1,388 research outputs found

    Economic analysis of alternatives for eliminating aquifer overdraft in the Segura basin

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    Aquifer overdraft is a major environmental and water management problem in Southeast Spain. In some coastal areas, the recent development of desalinisation provides an opportunity to address this problem at a lower social and economic cost. We analyse the economic impact of using several instruments to address this problem in the Alto Guadalentín aquifer: a tax on groundwater pumping, the buyback of groundwater rights and the subsidization of desalinised resources. Their impact is assessed using a mathematical programming model that maximises the farm net margin resulting from the use of the available water resources for irrigation in the area. Our results show that all the alternatives have significant economic impacts, although the availability of desalinised water significantly reduces them. Whereas the outright restriction of non‐renewable pumping and an environmental tax have the lowest budgetary cost, they are very unpopular and rather politically unfeasible. Although more expensive for the public budget, purchasing water rights and subsidising desalinised water in exchange for reducing groundwater pumping have the same impact on the agricultural sector, but are likely to be much better received by farmers. Moreover, the former permanently solves the problem.The authors thank the Spanish National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) and FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) for their support through the research project RTA2010‐00109‐C04‐03

    Educación Física Escolar y Salud: Entendimiento y Desafíos

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    25 hojasDiscutir, debatir y comprender los aspectos de la salud en las clases de Educación Física debería ser común entre los profesores, estudiantes de escuelas y colegios, donde es importante que los profesionales de la Educación Física hagan uso de la promoción y prevención de la salud, con el fin de impactar de manera positiva la salud individual y así mismo la salud pública desde edades tempranas. Quizás, la razón del porque hasta el momento estos espacios donde la salud sea lo principal en las clases de educación física no se estén generando, es debido a que el conocimiento de la salud pública y colectiva se fomenta poco en la capacitación de profesionales de Educación Física y siendo más específicos en la formación que se brindaba tiempos atrás, donde las disciplinas biológicas fueron priorizadas sobre las de naturaleza sociológica, en aquel tiempo la educación física fue una disciplina “que ha tematizado el cuerpo desde una visión predominantemente naturalista, entendiéndolo fundamentalmente como res extensa, como cuerpo objeto con una visión simplificadora del 'cuerpo máquina' o del procedimiento anatómico y fisiológico”. Donde había espacios a contenidos únicamente de entrenamiento y deporte, priorizando el aspecto biológico.Resultado Final para Optar el Título de Licenciado en Educación Física y DeportesPregradoLicenciatura en Educación Física y Deport

    Effects of lacto-vegetarian diet and stabilization core exercises on body composition and pain in women with fibromyalgia: randomized controlled trial

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    Introducción: la fibromialgia es una enfermedad de origen desconocido caracterizada por dolor muscular crónico. La falta de conocimientos sobre esta enfermedad es una de las principales causas por las que resulta complejo realizar un diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuados. Objetivo: el objetivo principal de este estudio fue conocer la eficacia de un tratamiento de fisioterapia combinado con una intervención dietético-nutricional lacto-vegetariana, sobre el dolor bajo de espalda y la composición corporal en mujeres con fibromialgia. Métodos: en el estudio participaron 21 mujeres, que fueron divididas aleatoriamente en 3 grupos: A (ejercicios estabilización core + dieta lacto-vegetariana), B (placebo + dieta lacto-vegetariana) y C (control). La intervención tuvo una duración de 4 semanas y se realizaron evaluaciones del dolor (escala EVA), y de la composición corporal (bioimpedancia), al inicio y final de la intervención. Resultados: el grupo A mostró cambios significativos en la reducción del dolor y la composición corporal al final de la intervención, aumentando la masa muscular y disminuyendo la masa grasa. Además, este grupo mejoró significativamente los resultados en comparación con los grupos B y C. Las correlaciones realizadas mostraron una relación entre la masa muscular y la disminución del dolor referido al final del estudio en las pacientes del grupo A. Conclusiones: un programa de intervención de 4 semanas de duración en el que se combina ejercicios de estabilización de core más dieta lacto-vegetariana en pacientes con fibromialgia que presentan dolor bajo de espalda contribuye a la reducción del dolor y la mejora de la composición corporal.Background: fibromyalgia is a disease of unknown origin characterized by chronic muscular pain. The lack of knowledge about this disease is one of the main causes that makes complex to make a diagnosis and an appropriate treatment. Objective: the main objective of this study was to know the efficacy of a physiotherapy treatment combined with a lacto-vegetarian dietary-nutritional intervention, on low back pain and body composition in women with fibromyalgia. Methods: twenty-one women were randomly divided into three groups: A (core stabilization exercises + lacto-vegetarian diet), B (placebo + lacto-vegetarian diet) and C (control). The intervention lasted 4 weeks. Pain assessments (EVA scale) and body composition (bioimpedance) were performed at the beginning and at the end of the intervention. Results: group A showed significant changes in pain reduction and body composition at the end of the intervention, increasing muscle mass and decreasing fat mass. In addition, this group significantly improved outcomes compared to groups B and C. The correlations showed a relationship between muscle mass and pain reduction referred to at the end of the study in patients in group A. Conclusions: four-week intervention program combining core stabilization exercises plus lacto-vegetarian diet in patients with fibromyalgia who have low back pain contributes to pain reduction and improved body composition

