182 research outputs found

    Análisis de la incertidumbre en la estimación de la movilidad electoral mediante el procedimiento LPHOM

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    [ES] La estimación del trasvase de votos de unos partidos a otros entre dos procesos electorales es un tema relevante dentro de la sociología política. Dadas las limitaciones de las encuestas en este campo, existe un interés creciente en los procedimientos de estimación que utilizan exclusivamente la realidad incuestionable de los propios resultados electorales. lphom es uno de estos métodos. lphom es un procedimiento, relativamente sencillo, que, tras ser aplicado en estos últimos años en algunos estudios reales, ha proporcionado, en todos los casos, resultados muy razonables. En la presente tesis se aborda el problema, hasta ahora no investigado, de desarrollar procedimientos para estimar los márgenes de incertidumbre de los resultados obtenidos al aplicar este procedimiento en estudios reales. Tras definir unos indicadores adecuados, EI y EP, para cuantificar dicha incertidumbre, el proceso se basa en utilizar los residuos del modelo lphom para (i) evaluar el grado de incumplimiento de la hipótesis de homogeneidad en la que se sustenta lphom, y (ii) investigar, mediante un conjunto de estudios de simulación desarrollados en diferentes escenarios, las relaciones entre estos indicadores. Las conclusiones generales de estos estudios permiten desarrollar unos procedimientos para estimar los valores previsibles de EI y EP en estudios reales, así como los límites de confianza superior para los mismos. También se desarrolla un procedimiento para obtener intervalos de confianza para las diferentes probabilidades de transición de votos pjk estimadas mediante lphom. Los métodos desarrollados se ilustran aplicándolos a la estimación del trasvase de votos entre la primera y la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales francesas de 2017. Se indican finalmente una serie de líneas futuras de investigación sugeridas por los resultados de esta tesis.[CAT] L'estimació del transvasament de vots d'uns partits a altres entre dos processos electorals és un tema rellevant dins de la sociología política. Donades les limitacions de les enquestes en aquest camp, hi ha un creixent interés en els procediments d'estimació que utilitzen exclusivamente la realitat inqüestionable dels propis resultats electorals. En aquest sentit, lphom és un mètode senzill que després de ser aplicat aquestos últims anys en alguns estudis reals, ha proporcionat en tots els casos resultats molt razonables. En la següent tesi, s'aborda el problema, encara no investigat, de desenvolupar procediments per a estimar els margens d'incentidumbre dels resultats obtenguts al aplicar aquest procediment en els estudis reals. Després d'haber definit uns indicadors adecuats, EI y EP, per a quantificar dita incertidumbre, el procés es basa en utilitzar els residus del model lphom per a (i) evaluar el grau de incompliment de la hipótesis d'homogeneïtat en què es sustenta lphom, i (ii) investigar, mitjançant un conjunt d'estudis de simulacions desenvolupades en diferents escenaris, les relacions entre aquestos indicadors. Les conclusions generals d'aquestos estudis permeten desenvolupar uns procediments per a estimar els valors previsibles de EI y EP en estudis reals, així com els límits de confianza superior per als mateixos. També s'aconsegueix un procediment per a obtindre intervals de confiança per a les diferents probabilitats de transició de vots pjk estimats mediant lphom. Els métodes desenvolupats s'ilustren aplicats a l'estimació del transvasament de vots entre la primera y segona volta de les eleccions presidencials franceses de 2017. S'indiquen finalment una sèrie de línies futures d'investigació suggerides pels resultats d'aquesta tesi.[EN] The estimation of the transfer of votes from some political parties to another between two electoral processes is a relevant issue within political sociology. Given the limitations of the surveys in this field, there is a growing interest in estimation procedures that exclusively use the unquestionable reality of the electoral results themselves. In this sense, lphom is a simple method that, after being applied in recent years in some real studies, has provided, in all cases, very reasonable results. This thesis addresses the problem, so far not investigated, of developing procedures to estimate the margins of uncertainty of the results obtained by applying this procedure in real studies. After defining suitable indicators, EI and EP, to quantify this uncertainty, the process is based on using the residuals of the lphom model to (i) evaluate the degree of non-compliance with the homogeneity hypothesis on which lphom is based, and (ii) investigate, through a set of simulation studies developed in different scenarios, the relationships between these indicators. The general conclusions of these studies allow the development of procedures to estimate the predictable values of IE and PE in real studies, as well as the upper confidence limits for them. A procedure is also developed to obtain confidence intervals for the different transition probabilities of votes pjk estimated by lphom. The methods developed are illustrated by applying them to the estimation of the transfer of votes between the first and second rounds of the 2017 French presidential elections. A series of future lines of research suggested by the results of this thesis are finally indicated.Martín Marín, J. (2020). Análisis de la incertidumbre en la estimación de la movilidad electoral mediante el procedimiento LPHOM [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/157638TESI

