3,699 research outputs found

    Language and Math: What If We Have Two Separate Naming Systems?

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    Producción CientíficaThe role of language in numerical processing has traditionally been restricted to counting and exact arithmetic. Nevertheless, the impact that each of a bilinguals’ languages may have in core numerical representations has not been questioned until recently. What if the language in which math has been first acquired (LLmath) had a bigger impact in our math processing? Based on previous studies on language switching we hypothesize that balanced bilinguals would behave like unbalanced bilinguals when switching between the two codes for math. In order to address this question, we measured the brain activity with magneto encephalography (MEG) and source estimation analyses of 12 balanced Basque-Spanish speakers performing a task in which participants were unconscious of the switches between the two codes. The results show an asymmetric switch cost between the two codes for math, and that the brain areas responsible for these switches are similar to those thought to belong to a general task switching mechanism. This implies that the dominances for math and language could run separately from the general language dominance.Departamento de Cultura y Política Lingüística del Gobierno Vasco (grant PRE_992)Junta de Castilla y León - FEDER (Project VA009P17

    La enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en la intervenc

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    En el presente artículo se pretende subrayar la importancia de que desde el Trabajo Social y la Educación Social se profundice en el conocimiento y la utilización de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) como recurso y requisito para la intervención socioeducativa. Unas tecnologías que cada vez ostentan un mayor protagonismo en nuestra sociedad y ante las que, además, es preciso constituir una adecuada respuesta desde las entidades que habrán de asumir, tarde o temprano, la responsabilidad de atender las nuevas situaciones de exclusión a las que se podrán ver sometidos aquellos que no tengan posibilidad de acceder a ellas. En este sentido, se destaca la necesidad de que los profesionales que trabajan, o pretenden trabajar en estos campos, conozcan los usos y posibilidades de las TIC y sepan incorporarlas como herramientas de trabajo e intervención, así como abordarlas adecuadamente desde los procesos de enseñanza/aprendizaje que lleguen a promover

    Where the eye takes you: the processing of gender in codeswitching

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    Producción CientíficaLa alternancia de códigos posee gran potencial para explorar cómo interactúan dos sistemas lingüísticos en la mente del bilingüe. Exploramos esta situación de lenguas en contacto a través de datos de seguimiento ocular de bilingües de español L1 e inglés L2. Dado que las comunidades bilingües inglés-español muestran una clara tendencia a producir alternancia entre determinante y nombre (la window / the ventana), desde un punto de vista formal analizamos la direccionalidad de la alternancia y el tipo de mecanismo de concordancia de género implícita que se produce en el caso del determinante español (la/el window // el/la book). Los resultados muestran que se tardan más en procesar tanto la alternancia con determinante español como la del determinante español sin género analógico. Interpretamos estos resultados a la luz de propuestas formales de representación del género y argumentamos que la gramaticalidad del género en la L1 de los participantes determina los costes de procesamiento en este tipo de alternancia.Junta de Castilla y León - FEDER (project VA009P17)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - FEDER (project PGC2018-097693-B-I00

    Higher order hypergeometric Lauricella function and zero asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials

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    The asymptotic contracted measure of zeros of a large class of orthogonal polynomials is explicitly given in the form of a Lauricella function. The polynomials are defined by means of a three-term recurrence relation whose coefficients may be unbounded but vary regularly and have a different behaviour for even and odd indices. Subclasses of systems of orthogonal polynomials having their contracted measure of zeros of regular, uniform, Wigner, Weyl, Karamata and hypergeometric types are explicitly identified. Some illustrative examples are given

    El periódico: el libro del pueblo.

