3,798 research outputs found

    Physical qubits from charged particles: IR divergences in quantum information

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    We consider soft photons effects (IR structure of QED) on the construction of physical qubits. Soft-photons appear when we build charged qubits from the asymptotic states of QED. This construction is necessary in order to include the effect of soft photons on entanglement measures. The nonexistence of free charged particles (due to the long range of QED interactions) lead us to question the sense of the very concept of free charged qubit. In this letter, using the "dressing" formalism, we build physical charged qubits from dressed fields which have the correct asymptotic behavior, are gauge invariant, their propagators have a particle pole structure and are free from infrared divergences. Finally, we discuss the impact of the soft corrections on the entanglement measures.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX. Version 2: Some references update

    Photonic crystal-driven spectral concentration for upconversion photovoltaics

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    International audienceThe main challenge for applying upconversion (UC) to silicon photovoltaics is the limited amount of solar energy harvested directly via erbium-based upconverter materials (24.5 W m(-2)). This could be increased up to 87.7 W m(-2) via spectral concentration. Due to the nonlinear behavior of UC, this could increase the best UC emission by a factor 13. In this paper, the combined use of quantum dots (QDs)for luminescent down-shiftingand photonic crystals (PCs)for reshaping the emissionto achieve spectral concentration is shown. This implies dealing with the coupling of colloidal QDs and PC at the high-density regime, where the modes are shifted and broadened. In the first fabricated all-optical devices, the spectral concentration rises by 67%, the QD emission that matches the absorption of erbium-based upconverters increases by 158%, and the vertical emission experiences a 680% enhancement. Remarkably, the PC redshifts the overall emission of the QDs, which could be used to develop systems with low reabsorption losses. In light of this, spectral concentration should be regarded as one of the main strategies for UC photovoltaics

    Understanding the effects of Covid-19 on P2P hospitality: Comparative classification analysis for Airbnb-Barcelona

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    [EN] The Covid-19 pandemic has produced significant changes in tourism markets around the world. The large amount of data available on the Airbnb platform, one of the world's largest hosting services, makes it an ideal prospecting place to try to find out what the aftermath of this event has been. This paper explores the entire Airbnb housing stock in the city of Barcelona with the aim of identifying the key characteristics of the homes that have remained operational during the 2019-2021 period. We carried out this analysis by using two classification methods, the random forest and logistic regression with elastic net. The objective is to classify the houses that have remained on the platform against those that have not. Finally, we analyze the results obtained and compare both the general performance of the models and the individual information of each variable through partial dependence plots (PDP). We found a better performance of Random Forest over logistic regression, but not significant differences in the relevant variables chosen by each method. It is worth noting the importance of the geographical location, the number of amenities in the home or the price in the survival of the homes.Argente Del Castillo Martínez, JP.; Albaladejo, IP. (2022). Understanding the effects of Covid-19 on P2P hospitality: Comparative classification analysis for Airbnb-Barcelona. En 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2022). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 221-228. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2022.2022.1509122122

    Crystalline-Size Dependence of Dual Emission Peak on Hybrid Organic Lead-Iodide Perovskite Films at Low Temperatures

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    In this work, we have investigated the crystalline-size dependence of optical absorption and photolumines-cence emission of CH3NH3PbI3 films, which is necessary to identify the potencial practical applications of the gadgets based on perovskite films. This study was carried out at low temperatures to minimize the extra complexity induced by thermal effects. The purpose was clarifying the origin of the dual emission peak previously reported in literature. We have found that the grain-size is responsible of the appearance or disappearance of this dual emission on CH3NH3PbI3 at low temperatures, whereas we have inferred that the thickness of the perovskite layer is a much more important factor than the size of the grains in the location of the energy of the bandgap. Moreover, the increase in the grain size allows slowing down the phase transition. Additionally, we evidence a decrease in the effective Rydberg energy of the exciton in several samples, from 23-25 meV at 7 K to 12-13 meV at 165 K, by fitting to Elliot-Toyozawa theory. We have extracted other im-portant physical parameters of perovskites from the photoluminescence-data deconvolution, such as bandgap, exciton-phonon interaction and exciton binding energy. A new phase transition at 45.5 K was determined by the temperature dependence of full width at half maximum and integrated intensity of the photoluminescence, and it was confirmed by the radiative lifetime obtained from the time-resolved photoluminescence emission by mean of time-correlated single photon counting at different temperatures, excitation fluencies and emission energies

