338 research outputs found

    World Animal Day on October 4th

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    Svjetski dan zaštite životinja obilježavamo četvrtoga dana u mjesecu listopadu. Važnost ovog dana potrebno je naglasiti našim najmlađim članovima društva. U svijetu, pa tako i u Hrvatskoj je veliki broj zažtićenih životinjskih vrsta. Mnoge od njih su ugrožene. Te životinje su važan dio ekološkog sustava, kao i sve ostale životinje. Djecu je o njima važno educirati kako bi vodili brigu o okolišu. Od najranije dobi graditi odnos djece prema svim životinjama, jednako kao i odnos prema ljudima. Kroz edukativne programe i razne igre možemo približiti životinjski svijet našoj djeci i njihove umove obogatiti novim znanjima o živim bićima. Ugrožene ili ne, životinje imaju svoja prava, posebnosti i ulogu!The fourth day of June is World´s animals protection day. It is important to emphasise the meaning and importance of this day to the youngest members of our society. In the world, many of them are endangered. Those animals play an important role in ecology system as every other animal species does. It is importantto educate kids about taking care of the environment. Since their earliest age, kids evolve their relationship with animals the same way they do with people. We can demonstrate zoolife to our children and enrich their knowledge with new facts about living being through educational programmes and various games. Endangered or not, every animal has it´s rights, specifities and role

    Just Like a Barrette that Claws, that Clasps, that Clips, that Cunts: metonymy, metaphor, and simile in Angela Carr’s The Rose Concordance

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    Playing on the many meanings and linguistic roles of the word "like," Nicole Markotić responds to Angela Carr’s poetry book, The Rose Concordance, which "translates" lines in the keyword index to the thirteenth-century poem Roman de la rose. Referencing canonical poems about love by William Blake, Robert Burns, Christopher Marlowe, and Gertrude Stein, Markotić moves through a discussion of contemporary poets that include Carla Harryman, Phil Hall, Susan Holbrook, and Nikki Reimer. In The Rose Concordance, Carr takes on the patriarchy of the traditional poetic address and questions the role of the female figure within such structures, the way that the body does or does not run from lyric complicity. The Rose Concordance, like Roman de la rose, proffers rose as metonymic for lover. Carr uncovers the layers of previous manuscripts that propose coupled love in a particularly pronoun-gendering way. As part of that uncovering, the concordance becomes a museum, a fine archive, a compendium, and a catalogue. In her work, Carr addresses an archival love that severs itself from lyric tradition at the very moment that it excavates itself from and burrows into that tradition

    Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic two years later… What’s next?

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    Looking back on the onset of the pandemic Exactly two years ago, we published an editorial in the Croatian Medical Journal discussing a global threat from a new coronavirus epidemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which began in China at the end of 2019 and soon spread around the world (1). The first case of COVID-19 in Croatia was recorded on February 25, 2020, while the editorial was being written. On that occasion, we warned of the danger of the rapid spread and pathogenic potential of the novel coronavirus, the need for the constant monitoring of respiratory pathogens with high epidemic potential, as well as of the importance of developing vaccines and antiviral drugs rapidly to combat this and similar viruses

    Trodimenzijski matematički model taljenja čeličnog otpatka u konvertorskoj talini

