817 research outputs found

    Customer equity management in a professional player's agency : how much is worth my current player's base?

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    Traditionally, basketball players' agents and players' agents companies in general take decisions about their represented players based on reports, statistics or even premonitions. The future and potential economic revenues that are obtained from the players are more a desire than a variable to take decisions. A methodology to assess and cluster players from a basketball player agent is provided in this paper. Particularly, when, how much and how to invest in basketball players' portfolios according to their current and potential value and economic revenues. Data were obtained from one of the most important international basketball players' agents firm. They represent mainly players and coaches from all around the world, mainly the European and American Professional Championships.Tradicionalmente, las agencias de deportistas profesionales y las de baloncesto en particular, toman decisiones sobre sus representados basándose en informes, estadísticas, e incluso corazonadas. Los potenciales ingresos futuros que se obtienen de los jugadores son más un deseo que una variable para tomar decisiones. Presentamos en este articulo una metodología para valorar y segmentar jugadores de una agencia de jugadores de baloncesto profesionales. Concretamente, tratamos de responder a las preguntas de cuándo, cuánto y cómo invertir en la cartera de jugadores profesionales atendiendo a su valor económico actual y a sus potenciales ingresos económicos futuros. Los datos fueron obtenidos de una de las más importantes agencia de jugadores de baloncesto a nivel internacional. Esta empresa representa principalmente a jugadores y entrenadores de todo el mundo, fundamentalmente de ligas profesionales europeas y norteamericanas

    Determinants of bank efficiency: evidence from the Latin American banking industry

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze a variety of factors that can explain the differences in commercial bank efficiency among 17 countries in Latin America (LatAm). Design/methodology/approach: In a first stage, data envelopment analysis (DEA) and conditional efficiency analysis techniques are used to assess the relative efficiency level of 409 banks for the 2014-2016 period. The conditional efficiency approach considers environmental variables (that are beyond the manager’s control), which could influence the shape and the level of the boundary of the attainable set. In the second stage, the resulting conditional efficiency scores are correlated with internal variables (those that are under the manager’s control), which might affect the distribution of the inefficiencies. For this purpose, an econometric approach developed by Simar and Wilson (2007) is used. Findings: First stage scores reveal the heterogeneity of average efficiency within the region. Regarding the factors that may explain the differences in performance in the LatAm banking sector, the results allow us to state that certain internal variables such as bank size, the ratio of loans to total assets and the ratio of non-performing loans show the expected relationship to efficiency, in line with much of the previous literature. Originality/value: This is the first time that conditional efficiency and Simar and Wilson (2007) approaches have been applied at the same time to analyse the LatAm banking industry.Fil: Jiménez Hernandez, Ignacio. Universidad de Granada; EspañaFil: Palazzo, Gabriel Martín. Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sáez Fernández, Francisco Javier. Universidad de Granada; Españ

    STALlion: a simple typed assembly language for static analysis

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    Typed assembly languages have the goal of providing security guarantees, for example, for the limited use of resources in a host machine or the detection of autoupdate code. This work presents a simple typed assembly language which allows us to perform various kinds of static analysis tasks with the purpose of detecting flaws in the code security. The security policy we use guarantees type and memory safety. Moreover, wa can ensure that non-initialized variables are not read, and that there is no out-of-bound array accesses. The language we present, called STALlion, was designed in order to interpret a particular kind of imperative programs, more specifically abstract syntax tree.Eje: I - Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Corporate board and default risk of financial firms

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    This paper analyses the impact of corporate board structure on default risk of European banking firms. We focus on four core aspects of boards that have been addressed in Directive 2013/36/EU to strengthen the corporate governance of banks: the size of boards, their independence, the participation of female directors and CEO duality. We employ panel data analysis to study the 109 European listed banks between 2002 and 2019. Default risk is estimated by Merton's (1974) distance to default. We take into account the presence of unobservable heterogeneity, simultaneity and dynamic endogeneity and estimate the model using the dynamic difference and dynamic system GMM methodologies. The results show that the size of the board influences banks' default risk. Furthermore, bank size, firm profitability and GDP also exert a considerable influence

    Autonomous Wristband Placement in a Moving Hand for Victims in Search and Rescue Scenarios With a Mobile Manipulator.

