796 research outputs found

    Recovery of organic wastes in the Spanish wine industry : technical, economic and environmental analyses of the composting process

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    The main organic wastes produced in modern wine industries include grape pomace (62%), lees (14%), stalk (12%) and dewatered sludge (12%). Some of these wastes are being used as by-products (grape pomace and lees) whereas the rest of organic wastes (stalk and wastewater sludge) has been traditionally incinerated or disposed in landfill. In this work, composting is proposed for the recovery of stalk and wastewater sludge to produce a sanitized organic amendment for application in the vineyard, closing the organic matter cycle. The environmental and economical analyses of the different alternatives to manage organic wastes from the wine industry are also presented. Composting costs are almost negligible when compared to other management options. From the environmental point of view, in-situ composting presents the best performance in 8 of the 10 impact categories analysed. Finally, the energy balance shows that the 4 composting systems involved less energy than the systems based on Mineral Fertilizer consumption

    Environmental metabolism of educational services : case study of nursery schools in the city of Barcelona

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    The environmental analysis of public nursery schools is of great interest since they are crucial in the early education of children and are expected to show high environmental standards. This paper aims to analyse the environmental profile (energy, water and transport flows) of this sector. A sample of 12 public nursery schools belonging to the Scholar Agenda 21 (SA21) of the city of Barcelona were selected given their data quality (eight centres applied to all analysis) to determine their energy and water consumption, as well as the greenhouse gas emissions resulting from energy consumption and transport use. For each centre, energy and water consumption were obtained from bills and surveys were conducted to get data regarding the transport associated with the centre. Results show that, on average, a child consumes 966 kWh of energy (electricity and gas) and 12.9 m3 of potable water every year. Nursery schools with more energy-efficient devices hold lower energy consumption, a trend which could not be found in the case of water and water-efficient devices. Regarding transport, car usage was the flow with highest impact, since it accounts for 69 % of CO2eq emissions, although only 19 % of the children commute by car

    Estudi preliminar per la creació d'una nova categoria d'impacte ambiental dins el marc de l'ACV : la dimensió natural del paisatge

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    L'Anàlisi de Cicle de Vida (ACV) és una eina emprada per gestionar els impactes ambientals i els recursos usats al llarg del cicle de vida d'un bé o servei. Existeixen reptes de futur en el desenvolupament de l'ACV, tals com la introducció de noves categories d'impacte ambiental, que permetin una anàlisi més específica dels impactes sobre determinats elements del medi, com ara el paisatge. En el present estudi s'analitza la dimensió natural del paisatge per tal de proposar la creació d'un índex de paisatge. Així doncs, s'han revisat les noves propostes de categories d'impacte en ACV que inclouen directament o indirecta el paisatge i s'ha analitzat una mostra de 33 estudis d'indicadors de paisatge. Aquesta cerca deriva en l'elecció de 6 indicadors: els usos del sòl, la diversitat paisatgística, la fragmentació, la connectivitat, la riquesa d'espècies i la densitat de carreteres. En la determinació dels seus respectius mètodes de càlcul s'ha detectat la importància de l'ús dels SIG, l'elecció d'una base de dades d'usos del sòl comuna (CORINE) i les interrelacions que existeixen entre indicadors. La proposta de l'índex hauria de poder ésser un punt de partida per a futurs estudis en aquest àmbit i derivar en una nova categoria d'impacte de paisatge, donat que caldrà estudiar alguns elements, com la interrelació entre indicadors.El Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) es una herramienta usada para gestionar los impactos ambientales y los recursos usados a lo largo del ciclo de vida de un bien o servicio. Existen retos de futuro en el desarrollo del ACV, tales como la introducción de nuevas categorías de impacto ambiental, que permitan un análisis más específico de los impactos sobre determinados elementos del medio, como por ejemplo el paisaje. En el presente estudio se analiza la dimensión natural del paisaje con el fin de proponer la creación de un índice de paisaje. Así pues, se han revisado las nuevas propuestas de categorías de impacto en ACV que incluyen directa o indirectamente el paisaje y se ha analizado una muestra de 33 estudios de indicadores de paisaje. Esta búsqueda deriva en la elección de 6 indicadores: los usos del suelo, la diversidad paisajística, la fragmentación, la conectividad, la riqueza de especies y la densidad de carreteras. En la determinación de sus respectivos métodos de cálculo se ha detectado la importancia del uso de los SIG, la elección de una base de datos de usos del suelo común (CORINE) y las interrelaciones que existen entre indicadores. La propuesta del índice debería poder ser un punto de partida para futuros estudios en este ámbito y derivar en una nueva categoría de impacto de paisaje, dado que será necesario estudiar algunos elementos, como la interrelación entre indicadores.Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool used to assess the environmental impacts and resources used throughout a product's or service's life cycle. There are future challenges in the development of the LCA, such as the introduction of new environmental impact categories that may allow a more specific analysis of the impacts on certain elements of the environment, for example the landscape. In the present study, the natural dimension of the landscape is analysed, with the aim to propose the creation of a landscape index. New LCA impact categories, which include landscape directly or indirectly, have been reviewed and a sample of 33 landscape indicator studies have been analysed. This search leads to the choice of 6 indicators: land use, landscape diversity, fragmentation, connectivity, species richness and road density. While determining their respective calculation methods, the importance of the use of GIS was detected, as well as the choice of a common land use database (CORINE) and the existent interrelations between indicators. The proposal of an index may be a start point in future studies regarding this field and lead to a new landscape impact category, given that further analysis of some elements, such as the interrelations between indicators, will be required