    Desarrollo de competencias para la dirección, gestión y administración pública desde el aprendizaje servicio

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    [ES] El equipo de innovación y mejora educativa CTALENT viene trabajando desde 2015 en la educación para el desarrollo sostenible desde las aulas universitarias bajo el prisma de la Agenda 2030 de Naciones Unidas y, en colaboración con otras organizaciones para fomentar el desarrollo de competencias en los y las estudiantes de la Univesrsitat Politècnica de València. A menudo, se trabaja con la metodología Aprendizaje-Servicio, de forma concisa podría decirse que los y las estudiantes aportan mejoras a la sociedad, contribuyen al bien común, mientras aprenden competencias específicas y transversales de sus asignaturas junto a su profesorado. Esta metodología favorece el aprendizaje de competencias para la dirección y gestión pública y permite al alumnado tomar conciencia de los efectos que tendrán sus decisiones en la ciudadanía desde puestos de dirección, gestión y administración pública. Las últimas experiencias desarrolladas en el grado de Gestión y Administración Pública son “La ludopatía en cifras” y “La Agenda 2030 desde la transparencia y los datos abiertos” en las asignaturas de Introducción a la estadística y Estadística aplicada a la administración pública y “Niñas y niños auditores ISO 9001 en Cruz Roja” en la asignatura de Gestión de calidad.[EN] El equipo de innovación y mejora educativa CTALENT viene trabajando desde 2015 en la educación para el desarrollo sostenible desde las aulas universitarias bajo el prisma de la Agenda 2030 de Naciones Unidas y, en colaboración con otras organizaciones para fomentar el desarrollo de competencias en los y las estudiantes de la Univesrsitat Politècnica de València. A menudo, se trabaja con la metodología Aprendizaje-Servicio, de forma concisa podría decirse que los y las estudiantes aportan mejoras a la sociedad, contribuyen al bien común, mientras aprenden competencias específicas y transversales de sus asignaturas junto a su profesorado. Esta metodología favorece el aprendizaje de competencias para la dirección y gestión pública y permite al alumnado tomar conciencia de los efectos que tendrán sus decisiones en la ciudadanía desde puestos de dirección, gestión y administración pública. Las últimas experiencias desarrolladas en el grado de Gestión y Administración Pública son “La ludopatía en cifras” y “La Agenda 2030 desde la transparencia y los datos abiertos” en las asignaturas de Introducción a la estadística y Estadística aplicada a la administración pública y “Niñas y niños auditores ISO 9001 en Cruz Roja” en la asignatura de Gestión de calidad.Portillo Poblador, N.; Martín Marín, J. (2019). Desarrollo de competencias para la dirección, gestión y administración pública desde el aprendizaje servicio. En JIDDO. I Jornada de innovación en docencia universitaria para la dirección de organizaciones públicas y privadas. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 115-125. https://doi.org/10.4995/JIDDO2019.2019.10432OCS11512

    From Distraction to Mindfulness: Latent Structure of the Spanish Mind‑Wandering Deliberate and Spontaneous Scales and Their Relationship to Dispositional Mindfulness and Attentional Control

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    Objectives Mind-wandering is a form of internal distraction that may occur both deliberately and spontaneously. This study aimed to provide a psychometric evaluation of the Spanish version of the Mind-Wandering Deliberate and Spontaneous (MW-D/MW-S) scales, as well as to extend prior research investigating their associations with dispositional mindfulness (Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire) and with the ability for attentional control of external distraction (Attentional Control Scale). Method In two large samples (n1 = 795; n2 = 1084), we examined latent structure, item- and dimension-level descriptive statistics, and internal consistency reliability scores of the Spanish MW-D/MW-S scales. Partial correlations were used to evaluate their associations with dispositional mindfulness and attentional control. Multiple linear regression and relative weight analyses were used to investigate whether or not, and to what extent, the facets of mindfulness could be uniquely predicted by internal and external distraction. Results The Spanish MW-D/MW-S scales demonstrated a two-factor structure, high internal consistency reliability scores, and good nomological validity. Dispositional mindfulness was independently explained by internal and external distraction. MW-S was the largest (negative) predictor of the scores of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, being this association particularly strong for the facet Acting with awareness. Conversely, MW-D was mildly associated with increased mindfulness. In addition, attentional control was found moderately negatively associated with MW-S and mildly positively associated with MW-D. Conclusions Our results indicate that the Spanish version of the MW-D/MW-S scales are a useful tool to assess individual differences in deliberate and spontaneous mind-wandering, shed light on the relationship between mindfulness and both internal and external distraction, and accentuate the critical role of intentionality in the study of the mind-wandering phenomena.La Caixa Foundation 100010434 LCF/BQ/DE18/11670002Euro-pean Union-Next Generation EU fundsSpanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, Min-isterio de Economia y Competitividad 100010434 Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad LCF/BQ/DE18/11670002Junta de Andalucia FPU17/06169Universidad de Granada / CBUA PID2019-104239 GB-I00/SRA PID2020-114790 GB-I00 PY20_0069

