242 research outputs found

    Crisis, urban segregation and social innovation in Catalonia

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    This paper questions the contribution of social innovation to the capacity of disadvantaged communities to resist the effects of the 2008 financial crisis and its social repercussions. It does so on the basis of a study on the dynamics of urban segregation and social innovation in the context of the crisis in Catalonia (Spain). The study adopts a multi-method approach that combines statistical analysis of urban segregation dynamics in the 2001-2012 period; the mapping of social innovation practices across the region; and a cross-case comparison of six case studies. The paper highlights the structural and metropolitan character of urban segregation in the region, which has been significantly aggravated both by the crisis and the residential transformation that occurred during the years of the housing bubble. It also shows that social innovation practices are distributed very unevenly in spatial terms, being concentrated in middle-income areas with a tradition of social mobilisation. In summary, the paper states the limits of social innovation as a driver for socio-spatial cohesion in cities and stresses the need for stronger (redistributive) public policies

    Multitemporal Mosaicing for Sentinel-3/FLEX Derived Level-2 Product Composites

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    The increasing availability of remote sensing data raises important challenges in terms of operational data provision and spatial coverage for conducting global studies and analyses. In this regard, existing multitemporal mosaicing techniques are generally limited to producing spectral image composites without considering the particular features of higher-level biophysical and other derived products, such as those provided by the Sentinel-3 (S3) and Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) tandem missions. To relieve these limitations, this article proposes a novel multitemporal mosaicing algorithm specially designed for operational S3-derived products and also studies its applicability within the FLEX mission context. Specifically, we design a new operational methodology to automatically produce multitemporal mosaics from derived S3/FLEX products with the objective of facilitating the automatic processing of high-level data products, where weekly, monthly, seasonal, or annual biophysical mosaics can be generated by means of four processes proposed in this work: 1) operational data acquisition; 2) spatial mosaicing and rearrangement; 3) temporal compositing; and 4) confidence measures. The experimental part of the work tests the consistency of the proposed framework over different S3 product collections while showing its advantages with respect to other standard mosaicing alternatives. The source codes of this work will be made available for reproducible research

    Reducing cache hierarchy energy consumption by predicting forwarding and disabling associative sets

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    The first level data cache in modern processors has become a major consumer of energy due to its increasing size and high frequency access rate. In order to reduce this high energy consumption, we propose in this paper a straightforward filtering technique based on a highly accurate forwarding predictor. Specifically, a simple structure predicts whether a load instruction will obtain its corresponding data via forwarding from the load-store structure - thus avoiding the data cache access - or if it will be provided by the data cache. This mechanism manages to reduce the data cache energy consumption by an average of 21.5% with a negligible performance penalty of less than 0.1%. Furthermore, in this paper we focus on the cache static energy consumption too by disabling a portion of sets of the L2 associative cache. Overall, when merging both proposals, the combined L1 and L2 total energy consumption is reduced by an average of 29.2% with a performance penalty of just 0.25%

