396 research outputs found

    Estudio comparativo del fraccionamiento de los carbohidratos de la miel mediante tratamiento con carbón activo y levaduras para la detección de adulteraciones

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    Recientemente se ha descrito la utilidad de los anhídridos de difructosa (DFAs) como buenos marcadores para la detección de adulteraciones de miel con jarabes de alto contenido en fructosa (HFCS) y de azúcar invertido (IS). Sin embargo, para la detección de estos compuestos es necesario realizar un fraccionamiento previo de los carbohidratos de estas muestras, dado que la alta concentración de monosacáridos (glucosa y fructosa) presentes en la miel dificulta el análisis de los compuestos minoritarios. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo se basó en la comparación de un tratamiento con levaduras propuesto con anterioridad y un fraccionamiento con carbónactivo para eliminar la fracción de monosacáridos,concentrando así los compuestos minoritarios de la miely en concreto los DFAs presentes en muestras adulteradas.Se llevó a cabo la optimización de dichos métodos para conseguir el mayor enriquecimiento en DFAs comprobándose que ambos son útiles para la detección de adulteraciones de miel de hasta un 5% de HFCS e IS

    Lyman break and ultraviolet-selected galaxies at z ̃ 1-I. Stellar populations from the ALHAMBRA survey

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    We take advantage of the exceptional photometric coverage provided by the combination of GALEX data in the ultraviolet (UV) and the ALHAMBRA survey in the optical and near-infrared to analyse the physical properties of a sample of 1225 GALEX-selected Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) at 0.8 ≲ z ≲ 1.2 that are located in the COSMOS field. This is the largest sample of LBGs studied in this redshift range to date. According to a spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting with synthetic stellar population templates, we find that LBGs at z ̃ 1 are mostly young galaxies with a median age of 341 Myr and have intermediate dust attenuation, (Es(B - V)) ̃ 0.20. Owing to the selection criterion, LBGs at z ̃ 1 are UV-bright galaxies and have a high dust-corrected total star formation rate (SFR), with a median value of 16.9M⊙ yr-1. Their median stellar mass is log (M*/M⊙) = 9.74. We find that the dustcorrected total SFR of LBGs increases with stellar mass and that the specific SFR is lower for more massive galaxies (downsizing scenario). Only 2 per cent of the galaxies selected through the Lyman break criterion have an active galactic nucleus nature. LBGs at z ̃ 1 are located mostly over the blue cloud of the colour-magnitude diagram of galaxies at their redshift, with only the oldest and/or the dustiest deviating towards the green valley and red sequence. Morphologically, 69 per cent of LBGs are disc-like galaxies, with the fractions of interacting, compact, or irregular systems being much lower, below 12 per cent. LBGs have a median effective radius of 2.5 kpc, and larger galaxies have a higher total SFR and stellar mass. Compared with their high-redshift analogues, we find evidence that LBGs at lower redshifts are larger, redder in the UV continuum, and have a major presence of older stellar populations in their SEDs. However, we do not find significant differences in the distributions of stellar mass or dust attenuation.NASA NAS5-26555NASA Office of Space Science NNX09AF08GEuropean Southern Observatory LP175.A-0839.Junta de Andalucia TIC-114, P08-TIC03531Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AYA2011-29517-C03- 01, AYA2010-1516

    Effect of a Very-Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet on Circulating Myokine Levels Compared with the Effect of Bariatric Surgery or a Low-Calorie Diet in Patients with Obesity

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    The preservation of muscle mass and muscle function after weight loss therapy is currently a considerable challenge in the fight against obesity. Muscle mass secretes proteins called myokines that have relevant functions in the regulation of metabolism and health. This study was aimed to evaluate whether a very low-calorie ketogenic (VLCK) diet may modulate myokine levels, in addition to changes in body composition, compared to a standard, balanced low-calorie (LC) diet or bariatric surgery in patients with obesity. Body composition, ketosis, insulin sensitivity and myokines were evaluated in 79 patients with overweight/obesity after a therapy to lose weight with a VLCK diet, a LC diet or bariatric surgery. The follow-up was 6 months. The weight loss therapies induced changes in myokine levels in association with changes in body composition and biochemical parameters. The effects on circulating myokine levels compared to those at baseline were stronger after the VLCK diet than LC diet or bariatric surgery. Differences reached statistical significance for IL-8, MMP2 and irisin. In conclusion, nutritional interventions or bariatric surgery to lose weight induces changes in circulating myokine levels, being this effect potentially most notable after following a VLCK dietThis work was supported by the PronoKal Group® and grants from the Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria, PI17/01287 research projects and CIBERobn (CB06/03/0003, CB12/03/30007, CB12/03/30002, CB06/03/0018) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)-Subdireccion General de Evaluacion y Fomento de la Investigación; Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) and the Health Department of the Government of Navarra (48/2009), Spain and Linea Especial “Nutrition, Obesity and Health” (University of Navarra LE/97). Ana B Crujeiras is funded by a research contract “Miguel Servet” (CP17/00088) from the ISCIII, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)S