    Development of procedures to assess problem-solving competence in computing engineering

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    In the context of higher education, a competence may be understood as the combination of skills, knowledge, attitudes, values, and abilities that underpin effective and/or superior performance in a professional area. The aim of the work reported here was to design a set of procedures to assess a transferable competence, i.e., problem solving, that is basic for learning, in both academic and professional life, and crucial for engineering. The study involved a total of 71 students enrolled at three universities at two different stages of their studies. The development phases of the assessment device included an analysis of the competence and its facets, the design of the assessment task, the development of criteria to rate student performance, and the analysis of the basic psychometric properties for assessment methods in the area of education. The conclusion was drawn that the training process and the elaboration of scoring criteria are costly but necessary if objectivity in the interpretation of results is to be guaranteed. The main achievement of this project was the development of a procedure that measures learning outcomes and, more specifically, problem solvin

    Evaluación de la Competencia Transversal 2: Aplicación y pensamiento práctico

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    [ES] En este trabajo se presenta la competencia transversal 2 evaluada en la Universitat Politècnica de València, “Aplicación y Pensamiento Práctico”. En concreto se centra en la evaluación de dicha competencia en 3 asignaturas del Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas que se imparte en dicha Universidad. Las asignaturas corresponden tanto al nivel uno (primer y segundo curso) como al dos (tercer y cuarto curso) de la titulación.[EN] En este trabajo se presenta la competencia transversal 2 evaluada en la Universitat Politècnica de València, “Aplicación y Pensamiento Práctico”. En concreto se centra en la evaluación de dicha competencia en 3 asignaturas del Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas que se imparte en dicha Universidad. Las asignaturas corresponden tanto al nivel uno (primer y segundo curso) como al dos (tercer y cuarto curso) de la titulaciónVallada Regalado, E.; Martín Marín, J.; Úbeda García, JE.; Crespo Abril, F. (2019). Evaluación de la Competencia Transversal 2: Aplicación y pensamiento práctico. En JIDDO. I Jornada de innovación en docencia universitaria para la dirección de organizaciones públicas y privadas. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 17-23. https://doi.org/10.4995/JIDDO2019.2019.10188OCS172

    Functioning assessment short test (FAST) : validity and reliability in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Altres ajuts: PERIS, SLT006/17/00287The assessment of functional impairment is crucial both for the diagnosis and the therapeutic approach to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The purpose of the present study was to evaluate whether the FAST is a reliable and valid tool to assess functional impairment in adults with Level 1 ASD and to study the differences in psychosocial functioning between younger and older adults with ASD. A case-control study was carried out in a sample of 150 participants, 71 adults with Level 1 ASD, and 79 adults without psychiatric history records. Results showed good psychometric properties in terms of validity and reliability. Cronbach's alpha for the total scale was.91 and the area under the curve was.98. The study also showed that adults with ASD present different profiles of functional impairment depending on their age: while younger patients present greater impairment in autonomy, older patients show more difficulties in interpersonal relationships. Our results support the use of the FAST in the evaluation of adaptive functioning in adults with Level 1 AS

    Effects of Extracurricular Sports in Prepubertal and Pubertal Girls.

