368 research outputs found

    FEM analysis of protective frame on orchard tractors in rollover case

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    U ovom radu prikazano je jedno konstruktivno rešenje sigurnosnog rama za voćarske traktore i traktore snage do 65 kW koji se koriste u voćarskoj proizvodnji na nagnutim terenima za mašinsko ubiranje (trešenje) koštičavog voća. Prikazani sigurnosni ram može se montirati na postojeće modele traktora, pre svega domaće proizvodnje. U radu je izvršena analiza naponskih stanja posmatranog sigurnosnog rama u režimu neželjenog slučaja prevrtanja traktora. Uobičajena praksa pri ispitivanju i homologaciji sigurnosnih ramova je da se opterete dvostruko većom silom od težine samog traktora. Analiza sigurnosnog rama vršena je pomoću softverskog paketa SolidWorks korišćenjem metode MKE analize. Ram je opterećen silom od 38,2 kN sa bočne strane i sa gornje strane. Dobijeni rezultati ispitivanja ukazuju na zadovoljavajuću bezbednost.This paper describes a design of the protective frame orchard tractors and tractor power up to 65kW for use in fruit production on sloping ground for mechanical harvesting (shaking) of stone fruits. Shown protective frame can be mounted on existing models of tractors, primarily domestic production. This paper presents an analysis of the stress state of the observed protective frame mode unwanted case overturning tractor. A common practice in the examination and approval of protective frames to be loaded twice the force of gravity of the tractor. Analysis of the protective frame was done using the software package SolidWorks gain and methods of FEM analysis. Ram is loaded with a horizontal and vertical force of 38,2 kN on the side and from above. The results obtained show a satisfactory security

    Sustainable Tourism as a Part of Comprehensive Environmental Monitoring. A Study of Serbia

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    The sustainable tourism comprises the freedom of tourist travelling, satisfying the economic, social and aesthetic needs, with the preservation of the characteristics of the natural and social environment and the cultural and historical heritage. It should optimize the usage of environmental resources that make the key element of tourism development, maintaining the essential ecologic processes and helping in heritage preservation, and providing the sustainable long-term business.As the consequences of the anthropogenic activities are obvious in the deterioration of the environment quality, the analysis of the status and influence on the environment and humans, as well as on the flora and fauna, must be under constant monitoring. The aim is to detect the corresponding influences and changes and to establish their cause. The paper approaches the structure, the processes and the application of the comprehensive monitoring of the environment with the aim of creating a database for the development of sustainable tourism in Serbia. The risk of the anthropogenic pollution of the environment, as a result of tourist activities, and monitoring of these activities in order to create a database for a planned and coordinated activity of tourism development will be considered in detail

    Abnormalities in enamel structure and their association with systemic diseases and syndromes

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    Etiology of abnormalities in tooth structure has been subject of numerous studies but still has not been fully understood. Heredity is an established etiological factor for many types of structural anomalies of the teeth. Factors that cause changes in enamel structure may be genetic, immunologic and teratogenic or systemic diseases. Genetic changes may include individual genes, micro deletions or chromosomal defects. Systemic diseases can be associated with anomalies of tooth structure and diversity of clinical picture requires a multidisciplinary approach to the therapy. Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) represents a large group of structural abnormalities of the teeth. AI can exist independently or as a part of large number of syndromes and systemic diseases. Knowledge of clinical presentation, etiology, pathogenesis of structural anomalies of the teeth and their association with certain systemic diseases is of great importance to everyday dental practice in terms of prevention, prognosis and therapy. Also, it is necessary to expand basic knowledge of pediatricians in regards to the clinical picture of anomalies in tooth structure and their possible association with a wide range of systemic diseases and syndromes, in order to provide comprehensive clinical treatment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to present etiopathogenesis and classification and to describe the most important abnormalities of enamel structure and their association with systemic diseases and syndromes

    Izvori proteina i njihov značaj u ishrani šarana (Cyprinus carpio L.)