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    In this letter, we present an autonomous method for the placement of a sensorized wristband to victims in a Search-And-Rescue (SAR) scenario. For this purpose, an all-terrain mobile robot includes a mobile manipulator, which End-Effector (EE) is equipped with a detachable sensorized wristband. The wristband consists of two links with a shared shaft and a spring. This configuration allows the wristband to maintain fixed to the EE while moving and get placed around the victim’s forearm once the contact is produced. The method has two differentiated phases: i) The visual moving hand tracking phase, where a 3D vision system detects the victim’s hand pose. At the same time, the robotic manipulator tracks it with a Model Predictive Controller (MPC). ii) The haptic force-controlled phase, where the wristband gets placed around the victim’s forearm controlling the forces exerted. The wristband design is also discussed, considering the magnitude of the force needed for the attachment and the torque the wristband exerts to the forearm. Two experiments are carried out, one in the laboratory to evaluate the performance of the method and the second one in a SAR scenario, with the robotic manipulator integrated with the all-terrain mobile robot. Results show a 97.4% success in the wristband placement procedure and a good performance of the whole system in a large scale disaster exercisePlan Propio de la Universidad de Málaga, y Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci ón y Universidades, Gobierno de España, RTI2018-093421-B-I00. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Skin-mates or neighbors? A seasonal study of amphibian chytrid and dermocystid infection in <i>Boana pulchella</i> (Anura: Hylidae)

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    We studied in this work the prevalence of two eukaryotic skin pathogens in a population of the frog Boana pulchella (Anura, Hylidae) from southeastern Uruguay, the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Rhizophydiales) and the protoctistan Valentines rwandae (Ichthyosporea, Dermocystida), between 2012 and 2014. In both cases higher prevalences were recorded in cooler seasons, winter and early spring for B. dendrobatidis (0.78 and 0.95 respectively) and autumn for V. rwandae (0.33 and 0.49), with mean temperatures between 11.5 and 17.8°C. No cases of infection were detected in summer. In both cases the probability of infection was strongly influenced by season (and also the year for B. dendrobatidis), but in neither case the occurrence of the other pathogen was significant. The parasitic cycles seem to occur independently and are likely strongly associated to environmental temperatures. Future field studies on amphibian eukaryotic pathogens from temperate areas of South America should consider seasonal variations.En este trabajo se estudió la prevalencia de dos patógenos cutáneos eucariotas en una población de la rana Boana pulchella (Anura, Hylidae) del sureste de Uruguay, el hongo Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Rhizophydiales), y el protista Valentines rwandae (Ichthyosporea, Dermocystida), entre 2012 y 2014. En ambos casos las prevalencias más altas se registraron en épocas frías, invierno y primavera temprana para B. dendrobatidis (0,78 y 0,95 respectivamente) y otoño para V. rwandae (0,33 y 0,49), con temperaturas medias entre 11,5 y 17,8°C. No se detectaron casos de infección en verano. La probabilidad de infección en los dos casos está fuertemente influenciada por la estación (y además por el año para B. dendrobatidis), pero no por la ocurrencia del otro patógeno. Ambos ciclos parasitarios parecen ocurrir independientemente, y son probablemente condicionados en gran medida de la temperatura ambiental. Futuros estudios de campo sobre patógenos eucariotas en anfibios de zonas templadas de Sudamérica deberán tener en cuenta variaciones debidas a la época del año.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Dependence Between Extreme Rainfall Events and the Seasonality and Bivariate Properties of Floods. A Continuous Distributed Physically-Based Approach

