196 research outputs found

    Protein extraction from grape tissues by two-dimensional electrophoresis

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    At the onset of proteomic studies protein samples have to be accurately separated by two dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE); subsequently polypeptides are identified. Grape tissues, in particular roots, can be very problematic due to their hardness and to the high content of compounds that interfere in classical protein extraction. We have used a phenol-based extraction method in the presence of a protease inhibitor and Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP). In this paper we demonstrate that this extraction method gives satisfactory and reproducible protein separation allowing the identification of some proteins by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS).

    Uptake and effects of a mixture of widely used therapeutic drugs in Eruca sativa L. and Zea mays L. plants

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    Pharmaceutically active compounds (PACs) are continuously dispersed into the environment due to human and veterinary use, giving rise to their potential accumulation in edible plants. In this study, Eruca sativa L. and Zea mays L. were selected to determine the potential uptake and accumulation of eight different PACs (Salbutamol, Atenolol, Lincomycin, Cyclophosphamide, Carbamazepine, Bezafibrate, Ofloxacin and Ranitidine) designed for human use. To mimic environmental conditions, the plants were grown in pots and irrigated with water spiked with a mixture of PACs at concentrations found in Italian wastewaters and rivers. Moreover, 10 7 and 100 7 concentrations of these pharmaceuticals were also tested. The presence of the pharmaceuticals was tested in the edible parts of the plants, namely leaves for E. sativa and grains for Z. mays. Quantification was performed by liquid chromatography mass spectroscopy (LC/MS/MS). In the grains of 100 7 treated Z. mays, only atenolol, lincomycin and carbamazepine were above the limit of detection (LOD). At the same concentration in E. sativa plants the uptake of all PACs was >LOD. Lincomycin and oflaxacin were above the limit of quantitation in all conditions tested in E. sativa. The results suggest that uptake of some pharmaceuticals from the soil may indeed be a potential transport route to plants and that these environmental pollutants can reach different edible parts of the selected crops. Measurements of the concentrations of these pharmaceuticals in plant materials were used to model potential adult human exposure to these compounds. The results indicate that under the current experimental conditions, crops exposed to the selected pharmaceutical mixture would not have any negative effects on human health. Moreover, no significant differences in the growth of E. sativa or Z. mays plants irrigated with PAC-spiked vs. non-spiked water were observed

    Morphological and proteomic responses of Eruca sativa exposed to silver nanoparticles or silver nitrate

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    Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are widely used in commercial products, and there are growing concerns about their impact on the environment. Information about the molecular interaction of AgNPs with plants is lacking. To increase our understanding of the mechanisms involved in plant responses to AgNPs and to differentiate between particle specific and ionic silver effects we determined the morphological and proteomic changes induced in Eruca sativa (commonly called rocket) in response to AgNPs or AgNO3. Seedlings were treated for 5 days with different concentrations of AgNPs or AgNO3. A similar increase in root elongation was observed when seedlings were exposed to 10 mg Ag L-1 of either PVP-AgNPs or AgNO3. At this concentration we performed electron microscopy investigations and 2-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) proteomic profiling. The low level of overlap of differentially expressed proteins indicates that AgNPs and AgNO3 cause different plant responses. Both Ag treatments cause changes in proteins involved in the redox regulation and in the sulfur metabolism. These responses could play an important role to maintain cellular homeostasis. Only the AgNP exposure cause the alteration of some proteins related to the endoplasmic reticulum and vacuole indicating these two organelles as targets of the AgNPs action. These data add further evidences that the effects of AgNPs are not simply due to the release of Ag ions

    The soluble proteome of tobacco Bright Yellow-2 cells undergoing H2O2-induced programmed cell death

