14 research outputs found

    L’externalització dels serveis esportius municipals. Estudi de cas a Bizkaia

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    En l’estudi que hem efectuat a Bizkaia, les entitats esportives municipals han incorporat l’externalització de serveis com una tècnica fonamental en la seva administració i gestió. En aquest cas, la subcontractació s’utilitza no només per a processos auxiliars a la producció i prestació del servei, sinó també i el que és més rellevant, en els processos clau de l’organització que són l’eix vertebral a partir del qual es conforma la missió o raó de ser de les entitats esportives municipals. La justificació de l’ús de l’externalització d’aquests serveis se centra bàsicament a buscar tècnics especialistes que assegurin més bona qualitat al servei ofert, a reduir costos i adequar-se a una demanda cada vegada més diversificada i exigent. En aquest sentit i sobretot per dur a terme la gestió de les escoles esportives municipals, són els clubs i les associacions esportives existents al municipi les entitats que adquireixen un protagonisme especial. L’ús d’aquesta tècnica d’externalització de serveis requereix ser inclosa dins de la pròpia estratègia de l’entitat, i cal formalitzar-ne el procés d’avaluació i control per poder conèixer l’impacte i l’efecte que, el també anomenat outsourcing, pugui tenir en els processos clau de les entitats esportives municipals

    Análisis de la satisfacción laboral percibida por los trabajadores pertenecientes al sector deportivo: una revisión sistemática

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    The aim of this research was to carry out a systematic review of the existing scientific information on job satisfaction as perceived by workers or professionals in sports organisations. This systematic review followed the considerations established by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The present systematic review included published research papers whose subject matter was related to the job satisfaction of the worker or professional in the field of sport and especially in municipal sports services. After an initial papers analysis of 168 articles, we excluded those that did not meet the inclusion criteria (n = 147); thereby, we obtained the final selection of 18 articles. The results of this study seem to indicate that the job satisfaction of workers or professionals in sports organisations is fairly moderate and that there may also be differences depending on gender, type of work and the sector (public or private) to which they belong. Furthermore, the results analysed in this systematic review show that there is no uniformity in the evaluation systems for measuring workers' job satisfaction.El objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar una revisión sistemática sobre de la información científica existente referente a la satisfacción laboral percibida por el trabajador o profesional de entidades deportivas. La presente revisión sistemática siguió las consideraciones establecidas por Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). En la presente revisión sistemática se incluyeron los estudios publicados cuya temática estuviera relacionada con la satisfacción laboral del trabajador o profesional en el ámbito deportivo y especialmente en los servicios deportivos municipales. Tras un primer análisis de trabajos donde se identificaron 168 artículos, se excluyeron aquellos que no cumplieran los criterios de inclusión (n = 147) y así, se obtuvo la selección definitiva de 18 artículos. Los resultados de este estudio parecen indicar que la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores o profesionales de entidades deportivas en su mayoría es moderada, y que además pueden existir diferencias en función del sexo, del tipo de trabajo y del sector (público o privado) al que pertenezcan. Por otro lado, de los resultados analizados en la presente revisión sistemática se desprende que no existe uniformidad en los sistemas de evaluación para medir la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores.&nbsp

    Match Physical and Physiological Response of Amateur Soccer Referees: A Comparison between Halves and Match Periods

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    The aim of this paper was to examine the differences in the external and internal load in amateur match officials between the 1st and 2nd half and among different 15 min periods. Twenty-three field referees (FRs) and 46 assistant referees (ARs) from the Spanish División de Honor participated in this study. Match external and internal loads were monitored showing that FRs recorded a lower Powermean, Speedmean, Cadencemean and Stiffnessmean (p < 0.05; d = 0.52 to 0.57) during the 2nd half and they also recorded a lower HRmean, and HRpeak, and spent less time in zone 5 (p < 0.05; d = 0.50 to 0.62). The FRs’ match load decreased during the match but they performed higher Powermean and covered more distance in the last 15 min of the match (p < 0.01; d = 0.87 to 4.28). The ARs external load did not show significant variations between halves, but ARs recorded a lower HRmean and spent less time in zone 5 (p < 0.01; d = 0.41 to 0.63), and the highest values of Powermean, Speedmean, Cadencemean and Vertical oscillationmean during the first 15 min of the match (p < 0.05; d = 0.45 to 0.75). The highest values of HRmean and distance covered were in the 0–15 min period. Results suggest that match load decreases as the match progresses because of the neuromuscular fatigue but increases in the last 15 min

