22 research outputs found

    CD49a Expression Defines Tissue-Resident CD8+ T Cells Poised for Cytotoxic Function in Human Skin

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    Tissue-resident memory T (Trm) cells form a heterogeneous population that provides localized protection against pathogens. Here, we identify CD49a as a marker that differentiates CD8(+) Trm cells on a compartmental and functional basis. In human skin epithelia, CD8(+)CD49a(+) Trm cells produced interferon-γ, whereas CD8(+)CD49a(−) Trm cells produced interleukin-17 (IL-17). In addition, CD8(+)CD49a(+) Trm cells from healthy skin rapidly induced the expression of the effector molecules perforin and granzyme B when stimulated with IL-15, thereby promoting a strong cytotoxic response. In skin from patients with vitiligo, where melanocytes are eradicated locally, CD8(+)CD49a(+) Trm cells that constitutively expressed perforin and granzyme B accumulated both in the epidermis and dermis. Conversely, CD8(+)CD49a(–) Trm cells from psoriasis lesions predominantly generated IL-17 responses that promote local inflammation in this skin disease. Overall, CD49a expression delineates CD8(+) Trm cell specialization in human epithelial barriers and correlates with the effector cell balance found in distinct inflammatory skin diseases

    State of the climate in 2018

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    In 2018, the dominant greenhouse gases released into Earth’s atmosphere—carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide—continued their increase. The annual global average carbon dioxide concentration at Earth’s surface was 407.4 ± 0.1 ppm, the highest in the modern instrumental record and in ice core records dating back 800 000 years. Combined, greenhouse gases and several halogenated gases contribute just over 3 W m−2 to radiative forcing and represent a nearly 43% increase since 1990. Carbon dioxide is responsible for about 65% of this radiative forcing. With a weak La Niña in early 2018 transitioning to a weak El Niño by the year’s end, the global surface (land and ocean) temperature was the fourth highest on record, with only 2015 through 2017 being warmer. Several European countries reported record high annual temperatures. There were also more high, and fewer low, temperature extremes than in nearly all of the 68-year extremes record. Madagascar recorded a record daily temperature of 40.5°C in Morondava in March, while South Korea set its record high of 41.0°C in August in Hongcheon. Nawabshah, Pakistan, recorded its highest temperature of 50.2°C, which may be a new daily world record for April. Globally, the annual lower troposphere temperature was third to seventh highest, depending on the dataset analyzed. The lower stratospheric temperature was approximately fifth lowest. The 2018 Arctic land surface temperature was 1.2°C above the 1981–2010 average, tying for third highest in the 118-year record, following 2016 and 2017. June’s Arctic snow cover extent was almost half of what it was 35 years ago. Across Greenland, however, regional summer temperatures were generally below or near average. Additionally, a satellite survey of 47 glaciers in Greenland indicated a net increase in area for the first time since records began in 1999. Increasing permafrost temperatures were reported at most observation sites in the Arctic, with the overall increase of 0.1°–0.2°C between 2017 and 2018 being comparable to the highest rate of warming ever observed in the region. On 17 March, Arctic sea ice extent marked the second smallest annual maximum in the 38-year record, larger than only 2017. The minimum extent in 2018 was reached on 19 September and again on 23 September, tying 2008 and 2010 for the sixth lowest extent on record. The 23 September date tied 1997 as the latest sea ice minimum date on record. First-year ice now dominates the ice cover, comprising 77% of the March 2018 ice pack compared to 55% during the 1980s. Because thinner, younger ice is more vulnerable to melting out in summer, this shift in sea ice age has contributed to the decreasing trend in minimum ice extent. Regionally, Bering Sea ice extent was at record lows for almost the entire 2017/18 ice season. For the Antarctic continent as a whole, 2018 was warmer than average. On the highest points of the Antarctic Plateau, the automatic weather station Relay (74°S) broke or tied six monthly temperature records throughout the year, with August breaking its record by nearly 8°C. However, cool conditions in the western Bellingshausen Sea and Amundsen Sea sector contributed to a low melt season overall for 2017/18. High SSTs contributed to low summer sea ice extent in the Ross and Weddell Seas in 2018, underpinning the second lowest Antarctic summer minimum sea ice extent on record. Despite conducive conditions for its formation, the ozone hole at its maximum extent in September was near the 2000–18 