    Més enllà dels diners : noves formes de produir i col·laborar

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    Aquest treball afronta un fenomen emergent caracteritzat pel canvi i l'experimentació continus: la creació col·laborativa de continguts audiovisuals online. L'anàlisi se centra a analitzar quins són els models de sostenibilitat d'aquest tipus de creació, i presta una atenció particular a diferents modalitats d'ús de la publicitat. La unitat d'anàlisi són casos de comunitats de creació online (CCO) que prenen com a node o seu central d'activitat el territori català. A partir de 21 casos seleccionats, la metodologia combina l'anàlisi qualitativa estructurada, a través d'un qüestionari subministrat al total dels casos, i l'anàlisi qualitativa, mitjançant entrevistes presencials en 8 casos d'estudi considerats més significatius. La recerca ens duu a concloure que la sostenibilitat dels projectes depèn en gran mesura de relacions de confiança i d'interdependència voluntàries entre diferents agents, contribucions i retribucions de caràcter no-monetari, així com de recursos i d'infraestructures que en permeten l'ús lliure. La publicitat sembla que ja no parteix d'un esquema de comunicació lineal, sinó que es difumina a través de l'exercici col·laboratiu. Tot plegat ens duu a entendre que és i serà un tema molt rellevant en el futur dels continguts audiovisuals i la seva sostenibilitat, la qual cosa haurà d'implicar canvis en les polítiques que els regulen.This paper addresses an emerging phenomenon characterized by constant change and experimentation: the collaborative creation of audiovisual content online. The analysis wants to focus on models of sustainability of collaborative online creation, paying particular attention to the use of different forms of advertising. The unit of analysis are cases of online creation communities that take as their central node of activity the Catalan territory. From 21 selected cases, the methodology combines structured qualitative analysis, through a questionnaire delivered to all cases, and qualitative analysis through face interviews conducted in 8 cases studied. This research leads us to conclude that the sustainability of the project depends largely on relationships of trust and interdependence between different voluntary agents, the nonmonetary contributions and retributions as well as resources and infrastructure of free use. Advertising seems to no longer has a scheme of linear communication but the collaborative exercise between different agents. All together leads us to understand that this is and will be a very important area for the future of audiovisual content and its sustainability, which will imply changes in the policies that regulate them

    Modelos emergentes de sostenibilidad de procomunes audiovisuales

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    Este articulo afronta un fenómeno emergente caracterizado por el continuo cambio y experimentación: la creación colaborativa y procomún de contenidos audiovisuales online. El análisis se centra en extraer cuales son los modelos de sostenibilidad de la creación colaborativa online. La unidad de análisis son casos de Comunidades de Creación Online (CCOs), esto es, comunidades de individuos que colaboran en el ámbito digital para la construcción de recursos audiovisuales. El presente articulo es un extracto de una investigación mayor, centrada en el análisis de casos que toman como nodo o sede central de su actividad el territorio catalán. A partir de 22 casos seleccionados, la metodología de la investigación combinaba análisis cuantitativo, a través de un cuestionario suministrado al total de los casos, y análisis cualitativo, a través de entrevistas presenciales realizadas en 8 casos de estudio. La investigación, cuyas conclusiones sintetizamos en este artículo, nos lleva a concluir que la sostenibilidad de los proyectos depende en gran medida de relaciones de confianza y de interdependencia voluntarias entre diferentes agentes, contribuciones y retribuciones de carácter no-monetario así como de recursos e infraestructuras que permiten su uso libre. Todo ellos nos lleva a concluir la importancia de esta área de estudio de cara a una mejor definición de las políticas publicas en torno a estas experiencias.This paper addresses an emerging phenomenon characterized by continuous change and experimentation: the collaborative commons creation of audiovisual content online. The analysis wants to focus on models of sustainability of collaborative online creation, paying particular attention to the use of diferent forms of advertising. This article is an excerpt of a larger investigation, which unit of analysis are cases of Online Creation Communities that take as their central node of activity the Catalan territory. From 22 selected cases, the methodology combines quantitative analysis, through a questionnaire delivered to all cases, and qualitative analysis through face interviews conducted in 8 cases studied. The research, which conclusions we summarize in this article,in this article, leads us to conclude that the sustainability of the project depends largely on relationships of trust and interdependence between diferent voluntary agents, the non-monetary contributions and retributions as well as resources and infrastructure of free use. All together leads us to understand that this is and will be a very important area for the future of audiovisual content and its sustainability, which will imply changes in the policies that govern them

    Influence of PPh3 moiety in the anticancer activity of new organometallic ruthenium complexes

