403 research outputs found

    Novel cannabinoid release system : encapsulation of a cannabidiol precursor into γ-cyclodextrin metal-organic frameworks

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    Altres ajuts: acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAltres ajuts: Jorge Rodríguez-Martínez acknowledges Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca from Generalitat de Catalunya (Sapin) for the FI-2018 fellowship.γ-Cyclodextrin-metal-organic frameworks (γ-CD-MOFs) are developed as a new promising and biocompatible material, which shows a great potential for drug delivery system (DDS) applications. γ-CD-MOFs were successfully synthesized using microwave-assisted technique from different potassium sources (KOH, KCl and KNO3). The encapsulation of olivetol (OLV) into these materials was investigated as an innovative model of DDS for cannabinoids. Loading of OLV in γ-CD-MOFs was performed by impregnation and co-crystallization methods. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) were employed to study the structural properties of γ-CD-MOF samples, showing the typical cubic crystals in case of KOH and trigonal morphologies in case of KCl and KNO3. Olivetol content was determined using UV-Vis spectrophotometry and its interaction with γ-CD-MOFs was investigated by Attenuated Total Reflection-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy analysis (ATR-FTIR). OLV content was significantly higher when KCl or KNO3 were employed in combination with a cocrystallization method, while the drug encapsulation using KOH and the impregnation method was really poor. For the first time, γ-CD-MOFs loaded with cannabinoids were developed and they could be considered a novel strategy as DDS of these compounds

    Implementación del sistema de gestión de calidad para Acrecer S.A en la ciudad de Bogotá, en la sede del barrio Chicó.

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    La organización ACRECER S.A., a lo largo de su trayectoria, ha prestado un buen servicio a sus clientes, sin embargo el crecimiento empresarial, la exigencia del mercado, la competitividad y los resultados de la auditoría de servicio le impusieron el reto de transformar un panorama poco promisorio en materia de calidad, con el fin de posicionarla en el sector inmobiliario. Con base en dicha perspectiva, se plantearon como objetivos para este proyecto de investigación identificar las falencias del sistema organizacional de la empresa y su corrección a través de la implementación del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad conforme a la NTC ISO 9001:2008, así como demostrar los beneficios de implantar y mantener el mencionado sistema en aras de lograr la sostenibilidad, competitividad y mejoramiento continuo de la compañía. El primer paso para la implementación del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad fue el diagnóstico del estado de la entidad, mediante la realización de la matriz DOFA y la herramienta de autoevaluación sugerida por la NTC ISO 9004:09, que evidenció deficiencias en la gestión para el éxito sostenido de la empresa y la necesidad de poner en funcionamiento procesos de direccionamiento estratégico, mejoramiento continuo, gestión comercial de arriendos, gestión jurídica, tesorería, administración de inmuebles, talento humano, asistencia administrativa y contable, cuya interacción se representó en el mapa de procesos, se realizó la caracterización de los mismos, la importancia de la documentación y los requisitos que ésta debía cumplir. Posteriormente, se documentaron los procedimientos exigidos por la norma y otros que la organización demandaba para controlar la trazabilidad de sus operaciones. Paralelamente, se efectuaron capacitaciones, talleres y charlas de sensibilización y concientización enfocadas a comprometer e interesar al personal en la implementación del SGC, para que comprendieran la trascendencia, utilidad y bondades de éste. Así mismo, se documentó el manual de calidad definiendo la planificación estratégica del sistema, política y objetivos que den respuesta a los requisitos aplicables a la organización. Más adelante, se establecieron los registros que deben mantenerse para cada uno de los procesos, se definieron veinticuatro (24) indicadores de gestión, que fueron medidos de acuerdo a la frecuencia prevista. Finalmente, se hizo auditoría interna del SGC con el fin de determinar la conformidad con la planificación, con los requisitos de la norma y los definidos por la entidad y concluir que el sistema se mantiene de forma eficaz.The organization Acrecer S.A., along its path, it has provided a good service to their customers, but the business growth, the market demand, competitiveness and results of the audit of service imposed the challenge of transforming an overview unpromising in terms of quality, in order to position it in real estate. Based on this outlook, objectives were for this research project to identify the weaknesses of the organizational system of the company and its correction through the implementation of the Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2008 NTC and demonstrate the benefits of implementing and maintaining that system in order to achieve sustainability, competitiveness and continuous improvement of the company. The first step in the implementation of the Quality Management System was the diagnosis of the state of the entity, by performing the SWOT matrix and selfassessment tool suggested by the NTC ISO 9004:09, which revealed weaknesses in management for sustained success of the company and the need to put in place strategic management processes, continuous improvement, management of leases commercial, legal management, treasury, property management, human talent, administrative and accounting, whose interaction is represented on the map processes, A characterization of them, the importance of documentation and the requirements it must meet. Subsequently documented procedures required by the standard and other organization that demanded to control the traceability of operations. In parallel, conducted trainings, workshops and talks by sensitization and awareness programs aimed at engaging and interested staff in the implementation of the QMS, to understand the importance, value and benefits of this. Also, documented quality manual defining the strategic planning system, policy and objectives that respond to the requirements applicable to the organization. Later, he established records that must be kept for each of the processes, defined four (24) management indicators, which were measured according to the expected frequency. Finally, it became QMS internal audit to determine compliance with the planning requirements of the standard and those defined by the entity and conclude that the system is maintained effectively

