249 research outputs found

    The Official Financial and Banking Information and the Last Economic Crisis (1999-2012). The Case of the Bank of Spain

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    La crisis económica y financiera que ha afectado durante los últimos años a gran parte de los países desarrollados presenta rasgos diferenciales muy acusados en cada uno de ellos. En el caso español, la gestación previa de la crisis vino impulsada por la introducción del euro y la Política Monetaria Europea aplicada por el Banco Central Europeo (BCE) que dieron la falsa sensación de que teníamos asegurada en el futuro la estabilidad monetaria con bajos tipos de interés. Este proceso necesitaba de unos agentes que posibilitaran el apalancamiento de personas y empresas y, en este ámbito, el sector financiero contribuyó a seguir avivando y ampliando el riesgo ante la carencia de medidas preventivas y con información insuficiente. El Banco de España, que seguía teniendo las competencias de regulación financiera, no informó ni actuó hasta bien avanzada la crisis. En este artículo tratamos de explicar cómo se ha producido este proceso que ha generado que la crisis financiera española haya sido de mayor intensidad que en otros países, eliminando a las cajas de ahorros y que dio lugar al rescate europeo de 2012.The economic and financial crisis that has affected most of the developed countries in recent years has very sharp differential characteristics in each of them. In the Spanish case, the previous gestation of the crisis was driven by the introduction of the euro and the European Monetary Policy applied by the European Central Bank (ECB) that gave the false sense that we had assured in the future monetary stability with low rates of interest. This process required intermediaries to leverage individuals and companies and, in this area, the financial sector contributed to further fueling and increasing risk in the absence of preventive measures and insufficient information. The Bank of Spain, which still had the powers of financial regulation, did not act until well into the crisis. In this paper we try to explain how this process has produced that has generated that the Spanish financial crisis has been of greater intensity than in other countries, leading to the elimination of the savings banks and the European funds rescue in 2012

    Clubs de lectura como estrategia para aumentar el conocimiento sobre nutrición entre la población general: Estudio piloto

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    Introduction: The spread of false news related to nutrition shows the need to provide general public validated information on food and health, inducing them to follow healthy dietary habits. Objective: To assess whether attendance to book clubs devoted to scientific disseminations books is a useful strategy for improving nutritional knowledge among the population. Methodology: 65 adults participated in a reading club, attending a research center once a month for 4 months to talk about informative scientific books on food/nutrition. The knowledge of the participants was monitored through a survey performed in all the sessions of the club. Results: Participants were mostly female with university studies. Attendance to the book clubs caused a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the number of correct answers on a questionnaire about common misbeliefs on the topics covered in the discussed books. Participants showed a high degree of satisfaction with the activity and willingness to read more scientific dissemination books, even when most of them were not previously usual readers. Conclusions: Book clubs based on popular science books and led by scientists with expertise in the field could increase nutritional knowledge among general population, which should be further explored in different socioeconomic contexts.Introducción: La difusión de noticias falsas relacionadas con la nutrición muestra la necesidad de proporcionar al público general información validada sobre alimentación y salud, induciendo a llevar hábitos dietéticos saludables. Objetivo: Evaluar si la asistencia a clubs de lectura dedicados a libros de divulgación científica es una estrategia útil para mejorar el conocimiento nutricional entre la población. Metodología: 65 adultos participaron en un club de lectura, asistiendo una vez al mes, durante 4 meses a un centro de investigación para conversar sobre libros científicos divulgativos de alimentación/nutrición. Se llevó a cabo un seguimiento de los conocimientos de los participantes a través de una encuesta realizada en todas las sesiones del club de lectura. Resultados: Los participantes fueron en su mayoría mujeres con estudios universitarios. La asistencia a los clubs de lectura provocó un aumento significativo (P < 0,05) en el número de respuestas correctas en un cuestionario sobre las creencias erróneas comunes en los temas tratados en los libros discutidos. Conclusiones: Los clubs de lectura basados en libros de divulgación científica y dirigidos por científicos con experiencia en el campo pueden aumentar el conocimiento nutricional entre la población en general, debiéndose explorar más a fondo en diferentes contextos socioeconómicos