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    A finales del Siglo XIX y comienzos del xx algunos medios escritos intuyeron su importante potencial socio-pedagógico y consideraron que podrían contribuir sobremanera, con el contenido de sus artículos y su difusión, a la promoción e caz del cambio y el desarrollo social, cada uno desde su particular perspectiva ideológica. La prensa se consideró así, ya entonces, un formidable instrumento para la transmisión de contenidos educativos, lo que llevó a verla como una gran tribuna para la enseñanza y a definirla como «el libro del obrero» (Fuentes y Fernández, 1997:131). En este artículo se da cuenta del carácter de aquellas iniciativas que, en España y fundamentalmente en Madrid, se construyeron entonces con este sentido e/o intencionalidad socioeducativa, entre los que destacaron los medios de carácter eminentemente pedagógico, la prensa obrera socialista, anarquista y de los sindicatos católicos, e iniciativas como la de Ortega y Gasset con la Revista España. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th some written media had an intuition about their important socio-pedagogic potential. They considered that they could make a great contribution to the effective promotion of social change and development by means of the content of their articles and their diffusion, each one from their own particular ideological perspective. Press was then considered, even then, as a great instrument to transmit educational contents. It was thus regarded as a great tribune for teaching and defi ned as «the working-class book» (Fuentes and Fernández, 1997:131). This article accounts for the character of those initiatives in Spain, and mainly in Madrid, which were devised then in this sense and/or with this socio-educational intention. Among them, the outstanding media was those with a specifi c teaching character, the socialist, anarchist and Catholic union working-class press, and initiatives such as the one by Ortega y Gasset with Revista de España

    Enseñanza virtual sobre controles microbiológicos en aguas residuales: Su importancia sanitaria

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    El principal objetivo de este proyecto ha sido el de introducir un sistema de aprendizaje por indagación para una evaluación por competencias mediante la utilización de una herramienta interdisciplinar, a partir de la elaboración de material didáctico multimedia, sobre los métodos utilizados en el análisis de indicadores de calidad ambiental y sanitaria en aguas residuales urbanas dentro de la asignatura de Microbiología I del Grado de Farmacia. El propósito es introducir un cambio en el sistema de evaluación del estudiante para favorecer el desarrollo de competencias específicas y transversales en el área de Microbiología. Se persigue pues, por un lado, motivar al alumnado mediante la realización de este material didáctico, mediante el aprendizaje práctico de las técnicas utilizadas en los sistemas de depuración biológicos y la realización de material audiovisual sobre cada una de las técnicas aprendidas. En este sentido, esta metodología se utilizará como técnica de aprendizaje activo, y por otro lado, permitirá dar un enfoque más práctico al área de la Microbiología, para aumentar el éxito en el aprendizaje y fomentar la asimilación de conceptos de nuestros estudiantes al crear la necesidad de aprender para enseñar. Esto permitirá detectar inconsistencias formativas y traducirlas en áreas de oportunidad. Con ello pondremos en práctica una técnica de enseñanza novedosa en el ámbito universitario y susceptible de ser aplicada bajo las exigencias del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES)

    Aplicación móbil multiplataforma para proporcionar información de accesibilidade a persoas con diversidade funcional física

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    [Resumo] Neste traballo fin de grado preséntase unha aplicación móbil multi-plataforma (iOS e Android) orientada a facilitar o día a día as persoas con diversidade funcional física. A finalidade principal da aplicación é a de ofrecer ao usuario un filtro a través do cal poida localizar calquera tipo de lugar nunha cidade (bares,parques…) en función das necesidades de accesibilidade que especifique (ascensor, ramplas de acceso…) e da localización desexada. A súa vez, cos lugares obtidos do filtrado pódese interactuar de diferentes maneiras, como pode ser: dando unha opinión do lugar, puntuando a súa accesibilidade, etc. O núcleo da aplicación é unha API Rest implementada mediante o framework SpringBoot e persistindo a información nunha base de datos PostgreSQL. Esta API é consumida por unha aplicación móbil implementada utilizando JavaScript con axuda de React Native como framework.[Abstract] In this final degree project a multi-platform mobile application (iOS and Android) is presented aimed to ease the day-to-day life of people with physical functional diversity. The main purpose of the application is to offer to the user a filter through which he can locate any type of place in a city (pubs,parks …) depending on the accessibility needs you specify (elevator, access ramps. ..) and the desired location. In turn, with the places obtained from the filtering you can interact in different ways, such as: giving an opinion of the place, rating its accessibility, etc. The core of the application is a Rest API implemented using the SpringBoot framework and persisting the information in a PostgreSQL database. This API is consumed by a mobile application implemented using JavaScript with the help of React Native as a framework.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIC). Enxeñaría informática. Curso 2018/201

