90 research outputs found

    Impact of a mindfulness and self-care program on the psychological flexibility and well-being of parents with children diagnosed with ADHD

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    Producción CientíficaFamilies with children who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) tend to display unpleasant psychological reactions arising from the pressure exerted by the social and school context, and from experiences linked to difficulties their children have. The present research seeks to examine the effectiveness of a mindfulness program on various dimensions related to well-being and psychological flexibility in parents of children with ADHD. The program is based on protocols of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), enhanced through the specific inclusion of relational keys, self-compassion exercises and framed within self-care. Participants were 22 fathers and mothers of children and teenagers diagnosed with ADHD. Psychological flexibility (AAQ II), cognitive fusion (CFQ), mindfulness (FFMQ), coping (COPE), and self-compassion (SCS) measures were used. Results showed a significant increase in mindfulness skills, psychological flexibility, self-compassion, and in the use of humor (COPE) as a strategy for coping with personal problematic events. We discuss the results which emerged, the limitations of the study, as well as proposals for improvement

    Socio-emotional variables linked to the consumption of drugs amongst university students of Social Sciences: A pilot study

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    Producción CientíficaThis descriptive and transversal study, carried out on an intentional sample of 211 subjects who were split in terms of their consumption of psychoactive substances over the last month and who were aged between 18 and 28 (M = 21.36, and SD = 1.90), aimed to explore the emotional intelligence, perceived socio-family support and academic performance of university students vis-à-vis their consumption of drugs and to examine the link between them. The goal was to define university student consumer profile through a regression model using the multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale (EMAS) and the Trait Meta Mood Scale-24 (TMMS-24) as instruments, together with academic performance and gender. The results report alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis consumption rates that are above the levels indicated by the Spanish household survey on alcohol and drugs in Spain (EDADES 2019) for the 15–34-year-old age range in Castilla y León. A certain link was observed between the consumption of substances and academic performance, although no differences were seen in academic performance in terms of consumer type. There was also no clear link observed between emotional intelligence and academic performance or between social support and academic performance. The predictive contribution of the variables included in the regression model was low (9%), which would advocate completing the model with other predictive variables until more appropriate predictability conditions can be found

    Expectativas ante las matemáticas de alumnos de primer ciclo de Educación Secundaria

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    In this work we try to analyze the attitudes and expectations before Mathematics (of students) in secondary education, since we think that it is a controversial topic to consider when students face this subject, aspect that evidently influences teaching processes and learning and, therefore, in the cognitive processes that the student puts at stake when solving any task as well. To measure the expectations and attitudes before Mathematics a questionnaire has been elaborated (REPROMASE) which considers several dimensions: expectations and attitudes before the course and before the Mathematics, classroom climate, teacher and student's methodology, and evaluation. The alpha index of Cronbach is of .85. The results are illustrative on the beliefs of students about the subject of Mathematics. A high correlation exists between the attitudes and expectations towards the course and towards the subject of Mathematics in particular.; En este trabajo tratamos de analizar las actitudes y expectativas ante las matemáticas de alumnos de educación secundaria, ya que consideramos que es un tema controvertido a considerar cuando los alumnos se enfrentan ante esta asignatura, aspecto que evidentemente influye en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje y, por tanto, también en los procesos cognitivos que el alumno pone en juego a la hora de resolver cualquier tarea.Para medir las expectativas y actitudes ante las matemáticas se ha elaborado un cuestionario (REPROMASE) que considera varias dimensiones: expectativas y actitudes ante el curso y ante las matemáticas, clima de aula, metodología del profesor y del alumno, y la evaluación. El índice alpha de Cronbach es de .85. Los resultados son ilustrativos sobre las creencias de los alumnos sobre la asignatura de matemáticas. Existe una alta correlación entre las actitudes y expectativas hacia el curso y hacia la asignatura de matemáticas en particular

    Expectativas ante las matemáticas de alumnos de primer ciclo de Educación Secundaria

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    In this work we try to analyze the attitudes and expectations before Mathematics (of students) in secondary education, since we think that it is a controversial topic to consider when students face this subject, aspect that evidently influences teaching processes and learning and, therefore, in the cognitive processes that the student puts at stake when solving any task as well. To measure the expectations and attitudes before Mathematics a questionnaire has been elaborated (REPROMASE) which considers several dimensions: expectations and attitudes before the course and before the Mathematics, classroom climate, teacher and student's methodology, and evaluation. The alpha index of Cronbach is of .85. The results are illustrative on the beliefs of students about the subject of Mathematics. A high correlation exists between the attitudes and expectations towards the course and towards the subject of Mathematics in particular.; En este trabajo tratamos de analizar las actitudes y expectativas ante las matemáticas de alumnos de educación secundaria, ya que consideramos que es un tema controvertido a considerar cuando los alumnos se enfrentan ante esta asignatura, aspecto que evidentemente influye en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje y, por tanto, también en los procesos cognitivos que el alumno pone en juego a la hora de resolver cualquier tarea.Para medir las expectativas y actitudes ante las matemáticas se ha elaborado un cuestionario (REPROMASE) que considera varias dimensiones: expectativas y actitudes ante el curso y ante las matemáticas, clima de aula, metodología del profesor y del alumno, y la evaluación. El índice alpha de Cronbach es de .85. Los resultados son ilustrativos sobre las creencias de los alumnos sobre la asignatura de matemáticas. Existe una alta correlación entre las actitudes y expectativas hacia el curso y hacia la asignatura de matemáticas en particular