    Environmental assessment of home composting

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    In this study the environmental burdens of home composting were determined using the life cycle assessment (LCA) tool. Data used for the LCA study such as gas emissions (CH₄, N₂O, NH₃ and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)), tools and composter characteristics were obtained from an experimental home composting process of leftovers of raw fruits and vegetables (LRFV). Stable compost with a high content of nitrogen and organic matter was obtained. Neither pathogens nor phytotoxic compounds were found in the final compost. In relation to gaseous emissions, only volatile organic compounds (0.32 kg VOC/Mg LRFV) were detected, even though ammonia, methane and nitrous oxide emissions were also measured. Regarding environmental burdens, the composter was the major contributor to the total home composting process impact for the impact categories of abiotic depletion, ozone layer depletion, and cumulative energy demand. Gaseous emissions (based on our own measurements and literature data) caused the greatest contribution to the acidification, eutrophication, global warming and photochemical oxidation potentials

    Economic profitability of agroforestry in nitrate vulnerable zones in Catalonia (NE Spain)

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    The impact of agricultural practices and the excess application of nitrogen can negatively impact the environment and cause human health problems. In Spain, the liquid manure applied in areas of intensive agriculture is creating groundwater nitrate pollution problems. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the economic profitability of agroforestry practices in North East Spain. Therefore, it deals with an alternative land use that has attracted attention in recent years, considering its potential to reduce the negative impact of modern agriculture that combines concurrent forestry and agricultural production in the same area. Specifically, silvoarable practices, such as alley cropping (AC), edge row planting and riparian buffer (RB) strips were compared to conventional agricultural land use. Considering the current agricultural policy framework in Spain, which does not favour these practices, our results showed the economic profitability of alley-cropping practices in comparison to conventional barley production of 25 to 64 € ha-1 yr-1. However, AC systems presented negative results compared to the traditional wheat crop (-122 to -63 € ha-1 yr-1). The results for RB strips were strongly influenced by the high initial costs, both in irrigated and non-irrigated scenarios. Economic results were negative (between -137 and -85 € ha-1 yr-1) compared to the conventional crops, barley and corn. These figures could be greatly increased with a policy framework that promotes these practices based on the fundamental ecosystem services they provide. Moreover, these practices allow an economic diversification that could prove to be beneficial for the majority of farmers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The use of life cycle assessment for the comparison of biowaste composting at home and full scale

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    Environmental impacts and gaseous emissions associated to home and industrial composting of the source-separated organic fraction of municipal solid waste have been evaluated using the environmental tool of life cycle assessment (LCA). Experimental data of both scenarios were experimentally collected. The functional unit used was one ton of organic waste. Ammonia, methane and nitrous oxide released from home composting (HC) were more than five times higher than those of industrial composting (IC) but the latter involved within 2 and 53 times more consumption or generation of transport, energy, water, infrastructures, waste and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emissions than HC. Therefore, results indicated that IC was more impacting than HC for four of the impact categories considered (abiotic depletion, ozone layer depletion, photochemical oxidation and cumulative energy demand) and less impacting for the other three (acidification, eutrophication and global warming). Production of composting bin and gaseous emissions are the main responsible for the HC impacts, whereas for IC the main contributions come from collection and transportation of organic waste, electricity consumption, dumped waste and VOCs emission. These results suggest that HC may be an interesting alternative or complement to IC in low density areas of population

    Suicidal behaviour and cognition: A systematic review with special focus on prefrontal deficits