    Combined use of vacuum assisted device and dermal monolayer substitutes

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    Artículo previamente publicado en Cirugia Plástica Iberolatinoamericana Vol. 36 - Nº 4. 2010 / Pag. 321-326El método de elección para la cobertura de algunos defectos cutáneos es el autoinjerto de piel parcial; sin embargo, sufre retracciones que pueden adquirir gran relevancia sobre áreas especiales. Diferentes autores han intentado evitar estos déficits funcionales mediante la interposición de matrices de regeneración dérmica monocapa e injerto en un solo tiempo quirúrgico. Diseñamos un estudio para comparar la tasa de integración de los injertos sobre una matriz monocapa con y sin la aplicación de terapia de vacío tipo VAC® sobre ellos. Se aleatorizaron 20 pacientes con defectos cutáneos sobre áreas especiales en 2 grupos. Recogimos los datos epidemiológicos y la etiología del defecto (quemadura aguda, secuelas de quemadura o defectos secundarios a extracción de colgajo fasciocutáneo). En 10 casos (Grupo I) se aplicó matriz dérmica monocapa Matriderm ® más un injerto cutáneo de piel parcial, realizando un cambio de vendaje a los 7 días y luego cada 3- 4 días hasta su estabilización. En otros 10 pacientes (Grupo II), tras realizar el mismo protocolo quirúrgico se aplicó VAC ® durante una semana y se cambió hasta la estabilización del injerto. La evaluación del prendimiento del injerto y su estabilidad la realizó un observador ciego. Se recogieron todas las complicaciones surgidas en el postoperatorio hasta 3 meses después de la estabilidad del injerto. Comprobamos la homogeneidad de ambos grupos para las variables epidemiológicas de los pacientes, así como para la etiología de los defectos. La media de tiempo hasta el prendimiento fue de 17,6 ± 8 días, de forma global con una tasa de complicaciones del 20%. Al estratificar en 2 grupos encontramos que las diferencias en la tasa de complicaciones no eran estadísticamente significativas. El tiempo hasta el prendimiento era de 21,4 ± 9 días en el grupo I, frente a 13,9 ± 4 días en el grupo II. Estas diferencias sí eran estadísticamente significativas. Como conclusión, la aplicación de matrices de regeneración dérmica monocapa es segura, con una tasa de prendimiento de los injertos sobre ella del 85%. El uso del VAC ® sobre las láminas monocapa de dermis sintética acorta el tiempo de integración de las mismas y el prendimiento de los injertos sobre ellas, con una tasa de complicaciones similarSplit thickness autografts are the gold standard for wound coverage. However, scars and retractions are frequent after skin grafts, and would be severe over special regions. Different authors avoid these complications using a dermal substitute interposed between the wound and the skin graft in the first surgical time. A prospective study was designed to evaluate the split thickness skin graft uptake time over a monolayer matrix, with and without a vacuum assisted therapy device (VAC®). Twenty patients with a full thickness wound over a special region were randomized between 2 groups. Epidemiological data and wound etiology (acute burn, burn sequelae or donor site after a fasciocutaneous flap raised) were collected. Matriderm ® (mono layer dermal substitute) and a split thickness skin graft was applied over 10 cases (Group I). The dressing was changed after 7 days, and every 3-4 days until the skin graft was uptake and stable. Another 10 cases were treated with the same surgical strategy (Group II). After surgery, a vacuum assisted therapy device (VAC®) was applied until the graft was uptake. The skin graft evaluation was done by a blind observer. All complications were reported until 3 months after the skin graft was stable. The homogeneity between groups was assessed. Averaged uptake time was 17, 6 ± 8 days, and the total complication rate was 20%. Statistically differences were not found between the 2 groups for the complication rate. The uptake time was 21,4 ± 9 days in the Group I and 13,9 ± 4 days in the Group II. These differences was statically significative. As a conclusion, the use of monolayer dermal substitutes is safe, with skin graft uptake rate of 85%. Time for skin graft uptake over a monolayer dermal matrix is shorter using a VAC ® device over the skin graft, with similar complication rat

