14 research outputs found

    Flat versus normal subduction zones: a comparison based on 3-D regional traveltime tomography and petrological modelling of central Chile and western Argentina (29°–35°S)

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    Our study compares the seismic properties between the flat and normal subduction regions in central Chile, to better understand the links between the slab geometry, surface deformation and the deeper structures. In comparison with previous studies, we show the most complete 3-D regional seismic tomography images for this region, in which we use (1) a larger seismic data set compiled from several short-term seismic catalogues, (2) a denser seismic array allowing a better resolution of the subduction zone from the trench to the backarc and into the upper ∼30 km of the slab and (3) a starting 1-D background velocity model specifically calculated for this region and refined over the years. We assess and discuss our tomography results using regional seismic attenuation models and estimating rock types on the basis of pressure and temperature conditions computed from thermomechanical models. Our results show significant seismic differences between the flat and normal subduction zones. As expected, the faster seismic velocities and increased seismicity within the flat slab and overriding lithosphere are generally consistent with a cooler thermal state. Our results are also consistent with dehydration of the mantle above the subducted Juan Fernandez Ridge at the eastern tip of the flat slab segment, indicating that the latter retains some fluids during subduction. However, fluids in the upper portion of the flat slab segment are not seismically detected, since we report instead fast slab seismic velocities which contradict the argument of its buoyancy being the cause of horizontal subduction. The forearc region, above the flat slab, exhibits high Vs and very low Vp/Vs ratios, uncorrelated with typical rock compositions, increased density or reduced temperature; this feature is possibly linked with the aftershock effects of the Mw7.1 1997 Punitaqui earthquake, the flat slab geometry and/or seismic anisotropy. At the surface, the seismic variations correlate with the geological terranes. The Andean crust is strongly reduced in seismic velocities along the La Ramada–Aconcagua deformation belt, suggesting structural damage. Slow seismic velocities along the Andean Moho match non-eclogitized hydrated rocks, consistent with a previous delamination event or a felsic composition, which in turn supports the extent of the Chilenia terrane at these depths. We confirm previous studies that suggest that the Cuyania terrane in the backarc region is mafic and contains an eclogitized lower crust below 50-km depth. We also hypothesize major Andean basement detachment faults (or shear zones) to extend towards the plate interface and canalize slab-derived fluids into the continental crust

    PRENOLIN project. Results of the validation phase at sendai site

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    One of the objectives of the PRENOLIN project is the assessment of uncertainties associated with non-linear simulation of 1D site effects. An international benchmark is underway to test several numerical codes, including various non-linear soil constitutive models, to compute the non-linear seismic site response. The preliminary verification phase (i.e. comparison between numerical codes on simple, idealistic cases) is now followed by the validation phase, which compares predictions of such numerical estimations with actual strong motion data recorded from well-known sites. The benchmark presently involves 21 teams and 21 different non-linear computations. Extensive site characterization was performed at three sites of the Japanese KiK-net and PARI networks. This paper focuses on SENDAI site. The first results indicate that a careful analysis of the data for the lab measurement is required. The linear site response is overestimated while the non-linear effects are underestimated in the first iteration. According to these observations, a first set of recommendations for defining the non-linear soil parameters from lab measurements is proposed. PRENOLIN is part of two larger projects: SINAPS@, funded by the ANR (French National Research Agency) and SIGMA, funded by a consortium of nuclear operators (EDF, CEA, AREVA, ENL)

    Zones de subduction horizontale versus normale : une comparaison basée sur la tomographie sismique en 3-D et de la modélisation pétrologique de la lithosphère continentale du Chili Central et d’Ouest de l’Argentine (29°S-35°S)

