260 research outputs found

    Quantitative GC–TCD Measurements of Major Flatus Components: A Preliminary Analysis of the Diet Effect

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    The impact of diet and digestive disorders in flatus composition remains largely unexplored. This is partially due to the lack of standardized sampling collection methods, and the easy atmospheric contamination. This paper describes a method to quantitatively determine the major gases in flatus and their application in a nutritional intervention. We describe how to direct sample flatus into Tedlar bags, and simultaneous analysis by gas chromatography–thermal conductivity detection (GC–TCD). Results are analyzed by univariate hypothesis testing and by multilevel principal component analysis. The reported methodology allows simultaneous determination of the five major gases with root mean measurement errors of 0.8% for oxygen (O2), 0.9% for nitrogen (N2), 0.14% for carbon dioxide (CO2), 0.11% for methane (CH4), and 0.26% for hydrogen (H2). The atmospheric contamination was limited to 0.86 (95% CI: [0.7–1.0])% for oxygen and 3.4 (95% CI: [1.4–5.3])% for nitrogen. As an illustration, the method has been successfully applied to measure the response to a nutritional intervention in a reduced crossover study in healthy subjects. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    QTL detection for Aeromonas salmonicida resistance related traits in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Interactions between fish and pathogens, that may be harmless under natural conditions, often result in serious diseases in aquaculture systems. This is especially important due to the fact that the strains used in aquaculture are derived from wild strains that may not have had enough time to adapt to new disease pressures. The turbot is one of the most promising European aquaculture species. Furunculosis, caused by the bacterium <it>Aeromonas salmonicida</it>, produces important losses to turbot industry. An appealing solution is to achieve more robust broodstock, which can prevent or diminish the devastating effects of epizooties. Genomics strategies have been developed in turbot to look for candidate genes for resistance to furunculosis and a genetic map with appropriate density to screen for genomic associations has been also constructed. In the present study, a genome scan for QTL affecting resistance and survival to <it>A. salmonicida </it>in four turbot families was carried out. The objectives were to identify consistent QTL using different statistical approaches (linear regression and maximum likelihood) and to locate the tightest associated markers for their application in genetic breeding strategies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Significant QTL for resistance were identified by the linear regression method in three linkage groups (LGs 4, 6 and 9) and for survival in two LGs (6 and 9). The maximum likelihood methodology identified QTL in three LGs (5, 6 and 9) for both traits. Significant association between disease traits and genotypes was detected for several markers, some of them explaining up to 17% of the phenotypic variance. We also identified candidate genes located in the detected QTL using data from previously mapped markers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Several regions controlling resistance to <it>A. salmonicida </it>in turbot have been detected. The observed concordance between different statistical methods at particular linkage groups gives consistency to our results. The detected associated markers could be useful for genetic breeding strategies. A finer mapping will be necessary at the detected QTL intervals to narrow associations and around the closely associated markers to look for candidate genes through comparative genomics or positional cloning strategies. The identification of associated variants at specific genes will be essential, together with the QTL associations detected in this study, for future marker assisted selection programs.</p

    Evaluation of various biomarkers for kidney monitoring during canine leishmaniosis treatment

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    Background: The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the evolution of the profile currently recommended by the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) (sCr, UPC and sSDMA) with a panel of other different kidney biomarkers during treatment for canine leishmaniosis. This panel included three urinary glomerular biomarkers (uIgG, uCRP and uferritin) and three urinary tubular biomarkers (uGGT, uNAG and uRBP). These biomarkers were measured in two groups of dogs with canine leishmaniosis at IRIS stage I. Group 1: dogs showing proteinuria (UPC > 0.5) before treatment which did not decrease after treatment; Group 2: dogs showing proteinuria before treatment which decreased after treatment. Results: Group 1 showed no significant changes in any biomarker after treatment. In group 2, among the biomarkers recommended by the IRIS, only UPC showed a significant decrease after treatment. However all biomarkers of glomerular damage showed a significant decrease after treatment, with uIgG/Cr and uCRP/Cr showing the greater decreases. In addition uRBP/Cr and uNAG/Cr showed significant decreases after treatment. Conclusions: In dogs with leishmaniosis at IRIS stage I that reduced UPC after treatment, there were no significant changes in serum creatinine and sSDMA. However, all the urine biomarkers evaluated with exception of uGGT showed a significant decrease. These decreases were more evident in those markers related with glomerular function, being uIgG/Cr the biomarker more associated with UPC. Further studies involving a larger number of animals and histological analysis of the kidney would be recommended to confirm these findings and evaluate the routine practical use of these urine biomarkers in canine leishmaniosis

    An Overview of Rice Cultivation in Spain and the Management of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

