2,843 research outputs found

    Structural modelling of medieval walls

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    International Seminar on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (3º 2001 Guimaraens)Sistemas constructivos medievales a menudo involucrados la construcción de múltiples capas paredes formadas por dos caras de sillería o mampostería con un relleno central que consiste en escombros ligada con mortero, generalmente cal-basado. Se trata de una construcción simple y eficiente sistema que se siguió utilizando en los siglos posteriores. Sin embargo, el modelado estructural de este tipo de pared no es fácil de lograr. Los dos pared caras no están vinculados rígidamente y, por otro lado, las bóvedas son normalmente compatibles sólo en el la cara interna, lo que resulta en la eficiencia reducida de la unidad de pared. Modelos comunes de elementos finitos no son capaces de resolver muchos de los problemas que surgen cuando se aplican a una monumental construcción. En este trabajo se aborda el problema y propone varias posibilidades de solución con diferentes tipos de elementos .. También proporciona dos ejemplos de monumentos góticos en Galicia (España) en el que comportamiento estructural se ha estudiado el uso de algunos de estos modelos de cálculo: las iglesias de Guimaraens y Cambados.[Abstract]Medieval construction systems usually involved the construction of multi-layer walls formed by two faces of ashlar work or masonry with a central infilling consisting of rubble bound with mortar, generally lime-based. It is a simple and efficient construction system which continued to be used in subsequent centuries. Nevertheless, structural modelling of this type of wall is not easy to achieve. The two wall faces are not rigidly bound and on the other hand, vaults are normally supported only on the intemal face, resulting in reduced efficiency of the wall unit. Common models of finite elements are unable to solve many of the problems that arise when they are applied to a monumental construction. This paper tackles the problem and puts forward various possibilities of solution with different element types.. It also provides two examples of Gothic monuments in Galicia (Spain) in which structural behaviour was studied using some of these calculation models: the churches of Guimarei and Cambados

    Andamios porosos (apatita/colágeno) de origen marino para aplicaciones biomédicas

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    1 póster presentado en las III Xornadas de Investigación BioIntegraSaúde 2015, Vigo 16 xuño 2015.-- E. López-Senra ... et al.FP7/REGPOT-2012-2013.1 (nº 316265, BIOCAPS); UE-INTERREG 2011-1/164 MARMED; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Project MAT2010-18281)Peer reviewe

    Aprendizaje basado en problemas en Biología Vegetal

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    El aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) es un método de enseñanzaaprendizaje que usa el problema como punto de partida para la adquisición e integración de nuevos conocimientos. En el desarrollo del ABP el problema es el camino para que los estudiantes alcancen los objetivos de conocimientos, destrezas y habilidades. El ABP y el estudio de casos se centran en el estudiante lo cual implica necesariamente un cambio de función en el profesor que deja de ser protagonista para convertirse en una guía o en tutor. El tutor plantea problemas y cuestiones que contribuyen al entendimiento y a la resolución de problemas promoviendo de esta forma un aprendizaje significativo. Por otra parte, las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación introducen cambios importantes en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en base a lo siguiente: a) el acceso a la información y el modo de adquirir información, b) las nuevas formas de relación profesor-alumno. Este trabajo muestra algunas experiencias para el desarrollo de ABP, el estudio de casos y la elaboración de mapas conceptuales e infografías, experiencias realizadas en el aula con estudiantes de Biología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y en relación con dos campos de la Biología: la Fisiología Vegetal y la Biología Evolutiva.The problem-based learning (PBL) is a teaching-learning method that uses the problem as a starting point for the acquisition and integration of new knowledge. In the development of PBL the problem is the way to achieve the knowledge, skills and abilities. Problem-based learning and case study focuses on the student and therefore imply a change in the teacher role: from protagonist to tutor or guide. A tutor offers questions that contribute to understanding and managing the problem promoting meaningful learning. On the other hand, information and communication technologies introduces important changes in teaching and learning on the basis of two issues: a) access and how to acquire information, b) new forms of teacher-student relationship. This work shows some experiences for the development of PBL, case studies and concept mapping as classroom experiences for Biological Sciences students at the Complutense University of Madrid. Two biological sciences fields were considered: plant physiology and evolutionary plant biology

    Clinical, radiological and therapeutic features of keratocystic odontogenic tumours: a study over a decade