    Analysis of Physical Demands in Four Tug of War World Indoor Championships (2010-2016)

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    Background: Tug-of-war (TOW) is one of the oldest sports in current existence and is an internationally played activity that includes professional and amateur sport athletes, played according to the rules laid out by the Tug of War International Federation (TWIF). In this type of competition, the two teams of eight members each pull against one another on a rope. The team that pulls the opposing team towards a centerline for a distance of 4 m in two pulls out of three is considered the winning team in an international competition. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no previous scientific articles have described data during a follow-up period of Championships in TOW. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to analyze the duration of the matches, differentiating between the first (T1) and second pull (T2) of each match. Methods: The pulls were compared in the qualification point phase and the final phase, as well as in each weight category. In addition, any differences between the statistics for each of the four World Championships studied were analyzed. Finally, the total volume of pulls in each weight category was studied, both in the open club competition and in the national team competition. Data were collected from four World Indoor Championships (2010–2016). A total of 1862 matches were registered (3724 pulls), differentiating the first (T1) and second (T2) pull. The data were expressed as means (M) ± standard deviations (SD). Results: (1) The second pull is shorter than the first: T1 T1 phase1, p T2 phase1, (p < 0.05), (ES = 0.486; small effect); (3) there are statistical differences (p < 0.005) in T1 and T2 at all weights, except for T1 at 500 kg and T2 at 640 kg; (4) the comparison among World Championships does not present significant changes in the duration of the pulls; (5) however, in females, significant differences (p < 0.05) between the 2010 World Championships and the remainder in T1 are observed; (6) the volumes that we should take into account when designing the preparation should be those obtained when 11 teams compete against each other, considering the maximum volume that we could find in the competition. Conclusion: This first aspect of the reality of TOW indoor competitions, specifically the duration of the matches, leads to a better understanding of the demands of the sport and the type of effort required. These ideas may help coaches in the design of training plans, maximizing their specificity and their effectiveness.Funds have been obtained from the project number 257/24

    Analysis of Tug of War Competition: A Narrative Complete Review

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    Tug-of-war (TOW) is an internationally played activity including professional and amateur athletes, defined as early as 4000 years ago (as a rope-less version) in the artwork on Egyptian tomb engravings, and is played as per the rules laid out by TWIF, which has 73 member countries and administrative headquarters in the USA. Typically, two teams of “pullers” participate and apply enormous contra directional forces on the pulling rope. Originally, two types of competition are used: knockout and points. This narrative review describes the scientific state of the art of TOW. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no previous information has been published on this topic. Anthropometric parameters for competitors are near 83.6, lean body mass 69.4, and body fat 16. The VO2MAX is 55.8 mL/kg/min. In terms of relative strength, the dynamic leg power is 4659.8 N. Endurance TOW elicits minimal muscle damage. Injured strains and sprains comprised over half of all injuries: back (42%), shoulder–upper limb (23%) and knee (17%). Pulling movement in TOW contests can be divided into three phases, namely the “drop”, “hold” and “drive” phases. The maximal pulling force was 1041.6 ± 123.9 N. The percentage of dynamic pulling force in the static maximal pulling force was 75.5 ± 14.4% and the dynamic ranged from 106.4 to 182.5%. There are two gripping styles: indoor and outdoor. The friction characteristics between surface and shoe in TOW is important in determining a suitable shoe for indoor TOW. A waist belt might be a useful piece of equipment for TOW sport. The EMG technique in TOW entails a high degree of dorsal muscle activity during the pulling. The factor of force vanishing was the coordination among athletes. The force vanishing percentage goes from 8.82 ± 5.59 for two contenders to 19.74 ± 2.22 for eight athletes, 6.4% in the sum of two pullers. However, in the drop phase, for female elite TOW team, only the 0.5% of the pulling force was wasted. Future studies are need in order to understand better this historical sport activity.This research received external funding VAGI20IRR

    Analysis of the Barriers and Motives for Practicing Physical Activity and Sport for People with a Disability: Differences According to Gender and Type of Disability