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    This paper focuses on proposing the minimum number of storms necessary to derive the extreme flood hydrographs accurately through event-based modelling. To do so, we analyzed the results obtained by coupling a continuous stochastic weather generator (the Advanced WEather GENerator) with a continuous distributed physically-based hydrological model (the TIN-based real-time integrated basin simulator), and by simulating 5000 years of hourly flow at the basin outlet. We modelled the outflows in a basin named Peacheater Creek located in Oklahoma, USA. Afterwards, we separated the independent rainfall events within the 5000 years of hourly weather forcing, and obtained the flood event associated to each storm from the continuous hourly flow. We ranked all the rainfall events within each year according to three criteria: Total depth, maximum intensity, and total duration. Finally, we compared the flood events obtained from the continuous simulation to those considering the N highest storm events per year according to the three criteria and by focusing on four different aspects: Magnitude and recurrence of the maximum annual peak-flow and volume, seasonality of floods, dependence among maximum peak-flows and volumes, and bivariate return periods. The main results are: (a) Considering the five largest total depth storms per year generates the maximum annual peak-flow and volume, with a probability of 94% and 99%, respectively and, for return periods higher than 50 years, the probability increases to 99% in both cases; (b) considering the five largest total depth storms per year the seasonality of flood is reproduced with an error of less than 4% and (c) bivariate properties between the peak-flow and volume are preserved, with an error on the estimation of the copula fitted of less than 2%.The authors acknowledge the computer resources and technical assistance provided by the Centro de Supercomputacion y Visualizacion de Madrid (CeSViMa) and the funds from Universidad Politecnica de Madrid in the framework of their Program "Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la realizacion del doctorado en sus escuelas, facultad, centro e institutos de I + D + i", "ayudas a proyectos de I + D de investigadores posdoctorales" Ref. number: VJIDOCUPM19AFSW) and "XVI Convocatoria de ayudas del consejo social para el fomento de la formacion e internacionalizacion de doctorandos". The authors also wish to gratefully acknowledge Enrique Vivoni, Giuseppe Mascaro, Ara Ko, Adil Mounir, and their teammates for the data, advice, and support provided during the stay of A.S.W. and I.G.M. in Arizona State University. The authors also gratefully acknowledge Riccardo Nalesso for his help provided during the first steps of the experiment. This research received no external fundin

    Skin-mates or neighbors? A seasonal study of amphibian chytrid and dermocystid infection in <i>Boana pulchella</i> (Anura: Hylidae)

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    We studied in this work the prevalence of two eukaryotic skin pathogens in a population of the frog Boana pulchella (Anura, Hylidae) from southeastern Uruguay, the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Rhizophydiales) and the protoctistan Valentines rwandae (Ichthyosporea, Dermocystida), between 2012 and 2014. In both cases higher prevalences were recorded in cooler seasons, winter and early spring for B. dendrobatidis (0.78 and 0.95 respectively) and autumn for V. rwandae (0.33 and 0.49), with mean temperatures between 11.5 and 17.8°C. No cases of infection were detected in summer. In both cases the probability of infection was strongly influenced by season (and also the year for B. dendrobatidis), but in neither case the occurrence of the other pathogen was significant. The parasitic cycles seem to occur independently and are likely strongly associated to environmental temperatures. Future field studies on amphibian eukaryotic pathogens from temperate areas of South America should consider seasonal variations.En este trabajo se estudió la prevalencia de dos patógenos cutáneos eucariotas en una población de la rana Boana pulchella (Anura, Hylidae) del sureste de Uruguay, el hongo Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Rhizophydiales), y el protista Valentines rwandae (Ichthyosporea, Dermocystida), entre 2012 y 2014. En ambos casos las prevalencias más altas se registraron en épocas frías, invierno y primavera temprana para B. dendrobatidis (0,78 y 0,95 respectivamente) y otoño para V. rwandae (0,33 y 0,49), con temperaturas medias entre 11,5 y 17,8°C. No se detectaron casos de infección en verano. La probabilidad de infección en los dos casos está fuertemente influenciada por la estación (y además por el año para B. dendrobatidis), pero no por la ocurrencia del otro patógeno. Ambos ciclos parasitarios parecen ocurrir independientemente, y son probablemente condicionados en gran medida de la temperatura ambiental. Futuros estudios de campo sobre patógenos eucariotas en anfibios de zonas templadas de Sudamérica deberán tener en cuenta variaciones debidas a la época del año.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Measurement of the mass difference between top and anti-top quarks in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector

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    A measurement of the mass difference between top and anti-top quarks is presented. In a 4.7 fb−1 data sample of proton–proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, events consistent with tt ̄ production and decay into a single charged lepton final state are reconstructed. For each event, the mass difference between the top and anti-top quark candidate is calculated. A two b-tag requirement is used in order to reduce the background contribution. A maximum likelihood fit to these per-event mass differences yields Δm≡mt−mt¯=0.67±0.61(stat)±0.41(syst) GeV, consistent with CPT invariance.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta