31 research outputs found

    Odontoameloblastoma: descripción de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    El odontoameloblastoma (OA) es un tumor odontogénico mixto extremadamente raro que aparece en los huesos maxilares y que presenta tanto componentes epiteliales como mesenquimales. El término odontoameloblastoma fue incluido en la clasificación de 1971 de la OMS. Tan solo 23 casos bien documentados han sido publicados. Debido a su rareza, existe controversia en cuanto al tratamiento de este tumor. Presentamos un nuevo caso de OA que afecta a la mandíbula y simula un odontoma compuesto, así como una breve revisión de la literatura.Odontoameloblastoma (OA) is an extremely rare mixed odontogenic tumor appearing within the maxillary bone, with both epithelial and mesenchymal components. The term odontoameloblastoma (OA) was included in the 1971's WHO classification. Only 23 well-documented cases have been reported in the medical literature. Because of their rarity, controversy exists in the treatment of this tumor. We present a new case of OA involving the mandible mimicking a compound odontoma and a brief review of the related literature

    Chemical and structural changes of calcium ion exchange silica pigment in 0.5M NaCl and 0.5M Na 2SO4 solutions

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    This paper studies the suitability of an environmentallyfriendly anticorrosive pigment (Si/Ca) to replace Cr(VI) pigments, characterising the initial pigment and the products obtained after interaction with aqueous solutions containing aggressive ions from a corrosion viewpoint (Cl - and SO42- ). X-ray diffraction (XRD), calorimetry (DTATG), Fourier transform IR spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanningelectron microscopy (SEM-EDAX) techniques areused. The ion exchange capacity of the pigment is studied and the solutions obtained after the pigment-solution interaction are analysed. The results obtained show that a series of physical/chemical transformations take place in the pigment on interaction with the Cl - and SO42-  solutions, in some cases accompanied by the appearance of new crystalline phases, mainly calcium and sodium silicates and calcium sulphate. Analysis of the solutions obtained after interaction shows a rise in the calcium content as theionic force of the medium increases. These results suggest that the mechanism by which the pigment acts is not only based on ion exchange reactions but also on a structural modification of the pigment itself and consequently on (co)precipitation reactions that form insoluble compounds in the studied aggressive media

    Biotechnological advances in neuro-electro-stimulation for the treatment of hyposalivation and xerostomia

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    Treatment of xerostomia is a common clinical challenge in the oral medicine practice. Although some treatments have been used to improve the symptoms of xerostomia, none is completely satisfactory for the patients who suffer of this alteration. In the last years non-pharmacological treatments based on electro-stimulation for the treatment of xerostomia have been developed. This review is aimed at presenting new developments for the treatment of xerostomia, applying neuro-electro-stimulation by miniaturized intra-oral electro-stimulators. These devices increase salivary secretion and improve symptoms of oral dryness. Their effect is obtained by means of stimulation of the lingual nerve, in whose proximity the electrodes of the apparatus are placed. The objective of this mechanism is both to directly stimulate the salivary glands controlled by that nerve and to enhance the salivary reflex. Clinical studies have been carried out that have demonstrated the wetting effect of the method described in this article

    Co-crystal of Tramadol-Celecoxib in Patients with Moderate to Severe Acute Post-surgical Oral Pain: A Dose-Finding, Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo- and Active-Controlled, Multicentre, Phase II Trial

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    Background Co-crystal of tramadol-celecoxib (CTC), containing equimolar quantities of the active pharmaceu- tical ingredients (APIs) tramadol and celecoxib (100 mg CTC = 44 mg rac-tramadol hydrochloride and 56 mg celecoxib), is a novel API-API co-crystal for the treatment of pain. We aimed to establish the effective dose of CTC for treating acute pain following oral surgery. Methods A dose-finding, double-blind, randomised, pla- cebo- and active-controlled, multicentre (nine Spanish hospitals), phase II study (EudraCT number: 2011-002778- 21) was performed in male and female patients aged C 18 years experiencing moderate to severe pain following extraction of two or more impacted third molars requiring bone removal. Eligible patients were randomised via a computer-generated list to receive one of six single-dose treatments (CTC 50, 100, 150, 200 mg; tramadol 100 mg; and placebo). The primary efficacy endpoint was the sum of pain intensity difference (SPID) over 8 h assessed in the per-protocol population. Results Between 10 February 2012 and 13 February 2013, 334 patients were randomised and received study treat- ment: 50 mg (n = 55), 100 mg (n = 53), 150 mg (n = 57), or 200 mg (n = 57) of CTC, 100 mg tramadol (n = 58), or placebo (n = 54). CTC 100, 150, and 200 mg showed significantly higher efficacy compared with placebo and/or tramadol in all measures: SPID (0-8 h) (mean [standard deviation]): - 90 (234), - 139 (227), - 173 (224), 71 (213), and 22 (228), respectively. The proportion of patients experiencing treatment-emergent adverse events was lower in the 50 (12.7% [n = 7]), 100 (11.3% [n = 6]), and 150 (15.8% [n = 9]) mg CTC groups, and similar in the 200 mg (29.8% [n = 17]) CTC group, compared with the tramadol group (29.3% [n = 17]), with nausea, dizzi- ness, and vomiting the most frequent events. Conclusion Significant improvement in the benefit-risk ratio was observed for CTC (doses C 100 mg) over tra- madol and placebo in the treatment of acute pain following oral surgery

    Influence of the characteristics of the house and place of residence in the daily educational activities of children during the period of COVID-19’ confinement

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    The period of confinement motivated by the COVID-19 pandemic and established by the governments of different countries has influenced the lifestyle of millions of children, not being able to continue carrying out multiple educational activities as they did until confinement. The objective of this research was to determine and analyze whether the living conditions of children during the period of confinement caused by COVID-19 influenced their daily educational activities. A descriptive, comparative and cross- sectional quantitative study with a non-experimental design was carried out, with a single measurement in a single group. Factors associate with living conditions were analyzed, such as the place of residence and the type of house in which Spanish children have been confined, as well as the number and use of technological devices. The parents' perception of the children's state of fatigue, happiness, energy and tiredness was also analyzed. We have worked with a sample of 837 Spanish children. As a data collection instrument, the validated questionnaire on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households (TIC-H2019) of the National Statistics Institute (INE) was used, following the recommendations of the Statistical Office of the European Union (EUROSTAT). The results confirm some statistically significant influence of the conditions of the house and place of residence on the daily time dedicated to different educational activities such as reading, physical activity, free play or use of technological devices between children residing in small flats and those residing in large flats or houses with garden and those residing in urban and rural settings

    STOP ODIO. Instagram como punto de encuentro ético para la detección y análisis de delitos de odio en redes sociales

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    Este proyecto de innovación docente busca crear un espacio en las asignaturas y en redes sociales, donde el alumnado pudiera detectar, analizar y denunciar delitos de odio, producidos y publicados en esas mismas redes sociales. El alumnado de Grado sería de Periodismo, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas, y Comunicación Audiovisual, tanto de asignaturas obligatorias (Teoría de la Información, Ética y Deontología Profesional), como de asignaturas optativas (Comunicación Política, Comunicación y Género)