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    Spain is the second highest rice-producing country in the European Union, with approximately 105,000 ha used to grow this crop. The major rice-producing regions in Spain are Andalusia, Extremadura, Catalonia, and Valencia, followed by Aragon and Navarre. The main soil texture throughout Spanish rice areas is silty clay loam, with alkaline soils (pH > 7.5)—except in the Extremadura area (pH = 5.5–6)—and a low organic matter content. Water quality in terms of salinity is acceptable, although in some coastal rice areas salinity issues occasionally appear to be a determining factor for high yield achievement. According to a survey carried out on farmers and technicians, the most problematic weeds found in rice crops today in Spain are Echinochloa spp., Leptochloa spp., and Cyperus difformis. Most of the currently authorized herbicides can be classified according to two modes of action: ALS-inhibiting and ACCase-inhibiting. Repeated field applications of herbicides with the same mode of action have resulted in the selection of herbicide-resistant weeds. At present, resistance has been confirmed in different regions of Spain to ALS inhibitors in Echinochloa spp., Leptochloa spp., and Cyperus difformis, and to ACCase inhibitors in Echinochloa spp. and Leptochloa spp. The mechanism of resistance in these species is a mutation in the target site of these herbicides. Several mutations have been found in the ALS gene, both in Echinochloa spp. and Cyperus difformis, distributed in the different rice-growing regions considered in this work. ACCase gene mutations have been mainly found in Leptochloa spp. individuals from Extremadura and Valencia. These different mutations have resulted in different patterns of cross-resistance to ALS- and ACCase-inhibiting herbicides. It is likely that the repeated use of these two modes of action in rice will result in the evolution of more resistant weed populations. The possible availability of new herbicides with alternative modes of action in a short space of time seems very limited, suggesting the need for a more appropriate use of the available alternative strategies (crop rotation, dry sowing, manual weeding, etc.). This work presents a review of the main characteristics of rice cultivation in Spain, emphasizing the current problems in this crop and the management of herbicide-resistant weeds.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Changes in a Comprehensive Profile of Saliva Analytes in Fattening Pigs during a Complete Productive Cycle : A Longitudinal Study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate whether a panel of 29 salivary biomarkers of stress, immunity, inflammation, redox homeostasis and other physiological functions can change in healthy fattening pigs when monitoring the different phases of their productive cycle and can be influenced by various sources of variations such as gender and performance parameters. Several analytes showed changes due to the productive cycle, with a majority of the analytes showing higher values at lactation and at the beginning of nursery. Additionally, differences were seen due to sex. These differences can be related in some cases with performance parameters and should be taken into consideration for an appropriate interpretation of the analytes. A comprehensive panel of 29 salivary analytes was measured in fattening pigs to evaluate its possible changes along their productive cycle. The identification of those changes would allow a better interpretation of the results according to the productive phase of the animal. Saliva samples were obtained from 49 Large-White pigs (24 females, 25 males) in suckling phase, at the beginning and the end of the nursery phase, and at the beginning and the end of the growing phase. Several analytes changed according to the phase of the productive cycle, with most of the analytes showing higher values at lactation and at the beginning of nursery. Additionally, differences were seen due to sex. When possible relations between performance parameters and analytes were evaluated, significant positive but weak relationships were found between weight at birth and salivary γ-glutamyl transferase, and between back-fat thickness and salivary lactate dehydrogenase. In conclusion, differences in the values of salivary analytes can be found in fattening pigs depending on the productive phase and sex of the animals

    Evaluando y aprendiendo: Feedback en los procesos de evaluación

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    [SPA] El objetivo del estudio fue analizar el repaso grupal del examen como herramienta de autoevaluación-aprendizaje. El estudio fue realizado en Nutrición Animal-Grado en Veterinaria. Tras un examen, se procedió a explicar las respuestas, con o sin apoyo de recursos multimedia. Antes y después de la corrección del examen, los estudiantes estimaron su calificación para evaluar las correlaciones con la nota real. Se realizó un cuestionario de 5 preguntas, valoradas de 1-5. Los aspectos más destacados fueron: herramienta de autoevaluación (4.58), instrumento de aclaración (4.48) y metodología de aprendizaje (4.29). La percepción en los estudiantes que recibieron explicaciones con soporte multimedia no fue diferente del control (p=0.150). Las correlaciones entre la calificación final y las estimaciones de la nota a priori y posteriori del repaso del examen fueron 0.37 y 0.77, respectivamente. El procedimiento de revisar un examen es valorado como técnica de autoevaluación-aprendizaje, y mejora la correspondencia entre las valoraciones. [ENG] The aim of the study was to analyze the review of an exam as a tool for self-assessment/learning. The study was conducted in the subject Animal Nutrition-Veterinary Degree. After an exam, the professor explained the answers, with or without the support of multimedia resources. Before and after the correction of the exam, students estimated theirs grades to assess the correlation with the final score. A 5-question survey was performed, using a 5-point scale. The most valued aspects were: self-assessment tool (4.58), mean for clarification (4.48), and learning methodology (4.29). There were not statistical differences between the students that received explanations supported by multimedia resources and the control (p=0.150). The correlations between the final grade and the a priori and a posteriori estimates were 0.37 and 0.77, respectively. The process of reviewing immediately an exam is understood as a self-evaluation/learning technique, improving the correspondence between the scores of students and professors