    Using Eye Tracking Technology to Analyse Cognitive Load in Multichannel Activities in University Students

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    Monitoring through the use of eye-tracking technology helps in understanding the cognitive load learners experience when doing tasks. This data gives the teacher and the student important information for improving learning outcomes. This study examined whether students’ participation in a learning virtual laboratory, with a self-regulated video monitored with eye-tracking, would influence their learning outcomes. It also examined whether students’ prior knowledge affected their learning outcomes. Lastly, the study identified clusters related to cognitive load in relevant Areas of Interest vs. non-relevant Areas of Interest. The sample comprised 42 university students of health sciences. The results indicate that participation in the virtual laboratory was related to better learning outcomes. In addition, prior knowledge did not affect cognitive load. A number of different clusters were found related to indicators of cognitive load in relevant and non-relevant AOIs. More applied studies are needed about the effects of monitoring on learning outcomes and on what it means for individualization of learning.his work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España. Proyectos de I + D+i-RTI Tipo B under Grant number [PID2020-117111RB-I00]

    Problematic social situations for peer-rejected students in the first year of elementary school

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    This study examined the social situations that are problematic for peer-rejected students in the first year of elementary school. For this purpose, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on the Taxonomy of Problematic Social Situations for Children (TOPS, Dodge et al., 1985) in 169 rejected pupils, identified from a sample of 1457 first-grade students (ages 5–7) enrolled in 62 classrooms of elementary school. For each rejected student, another student of average sociometric status of the same gender was selected at random from the same classroom (naverage = 169). The model for the rejected students showed a good fit, and was also invariant in the group of average students. Four types of situations were identified in which rejected students have significantly more difficulties than average students. They are, in descending order: (a) respect for authority and rules, (b) being disadvantaged, (c) prosocial and empathic behavior, and (d) response to own success. Rejected boys have more problems in situations of prosociability and empathy than girls. The implications concerning the design of specific programs to prevent and reduce early childhood rejection in the classroom are discussed.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad EDU2012-35930Universitat Jaume I P1-1A2012-0

    Efecto del programa de habilidades docentes motivadoras en el profesorado de Secundaria

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    Inteligencia emocional y liderazgo auténtico en los cargos públicos locales españoles

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    The performance of the public function requires people with a specific personal and professional profile. However, “The average Spanish politician is an emotional illiterate that reflects narcissism and ignorance” (Fernández Berrocal, in Soteras, 2015); “The level of emotional intelligence in Spanish politics is scarce” (Peñate, in Soteras, 2015). From these statements, one could ask what hope could the citizenry end up depositing in politics as a means to improve their lives and transform society. Therefore, it is essential to clarify whether those who have managed to exercise political leadership and end up being elected to a public office after winning the trust of their fellow citizens, have been able to do so without emotional intelligence or not. Municipalities being the institutions closest to the citizens, whose representatives are more in touch with the problems of the neighborhood and therefore more exposed to social scrutiny, it is questionable whether this alleged emotional lack of politicians has been able to pass unnoticed by voters and if, in the event that this is the case, this deficit could undermine the expectations that these representatives will be able to carry out their institutional responsibilities with a high degree of competence from the moral point of view. We consider the study of emotional intelligence and authentic leadership of a representative sample of people dedicated to politics in the field of Spanish municipalities of more than 50,000 inhabitants, from positive psychology and its postulatesEl desempeño de la función pública requiere de personas con un perfil personal y profesionaldeterminado. Sin embargo, “El político medio español es un analfabeto emocional que refleja narcisismo e ignorancia” (Fernández Berrocal, en Soteras, 2015); “El nivel de inteligencia emocional en la política española es escaso” (Peñate, en Soteras, 2015). A partir de estas afirmaciones, cabría preguntarse qué esperanza podría la ciudadanía acabar depositando en la política como medio para mejorar sus vidas y transformar la sociedad y en los políticos como sus hacedores. Por ello, es imprescindible aclarar si quienes han conseguido ejercer un liderazgo político y acabar siendo elegidos para ocupar un cargo público tras ganarse la confianza de sus conciudadanos, han sido capaces de hacerlo careciendo o no de inteligencia emocional. Siendo los ayuntamientos las instituciones más cercanas a la ciudadanía, cuyos representantes están más en contacto con los problemas de la vecindad y por tanto más expuestos al escrutinio social, cabe preguntarse si esa supuesta carencia emocional de los políticos ha podido pasar inadvertida para los votantes y si, en el caso de que así sea, dicho déficit pudiera lastrar las expectativas de que dichos representantes lleguen a ser capaces de desempeñar sus responsabilidades institucionales con alto grado de competencia desde el punto de vista moral. Nos planteamos el estudio de la inteligencia emocional y el liderazgo auténtico de una muestra representativa de personas dedicadas al desempeño público en el ámbito de los Ayuntamientos españoles de más de 50.000 habitantes, desde la psicología positiva y sus postulados

    Efecto del programa de habilidades docentes motivadoras en el profesorado de Secundaria

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