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    Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is one of the most widely cultured fish species in the world. It is predominantly cultivated in the Balkans in the semiintensive system that is based on the utilization of natural food from the fish pond and supplemental feed (cereals, pelleted and extruded feed). Currently, an intensified type of semi-intensive production is starting to be more present in Serbia, where cereals, as the most common supplemental feed, are replaced by concentrated feed that fill in the lack of proteins from carps' natural food in periods of its decreased production. The nutritional requirements for growth, reproduction and normal physiological functions of fish are similar to other animals, but generally fish need more proteins in their diet. Due to this, the efficiency in the use and utilization of proteins is more significant for fish than for other animals. The selection of supplemental feed in semi-intensive system of fish culture depends on the natural potential of the fish pond, culturing period, fish category, price and quality of feed.Šaran (Cyprinus carpio) kao jedna od najrasprostranjenijih gajenih vrsta riba u svetu, na prostorima Balkana dominantno se gaji u poluintenzivnom sistemu. Intenziviranjem poluintenzivnog sistema i saznanjima o prednosti koncentrovanim hranama, žitarice se polako potiskuju peletiranim i ekstrudiranim smešama. Takođe, u cilju globalnog povećanja proizvodnje, javljaju se potrebe za unošenje raznolikih komponenti u smeše za ishranu riba i njihove maksimalne iskoristivosti. Akvakultura je visoko zavisna od proizvodnje ribljeg brašna i ribljeg ulja zbog velike primene u industriji hrane za ribe. Ograničavajući faktori primene ribljeg brašna su: ograničenost resursa, porast potreba i porast cene. To je navelo na potrebu da se riblje brašno zameni alternativnim izvorima proteina kao što su: proizvodi od soje koji su najsličniji proteinima animalnog porekla, otpaci terestičnih životinja kao jeftiniji izvori kvalitetnih proteina, kril koji ima veliki potencijal u proizvodnji hrane, kao i jednoćelijski organizmi sa velikom brzinom rasta

    Kosovo and Metohija or the European Union ‒ a rhetorical dilemma in the Serbian political discourse

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    As the loss of Kosovo has been de facto re-inflicted in recent years, the question should be raised as to how great an influence the Kosovo myth wields today. It is particularly interesting to consider the issue in the context of European integration and the fact that recognition of Kosovo and Metohija’s self-proclaimed independence is usually stated as an essential condition and a key obstacle to Serbia’s accession to the EU. It is an undisputable fact that Kosovo and Metohija and the Kosovo myth are a part of culture, history, religion, and folklore of Serbian people, and it is without doubt difficult to renounce all that, even if personal and collective prosperity is offered in lieu of it, which is deemed by a certain portion of the Serbian public to come as a result of the accession to the EU. The aim of this paper is to establish which portion of public opinion is willing to make such a sacrifice in relation to the current attempts at resolution of the Kosovo question. It is the authors’ ambition to answer the following question: To what extent does the position on the status of Kosovo and Metohija influence the public opinion on Serbia’s membership in the European Union? With an intention of answering the research question the authors rely on the data acquired through empirical-quantitative study The Notions of the EU and Russia in the Serbian Public 2018, Institute of Social Sciences Belgrade, where a structured on-line questionnaire was used as a means of data collection. The study results clearly indicate the popular support for Serbia’s accession to the EU while at the same time the method of resolution of the Kosovo question deeply impacts the public opinion on Serbia’s membership in the EU. A conclusion can be drawn that, if the public is presented with the choice between Kosovo and the EU, the certainty of citizens opting for the EU will rapidly decline


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    Moderno društvo se razvija i raste, te ima tendenciju centraliziranja u većim središtima. Ona s vremenom postaju prenapučena i javljaju se problemi od kojih je jedan gužva u prometu na cestama. Jedno takvo središte je i grad Split, koji osim fenomena centralizacije ima i ogromnu turističku ponudu. Priljev turističke populacije stvara dodatne gužve na prometnicama te otežava svakodnevni život svih ljudi koji se kreću tim područjem. Ovaj rad će se pobliže pozabaviti rješavanjem problema prometnih gužvi na moderan način; koristeći moderne tehnologije. Osmišljen je sustav koji funkcionira kao Internet stvari. Sustav koristi umjetnu inteligenciju za upravljanje prometom, video kamere i tehnologiju računalnog vida za nadgledanje prometnica i 5G mreže kao komunikacijske kanale unutar sustava. Tendencija samostalnog održavanja i dubokog učenja na prijašnjim situacijama čini ovaj sustav otpornim na protok vremena. Slični sustavi već postoje u svijetu, te se u osmišljavanju ovog sustava koristilo više nepovezanih sustava od kojih su se preuzele najbolje karakteristike, da bi se eliminirale negativne karakteristike istih. Provedene ankete pokazuju veliku prihvaćenost modernih tehnologija među društvom, a rezultati sličnih sustava pokazuju ogromne uspjehe u smanjivanju i eliminiranju prometnih gužvi na područjima na kojima su ugrađene, te bi ovaj sustav bio od iznimne koristi za sve sudionike u prometu na tom području.Modern society is developing and growing, with tendencies of centralisation in bigger cities. That kind of centers become overcrowded over time and start having a lot of problems, one of which is traffic jams. Town of Split in Croatia is a population center as well as a tourist center and that means this kind of problems are regular in a place like that. To resolve traffic jams, the system is invented. That system functions as Internet of things and uses artificial intelligence to direct and control traffic. System uses video cameras and computer vision to see the roads as well as 5G networks to communicate and function. Tendency of self caring and deep learning on past situations makes this system timeless. Similar systems already exist around the world, and some of the ideas are used to make this system better. Best characteristics of their systems are used a combined to eliminate bad characteristics of those systems. According to surveys made, this system would be greatly accepted among the citizens and visitors of Split. Other systems that are already in function have shown great success in reducing and eliminating traffic jams, so it is to expect for this system to show the same, or even better results in this area

