8,178 research outputs found

    Investigational Drugs for the Treatment of Postherpetic Neuralgia: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    The pharmacological treatment of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is unsatisfactory, and there is a clinical need for new approaches. Several drugs under advanced clinical development are addressed in this review. A systematic literature search was conducted in three electronic databases (Medline, Web of Science, Scopus) and in the ClinicalTrials.gov register from 1 January 2016 to 1 June 2023 to identify Phase II, III and IV clinical trials evaluating drugs for the treatment of PHN. A total of 18 clinical trials were selected evaluating 15 molecules with pharmacological actions on nine different molecular targets: Angiotensin Type 2 Receptor (AT2R) antagonism (olodanrigan), Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) 2 subunit inhibition (crisugabalin, mirogabalin and pregabalin), Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel (VGSC) blockade (funapide and lidocaine), Cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) inhibition (TRK-700), Adaptor-Associated Kinase 1 (AAK1) inhibition (LX9211), Lanthionine Synthetase C-Like Protein (LANCL) activation (LAT8881), N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonism (esketamine), mu opioid receptor agonism (tramadol, oxycodone and hydromorphone) and Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) inhibition (fulranumab). In brief, there are several drugs in advanced clinical development for treating PHN with some of them reporting promising results. AT2R antagonism, AAK1 inhibition, LANCL activation and NGF inhibition are considered first-in-class analgesics. Hopefully, these trials will result in a better clinical management of PHNTraining University Lecturers program (FPU21/02736) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO

    La flora como recurso terapéutico : el caso de los extractos fluidos de los Laboratorios Codex en México

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    Entre las fuentes para una historia social de la terapéutica en México, es pertinente analizar la producción de sus laboratorios farmacéuticos, aún cuando reflejen de manera limitada e indirecta la práctica terapéutica misma. Una primera aproximación a los extractos fluidos de los Laboratorios Codex producidos en el segundo cuarto del siglo XX, permite destacar la diversidad florística de la materia prima empleada en ellos y sus propiedades terapéuticas, avaladas entonces por las autoridades regulatorias. Las indicaciones terapéuticas de los extractos abarcaban una gama amplia de padecimientos, y el 45,8% de las especies utilizadas eran de procedencia nacional. La figura de los extractos fluidos permitía al clínico acceder al potencial de la flora medicinal, facilitando la flexibilidad prescriptiva en combinaciones y proporciones definidas en función de la condición cambiante del enfermo. Sin embargo, setenta años después, muchos de esos extractos, elaborados por la empresa originada en la empresa Codex, carecen de aval oficial como recursos terapéuticos en sí, incluso en ausencia de estudios que invaliden expresamente las atribuciones registradas entonces. Los productos atestiguan indirectamente, en su origen e indicaciones, un momento de transición en la producción farmacéutica y en la evolución de la terapéutica biomédica en México

    Compressed k2-Triples for Full-In-Memory RDF Engines

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    Current "data deluge" has flooded the Web of Data with very large RDF datasets. They are hosted and queried through SPARQL endpoints which act as nodes of a semantic net built on the principles of the Linked Data project. Although this is a realistic philosophy for global data publishing, its query performance is diminished when the RDF engines (behind the endpoints) manage these huge datasets. Their indexes cannot be fully loaded in main memory, hence these systems need to perform slow disk accesses to solve SPARQL queries. This paper addresses this problem by a compact indexed RDF structure (called k2-triples) applying compact k2-tree structures to the well-known vertical-partitioning technique. It obtains an ultra-compressed representation of large RDF graphs and allows SPARQL queries to be full-in-memory performed without decompression. We show that k2-triples clearly outperforms state-of-the-art compressibility and traditional vertical-partitioning query resolution, remaining very competitive with multi-index solutions.Comment: In Proc. of AMCIS'201

    Los valores sobre la participación de la infancia en la vida familiar: un análisis de la encuesta mundial de valores en Andalucía

