64 research outputs found

    Nuevo índice para evaluar anomalías de elementos traza en suelos: el caso del SE español

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    In this work, an index is established to detect anomalies in trace elements in the soil. This index, which relates the total concentration of each element with the regional geochemical background value of the element considered, was defined by studying the levels of trace elements from different soils located in SE Spain. In the area, a previous screening of trace elements detected seven zones with anomalies and revealed two conflictive areas: Sierra Gador and Cabo de Gata. In each zone, a second sampling was undertaken at two different depths (0-20 cm and 20-40 cm). The results indicate that the main anomalies were due to arsenic (As), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn). In Sierra Gador Pb was the element that registered the highest rate of enrichment with respect to the regional geochemical background, reaching values up to 270-fold higher in some samples. In this zone, more than 50% of the samples were anomalous in any of the trace elements studied (higher than regional geochemical background). In Cabo de Gata, As concentration was higher than the geochemical background in more than 40% of the samples; meanwhile Pb concentration was higher in 50% of the samples.En este trabajo establecemos un índice para detectar anomalías en el contenido de elementos traza en suelos. Este índice relaciona el contenido total de cada elemento traza con el fondo geoquímico regional, definido mediante el estudio de los niveles de elementos traza en diferentes suelos localizados en el sureste español. En un primer estudio sobre niveles de elementos traza en suelos del área de estudio detectaron siete zonas con anomalías, de las cuales dos fueron consideradas conflictivas: Sierra de Gádor y Cabo de Gata. En cada una de estas dos zonas se realizó un segundo estudio más exhaustivo a dos niveles de profundidad (0-20 y 20-40 cm). Los resultados indican que las principales anomalías correspondes a los niveles de As, Pb y Zn. En Sierra de Gádor el Pb es el elemento que presenta una mayor tasa de enriquecimiento con respecto al fondo geoquímico regional, con valores puntuales que lo superan hasta 270 veces. También en esta zona más del 50% de las muestras presentan anomalías en alguno de los elementos analizados. En Cabo de Gata el As supera el fondo geoquímico regional en más del 40% de las muestras; mientras que el Pb lo supera en el 50% de las muestras.This study has been made possible by the research Project no. 1550 of the Regional Environmental Department of the Andalusian Government

    Evolution of the Residual Pollution in Soils after Bioremediation Treatments

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    This study is focused on one of the most important spills that ever happened in Europe, the Aznalcóllar’s mine spill. The extensive application of phytostabilization in the area led to the implementation of the Guadiamar Green Corridor (GGC). Soil physicochemical properties were analyzed and the total concentration of Pb, As, Zn and Cu was measured by X-ray fluorescence (XRF); bioassay using Lactuca sativa L. was applied to assess potential toxicity. Two decades after the accident, some soils affected by residual contamination continue to appear in the area. According to regulatory levels, Pb and As concentrations are exceeded in around 13%and 70%, respectively, in the uppermost part of the soils (first 10 cm). The change in soil properties after bioremediation treatment positively promoted the reduction in the potential mobility of pollutants by the increase in pH, CaCO3 content and organic carbon. Anyway, the bioassay with Lactuca sativa, indicated that around 25% of the soils showed toxicity by the reduction of the root elongation in relation to the control samples. Our results indicate that monitoring of the GGC is still needed, together with the application of soil recovery measures to reduce the potential toxicity in some sectors of the affected area.This research was funded by the Research Project RTI 2018-094327-B-I00 (Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities) and the Research Groups RNM-269 and RNM-101 (Junta de Andalucía, Spain)

    Technosols Derived from Mining, Urban, and Agro-Industrial Waste for the Remediation of Metal(loid)-Polluted Soils: A Microcosm Assay

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    This research was funded by the project RTI2018-094327-B-I00 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation). A.A.-G. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for their predoc- toral fellowship granted under application references FPU-18/02901; M.P.-L. thanks the Research Project RTI2018-094327-B-I00 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) for his contract; and A.R-F. thanks the Junta de Andalusia Post-doctoral Operating Research Program FEDER 2014-2020 (ref. E-RNM-444-UGR20) for her contract.Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/toxics11100854/s1This study evaluated the effectiveness of six Technosols designed for the remediation of polluted soils (PS) by metal(loid)s at physicochemical, biological, and ecotoxicological levels and at a microcosm scale. Technosols T1–T6 were prepared by combining PS with a mix of organic and inorganic wastes from mining, urban, and agro-industrial activities. After two months of surface application of Technosols on polluted soils, we analysed the soil properties, metal(loid) concentration in total, soluble and bioavailable fractions, soil enzymatic activities, and the growth responses of Trifolium campestre and Lactuca sativa in both the Technosols and the underlying polluted soils. All Technosols improved the unfavourable conditions of polluted soils by neutralising acidity, increasing the OC, reducing the mobility of most metal(loid)s, and stimulating both the soil enzymatic activities and growths of T. campestre and L. sativa. The origin of organic waste used in the Technosols strongly conditioned the changes induced in the polluted soils; in this sense, the Technosols composed of pruning and gardening vermicompost (T3 and T6) showed greater reductions in toxicity and plant growth than the other Technosols composed with different organic wastes. Thus, these Technosols constitute a potential solution for the remediation of persistent polluted soils that should be applied in large-scale and long-term interventions to reinforce their feasibility as a cost-effective ecotechnology.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation RTI2018-094327-B-I00, FPU-18/02901Junta de Andalusia FEDER 2014-2020 E-RNM-444-UGR2