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    The aim of the study was to analyse the perception of the barriers and motives for the practice of physical activity (PA) in people with a disability, according to gender and type of disability. The participants in this investigation were 103 people with a disability (33.25 ± 11.86 years) who were habitual users of PA or sports programmes. They completed the questionnaire Motives and Barriers for Physical Activity and Sport (MBAFD). The results showed that personal barriers were more important than environmental ones and that the most outstanding motives were those related to leisure, enjoyment or social aspects. Regarding gender, women perceived more barriers than men. For the people with physical (PD) and intellectual (ID) disabilities, the most common barriers were of an intrinsic nature, and for those with a visual disability (VD), barriers of an environmental nature. With respect to the motives, people with PD gave higher scores to the items related to aspects of physical improvement and rehabilitation. In contrast, people with ID and VD placed more importance on reasons of leisure, enjoyment and social relations. Knowledge of these findings can be a tool to help increase the provision of PA for people with a disability.This research has been funded through the University-Company-Society 2020 Project convened by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) entitled “¡MUÉVETE, TU TAMBIÉN PUEDES! ANÁLISIS DE LA INCLUSIÓN DE PERSONAS CON DIVERSIDAD FUNCIONAL EN CONTEXTOS DE ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA (code US20/14)” and requested in collaboration with the Fundación GaituzSport Fundazioa

    Female Institutional Directors on Boards and Firm Value

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    The aim of this research is to examine what impact female institutional directors on boards have on corporate performance. Previous research shows that institutional female directors cannot be considered as a homogeneous group since they represent investors who may or may not maintain business relations with the companies on whose corporate boards they sit. Thus, it is not only the effect of female institutional directors as a whole on firm value that has been analysed, but also the impact of pressure-resistant female directors, who represent institutional investors (investment, pension and mutual funds) that only invest in the company, and do not maintain a business relation with the firm. We hypothesize that there is a non-linear association, specifically quadratic, between institutional and pressure-resistant female directors on boards and corporate performance. Our results report that female institutional directors on boards enhance corporate performance, but when they reach a certain threshold on boards (11.72 %), firm value decreases. In line with female institutional directors, pressure-resistant female directors on boards also increase firm value, but only up to a certain figure (12.71 % on boards), above which they have a negative impact on firm performance. These findings are consistent with an inverted U-shaped relationship between female institutional directors and pressure-resistant female directors and firm performance

    La externalización de los servicios deportivos municipales. Estudio de caso en Bizkaia

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    En el estudio que hemos efectuado en Bizkaia, las entidades deportivas municipales han incorporado la externalización de servicios  como una  técnica  fundamental en su administración y gestión. En este caso la subcontratación se utiliza no sólo para procesos auxiliares en la producción y prestación del servicio, sino también y lo que es más relevante, en aquellos  procesos clave de la organización que son el eje vertebral a partir del cual se conforma la misión o razón de ser de las entidades deportivas municipales. La justificación del empleo de la externalización de estos servicios se centra básicamente en buscar técnicos especialistas que aseguren mayor calidad al servicio ofertado, en reducir costes y adecuarse a una demanda cada vez más diversificada y exigente. En este sentido y sobre todo para llevar a cabo la gestión de las escuelas deportivas municipales son los clubes y asociaciones deportivas existentes en el municipio las entidades que adquieren un protagonismo especial. El empleo de esta técnica de externalización de servicios requiere ser incluida dentro de la propia estrategia  de la entidad, formalizando el proceso de evaluación y control de la misma para poder conocer el impacto y efecto que el también llamado outsourcing pueda tener en los procesos clave de las entidades deportivas municipales

    La externalización de los servicios deportivos municipales. Estudio de caso en Bizkaia

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    En el estudio que hemos efectuado en Bizkaia, las entidades deportivas municipales han incorporado la externalización de servicios como una técnica fundamental en su administración y gestión. En este caso la subcontratación se utiliza no sólo para procesos auxiliares en la producción y prestación del servicio, sino también y lo que es más relevante, en aquellos procesos clave de la organización que son el eje vertebral a partir del cual se conforma la misión o razón de ser de las entidades deportivas municipales. La justificación del empleo de la externalización de estos servicios se centra básicamente en buscar técnicos especialistas que aseguren mayor calidad al servicio ofertado, en reducir costes y adecuarse a una demanda cada vez más diversificada y exigente. En este sentido y sobre todo para llevar a cabo la gestión de las escuelas deportivas municipales son los clubes y asociaciones deportivas existentes en el municipio las entidades que adquieren un protagonismo especial. El empleo de esta técnica de externalización de servicios requiere ser incluida dentro de la propia estrategia de la entidad, formalizando el proceso de evaluación y control de la misma para poder conocer el impacto y efecto que el también llamado outsourcing pueda tener en los procesos clave de las entidades deportivas municipales