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    Plant programmed cell death (PCD) is a genetically controlled process that plays an important role in development and stress responses. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are key inducers of PCD. The addition of 50 mM H2O2 to tobacco Bright Yellow-2 (TBY-2) cell cultures induces PCD. A comparative proteomic analysis of TBY-2 cells treated with 50 mM H2O2 for 30 min and 3 h was performed. The results showed early down-regulation of several elements in the cellular redox hub and inhibition of the protein repair–degradation system. The expression patterns of proteins involved in the homeostatic response, in particular those associated with metabolism, were consistently altered. The changes in abundance of several cytoskeleton proteins confirmed the active role of the cytoskeleton in PCD signalling. Cells undergoing H2O2-induced PCD fail to cope with oxidative stress. The antioxidant defence system and the anti-PCD signalling cascades are inhibited. This promotes a genetically programmed cell suicide pathway. Fifteen differentially expressed proteins showed an expression pattern similar to that previously observed in TBY-2 cells undergoing heat shock-induced PCD. The possibility that these proteins are part of a core complex required for PCD induction is discussed

    The cAMP-dependent phosphorylation footprint in response to heat stress

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    Key message: cAMP modulates the phosphorylation status of highly conserved phosphosites in RNA-binding proteins crucial for mRNA metabolism and reprogramming in response to heat stress. Abstract: In plants, 3 ',5 '-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (3 ',5 '-cAMP) is a second messenger that modulates multiple cellular targets, thereby participating in plant developmental and adaptive processes. Although its role in ameliorating heat-related damage has been demonstrated, mechanisms that govern cAMP-dependent responses to heat have remained elusive. Here we analyze the role cAMP-dependent phosphorylation during prolonged heat stress (HS) with a view to gain insight into processes that govern plant responses to HS. To do so, we performed quantitative phosphoproteomic analyses in Nicotiana tabacum Bright Yellow-2 cells grown at 27 degrees C or 35 degrees C for 3 days overexpressing a molecular "sponge" that reduces free intracellular cAMP levels. Our phosphorylation data and analyses reveal that the presence of cAMP is an essential factor that governs specific protein phosphorylation events that occur during prolonged HS in BY-2 cells. Notably, cAMP modulates HS-dependent phosphorylation of proteins that functions in mRNA processing, transcriptional control, vesicular trafficking, and cell cycle regulation and this is indicative for a systemic role of the messenger. In particular, changes of cAMP levels affect the phosphorylation status of highly conserved phosphosites in 19 RNA-binding proteins that are crucial during the reprogramming of the mRNA metabolism in response to HS. Furthermore, phosphorylation site motifs and molecular docking suggest that some proteins, including kinases and phosphatases, are conceivably able to directly interact with cAMP thus further supporting a regulatory role of cAMP in plant HS responses

    Flow cytometric analysis of DNA content in human ovarian cancers.

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    A total of 155 samples from 101 patients with ovarian cancer were investigated using flow cytometry to evaluate the DNA index and the percentage of cells in the various cell cycle phases. Thirty-four samples were DNA diploid tumours, while the other 121 were DNA aneuploid tumours. The DNA index was very stable in different sites and over time in the same patient. Tumour stage and ploidy were significantly associated: stages III and IV tumour stage were more likely to be DNA aneuploid. Patients with residual tumour size at first surgery greater than 2 cm had a significantly larger number of DNA aneuploid than DNA diploid tumours. The DNA index was also related to the degree of differentiation of the tumours. The percentage of cells in the S phase of the cell cycle was significantly higher in DNA aneuploid and in poorly differentiated tumours than DNA diploid and well differentiated tumours. Multivariate analysis using the Cox model showed that the DNA index and the percentage of cells in S phase were not independent prognostic variables in this study. Prospectively collected data should be accumulated before assigning the DNA index an important role as a biological prognostic factor in ovarian cancer

    Proteomic changes and molecular effects associated with Cr(III) and Cr(VI) treatments on germinating kiwifruit pollen

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    The present study is aimed at identifying molecular changes elicited by Cr(III) and Cr(VI) on germinating kiwifruit pollen. To address this question, comparative proteomic and DNA laddering analyses were performed. While no genotoxic effect was detected, a number of proteins whose accumulation levels were altered by treatments were identified. In particular, the upregulation of some proteins involved in the scavenging response, cell redox homeostasis and lipid synthesis could be interpreted as an oxidative stress response induced by Cr treatment. The strong reduction of two proteins involved in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and a decline in ATP levels were also observed. The decrease of pollen energy availability could be one of the causes of the severe inhibition of the pollen germination observed upon exposure to both Cr(III) and Cr(VI). Finally, proteomic and biochemical data indicate proteasome impairment: the consequential accumulation of misfolded/damaged proteins could be an important molecular mechanism of Cr(III) toxicity in pollen