    Continuous to intermittent flows in growing granular heaps

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    If a granular material is poured from above on a horizontal surface between two parallel, vertical plates, a sand heap grows in time. For small piles, the grains flow smoothly downhill, but after a critical pile size xcx_c, the flow becomes intermittent: sudden avalanches slide downhill from the apex to the base, followed by an "uphill front" that slowly climbs up, until a new downhill avalanche interrupts the process. By means of experiments controlling the distance between the apex of the sandpile and the container feeding it from above, we show that xcx_c grows linearly with the input flux, but scales as the square root of the feeding height. We explain these facts based on a phenomenological model, and demonstrate that our controlled experiments allow to predict the value of xcx_c for the common situation in which the feeding height decreases as the pile increases in size

    Analysis of the adoption of soil conservation practices in olive groves: the case of mountainous areas in southern Spain

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    Eng: This paper presents some results from a survey carried out in 2004 among 223 olive tree farmers from mountainous areas in the Spanish Southern provinces of Granada and Jaén regarding the adoption of soil conservation and management practices. Olive tree groves in mountainous areas are subject to a high risk of soil erosion and incur a higher cost of soil conservation. This results in greater difficulty to comply with the requirements of the new single payment scheme (cross-compliance) and to benefit from agri-environmental schemes. The main objectives of this study are to analyze the current adoption level of soil conservation practices in this area and to address which socioeconomic and institutional factors determine such adoption. Three probit models are estimated. Dependent variables are three different soil conservation practices, namely tillage following contour lines, maintenance of terraces with stonewalls, and non-tillage with weedicides. Results show a significant increase in the adoption of several soil conservation measures in the last 15 years, especially of non-tillage practices. Some factors positively related with the adoption of soil conservation practices are farm profitability, the presence of young farmers, and continuity of the farming activity by relatives and the use of family labour. Esp:Este artículo presenta resultados de una encuesta realizada en 2004 a 223 olivicultores de zonas de montaña en las provincias españolas de Granada y Jaén sobre la adopción de prácticas de manejo y conservación de suelos. El olivar en zonas de montaña presenta un elevado riesgo de erosión de los suelos, y los agricultores deben de incurrir en elevados costes para su conservación. Esto supone una mayor dificultad para cumplir las nuevas exigencias ambientales que permiten cobrar el pago único por explotación (condicionalidad) o participar en los programas agro-ambientales. En este trabajo se analizó el nivel actual de adopción de prácticas de conservación de suelos en esta zona, así como aquellos factores socioeconómicos e institucionales que determinan dicha adopción. Para ello se estiman tres modelos probit de adopción, cuyas variables dependientes son las principales prácticas de conservación de suelos que se llevan a cabo en la zona: laboreo siguiendo las curvas de nivel, mantenimiento de terrazas y muretes de piedra y no laboreo con uso de herbicidas. Los resultados muestran un incremento significativo durante los últimos 15 años del número de agricultores que realizan diversas prácticas de conservación de suelos, especialmente no laboreo. Algunos factores que aparecen positivamente relacionados con la adopción de prácticas de conservación de suelos son la rentabilidad de la explotación, la presencia de jóvenes agricultores, la continuidad de la actividad agraria por parte de familiares del agricultor y el uso de mano de obra familiar en la explotación.This research has been carried out within the European Project «The future of olive plantation systems in sloping and mountainous land: Scenarios for production and natural resource conservation (OLIVERO)», Contract nº QLK5-CT-2002-01841

    A hybrid method for the QoS analysis and parameter optimization in time-critical random access wireless sensor networks