    The contribution of recombination to heterozygosity differs among plant evolutionary lineages and life-forms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite its role as a generator of haplotypic variation, little is known about how the rates of recombination evolve across taxa. Recombination is a very labile force, susceptible to evolutionary and life trait related processes, which have also been correlated with general levels of genetic diversity. For example, in plants, it has been shown that long-lived outcrossing taxa, such as trees, have higher heterozygosity (<it>H</it><sub>e</sub>) at SSRs and allozymes than selfing or annual species. However, some of these tree taxa have surprisingly low levels of nucleotide diversity at the DNA sequence level, which points to recombination as a potential generator of genetic diversity in these organisms. In this study, we examine how genome-wide and within-gene rates of recombination evolve across plant taxa, determine whether such rates are influenced by the life-form adopted by species, and evaluate if higher genome-wide rates of recombination translate into higher <it>H</it><sub>e </sub>values, especially in trees.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Estimates of genome-wide (cM/Mb) recombination rates from 81 higher plants showed a significant phylogenetic signal. The use of different comparative phylogenetic models demonstrated that there is a positive correlation between recombination rate and <it>H</it><sub>e </sub>(0.83 ± 0.29), and that trees have higher rates of genome-wide recombination than short-lived herbs and shrubs. A significant taxonomic component was further made evident by our models, as conifers exhibited lower recombination rates than angiosperms. This trend was also found at the within-gene level.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Altogether, our results illustrate how both common ancestry and life-history traits have to be taken into account for understanding the evolution of genetic diversity and genomic rates of recombination across plant species, and highlight the relevance of species life forms to explain general levels of diversity and recombination.</p

    Recycled Photons Traveling Several Millimeters in Waveguides Based on CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals

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    Reabsorption and reemission of photons, or photon recycling (PR) effect, represents an outstanding mechanism to enhance the carrier and photon densities in semiconductor thin films. This work demonstrates the propagation of recycled photons over several mm by integrating a thin film of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals into a planar waveguide. An experimental set-up based on a frequency modulation spectroscopy allows to characterize the PR effect and the determination of the effective decay time of outcoupled photons. A correlation between the observed photoluminescence redshift and the increase of the effective decay time is demonstrated, which grows from 3.5 to near 9 ns in the best device. A stochastic Monte Carlo model reproduces these experimental results and allows the extraction of the physical mechanisms involved. In the waveguide under study recycled photons follow a drift (directional enhancement) velocity ≈5.7 × 105 m s−1, dominating over the diffusive regime observed in a standard thin film (D ≈ 420 m2 s−1). This means that recycled photons propagate mm-distances in shorter traveling times in the waveguide (≈5 ns) as compared to the film (>20 ns). These results are expected to pave the road for exploiting the PR effect in future optoelectronic and photonic devices

    Planeación estratégica aplicada en el simulador de negocios Capstone

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    La presente reporte postula el proceso directivo, administrativo y estratégico para competir eficientemente en la industria de sensores en un ambiente virtual facilitado por la empresa Capsim a través del simulador de negocios Capstone. Este proceso directivo, el cual tiene una duración de ocho ejercicios iniciando en el año 2016 y concluyendo en el 2024, incluye el análisis continuo del entorno, las capacidades operativas de la compañía y los competidores en las principales áreas de la empresa como son desarrollo e investigación, mercadotecnia, producción, finanzas, calidad y recursos humanos. El capítulo uno plantea el marco teórico, postulando las principales teorías de la administración de negocios, fundación, misión, visión, estrategia, liderazgo, factores internos y externos que inciden en el desempeño de las empresas, tipos de crecimiento, recursos y capacidades estratégicas para culminar con las ventajas competitivas y la evaluación estratégica. El capítulo dos desarrolla las particularidades de la industria de sensores, los criterios de compra del cliente, el punto de partida de los diferentes competidores al dividirse el monopolio y el desarrollo de la identidad de la empresa Baldwin estableciendo su estrategia corporativa de cada uno de sus departamentos principales para concluir con el tabulador de objetivos que determinarán el desempeño de la compañía en los años de operación. Del capítulo tres al seis sé analizan las principales decisiones y ajustes estratégicos durante los años de operación así como el desempeño de la compañía contra los competidores y los objetivos establecidos por el equipo directivo. El capítulo siete presenta las conclusiones del desempeño corporativo, las decisiones que llevaron a Baldwin a ser el líder del mercado y mantenerse en ese lugar durante los ocho años de operaciones siendo líder en ventas, rentabilidad y logrando la mayoría de los objetivos planteados