    Self- vs. External-Regulation Behavior ScaleTM in different psychological contexts:A validation study

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    The self- vs. external-regulation behavior theory, SR-ER Theory (2021) model has postulated the Self-Regulation /Non or De-Regulation/Dys-regulation (SR-NR-DR) continuum in the person and in their context. The model also generates a behavioral heuristic that allows us to predict and explain the variability of other dependent behavioral variables in a range of scenarios (clinical, educational, health and technology contexts). Consequently, the objective of this study was to validate the different scales prepared on the basis of the theory presented. A total of 469 students voluntarily completed at different times the five questionnaires presented, to give a total of 1,385 completed questionnaires. Using an ex post facto design, descriptive, correlational, confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA), reliability, and concurrent validity analyses were carried out. The scales were analyzed individually and as a whole. The results showed the acceptable structure of scale and consistent levels of reliability. The five levels generated by the SR-NR-DR (personal and contextual) combinatory heuristic that arises from the theoretical model determined significant differences in the levels of the variables analyzed for each psychological context. We discuss the theoretical implications and the implications for the assessment and improvement of the behaviors analyzed in function of the personal and contextual regulation levels evaluated

    Applying the SRL vs. ERL Theory to the Knowledge of Achievement Emotions in Undergraduate University Students

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    The SRL vs.ERL Theory predicts that a student's own self-regulation and the regulatory nature of the context are factors that jointly determine the student's level of motivational-affective variables. However, this principle has not yet been verified in the case of achievement emotions. The aim of this research was to test this prediction, with the hypothesis that students' level of self-regulation (low-medium-high), in interaction with the regulatory nature of the teaching (low-medium-high), would determine positive or negative emotions as well as the degree of burnout/engagement. A total of 440 university students completed validated questionnaires on self-regulation; regulatory teaching; achievement emotions in class, in study and in testing situations; and on burnout/engagement. Using a quasi-experimental design by selection, ANOVAs and MANOVAs (3 × 3; 5 × 1) were carried out. The results confirmed that the level of self-regulation and the level of external regulation jointly determined university students' level of achievement emotions, as well as their level of burnout/engagement. Based on these results, a five-level progressive scale was configured. We conclude that this scale may be useful and adequate as a heuristic technique or model for understanding and analyzing the type of student-teacher interaction that is taking place in the university classroom, and thereby learn the probability of stressful effects and the students' level of emotional health.Fil: de la Fuente, Jesús. Universidad de Almeria; España. Universidad de Navarra; EspañaFil: Martínez-Vicente, José Manuel. Universidad de Almeria; EspañaFil: Peralta-Sánchez, Francisco Javier. Fundacion Universitaria Konrad Lorenz.; ColombiaFil: Garzón-Umerenkova, Angélica. Fundacion Universitaria Konrad Lorenz.; ColombiaFil: Vera, Manuel Mariano. Universidad de Granada; EspañaFil: Paoloni, Paola Veronica Rita. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Territoriales y Educativas. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Territoriales y Educativas; Argentin

    Influence of Preoperative Astigmatism Type and Magnitude on the Effectiveness of SMILE Correction

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    PURPOSE: To assess the effectiveness of small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) as a function of the astigmatism level and type. METHODS: A total of 102 right eyes were included in this study. Refractive astigmatism and corneal astigmatism measured with Scheimpflug technology were retrieved from the preoperative visit and the 3-month follow-up visit. Patients were split into three groups according to the preoperative refractive astigmatism (0.50, 0.75 to 1.25, and 1.50 diopters [D] or greater) and the effectiveness among each group was evaluated according to the with-the-rule (WTR), against-the-rule (ATR), and oblique classifications. The standard Alpins method was used for the analysis. RESULTS: Resultant astigmatism was not associated with its preoperative classification when the total sample was considered, but a significant association emerged between the presence of resultant astigmatism and its preoperative classification in the 1.50 D or greater group. The magnitude of error was significantly lower in the WTR (median: -0.30 D) than in the oblique and ATR astigmatism groups, resulting in a coefficient of adjustment of 1.13 for WTR astigmatism of 1.50 D or greater but not for the other types. CONCLUSIONS: Astigmatism correction with SMILE is predictable for astigmatism lower than 1.50 D without the need to apply a correction. However, higher undercorrection is present in WTR astigmatism of 1.50 D or greater

    Transoral approach to upper airway disease with microdissection electrodes. Our experience.