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of the type of extracurricular sport on the body composition, respiratory parameters, and physical condition in prepubertal and pubertal girls. Four hundred and eighty-five female athletes (aged 8–14) from different sports participated in this study. They were gathered into four groups according to the sport typology and maturity level: ‘prepubertal girls who practise collective sports’ (PRE-CS), ‘prepubertal girls who practise individual sports’ (PRE-IS), ‘pubertal girls who practise collective sports’ (PUB-CS), and ‘pubertal girls who practise individual sports’ (PUB-IS). The cardiorespiratory fitness (the 20 m shuttle run test, 20 mSRT), anthropometry, respiratory capacity (forced spirometry), handgrip, CMJ test, and stabilometry were collected. Prepubertal girls showed a lower muscle mass (kg) and fat mass (kg) than pubertal girls regardless of the extracurricular sports typology. PRE-CS and PRE-IS also showed a lower respiratory fitness and physical fitness than pubertal girls (p 0.05) in any of the body composition, respiratory fitness, and physical fitness variables when comparing between collective sports and individual sports. The results show that extracurricular participation in these types sports by prepubertal girls can influence their body composition, respiratory fitness, and physical condition.post-print300 K

    Megapixel multi-elemental imaging by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, a technology with considerable potential for paleoclimate studies

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    Paleoclimate studies play a crucial role in understanding past and future climates and their environmental impacts. Current methodologies for performing highly sensitive elemental analysis at micrometre spatial resolutions are restricted to the use of complex and/or not easily applied techniques, such as synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence micro-analysis (μ-SRXRF), nano secondary ion mass spectrometry (nano-SIMS) or laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LAICP-MS). Moreover, the analysis of large samples (>few cm²) with any of these methods remains very challenging due to their relatively low acquisition speed (~1–10 Hz), and because they must be operated in vacuum or controlled atmosphere. In this work, we proposed an imaging methodology based on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, to perform fast multi-elemental scanning of large geological samples with high performance in terms of sensitivity (ppm-level), lateral resolution (up to 10 μm) and operating speed (100 Hz). This method was successfully applied to obtain the first megapixel images of large geological samples and yielded new information, not accessible using other techniques. These results open a new perspective into the use of laser spectroscopy in a variety of geochemical applications

    Assessment of problem solving in computing studies

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    The assessment of learning outcomes is a key concept in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) since credits are awarded when the assessment shows the competences which were aimed at have been developed at an appropriate level. This paper describes a study which was first part of the Bologna Experts Team-Spain project and then developed as an independent study. It was carried out with the overall goal to gain experience in the assessment of learning outcomes. More specifically it aimed at 1) designing procedures for the assessment of learning outcomes related to these compulsory generic competences; 2) testing some basic psychometric features that an assessment device with some consequences for the subjects being evaluated needs to prove; 3) testing different procedures of standard setting, and 4) using assessment results as orienting feedback to students and their tutors. The process of development of tests to carry out the assessment of learning outcomes is described as well as some basic features regarding their reliability and validity. First conclusions on the comparison of the results achieved at two academic levels are also presented

    Criterion-Related Validity of Field-Based Fitness Tests in Adults: A Systematic Review

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    We comprehensively assessed the criterion-related validity of existing field-based fitness tests used to indicate adult health (19-64 years, with no known pathologies). The medical electronic databases MEDLINE (via PubMed) and Web of Science (all databases) were screened for studies published up to July 2020. Each original study's methodological quality was classified as high, low and very low, according to the number of participants, the description of the study population, statistical analysis and systematic reviews which were appraised via the AMSTAR rating scale. Three evidence levels were constructed (strong, moderate and limited evidence) according to the number of studies and the consistency of the findings. We identified 101 original studies (50 of high quality) and five systematic reviews examining the criterion-related validity of field-based fitness tests in adults. Strong evidence indicated that the 20 m shuttle run, 1.5-mile, 12 min run/walk, YMCA step, 2 km walk and 6 min walk test are valid for estimating cardiorespiratory fitness; the handgrip strength test is valid for assessing hand maximal isometric strength; and the Biering-Sorensen test to evaluate the endurance strength of hip and back muscles; however, the sit-and reach test, and its different versions, and the toe-to-touch test are not valid for assessing hamstring and lower back flexibility. We found moderate evidence supporting that the 20 m square shuttle run test is a valid test for estimating cardiorespiratory fitness. Other field-based fitness tests presented limited evidence, mainly due to few studies. We developed an evidence-based proposal of the most valid field-based fitness tests in healthy adults aged 19-64 years old.This project was supported by Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness in the 2017 call for R&D Projects of the State Program for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of the Company; National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and of Innovation 2017-2020 (DEP2017-88043-R); and the Regional Government of Andalusia and University of Cadiz: Research and Knowledge Transfer Fund (PPIT-FPI19)