    Role of drug transporters in the sensitivity of acute myeloid leukemia to sorafenib

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    [EN]Chemoresistance often limits the success of the pharmacological treatment in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Although positive results have been obtained with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), such as sorafenib, especially in patients with Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3)-positive AML, the success of chemotherapy is very heterogeneous.The sensitivity to sorafenib-induced cell death (MTT test and anexin V/7-AAD method) was evaluated in five different cell lines: MOLM-13, OCI-AML2, HL-60, HEL and K-562. The transportome was characterized by measuring mRNA using RT-qPCR. Drug uptake/efflux was determined by flow cytometry using specific substrates and inhibitors. The cytostatic response to sorafenib was: MOLM-13»OCI-AML2>HL- 60>HEL≈K-562. Regarding efflux pumps, MDR1 was highly expressed in HEL>K- 562≈MOLM-13, but not in OCI-AML2 and HL-60. BCRP and MPR3 expression was low in all cell lines, whereas MRP4 and MRP5 expression was from moderate to high. Flow cytometry studies demonstrated that MRP4, but not MRP5, was functional

    Estudio pedológico integral de los partidos de Magdalena y Brandsen (provincia de Buenos Aires)

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    En el presente estudio pedológico se describen, discuten e integran los resultados de dos levantamientos de suelos, ejecutados a nivel de "Reconocimiento” en los partidos de Magdalena y Brandsen, con un conjunto de investigaciones parciales llevadas a cabo por los autores en la cuenca del río Samborombón. A lo largo del texto se establecen criterios geomórficos para delimitar unidades de paisaje en la mencionada cuenca, se caracteriza la aptitud agrícola de los suelos, como así también, y sobre una base interpretativa de los factores de formación, los procesos pedogenéticos que determinan su estado y evolución actual. Se comparan diversos sistemas taxonómicos para facilitar el entendimiento de las relaciones pedogeográficas entre el área estudiada y otras de la región pampeana o bien de la República Argentina.The authors describe, discuss and interpret the results obtained-through out a reconaissance level soil survey in the Partidos of Brandsen and Magdalena, with some partial researches carried in the Samborombon River basin. Geomorphological criteria for delimitating landscape units in the basin were established; the agricultural capability of the soils was characterized, as well as on a interpretative basis, the factors of soil formation and the processes of pedogenesis which explain the stage and present evolution. Finally several taxonomical systems are compared in order to facilitate the understanding of pedogeographic relationships of the area studied and other areas of the Pampean region

    Use of antibiotics by spanish dentists receiving postgraduate training in endodontics

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    The incidence of endodontic infections is high. The contribution of Endodontics to the global problem of antibiotic resistance could be significant. The ESE, together with the World Health Organization, are promoting the World Antibiotic Awareness Week (13-19 November 2017) to promote the appropriate use of systemic antibiotics in Endodontics. The objective of this study was to determine the prescription pattern of antibiotics in the treatment of endodontic infections of Spanish dentists attending specialization programs in Endodontics. Material and Methods: Dentists from five Spanish endodontic postgraduate programs were requested to answer a one-page questionnaire surveying about antibiotics indications. Seventy-three dentists were required to participate in this investigation, and 67 (91.2%) fulfilled satisfactorily the survey and were included in the study. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi square test. Results: The average duration of antibiotic therapy was 6.8±1.2 days. All respondents chose amoxicillin as first choice antibiotic in patients with no medical allergies, alone (40%) or associated to clavulanic acid (60%). The first drug of choice for penicillin allergic patients was clindamycin (72%). For cases of irreversible pulpitis, 22% of respondents prescribed antibiotics. For the scenario of a necrotic pulp, symptomatic apical periodontitis and no swelling, 37% prescribed antibiotics. A quarter of dentists prescribed antibiotics for necrotic pulps with asymptomatic apical periodontitis and a sinus tract. Conclusions: The results of this study show that postgraduate training in Endodontics provides greater awareness of the correct indications of antibiotics. Dentists who have received specialized training in Endodontics have a prescription pattern of antibiotics more adjusted to the guidelines recommended by international organizations and by scientific societies. Key words:Antibiotics, apical periodontitis, dental curriculum, endodontic infections, postgraduate endodontic training