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    [ES] Exponemos los resultados a corto plazo de nuestra experiencia en la exéresis endoscópica de lesiones que afectan a la vía aérea superior mediante microelectrodos de disección. Quisiéramos destacar que aunque llevamos utilizando esta técnica muy poco tiempo, hemos comprobado que es de aprendizaje relativamente fácil, de manejo simple y que proporciona un corte limpio de tejidos, sin evidenciar hasta la fecha de hoy ninguna complicación hemorrágica, ni de tipo cicatricial postoperatorio. [EN] We present our initial experience in endoscopic removal of upper airway lesions using microelectrodes. We want to emphasize that though we have been using this technique for a short time, we have verified that it is easy to learn and simple to manage and provides a clean cutting of tissues. Up to now we have had no hemorrhagic or cicatricial complications

    Clinical and pathological effects of different acrylic intracorneal ring segments in corneal additive surgery

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    Producción CientíficaThe objective of this work was to evaluate the potential use of less stiff materials based on acrylic copolymers of methyl methacrylate/2-ethylhexyl acrylate (MMA/EHA) as devices to correct, stabilize and improve the effect of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) intracorneal ring segments. MMA/EHA and PMMA intracorneal ring segments were surgically implanted in the corneas of Lohmann Classic hens. The effects of the intracorneal ring segments were assessed by optical measurements and corneal tolerance was evaluated through biomicroscopic examination over a 90-day observation period and by conventional histology. The experimental results demonstrated that the intracorneal ring segments made of MMA/EHA copolymers provided a significant change in the corneal curvature and an improved in vivo response compared to those obtained for PMMA rings, which was attributed to the higher flexibility of the copolymeric materials, indicating that these systems might be considered suitable as an alternative to those currently used, for application in clinical practice

    Satisfaction With the Self-Assessment of University Students Through e-Coping With Academic Stress UtilityTM

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    The general purpose of this report is: (1) research was to check whether the degree of satisfaction with the self-assessment activity of university students was related to the scores obtained and the degree of different variables, associated with level of Self-Regulation; (2) to present the online utility, e-Coping with Academic StressTM, as a technological development in Educational Psychology; (3) analyze the possibilities of transfer of this technological innovation. A total of 929 university students, coming from a public university, participated in the use of this online utility. University students can use the tool’s online inventories to make self-assessments in the different variables of Studying, Learning and Performing under Stress (SLPS Competency Model). Descriptives, correlational and inferential analyzes (ANOVAs and MANOVAs) were carried out. The results allowed to know the profile of competences of the analyzed university students, in addition to the degree of satisfaction with the self-evaluation. Finally, we communicate possible actions and options available for transfer of this resulting technology, through RD transfer contracts arranged directly or with other universities

    Magisterio, educación y humanidades

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    172 p.Diversas circunstancias del presente obligan a pensar acerca del papel de la formación humanística en todos los procesos educativos. Las manifestaciones de intolerancia, barbarie, corrupción, falta de pertenencia, ausencia de memoria histórica o espiritualidad, entre otros factores, llevan a analizar, en profundidad y con esperanza, los diferentes conflictos humanos. Así mismo, a procurar alzar la voz para ofrecer algunas reflexiones que iluminen posibilidades de diálogo y reconocimiento, las cuales colaboren con la reconstrucción del tejido social que, por la diversidad de manifestaciones de una realidad en crisis, necesita algunas pistas para atender las necesidades más apremiantes del contexto colombiano, aunque estas sean de carácter teórico, como las que se presentan en el siguiente volumen. La participación activa de los docentes del departamento de Humanidades de la Universidad Católica de Colombia, permite reconocer que cada quien, desde su campo disciplinar y académico, es consciente de la necesidad de asumir la vocería para reflexionar y dialogar sobre diversidad de temas y autores, que pueden orientar las posibilidades de comprensión frente a las situaciones que se viven en el día a día y que no son ajenas a las aulas de clase y a la cotidianidad de la comunidad universitaria. Es por ello que en este libro se presentan reflexiones en torno a: el papel de la educación política; la alteridad; la relación entre filosofía y pintura; los aportes del Magisterio de la Iglesia al concepto de funcionamiento familiar; la consciencia política; Jesucristo como el rostro de la felicidad cristiana; el desarrollo de la Constitución Pastoral Gaudium et Spes en las encíclicas de S.S. Benedicto XVI y su relación con la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia; algunas lecciones sobre la mujer y el hombre en el Magisterio; la pedagogía de la pregunta y la respuesta en la posibilidad de un proyecto de vida; la educación en el Magisterio Pontificio; y las enseñanzas de la teología del cuerpo.Prólogo 1. Educar para pensar políticamente: el papel de la educación política en el contexto colombiano 2. El lenguaje: camino hacia la alteridad 3. Merleau-Ponty: filosofía y pintura. La duda de Cézanne 4. Aportes del Magisterio de la Iglesia al concepto de funcionamiento familiar (APGAR) 5. De la ceguera a la lucidez: camino hacia una consciencia política 6. Jesucristo: el rostro de la felicidad cristiana 7. Desarrollo de la constitución pastoral Gaudium et spes en las encíclicas de S.S. Benedicto XVI y su relación con la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia 8. Algunas lecciones sobre la mujer y el hombre en el Magisterio 9. Un proyecto de vida desde la pedagogía de la pregunta y la respuesta 10. La educación en el Magisterio Pontificio: algunas enseñanzas de la teología del cuerpo Bibliografí