    Calcium signalling mediated through a7 and non-a7 nAChR stimulation is differentially regulated in bovine chromaffin cells to induce catecholamine release

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    Producción CientíficaCa2+ signalling and exocytosis mediated by nicotinic receptor (nAChR) subtypes, especially the a7 nAChR, in bovine chromaffin cells are still matters of debate.We have used chromaffin cell cultures loaded with Fluo-4 or transfected with aequorins directed to the cytosol or mitochondria, several nAChR agonists (nicotine, 5-iodo-A-85380, PNU282987 and choline), and the a7 nAChR allosteric modulator PNU120596. Minimal [Ca2+]c transients, induced by low concentrations of selective a7 nAChR agonists and nicotine, were markedly increased by the a7 nAChR allosteric modulator PNU120596. These potentiated responses were completely blocked by the a7 nAChR antagonist a-bungarotoxin (a7-modulated-response). Conversely, high concentrations of the a7 nAChR agonists, nicotine or 5-iodo-A-85380 induced larger [Ca2+]c transients, that were blocked by mecamylamine but were unaffected by a-bungarotoxin (non-a7 response). [Ca2+]c increases mediated by a7 nAChR were related to Ca2+ entry through non-L-type Ca2+ channels, whereas non-a7 nAChR-mediated signals were related to L-type Ca2+ channels; Ca2+-induced Ca2+-release contributed to both responses. Mitochondrial involvement in the control of [Ca2+]c transients, mediated by either receptor, was minimal. Catecholamine release coupled to a7 nAChRs was more efficient in terms of catecholamine released/[Ca2+]c.2015-09-1

    Evaluación de las competencias: un sistema de medición para la asignatura “Química Analítica Aplicada” del Grado en Farmacia

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    The current university environment is characterised by the implementation of an education system focused on competence-based learning. The present study has concentrated on the subject Applied Analytical Chemistry of the Pharmacy Degree and has made it possible to clearly establish the specific competences of the subject, based on levels of acquisition, as well as to design a system of assessment, based on the use of rubrics, which provides the corresponding equivalences in the grading system currently used in the university. This new form of assessment allows the teacher to know where there are gaps in student learning, and this information can be subsequently used to prioritize the training of those skills. The implementation of these rubrics has made it possible to obtain relevant information related to the students’ acquisition of competences.El entorno universitario actual se caracteriza por la implementación de un sistema educativo centrado en el aprendizaje basado en competencias. Este trabajo se centra en la asignatura de Química Analítica Aplicada del Grado en Farmacia y trata de establecer claramente las competencias específicas de la asignatura, en función de los niveles de adquisición, así como diseñar un sistema de evaluación, basado en el uso de rúbricas, proporcionando las equivalencias correspondientes en el sistema de calificación actualmente utilizado en la Universidad. Esta nueva forma de evaluación permite al docente saber dónde hay vacíos en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, de modo que esta información puede usarse posteriormente para priorizar el entrenamiento de esas habilidades. La implementación de estas rúbricas ha permitido obtener información relevante relacionada con la adquisición de competencias de los estudiantes

    Evaluación del modelo de capacidades dinámicas en el sector ovino de Castilla-La Mancha (España)