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    Three - dimensional mathematical model of fusion of cubical steel scrap in the converter melt was developed. The model was solved using modified implicit Brian’s method. The obtained algorithm was programmed in ASCII FORTRAN for the computer SPERRY 1106. In the model temperature dependent thermo-physical properties of material were incorporated. That gives to the model a nonlinearity. On the basis of the model it was concluded that addition of 1% of low - carbon steel scrap decreases the temperature of a middle carbon steel melt for cca 23 °C. This is in good agreement with experimental data from literature. At the same time a new formula for the fusion time of steel scrap was developed, which enables to calculate the fusion time on the basis of the volume of the steel scrap in the converter melt.Trodimenzijski matematički model taljenja čeličnog otpatka u konvertorskoj talini. Razvijen je trodimenzijski matematički model taljenja kockastog čeličnog otpatka u konvertorskoj talini. Model je riješen korištenjem modificirane implicitne Brianove metode. Dobiveni algoritam prograimiran je u ASCII FORTRAN za računalo SPERRY 1106. U model su ugrađena temperaturno ovisna toplofizička svojstva materijala, što modelu daje nelinearnost. Na temelju modela zaključeno je da 1 % niskougljičnog čeličnog otpatka smanji temperaturu srednje ugljične taline za cca 23 °C, što se dobro slaže s eksperimentalnim podacima iz literature. Istodobno, dobivena je nova formula za vrijeme taljenja čeličnog otpatka, koja omogućuje računanje vremena taljenja u ovisnosti o volumenu čeličnog otpatka u konvertorskoj talini


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    Since its inception in 1987, ISO 9001 has become one of the most implemented quality management systems in organizations around the world. Due to its wide application and international recognition, it is widely regarded as a prerequisite for successful internationalization. In the era of digitalization, transformation of labor and capital markets and emergence of born-global companies, questions are being asked if ISO 9001 is as important as it used to be. This is especially relevant in the context of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) that form the economic backbone of developed countries. The growing market globalization has changed the landscape in which SMEs compete, and many enter international markets from their inception. The aim of this paper is to answer the question how and under which circumstances SMEs make the decision to get ISO 9001 certification. In order to shed more light on this understudied issue we offer a systematization of the literature on the topic of ISO 9001 and SMEs, with a special emphasis on key determinants and barriers of ISO 9001 implementation in SMEs as well as the key outcomes in terms of SME performance following the ISO 9001 implementation.Od svojih početaka 1987. godine, norma ISO 9001 je postala jedan od najčešće korištenih sustava za upravljanje kvalitetom u organizacijama diljem svijeta. Zbog svoje široke mogućnosti primjene i međunarodne priznatosti, smatra se preduvjetom za uspješnu internacionalizaciju poduzeća. U vremenu digitalizacije, transformacije tržišta rada i kapitala te pojave globalno rođenih poduzeća, postavljaju se pitanja o tome je li norma ISO 9001 i dalje značajna kao što je nekad bila. Ovo je posebno važno u kontekstu malih i srednjih poduzeća koja predstavljaju ekonomsku osovinu razvijenih zemalja. Rast globalizacije svjetskih tržišta je izmijenio okolnosti unutar kojih se mala i srednja poduzeća natječu te ona sve češće ulaze na međunarodna tržišta odmah po osnutku. Cilj ovog rada je odgovoriti na pitanje kako i pod kojim okolnostima mala i srednja poduzeća danas donose odluku o implementaciji norme ISO 9001. Kako bi se rasvijetlio ovaj nedovoljno istraženi fenomen u radu je sistematizirana literature na temu norme ISO 9001 i malih i srednjih poduzeća. Pritom je poseban naglasak stavljen na ključne odrednice i prepreke implementaciji norme ISO 9001 u malim i srednjim poduzećima kao i na ključne ishode u smislu performansi malih i srednjih poduzeća nakon implementacije norme ISO 9001

    Hydrogeological characteristics of Mrežnica river catchment area upstream of hydrological station Juzbašići : master's thesis

