425 research outputs found

    Growing farms and groundwater depletion in the Kansas High Plains

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    The average farm size has more than doubled within the United States over the last three decades, transforming the agricultural industry and rural farming communities. It is unclear, however, how this ubiquitous trend has affected and is affected by the environment, particularly groundwater resources critical for food production. Here, we leverage a unique multi-decadal dataset of well-level groundwater withdrawals for crop irrigation over the Kansas High Plains Aquifer to determine the interactions between groundwater depletion and growing farms. Holding key technological, management, and environmental variables fixed, we show that doubling a farm's irrigated cropland decreases groundwater extractions by 2%–5% depending on the initial farm size. However, a corresponding shift by larger farms to different irrigation technologies offsets this reduction in groundwater use, leading to a slight increase in overall groundwater use. We find groundwater depletion increases the likelihood farmland is sold to a larger farm, amplifying the cycle of groundwater depletion and the consolidation of farmland

    g-on Mean Field Theory of the t-J Model

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    Implication of our recent proposal [J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 65 (1996) 687] to treat large-amplitude gauge-field fluctuations around the slave-boson mean-field theory for the t-J model has been explored in detail. By attaching gauge flux to spinons and holons and then treating them as free g-on's which respect the time-reversal symmetry, the optimum exclusion (g) and exchange (\a) statistics have been determined in the plane of doping rate and temperature. Two different relations between \a and g have been investigated, namely g=|\a| (Case1) and g=|\a|(2-|\a|) (Case2). The results indicate that slave fermion is favored at low doping while slave boson at high doping. For two dimension, in Case1 intermediate statistics are found in between, while in Case2 no intermediate statistics are found. The consequences of varying the dimensionality and strength of J have been studied also. The latter has no qualitative effect for both cases, while the former has a profound effect in Case1.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures two of them are figure 8; submitted to Phys. Rev. B; notes and citations are added, as seen in page 17; E-mails: [email protected], [email protected]

    Effect of gauge boson mass on chiral symmetry breaking in QED3_{3}

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    In three-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED3_{3}) with massive gauge boson, we investigate the Dyson-Schwinger equation for the fermion self-energy in the Landau gauge and find that chiral symmetry breaking (CSB) occurs when the gauge boson mass ξ\xi is smaller than a finite critical value ξcv\xi_{cv} but is suppressed when ξ>ξcv\xi > \xi_{cv}. We further show that the critical value ξcv\xi_{cv} does not qualitatively change after considering higher order corrections from the wave function renormalization and vertex function. Based on the relation between CSB and the gauge boson mass ξ\xi, we give a field theoretical description of the competing antiferromagnetic and superconducting orders and, in particular, the coexistence of these two orders in high temperature superconductors. When the gauge boson mass ξ\xi is generated via instanton effect in a compact QED3_{3} of massless fermions, our result shows that CSB coexists with instanton effect in a wide region of ξ\xi, which can be used to study the confinement-deconfinement phase transition.Comment: 34 pagess, 2 figure

    Saddle point localization of molecular wavefunctions

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    The quantum mechanical description of isomerization is based on bound eigenstates of the molecular potential energy surface. For the near-minimum regions there is a textbook-based relationship between the potential and eigenenergies. Here we show how the saddle point region that connects the two minima is encoded in the eigenstates of the model quartic potential and in the energy levels of the [H, C, N] potential energy surface. We model the spacing of the eigenenergies with the energy dependent classical oscillation frequency decreasing to zero at the saddle point. The eigenstates with the smallest spacing are localized at the saddle point. The analysis of the HCN???HNC isomerization states shows that the eigenstates with small energy spacing relative to the effective (v1, v3, l) bending potentials are highly localized in the bending coordinate at the transition state. These spectroscopically detectable states represent a chemical marker of the transition state in the eigenenergy spectrum. The method developed here provides a basis for modeling characteristic patterns in the eigenenergy spectrum of bound states

    Fermion zero mode and superfluid weight

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    We propose one possible mechanism for deconfinement based on an SU(2) slave-boson theory. Resorting to an effective field theory approach, we show that introduction of an isospin interaction potential gives rise to a fermion zero mode in an instanton-hedgehog configuration. As a result, meron-type vortices are allowed. We demonstrate how emergence of such vortices results in the doping-independent decreasing ratio of superfluid weight

    Herschel observations of embedded protostellar clusters in the Rosette Molecular Cloud

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    The Herschel OB young stellar objects survey (HOBYS) has observed the Rosette molecular cloud, providing an unprecedented view of its star formation activity. These new far-infrared data reveal a population of compact young stellar objects whose physical properties we aim to characterise. We compiled a sample of protostars and their spectral energy distributions that covers the near-infrared to submillimetre wavelength range. These were used to constrain key properties in the protostellar evolution, bolometric luminosity, and envelope mass and to build an evolutionary diagram. Several clusters are distinguished including the cloud centre, the embedded clusters in the vicinity of luminous infrared sources, and the interaction region. The analysed protostellar population in Rosette ranges from 0.1 to about 15 Msun with luminosities between 1 and 150 Lsun, which extends the evolutionary diagram from low-mass protostars into the high-mass regime. Some sources lack counterparts at near- to mid-infrared wavelengths, indicating extreme youth. The central cluster and the Phelps & Lada 7 cluster appear less evolved than the remainder of the analysed protostellar population. For the central cluster, we find indications that about 25% of the protostars classified as Class I from near- to mid-infrared data are actually candidate Class 0 objects. As a showcase for protostellar evolution, we analysed four protostars of low- to intermediate-mass in a single dense core, and they represent different evolutionary stages from Class 0 to Class I. Their mid- to far-infrared spectral slopes flatten towards the Class I stage, and the 160 to 70um flux ratio is greatest for the presumed Class 0 source. This shows that the Herschel observations characterise the earliest stages of protostellar evolution in detail.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics letter, 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in the Special Issue for Herschel first result