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    Beneath central Chile and western Argentina, the oceanic Nazca slab drastically changes geometry from horizontal to dipping at an angle of 30°, and correlates with the subduction of the Juan Fernandez seamount ridge. The aim of our study is to assess, using a thermo-petrological-seismological approach, the differences of the overriding lithosphere between these two regions, in order to better understand the deep structure of the continental lithosphere above the flat slab, and the links between the deformations at the surface and at depth. We show the most complete regional 3-D seismic tomography images of this region, whereby, in comparison to previous studies, we use (1) a much larger seismic dataset compiled from several short-term seismic catalogs, (2) a much denser seismic station network which enables us to resolve better the subduction zone. We show significant seismic differences between the flat and normal subduction zones. As expected, the flat slab region is impacted by colder temperatures, and therefore by faster seismic velocities and more intense seismic activity, compared to the normal slab region. We show evidence that the flat slab dehydrates within the mantle wedge, but also along the subducting ridge prior to re-subducting. The forearc crust above the flat slab is described by unusual seismic properties, correlated to the slab geometry at depth, and/or, to the aftershock effects of the 1997 Mw 7.1 Punitaqui earthquake which occurred two years before the recording of our events. The continental crust above the flat slab has very heterogeneous seismic properties which correlate with important deformation structures and geological terranes at the surface. We confirm previous studies that have shown that the thick lower crust of the present day Andean arc is non-eclogitized and maybe representing the felsic Chilenia terrane, whereas to the east, the Cuyania terrane in the backarc is more mafic and contains an eclogitized lower crust.Sous le Chili central et l’ouest de l'Argentine (29°-35°S), la plaque océanique Nazca, en subduction sous la plaque continentale Amérique du Sud, change radicalement de géométrie : inclinée à 30°, puis horizontale, engendrée par la subduction de la chaine de volcans de Juan Fernandez. Le but de mon étude est d'évaluer, la variation de nature et de propriétés physiques de la lithosphère chevauchante entre ces deux régions afin de mieux comprendre (1) sa structure profonde et (2) les liens entre les déformations observées en surface et en profondeur. Pour répondre à cette thématique, j’utilise une approche originale couplant la sismologie, la thermométrie, et la pétrologie. Je montre ainsi des images 3-D de tomographie sismique les plus complètes de cette région par rapport aux études précédentes, qui intègrent (1) de nombreuses données sismiques provenant de plusieurs catalogues, (2) un réseau de stations sismiques plus dense permettant de mieux imager la zone de subduction. J’apporte la preuve que la plaque en subduction se déshydrate dans deux régions distinctes : (1) le coin mantellique, et (2) le long de la ride subduite avant que celle-ci ne replonge plus profondément dans le manteau. La croûte continentale au-dessus du flat slab possède des propriétés sismiques très hétérogènes en relation avec des structures de déformation profondes et des domaines géologiques spécifiques. La croûte chevauchante d’avant-arc, au-dessus du flat slab, est décrite par des propriétés sismiques inhabituelles, liées à la géométrie particulière du slab en profondeur, et/ou liées aux effets du séisme de 1997 de Punitaqui (Mw 7.1). Mes résultats, confirmant les études antérieures, montrent que : - le bloc Cuyania situé plus à l’est, dans la zone d’arrière-arc est plus mafique et contient une croûte inférieure éclogitisée ; quant à, la croûte continentale inférieure sous l’arc Andin, est épaisse et non-éclogitisée, décrivant surement le bloc felsique de Chilenia

    Flat versus normal subduction zones : a comparison based on 3-D regional travel-time tomography and petrological modeling of Central Chile and Western Argentina (29°-35°S)

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    Sous le Chili central et l’ouest de l'Argentine (29°-35°S), la plaque océanique Nazca, en subduction sous la plaque continentale Amérique du Sud, change radicalement de géométrie : inclinée à 30°, puis horizontale, engendrée par la subduction de la chaine de volcans de Juan Fernandez. Le but de mon étude est d'évaluer, la variation de nature et de propriétés physiques de la lithosphère chevauchante entre ces deux régions afin de mieux comprendre (1) sa structure profonde et (2) les liens entre les déformations observées en surface et en profondeur. Pour répondre à cette thématique, j’utilise une approche originale couplant la sismologie, la thermométrie, et la pétrologie. Je montre ainsi des images 3-D de tomographie sismique les plus complètes de cette région par rapport aux études précédentes, qui intègrent (1) de nombreuses données sismiques provenant de plusieurs catalogues, (2) un réseau de stations sismiques plus dense permettant de mieux imager la zone de subduction. J’apporte la preuve que la plaque en subduction se déshydrate dans deux régions distinctes : (1) le coin mantellique, et (2) le long de la ride subduite avant que celle-ci ne replonge plus profondément dans le manteau. La croûte continentale au-dessus du flat slab possède des propriétés sismiques très hétérogènes en relation avec des structures de déformation profondes et des domaines géologiques spécifiques. La croûte chevauchante d’avant-arc, au-dessus du flat slab, est décrite par des propriétés sismiques inhabituelles, liées à la géométrie particulière du slab en profondeur, et/ou liées aux effets du séisme de 1997 de Punitaqui (Mw 7.1). Mes résultats, confirmant les études antérieures, montrent que : - le bloc Cuyania situé plus à l’est, dans la zone d’arrière-arc est plus mafique et contient une croûte inférieure éclogitisée ; quant à, la croûte continentale inférieure sous l’arc Andin, est épaisse et non-éclogitisée, décrivant surement le bloc felsique de Chilenia.Beneath central Chile and western Argentina, the oceanic Nazca slab drastically changes geometry from horizontal to dipping at an angle of 30°, and correlates with the subduction of the Juan Fernandez seamount ridge. The aim of our study is to assess, using a thermo-petrological-seismological approach, the differences of the overriding lithosphere between these two regions, in order to better understand the deep structure of the continental lithosphere above the flat slab, and the links between the deformations at the surface and at depth. We show the most complete regional 3-D seismic tomography images of this region, whereby, in comparison to previous studies, we use (1) a much larger seismic dataset compiled from several short-term seismic catalogs, (2) a much denser seismic station network which enables us to resolve better the subduction zone. We show significant seismic differences between the flat and normal subduction zones. As expected, the flat slab region is impacted by colder temperatures, and therefore by faster seismic velocities and more intense seismic activity, compared to the normal slab region. We show evidence that the flat slab dehydrates within the mantle wedge, but also along the subducting ridge prior to re-subducting. The forearc crust above the flat slab is described by unusual seismic properties, correlated to the slab geometry at depth, and/or, to the aftershock effects of the 1997 Mw 7.1 Punitaqui earthquake which occurred two years before the recording of our events. The continental crust above the flat slab has very heterogeneous seismic properties which correlate with important deformation structures and geological terranes at the surface. We confirm previous studies that have shown that the thick lower crust of the present day Andean arc is non-eclogitized and maybe representing the felsic Chilenia terrane, whereas to the east, the Cuyania terrane in the backarc is more mafic and contains an eclogitized lower crust