    Knowledge-based Interactive Assembly ofMachine-readable and Machine-understandable Judicial Documents

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    Овом докторском дисертацијом предложен је систем за састављање докумената у правосуђу базиран на знању. Састављање судских писмена је препознато као један од изазова с којим се сусрећу правници на почетку своје каријере у чему им помоћ најчешће пружају старије колеге, док је правно неуким странкама у састављању поднесака најчешће неопходна помоћ искусних правника. За представљање знања на којем се базира вештина састављања ових докумената коришћена су два облика правног знања, експлицитно које је садржано у правним нормама и имплицитно које се стиче искуством у састављању правних докумената. Предложени су модели машински читљивог и разумљивог формата правних норми, машински читљивог и разумљивог формата докумената у правосуђу и систем за састављање докумената у правосуђу. Систем је погодан за коришћење у образовању правника јер су кориснику објашњене везе између унетих чињеница и навода у генерисаном документу. Документи сачињени на овај начин су машински читљиви и разумљиви чиме се доприноси квалитету отворених података при њиховом објављивању. У циљу повећања транспарентности правосуђа предложене су и смернице за превазилажење најчешћих недостатака отворених судских података. Такође, предложен систем представља један корак ка аутоматизацији рада судске писарнице.Ovom doktorskom disertacijom predložen je sistem za sastavljanje dokumenata u pravosuđu baziran na znanju. Sastavljanje sudskih pismena je prepoznato kao jedan od izazova s kojim se susreću pravnici na početku svoje karijere u čemu im pomoć najčešće pružaju starije kolege, dok je pravno neukim strankama u sastavljanju podnesaka najčešće neophodna pomoć iskusnih pravnika. Za predstavljanje znanja na kojem se bazira veština sastavljanja ovih dokumenata korišćena su dva oblika pravnog znanja, eksplicitno koje je sadržano u pravnim normama i implicitno koje se stiče iskustvom u sastavljanju pravnih dokumenata. Predloženi su modeli mašinski čitljivog i razumljivog formata pravnih normi, mašinski čitljivog i razumljivog formata dokumenata u pravosuđu i sistem za sastavljanje dokumenata u pravosuđu. Sistem je pogodan za korišćenje u obrazovanju pravnika jer su korisniku objašnjene veze između unetih činjenica i navoda u generisanom dokumentu. Dokumenti sačinjeni na ovaj način su mašinski čitljivi i razumljivi čime se doprinosi kvalitetu otvorenih podataka pri njihovom objavljivanju. U cilju povećanja transparentnosti pravosuđa predložene su i smernice za prevazilaženje najčešćih nedostataka otvorenih sudskih podataka. Takođe, predložen sistem predstavlja jedan korak ka automatizaciji rada sudske pisarnice.This thesis proposes a knowledge-based judicial document assembly system. Document assembly is recognized as one of the issues facing junior lawyers at the beginning of their professional career causing them to rely on their senior colleague's experience. Also, filings’ preparation is a challenging task for nonlayers. Therefore they usually need to hire a lawyer. Knowledge required for document assembly can be divided into stated knowledge found in regulations and legal textbooks and tacit knowledge gained through experience. This thesis introduces a machine-readable and machine-understandable format of legal norms, a machine-readable and machine-understandable format of judicial documents, and a system for judicial document assembly. The assembly system has its potential in the education of law students providing them explanations how fragments of generated document relates to case facts. Also, this approach improves quality of open judicial data and increases transparency of judiciary because generated documents are machine-readable and machineunderstandable by default. In addition, a set of guidelines for opening judicial data is proposed. Finally, a machine-readable and machineunderstandable format of generated documents is a step toward automatic document processing at court clerk's office