    Análisis de la utilidad de las herramientas docentes del Campus Virtual SUMA de la Universidad de Murcia percibida por los alumnos de Veterinaria. Póster

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    [SPA]En el marco de la Educación Superior, los Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje (EVA) son ampliamente utilizados como una de las herramientas de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) usadas como soporte para la enseñanza virtual, mixta (blended) y presencial. La Universidad de Murcia ha desarrollado su propio entorno (EVA) denominado SUMA (Servicios de la Universidad de Murcia Abierta). El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la utilidad de las herramientas docentes implementadas por SUMA desde el punto de vista del estudiante de Veterinaria (Universidad de Murcia). Este estudio fue realizado durante el curso académico 2009/2010, llevándose a cabo una encuesta entre los estudiantes de la carrera de Veterinaria. Una muestra aleatoria de 177 encuestas fue obtenida para este estudio. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando el paquete estadístico SPSS. Las herramientas docentes “Llamamiento a exámenes”, “Contenidos” y “Tablón de anuncios de la asignatura” obtuvieron un valor de utilidad igual o mayor a 5, en una escala de Likert (de 1 a 6), en más de un 75% de los casos evaluados. Por otra parte, las herramientas que recibieron menor puntuación fueron el “Chat” y los “Foros”. [ENG]In the framework of Higher Education, the Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) are widely used as an Information and Communication Tool (ICTs) for supporting the virtual, blended and face-to-face teachinglearning process. The University of Murcia has developed its own VLE, named Services of the Open University of Murcia (SUMA). The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of the teaching tools provided by SUMA, from the veterinary students’ point of view (University of Murcia). To carry out this research, during the academic year 2009/2010, a survey was conducted among the students of the Veterinary Degree. A random sampling was conducted, obtaining a sample of 177 surveys. Data analysis was performed using several statistical tests using the SPSS software package. The teaching tools “Exams Notice Board”, “Content Delivery System” and “Subject Notice Board” got a value equal or higher than 5, in a Likert Scale of utility (1 to 6) in more than the 75% of the cases. On the other hand, the tools with lower score were “Chats” and “Forums”.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    A role for Oncostatin M in the impairment of glucose homeostasis in obesity

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    CONTEXT: Oncostatin M (OSM) plays a key role in inflammation, but its regulation and function during obesity is not fully understood. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship of OSM with the inflammatory state that leads to impaired glucose homeostasis in obesity. We also assessed whether OSM immunoneutralization could revert metabolic disturbances caused by a high-fat diet (HFD) in mice. DESIGN: 28 patients with severe obesity were included and stratified into two groups: (1) glucose levels 100 mg/dL. White adipose tissue was obtained to examine OSM gene expression. Human adipocytes were used to evaluate the effect of OSM in the inflammatory response, and HFD-fed C57BL/6J mice were injected with anti-OSM antibody to evaluate its effects. RESULTS: OSM expression was elevated in subcutaneous and visceral fat from patients with obesity and hyperglycemia, and correlated with Glut4 mRNA levels, serum insulin, homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance, and inflammatory markers. OSM inhibited adipogenesis and induced inflammation in human adipocytes. Finally, OSM receptor knockout mice had increased Glut4 mRNA levels in adipose tissue, and OSM immunoneutralization resulted in a reduction of glucose levels and Ccl2 expression in adipose tissue from HFD-fed mice. CONCLUSIONS: OSM contributes to the inflammatory state during obesity and may be involved in the development of insulin resistance

    Multicenter Real-World Data of Subsequent Chemotherapy after Progression to PARP Inhibitors in a Maintenance Relapse Setting