    Flat versus normal subduction zones (a comparison based on 3-D regional travel-time tomography and petrological modeling of Central Chile and Western Argentina (29-35S))

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    Sous le Chili central et l ouest de l'Argentine (29-35S), la plaque océanique Nazca, en subduction sous la plaque continentale Amérique du Sud, change radicalement de géométrie : inclinée à 30, puis horizontale, engendrée par la subduction de la chaine de volcans de Juan Fernandez. Le but de mon étude est d'évaluer, la variation de nature et de propriétés physiques de la lithosphère chevauchante entre ces deux régions afin de mieux comprendre (1) sa structure profonde et (2) les liens entre les déformations observées en surface et en profondeur. Pour répondre à cette thématique, j utilise une approche originale couplant la sismologie, la thermométrie, et la pétrologie. Je montre ainsi des images 3-D de tomographie sismique les plus complètes de cette région par rapport aux études précédentes, qui intègrent (1) de nombreuses données sismiques provenant de plusieurs catalogues, (2) un réseau de stations sismiques plus dense permettant de mieux imager la zone de subduction. J apporte la preuve que la plaque en subduction se déshydrate dans deux régions distinctes : (1) le coin mantellique, et (2) le long de la ride subduite avant que celle-ci ne replonge plus profondément dans le manteau. La croûte continentale au-dessus du flat slab possède des propriétés sismiques très hétérogènes en relation avec des structures de déformation profondes et des domaines géologiques spécifiques. La croûte chevauchante d avant-arc, au-dessus du flat slab, est décrite par des propriétés sismiques inhabituelles, liées à la géométrie particulière du slab en profondeur, et/ou liées aux effets du séisme de 1997 de Punitaqui (Mw 7.1). Mes résultats, confirmant les études antérieures, montrent que : - le bloc Cuyania situé plus à l est, dans la zone d arrière-arc est plus mafique et contient une croûte inférieure éclogitisée ; quant à, la croûte continentale inférieure sous l arc Andin, est épaisse et non-éclogitisée, décrivant surement le bloc felsique de Chilenia.Beneath central Chile and western Argentina, the oceanic Nazca slab drastically changes geometry from horizontal to dipping at an angle of 30, and correlates with the subduction of the Juan Fernandez seamount ridge. The aim of our study is to assess, using a thermo-petrological-seismological approach, the differences of the overriding lithosphere between these two regions, in order to better understand the deep structure of the continental lithosphere above the flat slab, and the links between the deformations at the surface and at depth. We show the most complete regional 3-D seismic tomography images of this region, whereby, in comparison to previous studies, we use (1) a much larger seismic dataset compiled from several short-term seismic catalogs, (2) a much denser seismic station network which enables us to resolve better the subduction zone. We show significant seismic differences between the flat and normal subduction zones. As expected, the flat slab region is impacted by colder temperatures, and therefore by faster seismic velocities and more intense seismic activity, compared to the normal slab region. We show evidence that the flat slab dehydrates within the mantle wedge, but also along the subducting ridge prior to re-subducting. The forearc crust above the flat slab is described by unusual seismic properties, correlated to the slab geometry at depth, and/or, to the aftershock effects of the 1997 Mw 7.1 Punitaqui earthquake which occurred two years before the recording of our events. The continental crust above the flat slab has very heterogeneous seismic properties which correlate with important deformation structures and geological terranes at the surface. We confirm previous studies that have shown that the thick lower crust of the present day Andean arc is non-eclogitized and maybe representing the felsic Chilenia terrane, whereas to the east, the Cuyania terrane in the backarc is more mafic and contains an eclogitized lower crust.NICE-Bibliotheque electronique (060889901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    An intermediate-depth tensional earthquake (M W 5.7) and its aftershocks within the Nazca slab, central Chile: A reactivated outer rise fault?