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    BACKGROUND: Suicide is a major health concern worldwide, thus, identifying risk factors would enable a more comprehensive understanding and prevention of this behaviour. Neuropsychological alterations could lead to difficulties in interpreting and managing life events resulting in a higher risk of suicide. METHOD: A systematic literature search from 2000 to 2020 was performed in Medline (Pubmed), Web of Science, SciELO Citation Index, PsycInfo, PsycArticles and Cochrane Library databases regarding studies comparing cognition of attempters versus non-attempters that share same psychiatric diagnosis. RESULTS: 1.885 patients diagnosed with an Affective Disorder (n=1512) and Schizophrenia/ Schizoaffective Disorder (n=373) were included. In general comparison, attention was found to be clearly dysfunctional. Regarding diagnosis, patients with Schizophrenia and previous history of suicidal behaviour showed a poorer performance in executive function. Patients with current symptoms of an Affective Disorder and a previous history of suicidal attempt had poorer performance in attention and executive function. Similarly, euthymic affective patients with history of suicidal behaviour had worse decision-making, attention and executive function performance compared to euthymic non-attempters. LIMITATIONS: The number of papers included in this review is limited to the few studies using non-attempter clinically-matched control group and therefore results regarding diagnosis, symptomatology and time of the attempt are modest and contradictory. CONCLUSIONS: Patients who have attempted suicide have a poorer neuropsychological functioning than non-attempters with a similar psychiatric disorder in attention and executive function. These alterations increase vulnerability for suicide.This work was supported by Carlos III Health Research Institute[grant numbers PI14/02029, PI15/00793, PI15/00789, PI16/01164,PI17/01433 and PI18/01055 (co-financed by the European RegionalDevelopment Fund(FEDER/ERDF)/European Social Fund‘Investing inyour future’ and the Government of the Principality of Asturias PCTI-2018–2022 IDI/2018/235)], Foundation for Health Innovation andResearch (BIOEF); Bioaraba Research Institute; Networking Center forBiomedical Research in Mental Health (CIBERSAM), the BasqueGovernment [grant numbers 2015111024, 2017111104] and theUniversity of the Basque Country [grant number 321212ELBY]. Thepsychiatric research department in Araba University Hospital is sup-portedbytheStanleyResearchFoundation[grantnumber03-RC-003

    Proyecto inclured: inclusión en la escuela de adultos

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    AFANIAS en colaboración con la Comunidad de Madrid, lleva 9 años desarrollando una propuesta de trabajo para la inclusión de adultos con discapacidad intelectual en Escuelas de adultos, experiencia que ha recibido diversos reconocimientos nacionales e internacionales. En el presente artículo analizamos el contexto legal y teórico, referentes de esta experiencia. Dedicamos especial atención a la nueva corriente de inclusión educativa promovida por autores como Ainscow (2003), y las aplicaciones prácticas de esta corriente en el desarrollo del modelo de calidad de vida propuesto por Schalock y Verdugo (2007). El proyecto de Inclusión en Escuelas de Adultos, tendría impacto en prácticamente todas las dimensiones de calidad de vida, especialmente en la de Inclusión Social, pero también en Derechos, Autodeterminación, Desarrollo personal y Relaciones interpersonales. Las recientes investigaciones de Ainscow (2003), hablan de un cambio de paradigma respecto a la percepción de las necesidades educativas especiales, en sintonía con los nuevos enfoques sobre la discapacidad intelectual de la Asociación Americana de las Discapacidades Intelectuales y del Desarrollo (AAIDD) y de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CIE 10) que analizan la discapacidad como la relación entre la persona y el entorno (en Schalock y Verdugo 2007). Este cambio de paradigma se basa en observar la inclusión como un proceso de interdependencia entre distintos agentes, en vez de un proceso de dependencia de las personas con necesidades especiales

    Mortality Attributable to Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure in Spain in 2020

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    Introduction and objectives: Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. The objective of this study was to estimate the impact of ETS exposure in Spain on mortality in 2020 in the population aged 35 years and over. Methods: A method of estimating attributable mortality (AM) based on the prevalence of ETS exposure was applied. Prevalence data were obtained from a representative study conducted in Spain and the relative risks were derived from a meta-analysis. AM point estimates are presented along with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), calculated using a bootstrap naive procedure. AM, both overall and by smoking habit, was estimated for each combination of sex, age group, and cause of death (lung cancer and ischemic heart disease). A sensitivity analysis was performed. Results: A total of 747 (95% CI 676–825) deaths were attributable to ETS exposure, of which 279 (95% CI 256–306) were caused by lung cancer, and 468 (95% CI 417–523) by ischemic heart disease. Three quarters (75.1%) of AM occurred in men and 60.9% in non-smokers. When chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cerebrovascular disease are included, the burden of AM is estimated at 2242 deaths. Conclusions: ETS exposure is associated with 1.5% of all deaths from lung cancer and ischemic heart disease in the population aged 35 and over. These data underline the need for health authorities to focus on reducing exposure to ETS in all settings and environmentsInstituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), reference: PI22/00727, co-funded by the European UnionS