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    The production of sheep's milk in Castilla-La Mancha is of great importance both economically and socially. The Manchegan sheep plays a key role in the conservation of the environment since it acts preventively with respect to fires and contributes to the sustainability of the population and the development of rural areas. At the same time, it must face a globalized word with changing consumer tastes. This research is a qualitative validation of quantitative elements for the measurement of capabilites that can be found in the published model of dynamic capacities in the dairy sheep industry. The valuation provided by experts empowers the reliability of this model. The Delphi method was applied to a panel of 107 experts in the Manchego dairy sheep industry. About 46 % of the experts come from the academic environment with accredited transfer in the sector in a period of at least 5 years, and 54 % are managers, workers and professionals who advise this sector in a period of at least 5 years. In addition, equity has been maintained from a gender perspective. Persons consulted a 56 % of the indicators identified in the model have been ratified, and an explanation for 77 % of the differences identified has been provided. The study concludes with a favorable evaluation after analyzing the differences detected. This model is useful for establishing actions to strengthen the competitive position of the farms.La producción de leche de oveja en Castilla-La Mancha tiene una gran importancia, tanto a nivel económico como social. La oveja manchega juega un papel relevante en la conservación del medioambiente, dado que actúa de forma preventiva con respecto a los incendios y contribuye a la sostenibilidad de la población y el desarrollo de las zonas rurales. Al mismo tiempo, debe enfrentarse a un mundo globalizado con los gustos cambiantes de los consumidores. Esta investigación es una validación cualitativa de los elementos cuantitativos para la medición de capacidades que pueden encontrarse en el modelo publicado de capacidades dinámicas en el sector ovino lechero y, desde una perspectiva profesional, al someterlo a la opinión de personas expertas se aporta valoración profesional a este modelo. Se ha aplicado el método Delphi a un panel de 107 personas expertas en el ámbito de producción animal del sector ovino lechero manchego, siendo un requisito conocer profesionalmente las explotaciones de dicho sector en Castilla-La Mancha. Un 46 % de los expertos proceden del entorno académico con transferencia avalada en el sector, en un periodo de al menos cinco años y donde un 54 % son gerentes, trabajadores y profesionales que asesoran a este sector en un periodo similar. Además, se ha mantenido la equidad desde una perspectiva de género. Las personas consultadas ratificaron en un 56 % los indicadores identificados en el modelo y se encontró una explicación al 77 % de las diferencias identificadas. El estudio concluye con una evaluación favorable tras analizar las diferencias detectadas, donde además, este modelo avalado por expertos es de utilidad para establecer acciones tendentes a reforzar la posición competitiva de las explotaciones

    Revisión de la medición de capacidades dinámicas: una propuesta de indicadores para el sector ovino

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    The sheep industry is one of the leading sectors in the Castilla-La Mancha economy in Spain. It occupied the fourth position in the European context in 2017. The income of this sector stems mainly from the sale of milk and derived products with PDO (protected designation of origin) as the “Manchego cheese” that generated 61.21  % of the economic value of the PDO products in Spain during 2016. However, nowadays these farms need to develop management skills to improve their competitiveness as they suffer from lack of adequate managerial performance. These circumstances joined to the fall in the prices of milk used for PDO and the increase in the cost of animal feed is generating viability problems. Considering the above, the aim of this research consisted in identifying a group of indexes that allow measuring dynamic capabilities in the sheep industry. From the methodological perspective, a revision of the academic literature in dynamic capabilities was carried out, and specific potential indicators for the sheep management industry have been identified to measure these capabilities. As a result, 54 indicators have been identified and justified to measure different kinds of capabilities. To conclude, it should be noted that these indicators constitute a standard for managers to measure, diagnose and make decisions focused towards improving farm management.El sector ovino es uno de los principales sectores que impulsan la economía en Castilla-La Mancha. Así, en 2016 la denominación de origen protegida (dop) “queso manchego” generó el 61,21 % del valor económico de los productos con denominación de origen en toda España. Sin embargo, actualmente las explotaciones adolecen de un adecuado desempeño gerencial que, unido a la caída en el precio de la leche destinada a la dop y el aumento en el coste de alimentación del ganado, está generando problemas de viabilidad. Teniendo en cuenta esta problemática, el objetivo de este trabajo consiste en identificar un conjunto de indicadores que permitan medir capacidades dinámicas en el sector ovino. Desde la perspectiva metodológica, se ha realizado una revisión de la literatura en capacidades dinámicas y se han determinado potenciales indicadores propios de la gestión ovina que permitan medir dichas capacidades. Como resultado, se han identificado y justificado 54 indicadores para medir los distintos tipos de capacidades. A modo de conclusión, estos indicadores constituyen un referente para que los gerentes puedan medir, diagnosticar y tomar decisiones de mejora en la gestión de sus granjas

    Potentiation of amyloid beta phagocytosis and amelioration of synaptic dysfunction upon FAAH deletion in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.