    Protein extraction from grape tussues by two-dimensional electrophoresis

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    At the onset of proteomic studies protein samples have to be accurately separated by two dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE); subsequently polypeptides are identified. Grape tissues, in particular roots, can be very problematic due to their hardness and to the high content of compounds that interfere in classical protein extraction. We have used a phenol-based extraction method in the presence of a protease inhibitor and Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP). In this paper we demonstrate that this extraction method gives satisfactory and reproducible protein separation allowing the identification of some proteins by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS)

    Clinical and pharmacological phase I study with accelerated titration design of a daily times five schedule of BBR3464, a novel cationic triplatinum complex

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    Objectives To define the maximum tolerated dose (MTD), the toxicity and pharmacokinetic profile of BBR3464, a novel triplatinum complex. Patients and methods Fourteen patients with advanced solid tumors not responsive to previous antitumor treatments received BBR 3464 on a daily × 5 schedule every twenty-eighth day. The drug was given as a one-hour infusion with pre-and post-treatment hydration (500 ml in one hour) and no antiemetic prophylaxis. The starting dose was 0.03 mg/m2/day. A modified accelerated titration escalation design was used. Total and free platinum (Pt) concentrations in plasma and urine were assessed by ICP-MS on days 1 and 5 of the first cycle. Results Dose was escalated four times up to 0.17 mg/m2/ day. Short-lasting neutropenia and diarrhea of late onset were dose-limiting and defined the MTD at 0.12 mg/m2 Nausea and vomiting were rare, neither neuro- nor renal toxic effects were observed. BBR3464 showed a rapid distribution phase of 1 hour and a terminal half-life of several days. At 0.17 mg/m2 plasma Cmax and AUC on day 5 were higher than on day 1, indicating drug accumulation. Approximately 10% of the equivalent dose of BBR3464 (2.2%-13.4%) was recovered in a 24-hour urine collection. Conclusions The higher than expected incidence of neutropenia and GI toxicity might be related to the prolonged half-life and accumulation of total and free Pt after daily administrations. Lack of nephrotoxicity and the low urinary excretion support the use of the drug without hydration. The single intermittent schedule has been selected for clinical developmen

    Whole exome sequencing analysis of urine trans-renal tumour DNA in metastatic colorectal cancer patients

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    Background The analysis of circulating free tumour DNA (ctDNA) in blood, commonly referred as liquid biopsy, is being used to characterise patients with solid cancers. Tumour-specific genetic variants can also be present in DNA isolated from other body fluids, such as urine. Unlike blood, urine sampling is non-invasive, can be self-performed, and allows recurrent longitudinal monitoring. The features of tumour DNA that clears from the glomerular filtration barrier, named trans-renal tumour DNA (trtDNA), are largely unexplored. Patients and methods Specimens were collected from 24 patients with KRAS or BRAF mutant metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Driver mutations were assessed by droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) in ctDNA from plasma and trtDNA from urine. Whole exome sequencing (WES) was performed in DNA isolated from tissue, plasma and urine. Results Out of the 24 CRC cases, only four had sufficient DNA to allow WES analyses in urine and plasma. We found that tumour alterations primarily reside in low molecular weight fragments (less than 112\u2009bp). In patients whose trtDNA was more than 2.69% of the urine derived DNA, cancer-specific molecular alterations, mutational signatures and copy number profiles identified in urine DNA are comparable with those detected in plasma ctDNA. Conclusions With current technologies, WES analysis of trtDNA is feasible in a small fraction of mCRC patients. Tumour-related genetic information is mainly present in low molecular weight DNA fragments. Although the limited amounts of trtDNA poses analytical challenges, enrichment of low molecular weight DNAs and optimised computational tools can improve the detection of tumour-specific genetic information in urine