    Proyecto Utica. Excavaciones en la ciudad fenicio-púnica. Campaña de 2015

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    La campaña de 2015 en Utica ha tenido objetivos limitados pero resultados interesantes. Se finalizó el pozo 20017 del corte 20, confirmando su carácter de hallazgo cerrado del siglo ix a. C. En el corte 21 se amplió la superficie de excavación en el edificio anejo al pozo, localizando estratos y estructuras de adobe fenicias que confirman un uso posterior a la clausura del pozo. En el corte 10 se profundizó en el sector 14 para datar fases constructivas localizadas en campañas anteriores y se documentaron construcciones del siglo vii a. C. En el corte 11 se efectuaron ampliaciones en el área monumental y se descubrió una estancia con muros de sillares paralela a la gran escalera romana, así como estructuras medievales adosadas a estructuras fenicias del Edificio B, cuyo propósito fue la instalación de una noria. En los cortes 10 y 11 los trabajos se interrumpieron al alcanzarse el nivel freático.The campaign of 2015 in Utica has had limited aims but interesting results. The excavation of the well 20017 in the square 20 was concluded, confirming its character of closed finding of the 9th century B.C. In the square 21 the surface of excavation was extended into the attached building to the well, locating Phoenician strata and structures of mudbrick that confirm its later use to the closing of the well. In the square 10, sector 14 was deepened to date constructive phases located in previous campaigns. Construction remains of the 7th B.C. century were documented too. In the square 11 were executed some extensions in the monumental area, discovering a room with walls of regular stones oriented with the big Roman stairs, as well as medieval structures attached to Phoenician structures of the Building B, which intention was the installation of a waterwheell. In squares 10 and 11 the works were interrupted after reaching to the groundwater level

    Identification and Quantification of Urinary Microbial Phenolic Metabolites by HPLC-ESI-LTQ-Orbitrap-HRMS and Their Relationship with Dietary Polyphenols in Adolescents

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    This study aimed to develop and validate a liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-linear ion trap quadrupole-Orbitrap-high-resolution mass spectrometry (HPLC/ESI-LTQ-Orbitrap-HRMS) method to identify and quantify urinary microbial phenolic metabolites (MPM), as well as to explore the relationship between MPM and dietary (poly)phenols in Spanish adolescents. A total of 601 spot urine samples of adolescents aged 12.02 ± 0.41 years were analyzed. The quantitative method was validated for linearity, limit of detection, limit of quantification, recovery, intra-and inter-day accuracy and precision, as well as postpreparative stability according to the criteria established by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists International. A total of 17 aglycones and 37 phase II MPM were identified and quantified in 601 spot urine samples. Phenolic acids were the most abundant urinary MPM, whereas stilbenes, hydroxytyrosol, and enterodiol were the least abundant. Urinary hydroxycoumarin acids (urolithins) were positively correlated with flavonoid and total (poly)phenol intake. An HPLC-ESI-LTQ-Orbitrap-HRMS method was developed and fully validated to quantify MPM. The new method was performed accurately and is suitable for MPM quantification in large epidemiological studies. Urinary lignans and urolithins are proposed as potential biomarkers of grain and nut intake in an adolescent population

    Options for agriculture at Marrakech climate talks: messages for SBSTA 45 agriculture negotiators

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    SBSTA 45 in Marrakech represents a unique opportunity for Parties to decide on the future of agriculture within the UNFCCC. The process of discussions on issues related to agriculture initiated at COP17 in Durban 2011 culminates at COP22 in Marrakech 2016. The explicit reference to food security in the preamble of the Paris Agreement and the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions which prioritize agriculture as a sector for adaptation and mitigation actions, provide a foundation for Parties to develop appropriate frameworks to support actions within the agricultural sector. SBSTA workshops on agriculture in 2015 and 2016 allowed Parties to share experiences, identify priorities, and propose ways of taking action within the agricultural sector and so provide the core knowledge base to work from. As Parties reach a decision on issues related to agriculture at SBSTA 45, a number of options are available. This report presents ten such options that might contribute to a decision, taking into consideration political priorities, implementation arrangements, timelines and level of ambition. Options outlined in this report are not mutually exclusive and can be combined in many different ways

    Spontaneous abortion associated with Zika virus infection and persistent viremia

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    We report a case of spontaneous abortion associated with Zika virus infection in a pregnant woman who traveled from Spain to the Dominican Republic and developed a rash. Maternal Zika viremia persisted at least 31 days after onset of symptoms and 21 days after uterine evacuation

    Interaction Between Marine Fauna and the Small Pelagic Fishery in the Coastal Environment of the Gulf of California, Mexico

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    The first steps have been taken to analyze the effects of small pelagic harvests on the Gulf of California ecosystem. The primary goal of this study was to estimate the latitudinal differences in regionalized baselines of endangered and threatened marine species attracted to a purse seine in a Mexican fishery of small pelagic fish. We also analyzed the spatial patterns in fishing effort in the Gulf of California. Seven zones were analyzed in the Gulf of California, including the east and west coasts, and a total of 3,051 fishing sets were analyzed during January 2013 and July 2014; the data provided a comprehensive picture of the distribution of the fishing effort, small pelagic fishes harvested, and the presence of species attracted to the fishing sets. The region in the upper Gulf of California showed a low presence of individuals, and the east coast recorded more sightings than the west coast; consequently the fishing effort was mainly distributed in the east coast. The number of individuals for several species sighted and counted by fishing set was used for each zone in the Gulf of California, and a conservative baseline based on the Pennington estimator was computed. It provided an average value of endangered and threatened marine species attracted to a purse seine for each zone. The Pennington estimator is recommended due to the precision of the confidence intervals and the nature of the uncertainty in the data collection based on sightings

    The karst site of Las Palomas (Guadalteba County, Málaga, Spain): A preliminary study of its MiddleeLate Pleistocene archaeopaleontological record

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    Cleaning works in the cave of Las Palomas in Teba (Málaga, Spain), developed by the Guadalteba Consortium, have provided a number of lithic tools and knapping products that may be ascribed to the Mode III technotypological tradition as well as remains of a number of large mammal species typical of MiddleeLate Pleistocene times. Topographic measurements help to place this ancient cave within a karst landform. This discovery opens up new perspectives in the research on the Neanderthal groups that inhabited the valleys of Guadalteba and Turón rivers in the middle basin of the Guadalhorce River, and thus in the southern region of the Iberian Peninsula