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    [EN] Evolution in electronics has led to the development of complex applications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), where efficient and swift event reporting is needed. In time-critical applications, achieving an adequate report latency is particularly relevant as it allows a proper reaction from the network to the occurring phenomena. It is evident that mean report latency is insufficient as a QoS indicator for time-critical applications. Instead, high percentiles or the whole distribution are much better suited. In certain applications such as target tracking and positioning, the transmission of a certain number of event packets is required to accurately characterize the occurring phenomena. Building on this, we present a hybrid method for obtaining the probability distribution of report latency in random access (RA) WSN protocols. In this method, the distribution of the number of detecting nodes is obtained by simulation, which then allows us to obtain the desired QoS parameters analytically. In this study, we use our method to obtain and optimize the event report latency and energy consumption in RA WSNs. Results show that modifying the transmission parameters during backoff increases the robustness of RA event reporting and also enhances the performance of the WSN in environments where multiple types of events can be detected.This work has been supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain through the project TIN2013-47272-C2-1-R, by CONACyT under project Basic Science 183370 and by IPN SIP project 20150584. The research of Israel Leyva-Mayorga is partially funded by grant 383936 CONACYT-Gobierno del Estado de Mexico 2014Leyva-Mayorga, I.; Pla, V.; Martínez Bauset, J.; Rivero-Angeles, ME. (2017). A hybrid method for the QoS analysis and parameter optimization in time-critical random access wireless sensor networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 83:190-203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnca.2017.01.027S1902038