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    The effect of the PPh3 group in the antitumor activity of some new organometallic Ruthenium (II) complexes has been investigated. Several complexes of the type [Ru(II)(Cl)(PPh3)(Lig-N)], [Ru(II)(Cl)2(Lig-N)] (where Lig-N=pyridine derivate) and [Ru(II)(Cl)(PPh3)2], have been synthesized and characterized, and an important increment of the antitumor activity and cytotoxicity of the complexes due to the presence of PPh3 moiety has been demonstrated, affording IC50 values of 5.2 μM in HL-60 tumour cell lines. Atomic Force Microscopy, Circular Dichroism and Electrophoresis experiments have proved that these complexes can bind DNA resulting in a distortion of both secondary and tertiary structures. Ethidium bromide displacement Fluorescence Spectroscopy studies and Viscosity measurements support that the presence of PPh3 group induces intercalation interactions with DNA. Indeed, crystallographic analysis, suggest that intra-molecular π-π interactions could be involved in the intercalation within DNA base pairs. Furthermore, HPLC-MS studies have confirmed a strong interaction between Ruthenium complexes and proteins (Ubiquitin and Potato Carboxypeptidase Inhibitor -PCI-) including slower kinetic due to the presence of PPh3 moiety, which could have an important role in detoxification mechanism and others. Finally, Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry (IMMS) experiments have proved that there is no change in the structural conformation of the proteins owing to their bonding to Ruthenium complexes. This seems particularly important in the case of PCI, that may be a suitable candidate for vehiculizing these complexes in a selective manner into tumour cells. In agreement with these results, further investigations should be carried out to clarify either there is a favoured binding to DNA or to specific proteins, thus to elucidate their main biological target

    POD on the fly: an adaptive combination of CFD and POD to simulate complex dynamics

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    Reduced order models is a fashionable field that aims at dramatically reducing the computational cost of standard numerical solvers. Such reduction is possible when the number of physically relevant degrees of freedom is much smaller than the number of `numerical degrees of freedom'. POD on the fly combines  short runs of a standard numerical solver with a low-dimensional system, which is used for the majority of the simulation. The basic ideas of this strategy will be outlined and applications to various fields (including the complex Ginzburg?Landau equation, the unsteady lid?driven cavity, an aero?elastic system, and a subsurface oil?reservoir simulation) briefly reporte

    Safety and efficacy of ribociclib plus letrozole in patients with HR+, HER2– advanced breast cancer: Results from the Spanish sub-population of the phase 3b CompLEEment-1 trial

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    Background: Breast cancer is the most common malignancy and the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality in Spanish women. Ribociclib in combination with endocrine therapy (ET) has shown superiority in prolonging survival in patients with hormone receptor-positive (HR+), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HER2-) advanced breast cancer (ABC) vs. ET alone.Methods: CompLEEment-1 is a single-arm, open-label phase 3b trial evaluating ribociclib plus letrozole in a broad population of patients with HR+, HER2- ABC. The primary endpoints were safety and tolerability. Here we report data for Spanish patients enrolled in CompLEEment-1.Results: A total of 526 patients were evaluated (median follow-up: 26.97 months). Baseline characteristics showed a diverse population with a median age of 54 years. At study entry, 56.5% of patients had visceral metastases and 8.7% had received prior chemotherapy for advanced disease. Rates of all-grade and Grade >= 3 adverse events (AEs) were 99.0% and 76.2%, respectively; 21.3% of patients experienced a serious AE, and 15.8% of AEs led to treatment discontinuation. AEs of special interest of neutropenia, increased alanine aminotransferase, increased aspartate aminotransferase and QTcF prolongation occurred in 77.8%, 14.8%, 11.4% and 4.0% of patients, respectively. Patients aged >70 years experienced increased rates of all-grade and Grade >= 3 neutropenia and anemia. Efficacy results were consistent with the global study.Conclusions: Results from Spanish patients enrolled in CompLEEment-1 are consistent with global data showing efficacy and a manageable safety profile for ribociclib plus letrozole treatment in patients with HR+, HER2-ABC, including populations of interest (NCT02941926).Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT0294192