mean, likely due to an ongoing slow decline in stratospheric chlorine monoxide concentration. Across the oceans, globally averaged SST decreased slightly since the record El Niño year of 2016 but was still far above the climatological mean. On average, SST is increasing at a rate of 0.10° ± 0.01°C decade−1 since 1950. The warming appeared largest in the tropical Indian Ocean and smallest in the North Pacific. The deeper ocean continues to warm year after year. For the seventh consecutive year, global annual mean sea level became the highest in the 26-year record, rising to 81 mm above the 1993 average. As anticipated in a warming climate, the hydrological cycle over the ocean is accelerating: dry regions are becoming drier and wet regions rainier. Closer to the equator, 95 named tropical storms were observed during 2018, well above the 1981–2010 average of 82. Eleven tropical cyclones reached Saffir–Simpson scale Category 5 intensity. North Atlantic Major Hurricane Michael’s landfall intensity of 140 kt was the fourth strongest for any continental U.S. hurricane landfall in the 168-year record. Michael caused more than 30 fatalities and 25billion(U.S.dollars)indamages.InthewesternNorthPacific,SuperTyphoonMangkhutledto160fatalitiesand25 billion (U.S. dollars) in damages. In the western North Pacific, Super Typhoon Mangkhut led to 160 fatalities and 6 billion (U.S. dollars) in damages across the Philippines, Hong Kong, Macau, mainland China, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands. Tropical Storm Son-Tinh was responsible for 170 fatalities in Vietnam and Laos. Nearly all the islands of Micronesia experienced at least moderate impacts from various tropical cyclones. Across land, many areas around the globe received copious precipitation, notable at different time scales. Rodrigues and RĂ©union Island near southern Africa each reported their third wettest year on record. In Hawaii, 1262 mm precipitation at Waipā Gardens (Kauai) on 14–15 April set a new U.S. record for 24-h precipitation. In Brazil, the city of Belo Horizonte received nearly 75 mm of rain in just 20 minutes, nearly half its monthly average. Globally, fire activity during 2018 was the lowest since the start of the record in 1997, with a combined burned area of about 500 million hectares. This reinforced the long-term downward trend in fire emissions driven by changes in land use in frequently burning savannas. However, wildfires burned 3.5 million hectares across the United States, well above the 2000–10 average of 2.7 million hectares. Combined, U.S. wildfire damages for the 2017 and 2018 wildfire seasons exceeded $40 billion (U.S. dollars)

    Design and evaluation of a series-elastic gyroscopic actuator for balance assistance

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    NRF2 Enables EGFR Signaling in Melanoma Cells

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    Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) are rarely mutated in cutaneous melanoma, but the expression and activation of several RTK family members are associated with a proinvasive phenotype and therapy resistance. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a member of the RTK family and is only expressed in a subgroup of melanomas with poor prognosis. The insight into regulators of EGFR expression and activation is important for the understanding of the development of this malignant melanoma phenotype. Here, we describe that the transcription factor NRF2, the master regulator of the oxidative and electrophilic stress response, mediates the expression and activation of EGFR in melanoma by elevating the levels of EGFR as well as its ligands EGF and TGFα. ChIP sequencing data show that NRF2 directly binds to the promoter of EGF, which contains a canonical antioxidant response element. Accordingly, EGF is induced by oxidative stress and is also increased in lung adenocarcinoma and head and neck carcinoma with mutationally activated NRF2. In contrast, regulation of EGFR and TGFA occurs by an indirect mechanism, which is enabled by the ability of NRF2 to block the activity of the melanocytic lineage factor MITF in melanoma. MITF effectively suppresses EGFR and TGFA expression and therefore serves as link between NRF2 and EGFR. As EGFR was previously described to stimulate NRF2 activity, the mutual activation of NRF2 and EGFR pathways was investigated. The presence of NRF2 was necessary for full EGFR pathway activation, as NRF2-knockout cells showed reduced AKT activation in response to EGF stimulation compared to controls. Conversely, EGF led to the nuclear localization and activation of NRF2, thereby demonstrating that NRF2 and EGFR are connected in a positive feedback loop in melanoma. In summary, our data show that the EGFR-positive melanoma phenotype is strongly supported by NRF2, thus revealing a novel maintenance mechanism for this clinically challenging melanoma subpopulation

