1,313 research outputs found

    Packaging design: learning through fictional cases or real cases? Comparative study of student performance over 8 academic years

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    Comunicació presentada a EDULEARN2019, 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (July 1-3, 2019, Palma, Mallorca, Spain).In the practical subjects of the Degrees in Industrial Design students usually apply theoretical knowledge to solve complex cases, but in many occasions these cases are only fictional. However, it is also possible to provide students with cases that respond to real needs, and on many occasions it is the companies that propose them through contests. Numerous experiences endorse the Competition-Based Learning (CBL) as a working methodology that improves the motivation of the students. But it is worth asking to what extent this motivation achieves a significant improvement in student performance. This paper hypothesizes that the performance of industrial design students is higher when they work to solve real cases than when they have to solve fictional cases. To demonstrate it, the average grades obtained during 8 academic years in a subject related to packaging are compared. Between 2011 and 2014, students were presented with a fictional case in which it was necessary to solve a specific need for a new type of packaging. Between 2015 and 2018 a similar exercise was planned, but based on real cases proposed by companies in the sector. In both cases, the exercise was planned during the central weeks of the semester, the students were given a similar period of time to develop them (around 4 weeks), and they were evaluated according to similar criteria. The results of this study show that the orientation of the exercises towards real cases through participation in contests seems to have a slight positive influence on student performance (+3.25%), so it is possible to demonstrate that the incorporation of CBL as a teaching methodology is generally positive for design students, given that it improves both their motivation and the quality of their proposals and has a positive impact on their performance

    La recepción de la imagen de las mujeres en los medios : una aproximación cualitativa

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los resultados de una investigación sobre el consumo femenino de los estereotipos de género presentes en los medios de comunicación. Nos interesa conocer cuáles son los estereotipos de género que las mujeres valoran como discriminatorias y cuáles consideran como prácticas positivas respecto a la imagen de la mujer en la sociedad. Pretendemos generar pautas de conocimiento en tres vertientes: en la percepción y consideración de la ciudadanía frente a los contenidos mediáticos, comprensión de la participación social referente a dichos contenidos, y la valoración, efectividad y otras acciones que pueden ayudar a mejorar la representación de las mujeres en los medios de comunicación.This article aims to analyse the results of an investigation into the use of female gender stereotypes present in the media. We are interested in knowing what the gender stereotypes that women are valued as discriminatory and which regarded as positive practices regarding the image of women in ociety. We intend to generate patterns of knowledge in three areas: in the perception and consideration of citizenship in front of the media contents, understand the social participation about media content and the valuation strategy, effectiveness and other actions that can help improve the representation of women in the media

    Indicadores socio-culturales en las representaciones gráficas de los niños

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    Osteochemonecrosis of the jaws due to bisphosphonate treatments : update

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    Bisphosphonates (BP),were initially used in industry and later as a drug due to their great affinity to osseous tissue, because of their powerful antiresorptive effect as a treatment in various osteopathies, such as osteoporosis, Paget disease or hypercalcemia associated with some malignant tumors, as myeloma or breast cancer. They are administered orally or intravenously, and although well tolerated, the most frequent side effects are gastrointestinal, in addition to osteonecrosis when they are administered via endovenous. The aim of this work has been to evaluate the existing publications in accredited scientific literature on biphosphonates and their action mechanism and the relationship with the appearance of osteonecrosis of the jaws. Although the mechanism by which osteonecrosis of the jaws develops is not known exactly, there seems to be influence by osteoclast inhibiton, antiangiogenic action, an inhibitory effect on the cellular cycle by the keratinocytes, as well as, reinforcement of the chemiotoxic action in oncological patients treated with other drugs. Clinically, it ranges from a non-specificity of symptoms to lesions such as osteomyelitis with necrosis and osseous sequesters that may be accompanied by fetor ex oris, with the appearance of many Actinomyces contaminated lesions. As for published antecedents on osteonecrosis due to bisphosphonate treatment found until 2006: 46.5% had a previous diagnosis of multiple myeloma; 38.8% were patients with metastatic breast cancer; 6.2% patients of metastatic prostate cancer; 4.1% suffered from osteoporosis; 3.5% from other metastatic diseases and 0.8% had Paget disease. The drugs that seem to have the highest incidence of osteochemionecrosis are: zoledronate, pamidronate, alendronate, risendronate and ibandronate, from the greatest to the least. Additionally, the risk of osteonecrosis being produced is accumulative and may reach 21% in the third year of intravenous bisphosphonate use

    Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, divulgación científica y pymes biotecnológicas. Una propuesta de punto de partida. 