    Influence of track modelling in modal parameters of railway bridges composed by single-track adjacent decks

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    [EN] A significant number of railway bridges composed by simply-supported (SS) spans are present in existing railway lines. Special attention must be paid to short to medium span length structures, as they are prone to experience high vertical acceleration levels at the deck, due to their low weight and damping, compromising the travelling comfort and the structural integrity. The accurate prediction of the dynamic response of these bridges is a complex issue since it is affected by uncertain factors such as structural damping and complex interaction mechanisms such as vehicle-bridge, soil-structure or track-bridge interaction. Concerning track-bridge interaction, experimental evidences of a dynamic coupling exerted by the ballasted track between subsequent SS spans and also between structurally independent single-track twin adjacent decks have been reported in the literature [1, 2]. Nevertheless, this phenomenon is frequently disregarded due to the computational cost of models including the track and due to the uncertainties in the mechanical parameters that define the track system. The present work contributes to the study of the coupling effect exerted by the ballasted track between independent structures in railway bridges. With this purpose two 3D finite element (FE) track-bridge interaction models are implemented. The former includes a continuous representation of the track components meshing the sleepers, ballast and sub-ballast with solid FE. In the latter, the track is represented as a 2D discrete three-layer model where the mass, stiffness and damping of the components are concentrated at the sleepers locations. The numerical models are updated with experimental measurements performed on an existing railway bridge in a view to evaluate (i) the influence of the track continuity on the bridge modal parameters and on the train-induced vibrations; (ii) the adequacy of the implemented numerical models and (iii) the importance of the track-bridge interaction for an accurate prediction of the vertical acceleration levels under operating conditions.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under research project PID2019-109622RB; FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 Operational Program for project US-126491; Generalitat Valenciana and Universitat Jaume I under research projects AICO2019/175 and UJI/A2008/06; and the Andalusian Scientific Computing Centre (CICA).Sánchez Quesada, J.; Moliner, E.; Romero, A.; Galvín, P.; Martínez-Rodrigo, M. (2022). Influence of track modelling in modal parameters of railway bridges composed by single-track adjacent decks. En Proceedings of the YIC 2021 - VI ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 278-287. https://doi.org/10.4995/YIC2021.2021.12283OCS27828

    A Deeper Microscopic Study of the Interaction between Gum Rosin Derivatives and a Mater-Bi Type Bioplastic

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    [EN] The interaction between gum rosin and gum rosin derivatives with Mater-Bi type bioplastic, a biodegradable and compostable commercial bioplastic, were studied. Gum rosin and two pentaerythritol esters of gum rosin (Lurefor 125 resin and Unik Tack P100 resin) were assessed as sustainable compatibilizers for the components of Mater-Bi® NF 866 polymeric matrix. To study the influence of each additive in the polymeric matrix, each gum rosin-based additive was compounded in 15 wt % by melt-extrusion and further injection molding process. Then, the mechanical properties were assessed, and the tensile properties and impact resistance were determined. Microscopic analyses were carried out by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and atomic force microscopy with nanomechanical assessment (AFM-QNM). The oxygen barrier and wettability properties were also assayed. The study revealed that the commercial thermoplastic starch is mainly composed of three phases: A polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate (PBAT) phase, an amorphous phase of thermoplastic starch (TPSa), and a semi-crystalline phase of thermoplastic starch (TPSc). The poor miscibility among the components of the Mater-Bi type bioplastic was confirmed. Finally, the formulations with the gum rosin and its derivatives showed an improvement of the miscibility and the solubility of the components depending on the additive usedThis research was funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), project: PROMADEPCOL (MAT2017-84909-C2-2-R) and M.P.A. s contract: Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación (FJCI-2017-33536).Aldas-Carrasco, MF.; Rayón, E.; López-Martínez, J.; Arrieta, MP. (2020). A Deeper Microscopic Study of the Interaction between Gum Rosin Derivatives and a Mater-Bi Type Bioplastic. Polymers. 12(1):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym12010226S117121Keshavarz, T., & Roy, I. 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