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    Krško područje može se smatrati tzv. „crnom kutijom“, čiju osnovu čini specifična geološka građa – topive stijene, poput vapnenaca i dolomita, na koju su potom djelovali strukturno – tektonski procesi i klimatski uvjeti. U ovom diplomskom radu obrađeno je područje, koje je obuhvatilo sliv gornjeg toka rijeke Mrežnice, od njenog izvora do hidrološke postaje Juzbašići. Opisane su najvažnije topografske, klimatološke, geološke, strukturno - tektonske i hidrogeološke značajke. Cilj rada bio je odrediti pripadajuće slivno područje, odnosno odrediti prostor u sklopu kojega se odvija ulaz, tok vode i izlaz iz hidrogeološkog sustava. Provedeno je definiranje razvodnice prema poznatim topografskim i hidrogeološkim odnosima, no ono isprva nije dalo dobre rezultate u bilanci voda. Proširenjem sliva na područje Dabarskog polja i ponovnim bilanciranjem dobivena je ukupna bilanca ΔQ = -0,55 m3/s. Ona ukazuje na nešto veći ulaz od izlaza, no može se smatrati zadovoljavajućim rezultatom u okvirima preciznosti i mogućnosti kojima je rad napravljen.Karst can be considered as a „black box“, whose base forms specifical geology – soluble rocks, like limestone and dolomite – who were affected by structural – tectonic processes and climatic conditions. This thesis deals with catchment area of upper part of river Mrežnica, from its source to hydrological station Juzbašići. Most important topographical, climatic, geological, structural – tectonic i hydrogeological characteristics were described. Goal of this work was determination of belonging catchment area, in which entrance, flow and exit from the hydrogeological system occurs. Topographical and hydrogeological border of catchment area was assigned, but it didn't give good results in water balance calculation. Catchment area was then extended to a territory of Dabar field, and with water balance calculation carried out again, there was ΔQ = -0,55 m3/s water balance in total. It indicates on a bigger input of water, rather than a output, but it can be considered as a correct result, due to accuracy and available possibilities

    UGROŽENE VRSTE RIBA U SVIJETU: Phoxinellus pseudalepidotus Bogutskaya & Zupančič, 2003 (Cyprinidae)

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    Mostar minnow, Phoxinellus pseudalepidotus, is a freshwater fish endemic to the Neretva River drainage. Present data suggest that species is restricted only to wetland of the Mostarsko Blato but it is considered to be distributed more widely in the River Neretva basin. It is threatened because of the extremely limited range of distribution, river regulation and influence of the non-indigenous species. Suggested conservation actions for Mostar minnow are habitat protection and establishing of the nature reserve in the area of the Mostarsko Blato. Stocking with translocated and non-native species should be also banned.Prikanac, Phoxinellus pseudalepidotus, je slatkovodna vrsta ribe endemična za slijev rijeke Neretve. Dostupni podaci govore da joj je rasprostranjenost ograničena na Mostarsko blato iako se smatra da naseljava i šire područje rijeke Neretve. Glavni uzroci ugroženosti ove vrste su ograničeno područje rasprostranjenosti, regulacija vodotoka i unos alohtonih vrsta. Predložene mjere zaštite za ovu vrstu su zaštita staništa i osnivanje rezervata prirode na području Mostarskog blata, kao i zabrana regulacije i pregradnje vodotoka te zabrana unosa alohtonih vrsta u vode koje naseljava ova vrsta

    Aleurocanthus camelliae Kanmiya & Kasai, 2011 (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), a newly intercepted whitefly species in Croatia

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    The Camellia spiny whitefly Aleurocanthus camelliae Kanmiya & Kasai, 2011 (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) was intercepted for the first time during 2022 in consignments with ornamental Camellia spp. seedlings originating from Italy, in seven plant nurseries and garden centres in Croatia. This Eastern Palearctic whitefly species is an important pest, especially in tea cultivation of East Asia. However, in Croatia the species has been detected at very low population densities without any significant damage to the infested ornamental plants of the genus Camellia L. From the infested leaves collected on each location, whitefly puparia and pupal cases were slide-mounted and morphologically identified in laboratory as the species A. camelliae. It is assumed that in the case of spreading and domestication in Croatia, A. camelliae could potentially present a phytosanitary risk for the camellias planted in gardens and parks in the Kvarner area

    Detection of T-lymphocyte activation markers in differential diagnosis of infections caused by hantaviruses or leptospira