    Actuaciones educativas para la convivencia en centros con alumnado inmigrante

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    This article shows the results of fieldwork conducted in 11 schools within the project The improvement of living and learning in primary and secondary schools with immigrant students, funded under the National Plan I + D + i (2008-2012). In these schools different educational actions (non-segregation of students in specific groups, organization of host-group-meetings, Coexistence Gatherings or participation of family members) are being carried out, contributing to the improvement of coexistence not only among students but also among families and school professionals

    The dangerous transporters: A study of microplastic-associated bacteria passing through municipal wastewater treatment

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    Microplastics (MPs) provide a stable and protective habitat for diverse wastewater bacteria, including pathogenic and antibiotic-resistant species. Therefore, MPs may potentially transport these bacteria through wastewater treatment steps to the environment and far distances. This study investigated bacterial communities of MPassociated bacteria from different stages of municipal wastewater treatment processes to evaluate the potential negative effect of these biofilms on the environment. The results showed a high diversity of bacteria that were strongly attached to MPs. After all treatment steps, the core bacterial groups remained attached to MPs and escaped from the wastewater treatment plant with effluent water. Several pathogenic bacteria were identified in MP samples from all treatment steps, and most of them were found in effluent water. These data provide new insights into the possible impacts of wastewater-derived MPs on the environment. MP-associated biofilms were proved to be important sources of pathogens and antibiotic-resistant genes in natural waters

    Granular biomass technology for providing drinking water: microbial versatility and nitrate performance in response to carbon source

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    AL and RVV are supported by the funds of European Commission through the "European funds for regional development" (EFRE) as well as by the regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitalization of Saxony-Anhalt as part of the "Autonomy in old Age" (AiA) research group for "LiLife" Project (Project ID: ZS/2018/11/95324). Authors thank to Mrs. Ilka Kramer for her technical support in sequencing. BMP is supported by the funds of Ministerio de Universidades (Spain Government) and the European Union -NextGenerationEU. The authors would like to acknowledge the support given by the funding proving by LIFE16 ENV/ES/000196 and the RMN270 research group, which was essential for the realization of this research.The aerobic granular biomass technology was optimized for treating nitrate-polluted groundwater based on the biological denitrification processes in order to provide drinking water. Reactors inoculated with granular biomass were operated at progressively lower C/N rate using acetate and methanol to encourage heterotrophic denitrification, in order to meet the recommended requirements described by European Drinking Water Framework Directive. The granulation and long-term stability of granular biomass under low C/N were successful for all stages, demonstrated compactness of granules and absence of filamentous microorganisms. The nitrate removal was similar in methanol- and acetate-fed reactors, occurring in both cases nitrate removal ratios > 80%, and fact allows the selection of one of both depending groundwater polluted case. Also, feeding reactors with 2 C/N ratio showed nitrate removal values of & GE; 95%, treating highly polluted groundwater (100 mg & BULL;L-1). The microbial diversity was higher in the methanol-fed reactor with representative phylotypes as Flavobacterium, Cytophagaceae, NS9 marine group, while species richness was higher in the acetate-fed reactor, which was mainly represented by Flavobacterium genus. Statistical analyses revealed the higher resilience of bacterial population on granules fed with acetate, showing more resistance under drop C/N ratio. Oscillating pollution in groundwater during seasonal periods should be treated using acetate as carbon source for denitrification carried out by granular biomass, while stable pollution concentrations over time allow the use of methanol as a carbon source since the greater microbial diversity allows the elimination of other contaminants present in groundwater.European Union (EU)Regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitalization of Saxony-Anhalt ZS/2018/11/95324Ministerio de Universidades (Spain Government)LIFE16 ENV/ES/000196RMN270European Union -NextGenerationE