    The spine of the swan: A Herschel study of the DR21 ridge and filaments in Cygnus X

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    In order to characterise the cloud structures responsible for the formation of high-mass stars, we present Herschel observations of the DR21 environment. Maps of the column density and dust temperature unveil the structure of the DR21 ridge and several connected filaments. The ridge has column densities larger than 1e23/cm^2 over a region of 2.3 pc^2. It shows substructured column density profiles and branching into two major filaments in the north. The masses in the studied filaments range between 130 and 1400 Msun whereas the mass in the ridge is 15000 Msun. The accretion of these filaments onto the DR21 ridge, suggested by a previous molecular line study, could provide a continuous mass inflow to the ridge. In contrast to the striations seen in e.g., the Taurus region, these filaments are gravitationally unstable and form cores and protostars. These cores formed in the filaments potentially fall into the ridge. Both inflow and collisions of cores could be important to drive the observed high-mass star formation. The evolutionary gradient of star formation running from DR21 in the south to the northern branching is traced by decreasing dust temperature. This evolution and the ridge structure can be explained by two main filamentary components of the ridge that merged first in the south.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Neutron scattering search for static magnetism in oxygen ordered YBa2Cu3O6.5

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    We present elastic and inelastic neutron scattering results on highly oxygen ordered YBa2Cu3O6.5 ortho-II. We find no evidence for the presence of ordered magnetic moments to a sensitivity of 0.003 Bohr magnetons, an order of magnitude smaller than has been suggested in theories of orbital or d-density-wave (DDW) currents. The absence of sharp elastic peaks, shows that the d-density-wave phase is not present, at least for the superconductor with the doping of 6.5 and the ordered ortho-II structure. We cannot exclude the possibility that a broad peak may exist with extremely short-range DDW correlations. For less ordered or more doped crystals it is possible that disorder may lead to static magnetism. We have also searched for the large normal state spin gap that is predicted to exist in an ordered DDW phase. Instead of a gap we find that the Q-correlated spin susceptibility persists to the lowest energies studied, 6 meV. Our results are compatible with the coexistence of superconductivity with orbital currents, but only if they are dynamic, and exclude a sharp phase transition to an ordered d-density-wave phase.Comment: 6 pages 4 figures RevTex Submitted to Phys Rev B January 23, 200

    ‘I Feel Like a Beggar’: Asylum Seekers Living in the Australian Community Without the Right to Work

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    While numbers of asylum seekers received by Australia are small compared to global figures, a range of deterrence measures have been implemented in response to increasing numbers arriving by boat in recent years. One of the more recent measures was denying asylum seekers who arrived by boat after 13 August 2012 the right to work upon their release from immigration detention into the community. There are around 26,000 asylum seekers who have been subject to this policy with most still waiting for their initial interview for refugee status and none have had their refugee claims resolved. This paper examines the findings of a study that explored the implications of this policy for asylum seekers. It draws on 29 semi-structured interviews with asylum seekers and highlights the distress and fear that many are enduring, caused by the denial of the right to work and ongoing uncertainty about their refugee claims. The study’s findings provide support for the conclusions of earlier research that highlight the importance of the right to work and securing employment for the mental health of asylum seekers, as well as studies that found there were negative mental health consequences of forcing asylum seekers to live for long periods with uncertainty around their protection claims

    Monopolin subunit Csm1 associates with MIND complex to establish monopolar attachment of sister kinetochores at meiosis I

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    Sexually reproducing organisms halve their cellular ploidy during gametogenesis by undergoing a specialized form of cell division known as meiosis. During meiosis, a single round of DNA replication is followed by two rounds of nuclear divisions (referred to as meiosis I and II). While sister kinetochores bind to microtubules emanating from opposite spindle poles during mitosis, they bind to microtubules originating from the same spindle pole during meiosis I. This phenomenon is referred to as mono-orientation and is essential for setting up the reductional mode of chromosome segregation during meiosis I. In budding yeast, mono-orientation depends on a four component protein complex referred to as monopolin which consists of two nucleolar proteins Csm1 and Lrs4, meiosis-specific protein Mam1 of unknown function and casein kinase Hrr25. Monopolin complex binds to kinetochores during meiosis I and prevents bipolar attachments. Although monopolin associates with kinetochores during meiosis I, its binding site(s) on the kinetochore is not known and its mechanism of action has not been established. By carrying out an imaging-based screen we have found that the MIND complex, a component of the central kinetochore, is required for monopolin association with kinetochores during meiosis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that interaction of monopolin subunit Csm1 with the N-terminal domain of MIND complex subunit Dsn1, is essential for both the association of monopolin with kinetochores and for monopolar attachment of sister kinetochores during meiosis I. As such this provides the first functional evidence for a monopolin-binding site at the kinetochore