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    Hemoragijska vrućica s bubrežnim sindromom (HVBS) i leptospiroza su zoonoze i važne javno-zdravstvene zarazne bolesti. Još uvijek postoje brojni dijagnostički problemi u diferencijaciji HVBS-a i leptospiroze, kako na kliničkoj, tako i laboratorijskoj razini, osobito na samom početku bolesti kada su kliničke slike gotovo identične, a u rutinskim dijagnostičkim testovima za specifično dokazivanje ovih patogena također povremeno dolazi do pojave nespecifičnih reakcija. Unutar T-limfocitne populacije, našli smo statistički značajan porast (p = 0,001) postotka ukupno aktiviranih T-limfocita (TCR+HLA-DR+) u bolesnika s HVBS-om u usporedbi s bolesnicima s leptospirozom ili kontrolnom skupinom. Daljnjom analizom ranih aktivacijskih biljega na T-limfocitnoj subpopulaciji nalazimo značajan porast postotka (p = 0,003) aktiviranih citotoksičnih (CD8+CD71+), kao i postotka (p = 0,005) pomoćničkih (CD4+CD25+) limfocita u bolesnika s HVBS-om u odnosu na bolesnike s leptospirozom ili kontrolnu skupinu. Imunofenotipizacija limfocita periferne krvi može imati važnu ulogu kao pomoćna dijagnostička metoda u diferenciranju HVBS-a od leptospiroze.Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and leptospirosis are zoonozes and important public health infectious diseases. There are still many problems in the diagnostic differentiation between HFRS and leptospiroses, at the clinical, and laboratory level, especially at the beginning of the disease when the clinical picture is almost identical, and routine diagnostic tests for specific detection of these pathogens also occasionally show nonspecific reactions. Within the T-lymphocytes population, we found a statistically significant increase (p = = 0.001) in the percentage of total activated T-lymphocytes (TCR+ HLA-DR+) in patients with HFRS infection compared to patients with leptospirosis and control group. Further analysis of the early activation markers on T-lymphocytic subpopulation found a significant increase in the percentage (p = 0.003) of activated cytotoxic (CD8+ CD71+) and percentage (p = 0.005) of activated helper (CD4+ CD25+) lymphocytes in patients with HFRS, in comparison to patients with leptospirosis and control group. Immunophenotyping of peripheral blood lymphocytes may play an important role as an additional diagnostic tool in differentiating HFRS from leptospirosis

    Mijenjaju li djeca sve? Istraživanje seksualne želje kod žena bez djece i onih s djecom

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    Seksualna želja je nagon koji nas motivira da se uključimo u seksualnu aktivnost. Rođenje djeteta/djece uvelike utječe na odnos partnera u vezi ili braku, ali i sveukupno seksualno zadovoljstvo žena. Cilj ovog istraživanja je istražiti doprinos prisutnosti djece na seksualnu želju žena. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 1605 punoljetnih žena. Sudionice su ispunile upitnik koji je sadržavao pitanja o učestalosti njihovim seksualnim navikama te su ispunile Inventar seksualne želje (SDI-2). Obradom podataka utvrđeno je da žene koje nemaju djecu postižu viši rezultat na mjerama seksualne želje. S porastom dobi, žene izjavljuju nižu razinu seksualne želje. Žene u dvadesetima izjavljuju najvišu razinu seksualne želje. Dob je značajan prediktor međutim objašnjava zanemariv dio varijance seksualne želje. Žene koje nemaju djecu više se uključuju u seksualne aktivnosti kao što su masturbacija, gledanje pornografije i seksualne igrice. S obzirom na nizak postotak objašnjenosti varijance seksualne želja s varijablama korištenim u ovom istraživanju, u budućim istraživanjima potrebno je uključiti druge varijable koje bi potencijalno mogle utjecati na odnos roditeljskog statusa i seksualne želje kod žena