    El suelo, su metabolismo, ciclaje de nutrientes y prácticas agroecológicas

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    The approach is to look the soil as a living system and to ground its participation in the agro ecosystem sustainability. It goes from Altieri’s premise that identifies soil quality and biodiversity up and down the soil as pillars to get the change of the conventional production systems (characterized by monocultures and dependence of industrial synthesis ingredients) through diversified and self-sufficient systems.It comes the organization pattern analysis, structure and processes which characterized the soil and under the systemic approach, it justifies how this system from which the plants make part of, and the rest of the organisms, gives the nutrients for their requirements, and those also form the living and no living biomass system, which is recycled continuously transforming in a permanent way the webs and soil components, traveling to the atmosphere as molecules and gases like CO2, CH4, N2O, named “green house” effect gases (GHEG) and others like H2S, involved in the acid rain.The systemic vision of webs within webs and context processes take us to fertility, resilience, and health and soil quality as emerging properties, only explainable from the whole agro ecosystem. Some agro ecological practices like the preservation and use of the organic matter, zero or minimal tillage and the biodiversity (with its connections up-down and down-up) same as the organization of the complex agro ecosystems, have their scientific base on the web framework which is weaved around of the components and go beyond the ecosystem and the agro ecosystem. Therefore, the need of those agro ecological practices become widespread, covering the local, regional and territorial, through the social, economic and political networks.Se hace una aproximación del suelo como sistema viviente y su participación en la sostenibilidad de los agroecosistemas. Altieri (2010) identifica a la calidad del suelo y a la biodiversidad arriba y abajo del suelo como pilares para la conversión de sistemas convencionales de producción (caracterizados por monocultivos y dependencia de insumos de síntesis industrial) hacia sistemas diversificados y autosuficientes.El patrón de organización, estructura y procesos que caracterizan al suelo bajo el enfoque sistémico, justifican cómo este sistema, del cual hacen parte las plantas y demás organismos, aporta los nutrientes que ellos requieren y, éstos a su vez, integran al sistema biomasa viva y no viva, que se recicla en un continuum que del suelo trasciende a la atmósfera, en forma de moléculas y gases como el CO2, CH4, N2O, denominados gases con efecto invernadero (GEI) y otros como el H2S, involucrado en la lluvia ácida.La visión de redes dentro de redes y procesos contextuales aproxima la fertilidad, productividad, resiliencia, salud y calidad del suelo como propiedades emergentes, explicables desde el todo del agroecosistema. Prácticas como la conservación y uso de la materia orgánica, la labranza mínima o cero, la biodiversidad y la organización de agroecosistemas complejos, tienen sus bases científicas en el entramado de redes que se entretejen arriba y abajo, trascienden al agroecosistema y al ecosistema. De allí la necesidad que estas prácticas agroecológicas se generalicen y abarquen lo local, regional y territorial, a través de trabajos en redes sociales, económicas y políticas

    Abonos verdes: Tecnología para el manejo agroecológico de los cultivos

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    In order to find management alternatives for improving the fertility of soils cultivated by low-income farmers, agroecological technologies have been used such as green manures (GM) whose contributions to worldwide research seek to generate a theoretical base which explains the importance of its application and potentialities in the management of agroecosystems. Its use is based on the exploitation of solar energy to produce plant biomass of high nutritional quality, which then is added or incorporated into the soil with the purpose of increasing the organic matter content rapidly mineralizable, with positive effects on some physical, chemical, biological properties of soils and yields of the posterior crops. Legumes are used alone or mixed generally, which in symbiosis with rhizobia acquire the ability to fix atmospheric N2, which is an element that circulates through the symbiont plant and then partially incorporates to the soil to be used by crops that are planted with commercial interests. This practice (GM) reduces significantly the use of fertilizers of industrial chemical synthesis. In this way, besides the direct benefits on the soil, there are others of an economic, social and environmental type which point towards a more sustainable agriculture. In Latin America and Colombia, some institutions, through research projects and international cooperation have contributed to generate information about this culture technology and the possibilities of incorporating it by farmers in their agricultural schedules. However, replication studies in different agro-ecological zones are required as well as the incorporation of methodological tools to validate the nature of the GM as multipurpose technology.Con miras a buscar alternativas de manejo para el mejoramiento de la fertilidad de los suelos cultivados por agricultores de bajos recursos, se ha hecho uso de tecnologías agroecológicas como los abonos verdes (AV), cuyos aportes investigativos a nivel mundial, buscan generar una base teórica que explique la importancia de su aplicación y potencialidades dentro del manejo de agroecosistemas. Su uso se fundamenta en el aprovechamiento de la energía solar para producir biomasa vegetal de alta calidad nutricional, la cual, posteriormente se adiciona o incorpora al suelo con miras de incrementar el contenido de materia orgánica rápidamente mineralizable, con incidencia positiva sobre algunas propiedades físicas, químicas, biológicas de los suelos y rendimientos de los cultivos siguientes. Generalmente se usan leguminosas solas o mezcladas, las cuales en simbiosis con rizobios, adquieren la capacidad de fijar el N2 atmosférico, elemento que circula por la planta simbionte y luego se incorpora parcialmente al suelo para ser aprovechado por los cultivos de interés comercial que se siembran. Esta práctica reduce significativamente la utilización de fertilizantes de síntesis química industrial. En esta forma, a los beneficios directos sobre el suelo, se suman otros de naturaleza económica, social y ambiental que apuntan hacia una agricultura más sustentable. En Latinoamérica y en Colombia, algunas entidades a través de proyectos de investigación y cooperación internacional, han contribuido a generar información acerca de esta tecnología de cultivo y las posibilidades de incorporarlos por parte de los agricultores, dentro de sus itinerarios agrícolas. Sin embargo, se requiere la réplica de ensayos en diversas zonas agroecológicas y la incorporación de herramientas metodológicas que permitan validar el carácter de los AV como tecnología multipropósito