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    The reason most frequently adduced by SMEs to avoid the implementation of CSR programs is their shortage of material resources. In this paper we propose the possibility that biotech SMEs supply the RSC with something they’ve got in abundance, that is, knowledge. Popular science thus becomes the focus of these programs, an affordable resource that can benefit them, and not only in reputation. Our study focuses on 32 SMEs settled in four Technology Parks in Andalusia

    Exploratory factorial structure climate and labor flexibility

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    Objetivo. El clima laboral ha sido estudiado como un área inherente al liderazgo. En el caso del que se distingue por su comunicación y motivación vertical, el ambiente de trabajo ha sido considerado como un factor determinante de la flexibilidad en términos de condiciones, salarios y beneficios. En este sentido, el objetivo de este documento ha sido explorar las dimensiones del clima y la flexibilidad laboral para establecer las relaciones de dependencia entre sus indicadores. Se realizó un estudio no experimental, transversal y correlacional con una selección de muestras no probabilística de 300 empleados del centro de México. El clima laboral determina la flexibilidad, aunque la literatura más reciente advierte que más bien el clima media la relación entre las políticas de flexibilidad sobre la rotación de personal, el salario informal y la ausencia de beneficios. Se recomiendan líneas de investigación sobre la incidencia de los estilos de liderazgo en las variables en cuestión.Objective. Gross mode, the work climate has been studied as an area inherent in leadership. In the case of the one that is distinguished by its communication and vertical motivation, the work environment has been addressed as a determinant of flexibility in terms of conditions, salaries and benefits. In this regard, the objective of this paper has been to explore the dimensions of climate and labor flexibility in order to establish the dependency relationships between its indicators. Methodology. A non-experimental, cross-sectional and correlational study was carried out with a non-probabilistic sample selection of 300 employees from central Mexico. Results and conclusions. The labor climate determines the flexibility, although the most recent literature warns that rather the climate mediates the relationship between the flexibility policies on staff turnover, the informal salary and the absence of benefits. Research lines are recommended concerning the incidence of leadership styles in the variables in question

    Cementación en braquiópodos articulados

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    Estudio sobre el tipo de fijación al sustrato de los braquiópodos articulados que sirve para reordenar su taxonomía. Se señala, por primera vez, el desarrollo del hábito cementante en un miembro de la familia Leptaenidae

    Potential Protective Role Exerted by Secoiridoids from Olea europaea L. in Cancer, Cardiovascular, Neurodegenerative, Aging-Related, and Immunoinflammatory Diseases

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    Iridoids, which have beneficial health properties, include a wide group of cyclopentane [c] pyran monoterpenoids present in plants and insects. The cleavage of the cyclopentane ring leads to secoiridoids. Mainly, secoiridoids have shown a variety of pharmacological effects including anti-diabetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, neuroprotective, anti-cancer, and anti-obesity, which increase the interest of studying these types of bioactive compounds in depth. Secoiridoids are thoroughly distributed in several families of plants such as Oleaceae, Valerianaceae, Gentianaceae and Pedialaceae, among others. Specifically, Olea europaea L. (Oleaceae) is rich in oleuropein (OL), dimethyl-OL, and ligstroside secoiridoids, and their hydrolysis derivatives are mostly OL-aglycone, oleocanthal (OLE), oleacein (OLA), elenolate, oleoside-11-methyl ester, elenoic acid, hydroxytyrosol (HTy), and tyrosol (Ty). These compounds have proved their efficacy in the management of diabetes, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, and viral and microbial infections. Particularly, the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties of secoiridoids from the olive tree (Olea europaea L. (Oleaceae)) have been suggested as a potential application in a large number of inflammatory and reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated diseases. Thus, the purpose of this review is to summarize recent advances in the protective role of secoiridoids derived from the olive tree (preclinical studies and clinical trials) in diseases with an important pathogenic contribution of oxidative and peroxidative stress and damage, focusing on their plausible mechanisms of the action involved.España Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    Composición de ácidos grasos de los caprélidos (Crustacea: Amphipoda) del estrecho de Gibraltar