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    An intermediate-depth earthquake (7 January 2003, M w 5.7) occurred within the subducting Nazca plate at longitude 70.3°W, latitude 33.8°S and depth 113km. Its focal mechanism shows normal faulting with a slight strike-slip component. We detected 50 aftershocks within January 2003 using a temporary seismic network installed in the zone. Their local magnitudes M l range between 1.9 and 3.5, with the strongest events occurring around the mainshock. Their spatial distribution, including the mainshock, defines an area of~(35±5)×(10±2) km 2, cutting through almost half of the slab's total thickness at an angle of ~60° to the slab's surface. This area agrees well with one of the mainshock nodal planes. However, the total seismic area, as defined by the aftershock distribution, is larger than the rupture area normally expected for an earthquake of moderate magnitude. We compare the orientation of the seismic plane with the outer rise fault pattern offshore central Chile and find a correlation with the strike of the seafloor spreading fabric. The seismic sequence shows similarities with other intermediate-depth cases, notably the 13 June 2005 Tarapacá earthquake in northern Chile and similar cases in the Pacific slab beneath Japan. In all these cases, the inferred reactivated fault planes probably or

    Projet PRENOLIN banc d'essai international sur l'analyse numérique des effets de site 1D non-linéaire. Résultat de la phase de validation.

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    International audienceOne of the objectives of the PRENOLIN project is the assessment of uncertainties associated with non-linear simulation of 1D site effects. An international benchmark is underway to test several numerical codes computing the non-linear seismic site response, including various non-linear soil constitutive models. The preliminary verification phase (i.e. comparison between numerical codes on simple, idealistic cases) is now followed by the validation phase, which compares predictions of such numerical estimations with actual strong motion data recorded from well-known sites. The benchmark involves 21 teams dealing with 21 different non-linear computations. Extensive site characterization was performed at three sites of the Japanese KiK-net and PARI networks. The first results indicate that the linear site response is overestimated while the non-linear effects are underestimated. At the end of this phase, most of the epistemic uncertainty sources for non-linear site response analysis is recognized as due to the constitutive model linked to the interpretation of the soil data. PRENOLIN is part of two larger projects: SINAPS@, funded by the ANR (French National Research Agency) and SIGMA, funded by a consortium of nuclear operators (EDF, CEA, AREVA, ENL).L'un des objectifs du projet PRENOLIN est d'évaluer les incertitudes épistémiques associées au calcul des effets de site 1-D non-linéaire. Le projet consiste en un banc d'essai international permettant de tester de nombreuses méthodes numériques de calcul de la réponse des sites incluant différents modèles constitutifs tenant compte du comportement non-linéaire du sol sous chargement cyclique. La phase de vérification (i.e. comparaison entre les modèles numériques et des cas canoniques) est suivie d'une phase de validation dans laquelle les résultats des approches numériques sont comparés à des enregistrements de séismes sur des sites réels bien caractérisés. 21 équipes participent au banc d'essai testant 21 codes. Les trois sites sélectionnés pour la phase de validation proviennent des réseaux accélérométriques japonais KiK-net et PARI. Les premiers résultats ont montré que le comportement non-linéaire des sols avait été sous-estimés et qu'une analyse précise et une calibration des résultats des essais en laboratoire avec des données in-situ était nécessaire. La plupart de l'incertitude épistémique provient des incertitudes sur les données d'entrées (mesure en laboratoire et interprétation) ainsi que modèle constitutif utilisé. Ce banc d'essai est conjointement financé par le projet ANR Sinaps@ et le projet SIGMA (EDF, CEA, AREVA & ENL

    Performance of 30 commercial SARS-CoV-2 serology assays in testing symptomatic COVID-19 patients

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    International audienceWe report evaluation of 30 assays' (17 rapid tests (RDTs) and 13 automated/manual ELISA/CLIA assay (IAs)) clinical performances with 2594 sera collected from symptomatic patients with positive SARS-CoV-2 rRT-PCR on a respiratory sample, and 1996 pre-epidemic serum samples expected to be negative. Only 4 RDT and 3 IAs fitted both specificity (> 98%) and sensitivity (> 90%) criteria according to French recommendations. Serology may offer valuable information during COVID-19 pandemic, but inconsistent performances observed among the 30 commercial assays evaluated, which underlines the importance of independent evaluation before clinical implementation