    Comportamento de malformações congênitas em Guantánamo durante o ano de 2010

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    Introduction: in the historical development of humanity, congenital malformations have been presented with different explanations, attributing meanings that oscillate between science and superstition. With the prenatal diagnostic expression of congenital defects are grouped those diagnostic actions aimed at discovering a congenital defect during pregnancy. Objective: to analyze the behavior of some variables in the screening of congenital malformations in pregnant women in the province of Guantánamo. Method: a retrospective longitudinal study was performed on congenital malformations in pregnant women, in the period January-December 2010. The universe is constituted by 7 585 births and the sample by 76 malformations that occurred in that period, using simple random sampling. The following variables were analyzed: age, municipality of origin, type of congenital malformation, alive or deceased, AFP result, ultrasound result in the first and second trimester, prenatal diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies, prenatal diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism and outcome of the prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis. Results: the highest rates corresponding to the municipalities of Caimanera, Baracoa and Maisí, with 11.2; 2.74 and 2.28; respectively. The most frequent malformations were found in the central nervous system with 23.68%, cardiovascular and osteomyoarticular, with 19.73 and 18.42%, each. The municipalities with the highest rate of congenital malformations were Imías, Caimanera and Niceto Pérez with 30.86; 28.09 and 12.98 per thousand. Conclusions: the mortality rate due to congenital malformations in the province of Guantanamo during 2010 was higher than that reported nationally. The frequency of congenital malformations during the year 2010 in Guantanamo province was lower than that reported in the literature. The age group with predominance of congenital malformations was 20 to 29 years of age. The most used diagnostic means were ultrasound, followed by alpha-fetoproteins, and cytogenetic studies.Introducción: en el desarrollo histórico de la humanidad las malformaciones congénitas se han presentado teniendo distintas explicaciones, atribuyéndoles significados que oscilan entre ciencia y superstición. Con la expresión diagnóstica prenatal de los defectos congénitos se agrupan aquellas acciones diagnósticas encaminadas a descubrir durante el embarazo un defecto congénito. Objetivo: analizar el comportamiento de algunas variables en el pesquisaje de malformaciones congénitas en gestantes de la provincia de Guantánamo. Método: se realizó un estudio longitudinal retrospectivo sobre malformaciones congénitas en gestantes, en el período enero-diciembre de 2010. El universo está constituido por 7 585 nacimientos y la muestra por 76 malformaciones que se produjeron en ese período, con utilización del muestreo aleatorio simple. Se analizaron las siguientes variables: edad, municipio de procedencia, tipo de malformación congénita, vivo o fallecido, resultado de AFP, resultado de ultrasonido en el primer y segundo trimestre, diagnóstico prenatal de hemoglobinopatías, diagnóstico prenatal de errores innatos del metabolismo y resultado del diagnóstico prenatal citogenético. Resultados: las tasas más altas correspondiendo a los municipios de Caimanera, Baracoa y Maisí, con 11,2; 2,74 y 2,28; respectivamente. Las malformaciones más frecuentes se encontraron en el sistema nervioso central con el 23,68 %, cardiovascular y osteomioarticular, con 19,73 y 18,42 %, cada uno. Los municipios con mayor tasa de malformaciones congénitas fueron Imías, Caimanera y Niceto Pérez con 30,86; 28,09 y 12,98 por mil. Conclusiones: la tasa de mortalidad por malformaciones congénitas en la provincia de Guantánamo durante el 2010 fue superior a la reportada nacionalmente. La frecuencia de malformaciones congénitas durante el año 2010 en la provincia Guantánamo fue inferior a la reportada en la literatura. El grupo etario con predominio de malformaciones congénitas fue el de 20 a 29 años de edad. Los medios diagnósticos más utilizados fueron el ultrasonido, seguidas de la alfafetoproteínas, y los estudios citogenéticos.Introdução: no desenvolvimento histórico da humanidade, malformações congênitas foram apresentadas com diferentes explicações, atribuindo significados que oscilam entre ciência e superstição. Com a expressão diagnóstica pré-natal de defeitos congênitos agrupam-se aquelas ações diagnósticas que visam descobrir um defeito congênito durante a gravidez. Objetivo: analisar o comportamento de algumas variáveis na triagem de malformações congênitas em gestantes da província de Guantánamo. Método: Um estudo retrospectivo longitudinal de defeitos congénitos em mulheres grávidas foi realizada em Janeiro-Dezembro de 2010. O universo consiste em 7585 nascimentos e as malformações amostra 76 que ocorreram durante o mesmo período, com o uso de amostragem aleatória . idade, cidade de origem, tipo de malformação congênita, viva ou morta, resultado AFP, o resultado da ultra-sonografia no primeiro e segundo diagnóstico pré-natal trimestre de hemoglobinopatias, diagnóstico pré-natal de erros inatos do metabolismo e resultar Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis diagnóstico citogenético pré-natal. Resultados: as maiores taxas correspondentes aos municípios de Caimanera, Baracoa e Maisí, com 11,2; 2,74 e 2,28; respectivamente. Os defeitos mais comuns foram encontradas no sistema nervoso central, com 23,68%, cardiovascular e osteomioarticular com 19,73 e 18,42%, cada. Os municípios com maior índice de malformações congênitas foram Imías, Caimanera e Niceto Pérez com 30,86; 28,09 e 12,98 por mil. Conclusões: a taxa de mortalidade por malformações congênitas na província de Guantánamo em 2010 foi superior à relatada nacionalmente. A freqüência de malformações congênitas durante o ano de 2010 na província de Guantánamo foi menor do que a relatada na literatura. A faixa etária com predomínio de malformações congênitas foi de 20 a 29 anos de idade. Os meios diagnósticos mais utilizados foram a ultra-sonografia, seguida das alfa-fetoproteínas e os estudos citogenéticos

    Filtering Methods for Efficient Dynamic Access Control in 5G Massive Machine-Type Communication Scenarios

