4,550 research outputs found

    El traje de flamenca: una aproximación etnológica

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    En número dedicado a: Sevill

    Una reflexión sobre "El Derecho a no ser Campeón"

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    En este ensayo se pretende confrontar algunas ideas y conceptos extraídos desde la Filosofía del Derecho aplicado a la actividad física y el deporte ya que son en sí mismas las que nos rigen en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, y sobre todo plantearnos una ética profunda y clara fuera de las que sea aceptada en todas las culturas. El deporte como fenómeno social y cultural de la actividad humana va desde lo individual a lo macro social, desde la flexibilidad a la rigidez, de la libertad al autoritarismo, se encuentra en la necesidad de replantearse nuevos objetivos, si pretendemos controlar el rumbo de la competitividad y la carrera por el “éxito” tendremos que reflexionar sobre el respeto, a las normas y leyes, desde una perspectiva ética y de transmisión de valores con la que ejercemos nuestra voluntad.This essay expects to face some ideas and concepts from the Philosophy of Law, applied to physical activity and sports, since they are the ones which govern us in every field in society, and overall, they makes us consider a deep and clear ethic outside the one accepted in all cultures. Sport as a social and cultural phenomenon of human activity, goes from individuality to the macro-social level; from flexibility to stiffness; from liberty to authoritarianism; and it can be found in the need of reconsidering new objectives. If we expect to control the course of competitiveness and the path to “success”, we will have to reflect on the respect to the rules, and laws, from an ethical perspective and on the values’ transmission with which we exercise our will

    Presencia del niño en la mitología asturiana

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    Introductory Chapter: Overview of New Perspectives and Applications of Carotenoids

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    The author is thankful to Generalitat Valenciana, Spain (PROMETEO/2021/055) and the University of Alicante, Spain (VIGROB-309)

    Controversy over the Use of “Shade Covers” to Avoid Water Evaporation in Water Reservoirs

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    Water scarcity and sustainability are main current concerns affecting billions of people worldwide. Apart from policies designed to guarantee water supply, technologies and procedures have been developed to optimize the uses of water and water recycling as well as to minimize water scarcity. Among these technologies, those based on the use of bioinspired fibres, membranes, nanomaterials, liquid-liquid extraction methods using ionic liquids or approaches involving plants or microbes have been successfully carried out. One of the main problems associated with most of these technologies is the high cost of their implementation and maintenance. Consequently, other cheaper strategies have been explored, such as the use of shade covers. The objective of this work is to summarize the most recent findings on the use of shade covers (suspended shade cloth covers and shade objects) on water reservoirs, mainly agricultural water reservoirs (AWRs). Reflections on the investment-benefit relationship of this technological proposal are also herein discussed. Apart from traditional shade cloth clover, more recently, other covers like shade balls/squares/hexagons (shady objects) have also been proposed as promising approaches to save water and keep its quality. However, the manufacturing of shady objects, mainly made of polyethylene plastic, results in: (i) high cost (high energy cost and use of raw materials like crude oil and natural gas); (ii) significant production of residues, and (iii) visual environmental pollution. The main conclusion reached from this review is that the controversy over the use of shade covers continues in the spotlight of scientists, water managers, and related companies; although this approach saves water and prevents water quality deterioration, a large number of recalcitrant residues are produced, not only during their production, but also when they must be replaced due to deterioration.This research was partially funded by University of Alicante, VIGROB-309 and “Panal Fotante” Company