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    En esta comunicación se trata de analizar en qué medida la transformación social operada en las sociedades contemporáneas puede estar afectando a la relación adultos-infancia en lo referente a los modelos de participación de los niños en la vida familiar. Para el estudio empírico de esta cuestión hemos hecho uso de la base de datos de la Encuesta Mundial de Valores, Andalucía (1998), de la que se han seleccionado ítems especialmente útiles para el objetivo de esta investigación, esto es, aquéllos que nos informan sobre las concepciones de los adultos respecto a la educación de los niños en el contexto de las relaciones de familia.In this paper, we pretend to analyze how and in what extent the social change in contemporary societies, over all in the relationship among adults and childhood, has involved more prominence of the children in a sense of more participation level in the familiar life. For the empirical research, it will be used the data base of the World Survey of Values, in particular, the results related to Andalusia, obtained in 1998. From this survey, it has been selected various items that report about the adults conceptions in relations to the childhood, especially in the context of the family relationship

    Positional voting rules generated by aggregation functions and the role of duplication

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    Producción CientíficaIn this paper, we consider a typical voting situation where a group of agents show their preferences over a set of alternatives. Under our approach, such preferences are codied into individual positional values which can be aggregated in several ways through particular functions, yielding positional voting rules and providing a social result in each case. We show that scoring rules belong to such class of positional voting rules. But if we focus our interest on OWA operators as aggregation functions, other well-known voting systems naturally appear. In particular, we determine those ones verifying duplication (i.e., clone irrelevance) and present a proposal of an overall social result provided by them.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (ECO2012-32178)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA066U13

    Pedagogical tools for teaching project design in outlying or newly created architectural schools

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    In recent decades new architectural schools have appeared distributed throughout the country, some of them occupy a markedly peripheral position. This text synthesizes some of the most common problems faced by those institutions and enounces several tools that could be useful for those who teach project designs according to a particular diagnosis. These tools focus primarily on three lines of action: the first one is related with the planning of the course, the second one tries o alleviate a certain lack of resources and finally the last one is aimed to give visibility to the work done in the classroom in and out of it.Durante las últimas décadas han aparecido, distribuidas por todo el territorio nacional, nuevas escuelas de arquitectura, ocupando algunas de ellas una posición acentuadamente periférica. En el presente texto se sintetizan los problemas más habituales que afrontan estas instituciones y se proponen algunas herramientas de aplicación en la asignatura de Proyectos Arquitectónicos que son fruto del particular diagnóstico. Estas herramientas se centran, fundamentalmente, en tres líneas de actuación: las relacionadas con la planificación del curso, las que intentan paliar una cierta carencia de algunos recursos propios y finalmente las encaminadas a dar visibilidad al trabajo realizado en el aula, dentro y fuera de ésta

    Pro Republica, contra Imperium

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    El objetivo del presente texto es comparar y aproximar dos filosofías políticas bien diferentes: el republicanismo de Philip Pettit y el constructivismo de Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari. Escrutaremos, principalmente, "Republicanism. A Theory of Freedom and Government" de Pettit y Mille plateaux. "Capitalisme et schizophrénie II" de Deleuze y Guattari. En nuestra lectura, subrayamos el sentido pragmático de las propuestas de ambos pensadores y mostramos sus posibles coincidencias

    Solving Sudoku with Membrane Computing

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    Sudoku is a very popular puzzle which consists on placing several numbers in a squared grid according to some simple rules. In this paper we present an efficient family of P systems which solve sudokus of any order verifying a specific property. The solution is searched by using a simple human-style method. If the sudoku cannot be solved by using this strategy, the P system detects this drawback and then the computations stops and returns No. Otherwise, the P system encodes the solution and returns Yes in the last computation step.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2008-04487-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Democratic leadership for principals´ training, basic elements from a didactic and research model

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    En pro de posicionar al liderazgo educativo como la teoría eje de la dirección, algunos programas formativos - sobre todo aquellos que siguen la tradición de formar a los directores escolares según el vaivén de las reformas educativas vigentes- corren el riesgo de tecnificar y simplificar la comprensión e instrumentación de estas teorías. En sociedades cuyas estructuras educativas aún no se desatan de prácticas piramidales o centralistas, es importante considerar al liderazgo democrático como una alternativa didáctica en la formación de directores. Se presenta un modelo didáctico-investigativo en construcción, para la formación de directores, desde una perspectiva democrática del liderazgoSeeking to establish Educational Leadership theories as the axis for Principalship practices there is a risk of over-simplifying its understanding and implementation, especially in some training programs that are implemented merely to follow educational reforms. In societies, whose educational structures are not yet free of pyramidal or centralist practices of power as a decision-making mechanism, it is important to consider democratic leadership as a didactic alternative in the training of Principals. Basis for a didactic-research model are presented for the training of School Principals from a democratic leadership perspectiv