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    Background: The complex pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) hampers the development of effective treatments. Attempts to prevent neurodegeneration in AD have failed so far, highlighting the need for further clarification of the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms. Neuroinflammation seems to play a crucial role in disease progression, although its specific contribution to AD pathogenesis remains elusive. We have previously shown that the modulation of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) renders beneficial effects in a context of amyloidosis, which triggers neuroinflammation. In the 5xFAD model, the genetic inactivation of the enzyme that degrades anandamide (AEA), the fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), was associated with a significant amelioration of the memory deficit. Methods: In this work, we use electrophysiology, flow cytometry and molecular analysis to evaluate the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the improvement associated to the increased endocannabinoid tone in the 5xFAD mouse− model. Results: We demonstrate that the chronic enhancement of the endocannabinoid tone rescues hippocampal synaptic plasticity in the 5xFAD mouse model. At the CA3–CA1 synapse, both basal synaptic transmission and longterm potentiation (LTP) of synaptic transmission are normalized upon FAAH genetic inactivation, in a CB1 receptor (CB1R)- and TRPV1 receptor-independent manner. Dendritic spine density in CA1 pyramidal neurons, which is notably decreased in 6-month-old 5xFAD animals, is also restored. Importantly, we reveal that the expression of microglial factors linked to phagocytic activity, such as TREM2 and CTSD, and other factors related to amyloid beta clearance and involved in neuron–glia crosstalk, such as complement component C3 and complement receptor C3AR, are specifically upregulated in 5xFAD/FAAH−/− animals. Conclusion: In summary, our findings support the therapeutic potential of modulating, rather than suppressing, neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease. In our model, the long-term enhancement of the endocannabinoid tone triggered augmented microglial activation and amyloid beta phagocytosis, and a consequent reversal in the neuronal phenotype associated to the diseasepost-print4206 K

    Monitoring monkeypox virus in saliva and air samples in Spain: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: The transmission of monkeypox virus occurs through direct contact, but transmission through saliva or exhaled droplets and aerosols has not yet been investigated. We aimed to assess the presence of monkeypox virus DNA and infectious virus in saliva samples and droplets and aerosols exhaled from patients infected with monkeypox virus. Methods: We did a cross-sectional study in patients with monkeypox confirmed by PCR who attended two health centres in Madrid, Spain. For each patient, we collected samples of saliva, exhaled droplets within a mask, and aerosols captured by air filtration through newly developed nanofiber filters. We evaluated the presence of monkeypox virus in the samples by viral DNA detection by quantitative PCR (qPCR) and isolation of infectious viruses in cell cultures. Findings: Between May 18 and July 15, 2022, 44 patients with symptomatic monkeypox attended two health centres in Madrid and were included in the study. All were cisgender men, with a median age of 35·0 years (IQR 11·3). We identified high loads of monkeypox virus DNA by qPCR in 35 (85%) of 41 saliva samples. Infectious monkeypox virus was recovered from 22 (67%) of 33 saliva samples positive for monkeypox virus DNA. We also found a significant association between the number of affected cutaneous areas or general symptoms and the viral load present in saliva samples. Droplets exhaled from patients with monkeypox, detected inside a mask, contained monkeypox virus DNA in 32 (71%) of 45 samples, with two of the 32 positive samples showing the presence of the infectious virus. Monkeypox virus DNA in aerosols, collected from the medical consultation room, were detected in 27 (64%) of 42 samples, despite patients wearing an FFP2 mask during the visit. Infectious virus was not recovered from aerosol samples. High levels of monkeypox virus DNA were identified in aerosols collected from a hospital isolation room housing a patient with monkeypox. Interpretation: The identification of high viable monkeypox virus loads in saliva in most patients with monkeypox and the finding of monkeypox virus DNA in droplets and aerosols warrants further epidemiological studies to evaluate the potential relevance of the respiratory route of infection in the 2022 monkeypox virus outbreak.This study was funded by the EU (Nextgeneration EU), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (PTI Salud Global), and Ciberinfec (Acción estratégica MKPXV22). We thank Milagros Guerra and the Electron Microscopy Service at CBMSO for their support. We thank the contribution of Grupo Viruela Simio Madrid ISCIII/HCSC/Sandoval.S