    Modeling metal ion-humic substances complexation in highly saline conditions

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    International audienceBecause highly saline groundwaters are found at potential repository sites for nuclear waste, geochemical models should predict the speciation of relevant radionuclides in brines, including their complexation with substances such as humic acids (HA). In this study, available experimental radionuclide-HA complexation data in high 1:1 background electrolyte solutions (0.01 1 m). The advantage of these models, compared to more simple ones (e.g., the polyelectrolyte or the charge neutralization models), is that both electrostatic and chemical contributions to the overall metal ion-HA binding are explicitly taken into account. Model VII and NICA-Donnan are shown to produce very similar results. Trends in conditional metal ion-HA binding constants and in the maximum metal ion uptake by HA (e.g., the loading capacity) with I agree with experiments. The present data evaluation suggests that most of the apparent discrepancies between various experimental datasets arise from differences in the experimental conditions. Both Model VII and NICA-Donnan predict that the specific ion interaction theory (SIT) parameters for metal ion-HA systems, which are required for high ionic strength with more simple models, vary with pH and metal loading. Overall, Model VII and NICA-Donnan are able to account for various mechanisms involved in metal ion-HA complexation, including the metal loading effects and cation competition, and might be helpful predictive tools for performance safety assessment up to highly saline conditions

    Impact of interventional and non‐interventional variables on anthropometric long‐term development in glutaric aciduria type 1: A national prospective multi‐centre study

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    Glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA1) is a rare neurometabolic disorder, caused by inherited deficiency of glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase, mostly affecting the brain. Early identification by newborn screening (NBS) significantly improves neurologic outcome. It has remained unclear whether recommended therapy, particular low lysine diet, is safe or negatively affects anthropometric long-term outcome. This national prospective, observational, multi-centre study included 79 patients identified by NBS and investigated effects of interventional and non-interventional parameters on body weight, body length, body mass index (BMI) and head circumference as well as neurological parameters. Adherence to recommended maintenance and emergency treatment (ET) had a positive impact on neurologic outcome and allowed normal anthropometric development until adulthood. In contrast, non-adherence to ET, resulting in increased risk of dystonia, had a negative impact on body weight (mean SDS -1.07; P = .023) and body length (mean SDS -1.34; P = -.016). Consistently, longitudinal analysis showed a negative influence of severe dystonia on weight and length development over time (P < .001). Macrocephaly was more often found in female (mean SDS 0.56) than in male patients (mean SDS -0.20; P = .049), and also in individuals with high excreter phenotype (mean SDS 0.44) compared to low excreter patients (mean SDS -0.68; P = .016). In GA1, recommended long-term treatment is effective and allows for normal anthropometric long-term development up to adolescence, with gender- and excreter type-specific variations. Delayed ET and severe movement disorder result in poor anthropometric outcome

    Outcome of patients with classical infantile pompe disease receiving enzyme replacement therapy in Germany