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    Simple Summary Since the irruption of PARPi in the therapeutic armamentarium for ovarian cancer, concerns regarding post-progression treatment outcomes have emerged, owing to known crossed-resistance mechanisms between PARPi and platinum. In this multicentric retrospective series of ovarian cancer patients, we evaluated chemotherapy results upon progression to maintenance with PARPi in the relapsed setting. We further selected the population of platinum-sensitive patients (according to the classical definition) retreated with platinum (n = 74). In this platinum-sensitive population, overall response rate and survival outcomes of platinum rechallenge after PARPi were similar to historical series of the prePARPi era. However, within this group, analysis according to BRCA status showed that BRCA mutant patients (n = 35) presented higher rates of progression and worse survival outcomes under subsequent platinum than BRCA wild type patients (n = 39), with statistically significant differences. This is the largest real-world data series of ovarian cancer patients treated with platinum rechallenge in the post-PARPi scenario. Background: Despite impressive progression-free survival (PFS) results from PARP inhibitors (PARPi) in ovarian cancer, concerns about their effect on post-progression treatment outcomes have recently arisen, particularly when administered in the relapsed setting. Overlapping mechanisms of resistance between PARPi and platinum have been described, and optimal therapies upon progression to PARPi are unknown. We communicate real-world data (RWD) on outcomes of subsequent chemotherapy upon progression to PARPi used as maintenance in ovarian cancer relapses, particularly focusing on platinum rechallenge, according to BRCA status. Methods: Data from high-grade serous or endometrioid ovarian cancer patients who received subsequent chemotherapy after progression to maintenance PARPi in the relapsed setting, in 16 Catalan hospitals between August 2016 and April 2021, and who were followed-up until July 2021, were included. Endpoints were overall response rate (ORR), and PFS and overall survival (OS) measured from the subsequent chemotherapy starting date. Results: 111 patients were included [46 (41.4%) presented pathological BRCA1/2 mutations, 8 (7.5%) in other homologous recombination-related genes]. Sixty-four patients (57.7%) had received two prior chemotherapy lines, including the one immediately prior to PARPi. PARPi were niraparib (n = 60, 54.1%), olaparib (n = 49, 44.1%), and rucaparib (n = 2, 1.8%). A total of 81 patients remained platinum-sensitive (PS population) after progression to PARPi (when progression-free interval [PFI] was >6 months after the last cycle of prior platinum) [median PFI 12.0 months (interquartile range, IQR, 8.8-17.1)]. Of those, 74 were treated with subsequent platinum regimens, with the following results: ORR of 41.9%, median PFS (mPFS) of 6.6 months (95% CI 6-9.2), and median OS (mOS) of 20.6 months (95% CI 13.6-28.9). Analysis of these 74 patients according to BRCA status showed that PFIs for BRCA mutant and non BRCA-mutant patients were 13.6 [IQR11.2-22.2] and 10.3 [IQR 7.4-14.9] months, respectively (p = 0.010); ORR were 40.0% versus 43.6%, respectively; Rates of progression (as best response) to subsequent platinum were 45.7% versus 17.9%, respectively (p = 0.004); mPFS and mOS were 3.5 (95% CI 2.5-8.6) versus 7.5 months (95% CI 6.5-10.1, p = 0.03), and 16.4 (95% CI 9.3-27.5) versus 24.2 months (95% CI 17.2-NR, p = 0.036), respectively. Conclusion: This is the largest series of real-world data on ovarian cancer patients retreated with platinum in the post-PARPi scenario, separately analyzing BRCA mutant and non-mutant patients, to our knowledge. In our platinum-sensitive population, rechallenge with platinum after progression upon PARPi in the 3rd or later lines for ovarian cancer relapses shows relevant ORR and similar PFS outcomes to historical series of the prePARPi era. However, BRCA mutant patients presented significantly higher rates of progression under subsequent platinum and worse survival outcomes associated with subsequent platinum than non-BRCA-mutant patients

    The incidence of clinical fractures in adults aged 50 years and older in Spain

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to quantify the incidence of all clinical fractures, including traumatic and fragility fractures, in patients aged 50 years and older, and to describe their distribution by fracture location, sex and age. Methods. The incidence of clinical fractures at 10 hospitals in Catalonia, with a reference population of 3 155 000 inhabitants, was studied. For 1 week, from 30 May to 5 June 2016, we reviewed the discharge reports of the Traumatology section of the Emergency Department to identify all fractures diagnosed in patients ≥50 years of age. As a validation technique, data collection was carried out for 1 year at one of the centres, from 1 December 2015 to 30 November 2016. The fracture incidence, including the 95% CI, was estimated for the entire sample and grouped by fracture type, location, sex and age. Results. A total of 283 fractures were identified. Seventy per cent were in women, with a mean age of 72 years. The overall fracture incidence was 11.28 per 1000 person-years (95% CI: 11.10, 11.46), with an incidence of traumatic and fragility fractures of 4.15 (95% CI: 4.04, 4.26) and 7.13 per 1000 person-years (95% CI: 6.99, 7.28), respectively. The incidence of fractures observed in the validation sample coincided with that estimated for the whole of Catalonia. The most common fragility fractures were of the hip, forearm, humerus and vertebrae. Conclusion. The results of this study are the first to estimate the incidence of clinical fragility fractures in Spain, grouped by location, age and sex