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    Moderno društvo se razvija i raste, te ima tendenciju centraliziranja u većim središtima. Ona s vremenom postaju prenapučena i javljaju se problemi od kojih je jedan gužva u prometu na cestama. Jedno takvo središte je i grad Split, koji osim fenomena centralizacije ima i ogromnu turističku ponudu. Priljev turističke populacije stvara dodatne gužve na prometnicama te otežava svakodnevni život svih ljudi koji se kreću tim područjem. Ovaj rad će se pobliže pozabaviti rješavanjem problema prometnih gužvi na moderan način; koristeći moderne tehnologije. Osmišljen je sustav koji funkcionira kao Internet stvari. Sustav koristi umjetnu inteligenciju za upravljanje prometom, video kamere i tehnologiju računalnog vida za nadgledanje prometnica i 5G mreže kao komunikacijske kanale unutar sustava. Tendencija samostalnog održavanja i dubokog učenja na prijašnjim situacijama čini ovaj sustav otpornim na protok vremena. Slični sustavi već postoje u svijetu, te se u osmišljavanju ovog sustava koristilo više nepovezanih sustava od kojih su se preuzele najbolje karakteristike, da bi se eliminirale negativne karakteristike istih. Provedene ankete pokazuju veliku prihvaćenost modernih tehnologija među društvom, a rezultati sličnih sustava pokazuju ogromne uspjehe u smanjivanju i eliminiranju prometnih gužvi na područjima na kojima su ugrađene, te bi ovaj sustav bio od iznimne koristi za sve sudionike u prometu na tom području.Modern society is developing and growing, with tendencies of centralisation in bigger cities. That kind of centers become overcrowded over time and start having a lot of problems, one of which is traffic jams. Town of Split in Croatia is a population center as well as a tourist center and that means this kind of problems are regular in a place like that. To resolve traffic jams, the system is invented. That system functions as Internet of things and uses artificial intelligence to direct and control traffic. System uses video cameras and computer vision to see the roads as well as 5G networks to communicate and function. Tendency of self caring and deep learning on past situations makes this system timeless. Similar systems already exist around the world, and some of the ideas are used to make this system better. Best characteristics of their systems are used a combined to eliminate bad characteristics of those systems. According to surveys made, this system would be greatly accepted among the citizens and visitors of Split. Other systems that are already in function have shown great success in reducing and eliminating traffic jams, so it is to expect for this system to show the same, or even better results in this area

    The use of honey in the food industry

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    Med jest sladak, gust, viskozni, tekući ili kristaliziran proizvod što ga proizvode medonosne pčele od nektara medonosnih biljaka. On je najstarija vrsta zaslađivača u ljudskoj prehrani. Posjeduje jedinstvenu strukturu, a koristan je zbog svojih antimikrobnih i antioksidativnih svojstava. Poboljšava apsorpciju lijekova te povećava njihovu djelotvornost, a ujedno čisti organizam od štetnih tvari. Dvije osnovne vrste meda su prema podrijetlu i prema načinu proizvodnje, a pekarski med je med koji se koristi u industriji ili kao sastojak hrane koja se potom prerađuje. U prehrambenoj industriji je može upotrijebiti kao: hrana, sastojak hrane, ''prirodno'', pečeni proizvodi, konditorska proizvodnja, žitarice za doručak, lizalice, sladoled zaslađen medom, industrija bezlakoholnih pića, umiješan u kruh, pitu ili tortu, kao sastojak lijekovima, te u duhanskoj industriji.Honey is a sweet, thick, viscous, liquid or crystallized product produced by the honeybees from the nectar of honey plants. He is the oldest kind of sweetener in the human diet. It has a unique structure, which is useful due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Improves absorption of drugs and increases their effectiveness, and also cleans the body from harmful substances. Two basic types of honey are by origin and method of production, and baker's honey is honey that is used in industry or as an ingredient in foodstuffs which are then processed. In the food industry it can be used as: food, food ingredient, 'natural', baked goods, confectionery manufacturing, breakfast cereals, candy bars, ice cream sweetened with honey, industry nonalcoholic drinks, mixed into bread, pie or cake, as an ingredient in medicines and the tobacco industry