    Risk Of Recurrence After Withdrawal Of Anticoagulation In Patients With Unprovoked Venous Thromboembolism: External Validation Of The Vienna Nomogram And The Dash Prediction Score

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    [ES] Introducción: Las escalas predictivas de recurrencias de ETV son útiles para decidir la duración del tratamiento anticoagulante. Aunque hay varias escalas, desconocemos la aplicabilidad de las mismas en nuestro medio. Por ello nos planteamos validar el modelo predictivo DASH y el nomograma de Viena a 12 meses.-- Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de pacientes consecutivos no seleccionados con ETV no provocada desde 2006 hasta 2014. Comparamos la capacidad de predecir recurrencias de ETV de la escala DASH y el nomograma de Viena. La validación se realizó estratificando a los pacientes como de bajo o alto riesgo, según cada escala (discriminación) y comparando las recurrencias observadas frente a las esperadas (calibración).-- Resultados: De 353 pacientes evaluados, se analizaron 195, con una edad media de 53,5+/-19 años. Hubo 21 recurrencias a 1 año (10,8%, IC95%: 6,8-16%). Según la escala DASH, fueron catalogados de bajo riesgo el 42%, observando ETV recurrente en el grupo de bajo fue del 4,9% (IC95%: 1,3-12%) vs. el grupo de alto riesgo en que fue del 15% (IC95%: 9-23%) (p<0,05). Según el nomograma de Viena, fueron catalogados de bajo riesgo el 30%, observando ETV recurrente en el grupo de bajo vs. alto riesgo en el 4,2% (IC95%: 0,5-14%) vs. 16,2% (IC95%: 9,9-24,4%) (p<0,05).-- Conclusiones: Nuestro estudio valida la escala DASH y el nomograma de Viena en nuestra población. El modelo predictivo DASH sería el más aconsejable, tanto por su sencillez como por la capacidad de identificar a más pacientes de bajo riesgo frente al nomograma de Viena (42% vs. 30%).[EN ] Introduction: Scales for predicting venous thromboembolism (VTE) recurrence are useful for deciding the duration of the anticoagulant treatment. Although there are several scales, the most appropriate for our setting has not been identified. For this reason, we aimed to validate the DASH prediction score and the Vienna nomogram at 12 months.-- Methods: This was a retrospective study of unselected consecutive VTE patients seen between 2006 and 2014. We compared the ability of the DASH score and the Vienna nomogram to predict recurrences of VTE. The validation was performed by stratifying patients as low-risk or high-risk, according to each scale (discrimination) and comparing the observed recurrence with the expected rate (calibration).-- Results: Of 353 patients evaluated, 195 were analyzed, with an average age of 53.5 ± 19 years. There were 21 recurrences in 1 year (10.8%, 95% CI: 6.8%-16%). According to the DASH score, 42% were classified as low risk, and the rate of VTE recurrence in this group was 4.9% (95% CI: 1.3%-12%) vs. the high-risk group that was 15% (95% CI: 9%-23%) (p <.05). According to the Vienna nomogram, 30% were classified as low risk, and the rate of VTE recurrence in the low risk group vs. the high risk group was 4.2% (95% CI:0.5%-14%) vs. 16.2% (95% CI: 9.9%-24.4%) (p <.05).-- Conclusions: Our study validates the DASH score and the Vienna nomogram in our population. The DASH prediction score may be the most advisable, both because of its simplicity and its ability to identify more low-risk patients than the Vienna nomogram (42% vs. 30%).Peer reviewe