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (grant CSD2009-00006 to N.T. and grants AGL2009-07925 and BFU2017-82645-P to J.I.J.-Z.

    Analysis and Optimization of Multi-Winding Toroidal Inductors for Use in Multilayered Technologies

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    The aim of this paper is to compare the performance of planar toroidal inductors and circular spiral inductors in multilayered technologies, in terms of achievable inductance density. New multi-winding toroidal inductor geometry is proposed to cover as much of the integration area as possible with the component footprint. The optimization of planar multi-winding toroidal inductors in multilayered substrates is investigated theoretically, and closed formulae are derived for their inductances as a function of geometrical parameters for any given value of the number of windings in the coil. The model obtained is validated experimentally and through electromagnetic simulation. Comparing the inductance of multi-winding toroidal inductors and compact spiral inductors allows us to update previously reported selection rules for the most suitable topology that leads to the most compact design

    Luz blanca en la normativa española como mejora de la sostenibilidad

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    En la actualidad, en nuestro país debido al índice de reproducción cromática en las lámparas del alumbrado exterior, el color que suelen presentar es un color amarillento, lo cual puede tener graves consecuencias en la seguridad de los ciudadanos al distorsionar algunos aspectos de la realidad. Es por este motivo que pretendemos resaltar las bondades que presenta la luz blanca, como la mejora de la eficiencia energética o en el comportamiento de los usuarios a la hora de aprovechar los espacios públicos en horarios nocturnos. Para asegurarnos que la introducción de la Luz Blanca en la normativa no presenta inconvenientes, esta investigación se presenta dividida en tres campos diferentes: Crimen, Seguridad Vial y Eficiencia Energética, con el propósito de evaluar el mayor número de factores que afectan al alumbrado exterior