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    Factors associated with the potential for recurrence of keratocystic odontogenic tumours (KCOT) still remain to be clearly determined and no consensus exists concerning the management of KCOT. The purpose of this study was to evaluate different clinical factors associated with KCOT and its treatment methods. A retrospective review was performed of 55 cases treated from 2001 to 2010. Of the 55 cases, 27% were associated with an impacted or semi- impacted tooth. The majority of the lesions (82%) were located in tooth-bearing areas, and the overall mandibular to maxilla ratio of tumour occurrence was 5:1. The treatment options included enucleation, marsupialisation, or peripheral ostectomy, with or without the use of Carnoy ?s solution. Recurrence was found in 14 cases (25%). No significant association was seen between recurrence and age, symptomatic cases, location of the lesion, or unilocu - lar or multilocular appearance. The recurrence rate was higher in the group with tooth involvement, more marked in cases with third molar involvement. Statistical analysis showed a significant relation between recurrence and the type of treatment, with higher rates in cases treated with enucleation associated with tooth extraction. In our series, those cases with a closer relation with dental tissues showed a higher risk of recurrence, suggesting the need for a distinct classification for peripheral variants of KCOT

    Estudio immunohistoquímico de tumores de folículos pilosos caninos

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    El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar los patrones de expresión de varias citoqueratinas e involucrina en tumores del folículo piloso canino con especial interés en los que exhiben menor diferenciación tricofítica. En el estudio se han utilizado 71 tumores foliculares diagnosticados en el Servicio de Diagnóstico de Histología y Anatomía Patológica Comparadas de la UCO. Las muestras, fijadas en formol al 10%, se procesaron de la forma habitual para diagnóstico histopatológico y se utilizó la técnica ABC para el estudio inmunohistoquímico. Los tumores foliculares se clasificaron histopatológicamente según Golsmidht y cols, (1998) como tricoepiteliomas (22), epiteliomas intracutáneos cornificantes (23) y tricoblastomas (5)y pilomatricomas (21)

    Propiedades de las rocas volcánicas de Canarias (España) utilizadas como material de escollera

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    In the Canary Islands, there is a wide spectrum of volcanic rocks with different properties to be used in public works. The aim of this study is to analyse the physical-mechanical properties of all the volcanic rocks present in the Canary Island archipelago in order to determine their suitability for use in maritime construction works. The great variety of volcanic rocks present on the islands have been grouped into lithotypes based on similar geo-mechanical behaviour. The laboratory test results obtained for these lithotypes establish their suitability or not to be used as breakwater material in accordance with Spanish regulations.En el archipiélago canario existe un amplio espectro de rocas volcánicas con diferentes propiedades para ser utilizadas en obras públicas. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las propiedades físico-mecánicas de todas las rocas volcánicas presentes en el archipiélago canario con el fin de determinar su idoneidad para ser utilizadas en obras de construcción marítima. La gran variedad de rocas volcánicas presentes en las islas, se han agrupado en litotipos basados en un comportamiento geomecánico similar. Los resultados de los ensayos de laboratorio obtenidos para estos litotipos establecen su idoneidad o no para ser utilizados como material de escollera de acuerdo con la normativa española

    Integral field spectroscopy of M1-67. A Wolf-Rayet nebula with LBVN appearance

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    This work aims to disentangle the morphological, kinematic, and chemical components of the nebula M1-67 to shed light on its process of formation around the central Wolf-Rayet (WR) star WR124. We have carried out integral field spectroscopy observations over two regions of M1-67, covering most of the nebula in the optical range. Maps of electron density, line ratios, and radial velocity were created to perform a detailed analysis of the two-dimensional structure. We studied the physical and chemical properties by means of integrated spectra selected over the whole nebula. Photoionization models were performed to confirm the empirical chemical results theoretically. In addition, we analysed infrared spectroscopic data and the MIPS 24micron image of M1-67 from Spitzer. We find that the ionized gas of M1-67 is condensed in knots aligned in a preferred axis along the NE-SW direction, like a bipolar structure. Both electron density and radial velocity decrease in this direction when moving away from the central star. From the derived electron temperature, Te~8200 K, we have estimated chemical abundances, obtaining that nitrogen appears strongly enriched and oxygen depleted. From the last two results, we infer that this bipolarity is the consequence of an ejection of an evolved stage of WR124 with material processed in the CNO cycle. The infrared study has revealed that the bipolar axis is composed of ionized gas with a low ionization degree that is well mixed with warm dust and of a spherical bubble surrounding the ejection at 24micron. Taking the evolution of a 60 Mo star and the temporal scale of the bipolar ejection into account, we propose that the observed gas was ejected during an eruption in the luminous blue variable. The star has entered the WR phase recently without apparent signs of interaction between WR-winds and interstellar material.Comment: Accepted for publication in section 6 of Astronomy and Astrophysics. The official date of acceptance is 15/03/2013. 17 pages, 14 figures and 8 table

    La visita domiciliaria dentro del programa de reinserción de los pacientes crónicos.

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    El presente trabajo ha sido realizado estudiando la posible influencia que la Visita Domiciliaria ha tenido en la reinserción de los pacientes, que fueron trasladados del Sanatorio Psiquiátrico de Conxo al Hospital Psiquiátrico Rebullón en tres tandas y que podríamos llamar pacientes institucionalizados, crónicos o manicomializados