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    PURPOSE: Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) has been shown to improve outcome in classical infantile Pompe disease. The purpose of this study was to assess mortality, morbidity, and shortcomings of ERT in a larger cohort of patients treated outside clinical trials. To accomplish this, we retrospectively analyzed the data of all 23 subjects with classical infantile Pompe disease having started ERT in Germany between January 2003 and December 2010. RESULTS: Ten patients (43%) deceased and four others (17%) became ventilator dependent. Seven infants (30.5%) made no motor progress at all, while seven (30.5%) achieved free sitting, and nine (39%) gained free walking. Besides all the seven patients (100%) attaining no improvement of motor functions, four out of the seven (57%) achieving to sit without support, and three out of the nine (33%) being able to walk independently, secondarily deteriorated, and died or became ventilator dependent. Sustained reduction of systolic function despite reversal of cardiac hypertrophy (n = 3), gastroesophageal reflux (n = 5), swallowing difficulties or failure to thrive (n = 11), recurrent pneumonias (n = 14), port system complications (n = 4), anesthesia-related incidents (n = 2), severe allergic reactions (n = 6), hearing loss (n = 3), and orthopedic deformities (n = 4) were problems frequently encountered. CONCLUSION: Although this study has important shortcomings due to its retrospective nature and because important variables potentially influencing outcome were not available for a substantial amount of patients, these data suggest that classical infantile Pompe disease still remains a life-threatening condition associated with high morbidity and often dismal prognosis. Currently, a relevant number of patients do not benefit definitely from ERT

    Effect of alglucosidase alfa dosage on survival and walking ability in patients with classic infantile Pompe disease: a multicentre observational cohort study from the European Pompe Consortium

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    Background: Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with alglucosidase alfa has been found to improve outcomes in patients with classic infantile Pompe disease, who without treatment typically die before the age of 1 year. Variable responses to the standard recommended dosage have led to alternative dosing strategies. We aimed to assess the effect of real-world ERT regimens on survival and walking ability in these patients. Methods: In this observational cohort study, we obtained data collected as part of a collaborative study within the European Pompe Consortium on patients with classic infantile Pompe disease from France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands diagnosed between Oct 26, 1998 and March 8, 2019. Eligible patients had classic infantile Pompe disease with a disease onset and proven diagnosis before age 12 months, and a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. A proven diagnosis of classic infantile Pompe disease was defined as a confirmed deficiency of α-glucosidase in leukocytes or lymphocytes, fibroblasts or muscle, or two pathogenic GAA variants in trans, or both. We collected data on demographics, GAA variants, ERT dosage, age at death, and walking ability. We analysed the effects of ERT dosage on survival and walking ability using Cox regression, Kaplan-Meier curves, and log-rank tests. Findings: We included 124 patients with classic infantile Pompe disease, of whom 116 were treated with ERT (median age at start of treatment 3·3 months [IQR 1·8–5·0, range 0·03–11·8]). During follow-up (mean duration 60·1 months [SD 57·3]; n=115), 36 (31%) of 116 patients died. 39 different ERT dosing regimens were applied. Among the 64 patients who remained on the same dosage, 16 (52%) of 31 patients on the standard dosage (20 mg/kg every other week), 12 (80%) of 15 patients on an intermediate dosage (20 mg/kg per week or 40 mg/kg every other week), and 16 (89%) of 18 patients on the high dosage (40 mg/kg per week) were alive at last follow-up. Survival was significantly improved in the high dosage group compared with the standard dosage group (hazard ratio [HR] 0·17 [95% CI 0·04–0·76], p=0·02). No significant difference in survival was identified between the intermediate dosage group and the standard dosage group (HR 0·44 [0·13–1·51], p=0·19). Of the 86 patients who reached 18 months of age, 44 (51%) learned to walk. Ten (53%) of 19 patients on the standard dosage regimen, six (67%) of nine patients on intermediate dosage regimens, and 14 (93%) of 15 patients on high dosage regimens learnt to walk, but the differences between groups were not statistically significant. Interpretation: Patients with classic infantile Pompe disease treated with the high ERT dosage of 40 mg/kg per week had significantly improved survival when compared with patients treated with the standard recommended ERT dosage of 20 mg/kg every other week. Based on these results, we suggest that the currently registered dosage should be reconsidered. Funding: Prinses Beatrix Spierfonds and Wishdom Foundation