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    The total fatty acid composition of nine species of caprellidean amphipods collected from the Strait of Gibraltar was investigated. All caprellids were characterised by high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, mainly eicosapentaenoic acid, 20:5(n-3), and docosahexaenoic acid, 22:6(n-3); other major fatty acids were the saturate palmitic acid, 16:0, and the monounsaturate oleic acid, 18:1(n-9). In spite of this general uniformity, univariate and multivariate analysis showed that Caprella acanthifera and C. grandimana differed from the remaining species ( C. danilevskii , C. equilibra , C. liparotensis , C. penantis , C. santosrosai , Phtisica marina and Pseudoprotella phasma ). These two species ( C. acanthifera and C. grandi- mana ) showed higher concentrations of 18:1(n-7) and 20:4(n-6) and lower percentages of 22:6(n-3). These results, together with higher values of the biomarker ratio 20:5(n-3)/22:6(n-3) and a lower ratio 18:1(n-9)/18:1(n-7), suggested a greater contribution of diatoms and macroalgae in the diet of C. acanthifera and C. grandimana and a lesser contribution of flagellates than in the remaining species. The cluster classification of the caprellid specimens from the Strait of Gibraltar based on the fatty acid composition was in agreement with the Cluster output from data of feeding behaviour. Sex-related changes in the fatty acid composition were also explored in C. acanthifera , C. danilevskii and C. penantis ; the percentage of 18:0, 20:4(n-6), and 20:5(n-3) was significantly higher in males, whereas 16:1(n-7) was higher in females. The intraspecific diferences of fatty acids in different environmental conditions seem to indicate that the consumption of diatoms in contrast to flagellates increases with the degree of eutrophication.Se estudió la composición de ácidos grasos de nueve especies de anfípodos caprélidos recolectados en el Estrecho de Gibraltar. Todos los caprélidos se caracterizaron por presentar niveles elevados de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados, principal- mente eicosapentaenoico, 20:5(n-3), y docosahexaenoico, 22:6(n-3); otros ácidos grasos importantes fueron el saturado ácido palmítico, 16:0, y el monoinsaturado ácido oleico, 18:1(n-9). A pesar de este patrón general, los análisis univariantes y multivariantes mostraron que, atendiendo a la composición de ácidos grasos, Caprella acanthifera y C. grandimana se diferenciaron significativamente de las especies restantes ( C. danilevskii , C. equilibra , C. liparotensis , C. penantis , C. santosrosai , Phtisica marina y Pseudoprotella phasma ). Estas dos especies ( C. acanthifera y C. grandimana ) mostraron por- centajes más altos de 18:1(n-7) y 20:4(n-6) y más bajos de 22:6(n-3). Estos resultados, junto con valores más altos del bio- marcador 20:5(n-3)/22:6(n-3) y más bajos del 18:1(n-9)/18:1(n-7) sugieren una mayor contribución de diatomeas y macroalgas en la dieta de C. acanthifera y C. grandimana y una menor contribución de flagelados. El dendrograma de clasificación de los caprélidos del Estrecho de Gibraltar basado en la composición de ácidos grasos fue similar al obtenido a partir de los datos de comportamiento alimenticio de las especies. Los cambios en la composición de ácidos grasos con respecto al sexo fueron explorados en C. acanthifera , C. danilevskii y C. penantis ; el porcentaje de 18:00, 20:4(n-6), y 20:5(n-3) fue significativamente superior en machos, mientras que el de 16:1(n-7) fue superior en las hembras. Las diferencias intraespecíficas en la composición de ácidos grasos en diferentes condiciones ambientales parecen indicar que el consumo de diatomeas frente al de dinoflagelados se incrementa al aumentar el grado de eutrofización