    Effect of the methacrylate-based endodontic sealer Epiphany on rat peritoneal macrophages viability

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of the endodontic sealer Epiphany on rat peritoneal macrophages viability. Materials and methods: Peritoneal macrophages were obtained from Wistar rats and resuspended in RPMI- 1640 medium. Undiluted (crude extract) and diluted extracts to 10%, 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, 0.001% and 0.0001% of Epiphany, AH 26 and AH Plus sealers on RPMI-1640 medium were tested for cytotoxicity to rat peritoneal macrophages using the trypan blue dye exclusion assay. Data were analyzed statistically by the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests at 5% significance level. Results: Crude extract of Epiphany killed 51% of cells, but was less cytotoxic that crude extracts of AH Plus and AH 26, which killed 81% and 86% of cells, respectively. Ten-fold dilutions of Epiphany, AH Plus and AH 26 killed 44%, 56%, 62% of macrophages, respectively. A hundred dilution of Epiphany only killed 7% of macrophages, but the same dilution of AH Plus and AH 26 killed 10% and 31% of macrophages, respectively. Lower dilutions of sealer extracts caused minimal cell death as compared to the control groups (p>0.05). Conclusions: The methacrylate-based endodontic sealer Epiphany showed lower cytotoxicity on macrophages than resin-based sealers AH Plus and AH 26. Dilution of elutes of the three materials by tenfold markedly reduced their effect

    Design, construction and testing of an apricot tractor-trailed harvester

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    [ENG]The purpose of this research is to facilitate the mechanical harvesting of apricots (Prunus armeniaca L.) for industry. A tractor-trailed harvester was built to catch the fruits detached from apricot (cv. Búlida) trees by vibratory systems. This machine is a low profile catcher that can move under the trees in high-density canopies where umbrella-type harvesters cannot. The trailer is able to work under trees with as little free-trunk height as 0.35 m. The tests were done in 5- to 9-year-old apricot trees, planted in two frame, 2.5 m and 4.5 m in-the-row distances, with 6.5 m between rows in both cases. To detach the fruit, two hand-held pneumatic shakers were used. Harvest rate was 61 and 44 trees h-1 for each type of orchard, respectively. The main conclusion is that the trailer, together with branch-shakers, can work in narrow orchards of low canopy trees where other machines can not go in. [ESP] El objetivo de este trabajo fue facilitar la recolección mecanizada de albaricoques (Prunus armeniaca L.) para industria. Se ha construido un remolque recolector arrastrado por tractor para recoger los albaricoques cv. Búlida derribados de los árboles mediante sistemas vibratorios. El remolque puede trabajar a muy poca altura sobre el nivel del suelo, con lo que puede moverse bajo los árboles en plantaciones de alta densidad, en las que las cosechadoras basadas en paraguas invertidos no pueden actuar. Además, el remolque se puede adaptar a árboles con alturas de tronco tan reducidas como 0,35 m. Los ensayos se llevaron a cabo en albaricoqueros de 5 a 9 años de edad y plantados en marcos de 2,5 y 4,5 m entre árboles de la fila y 6,5 m entre filas. El derribo de los frutos se realizó con vibradores neumáticos. La capacidad de trabajo del equipo fue de 61 y 44 árboles h-1 para cada distancia de plantación, respectivamente. La principal conclusión es que el remolque, conjuntamente con vibradores de ramas, puede trabajar en plantaciones de marco estrecho y árboles con la cruz del tronco baja donde otras máquinas no pueden actuar.The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología for supporting the AGL2001-3075 project, the Region of Murcia’s Consejería de Agricultura, Agua y Medio Ambiente for support through the Séneca AGR/2/FS/01D project