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    [EN] One of the three main use cases of the fifth generation of mobile networks (5G) is massive machine-type communications (mMTC). The latter refers to the highly synchronized accesses to the cellular base stations from a great number of wireless devices, as a product of the automated exchange of small amounts of data. Clearly, an efficient mMTC is required to support the Internet-of-Things (IoT). Nevertheless, the method to change from idle to connected mode, known as the random access procedure (RAP), of 4G has been directly inherited by 5G, at least, until the first phase of standardization. Research has demonstrated the RAP is inefficient to support mMTC, hence, access control schemes are needed to obtain an adequate performance. In this paper, we compare the benefits of using different filtering methods to configure an access control scheme included in the 5G standards: the access class barring (ACB), according to the intensity of access requests. These filtering methods are a key component of our proposed ACB configuration scheme, which can lead to more than a three-fold increase in the probability of successfully completing the random access procedure under the most typical network configuration and mMTC scenario.This research has been supported in part by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain under Grant TIN2013-47272-C2-1-R and Grant TEC2015-71932-REDT. The research of I. Leyva-Mayorga was partially funded by grant 383936 CONACYT-GEM 2014.Leyva-Mayorga, I.; Rodríguez-Hernández, MA.; Pla, V.; Martínez Bauset, J. (2019). Filtering Methods for Efficient Dynamic Access Control in 5G Massive Machine-Type Communication Scenarios. Electronics. 8(1):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics8010027S11881Laya, A., Alonso, L., & Alonso-Zarate, J. (2014). Is the Random Access Channel of LTE and LTE-A Suitable for M2M Communications? A Survey of Alternatives. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 16(1), 4-16. doi:10.1109/surv.2013.111313.00244Biral, A., Centenaro, M., Zanella, A., Vangelista, L., & Zorzi, M. (2015). The challenges of M2M massive access in wireless cellular networks. Digital Communications and Networks, 1(1), 1-19. doi:10.1016/j.dcan.2015.02.001Tello-Oquendo, L., Leyva-Mayorga, I., Pla, V., Martinez-Bauset, J., Vidal, J.-R., Casares-Giner, V., & Guijarro, L. (2018). Performance Analysis and Optimal Access Class Barring Parameter Configuration in LTE-A Networks With Massive M2M Traffic. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67(4), 3505-3520. doi:10.1109/tvt.2017.2776868Tavana, M., Rahmati, A., & Shah-Mansouri, V. (2018). Congestion control with adaptive access class barring for LTE M2M overload using Kalman filters. Computer Networks, 141, 222-233. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2018.01.044Lin, T.-M., Lee, C.-H., Cheng, J.-P., & Chen, W.-T. (2014). PRADA: Prioritized Random Access With Dynamic Access Barring for MTC in 3GPP LTE-A Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 63(5), 2467-2472. doi:10.1109/tvt.2013.2290128De Andrade, T. P. C., Astudillo, C. A., Sekijima, L. R., & Da Fonseca, N. L. S. (2017). The Random Access Procedure in Long Term Evolution Networks for the Internet of Things. IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(3), 124-131. doi:10.1109/mcom.2017.1600555cmWang, Z., & Wong, V. W. S. (2015). Optimal Access Class Barring for Stationary Machine Type Communication Devices With Timing Advance Information. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 14(10), 5374-5387. doi:10.1109/twc.2015.2437872Tello-Oquendo, L., Pacheco-Paramo, D., Pla, V., & Martinez-Bauset, J. (2018). Reinforcement Learning-Based ACB in LTE-A Networks for Handling Massive M2M and H2H Communications. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). doi:10.1109/icc.2018.8422167Leyva-Mayorga, I., Rodriguez-Hernandez, M. A., Pla, V., Martinez-Bauset, J., & Tello-Oquendo, L. (2019). Adaptive access class barring for efficient mMTC. Computer Networks, 149, 252-264. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2018.12.003Kalalas, C., & Alonso-Zarate, J. (2017). Reliability analysis of the random access channel of LTE with access class barring for smart grid monitoring traffic. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). doi:10.1109/iccw.2017.7962744Leyva-Mayorga, I., Tello-Oquendo, L., Pla, V., Martinez-Bauset, J., & Casares-Giner, V. (2016). Performance analysis of access class barring for handling massive M2M traffic in LTE-A networks. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). doi:10.1109/icc.2016.7510814Arouk, O., & Ksentini, A. (2016). General Model for RACH Procedure Performance Analysis. IEEE Communications Letters, 20(2), 372-375. doi:10.1109/lcomm.2015.2505280Zhang, Z., Chao, H., Wang, W., & Li, X. (2014). Performance Analysis and UE-Side Improvement of Extended Access Barring for Machine Type Communications in LTE. 2014 IEEE 79th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring). doi:10.1109/vtcspring.2014.7023042Cheng, R.-G., Chen, J., Chen, D.-W., & Wei, C.-H. (2015). Modeling and Analysis of an Extended Access Barring Algorithm for Machine-Type Communications in LTE-A Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 14(6), 2956-2968. doi:10.1109/twc.2015.2398858Widrow, B., Glover, J. R., McCool, J. M., Kaunitz, J., Williams, C. S., Hearn, R. H., … Goodlin, R. C. (1975). Adaptive noise cancelling: Principles and applications. Proceedings of the IEEE, 63(12), 1692-1716. doi:10.1109/proc.1975.1003