3,049 research outputs found

    Zhluková analýza dynamických dát

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    Název práce: Zhluková analýza dynamických dát Autor: Bc. Michal Marko Katedra: Kabinet software a výuky informatiky Vedoucí diplomové práce: RNDr. František Mráz, CSc. e-mail vedoucího: [email protected] Abstrakt: Cieľom práce je zvoliť, prípadne navrhnúť vlastné modifikácie metód zhlukovej analýzy tak, aby bolo možné sledovať vývoj dynamických dát a ich zhlukov v čase. Vybrané metódy sú následne aplikované na reálne dáta. Dynamické dáta sú informácie tvorené sériou, v čase po sebe idúcich dátových množín, popisujúcich rovnaké vlastnosti danej množiny objektov. Problém aplikácie klasických zhlukovacích algoritmov na takéto dáta je v absencii zachovania súvislostí medzi zhlukovaniami jednotlivých dátových množín zo série, čo je možné ilustrovať ich nevhodným priebehom na umelých dátach. Rozoberáme princíp navrhnutých modifikácií a porovnávame ich výstupy na spomenutých dátach. Aby sme nami navrhnuté metódy mohli aplikovať na reálne dáta, je nutné otestovať vhodnosť ich použitia na viacrozmerných dátach, a z toho dôvodu si postupne vytvoríme až desaťrozmerné dáta. K porovnaniu efektívnosti týchto modifikácii na dátach o viacerých dimenziách slúži vlastný spôsob klasifikácie. Nami overené metódy následne aplikujeme na reálne dáta, ilustrujeme a zhodnotíme výsledky. Klíčová slova: zhluková analýza,...Title: Cluster analysis of dynamic data Author: Bc. Michal Marko Department: Department of Software and Computer Science Education Supervisor: RNDr. František Mráz, CSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: [email protected] Abstract: The mail goal of this thesis is to choose or eventually to propose own modifications to some of the cluster analysis methods in order to observe the progress of dynamic data and its clusters. The chosen ones are applied to the real data. The dynamic data denotes series of information that is created periodically over the time describing the same characteristics of the given set of data objects. When applied to such data, the problem of classic clustering algorithm is the lack of coherence between the results of particular data set from the series which can be illustrated via application to our artificial data. We discuss the idea of proposed modifications and compare the progress of the methods based on them. In order to be able to use our modified methods on the real data, we examine their applicability to the multidimensional artificial data. Due to the complications caused by multidimensional space we develop our own validation criterion. Once the methods are approved for use in such space, we apply our modified methods on the real data, followed by the visualization and...Department of Software and Computer Science EducationKatedra softwaru a výuky informatikyFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Side products from power industry as the raw material base for the future

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    Tato práce reaguje na celosvětový problém týkající se hledání alternativních zdrojů nerostných surovin. Práce se zabývá analyzováním vzorků vysokoteplotních a fluidních popílků z produkce elektráren v České republice a následným experimentálním ověřením možnosti separace některých žádoucích složek. Na základě prvkového a fázového složení byla navržena a laboratorně testována možnost separace hliníku, titanu a železa extrakcí do roztoku kyseliny sírové za následného rozdělení těchto složek vhodnými dělícími metodami. Separace vybraných prvků z popílkové matrice byla provedena za laboratorní teploty a následně při teplotě varu použitého rozpouštědla.This work reacts to the worldwide problem related to looking for alternative sources of raw materials. The work deals with analyzing samples of high temperature and fluid fly ashes produced by power plants in the Czech Republic, followed by experimental verification of possibilities to separate some desired components. Based on the elemental and phase compositions, the possibility of aluminum, titanium, and iron extraction to sulfuric acid solution and subsequent selective precipitation using suitable separeation methods was designed and tested in a laboratory scale. Separation of selected elements from the fly ash matrix was carried out at room temperature and then at the boiling point of the used solvent.

    Assisting Wool Producers in Accessing an Emerging Global Market

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    A centralized marketing scheme was initiated to assist small sheep producers in adapting to an emerging global market. The goal of the effort was to create an educational environment that facilitated improved wool quality and preparation, which will ultimately lead to increased prices. The ultimate goal was to develop a product that could directly enter the global marketplace. Approximately 150,000 pounds of wool from 140 producers are marketed. Premiums obtained range between 10 and 50 cents per pound depending on quality and can be attributed to both improvements in marketing efficiency and improved quality of wool


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    Neogene collision of the Carpathians with the European Platform resulted in flysch nappes overthrust in frontal part of the orogene. Tectonic activation of the Paleoalpine-consolidated Centrai Western Carpathians led to modification of their structural pattern. Axis of the main compression rotated from NW-SE to NE-SW. Thrust-reverse faults and ENE-WSW dextral strike- slips were dominant in the Lower Miocene. Movement of the Western Carpathians north-eastward during the Middle and Upper Miocene caused activation of ENE-WSW sinistrai strike-slips and NE-SW normai faults. Pliocene regional extension was manifested mainly by NE-SW normai faults which controlled the sedimentation and form of the basins

    Contribution to the bryophyte flora of Antarctica: the James Ross Island moss inventory and the new records

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    The interest in distribution of bryophytes in Antarctica has increased in view of global climate warming and its effects in Antarctica. The moss flora of Antarctica is relatively rich, since only a small area (up to 1%) of this continent is not covered by ice. An immense space remains completely bryologically under-recorded. In this paper, we present a comprehensive moss list of James Ross Island (37 moss species). Two newly-recorded species are reported in our study: Bryum dichotomum and B. pallescens


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    Cieľom práce bolo uskutočniť analýzu génovej rezervy plemena Nonius z hľadiska uplatnenia jednotlivých rodín v chove tohto plemena na Slovensku. Pri vyhodnocovaní uplatnenia jednotlivých rodín sme hodnotili dĺžku pôsobenia konkrétnej rodiny v chove, počet chovných kobýl v rodine do súčasnosti, počet generácií v rodine do súčasnosti a počet chovných kobýl rodiny zaradených v súčasnosti do génovej rezervy. Ďalej sme porovnávali hodnoty základných telových mier a výsledky skúšok výkonnosti dosiahnuté v konkrétnych rodinách. Z dosiahnutých výsledkov sme zistili, že na Slovensku pôsobí 14 rodín plemena Nonius, v chove bolo zaradených 34 kobýl. Najlepšie hodnotenie mala rodina 597 Nonius XVI-15. Z výsledkov môžeme konštatovať, že úroveň chovu tohto plemena za posledné desaťročie výrazne vzrástla, čím sa odvrátila cesta likvidácie Noniusa na Slovensku.The aim of study was to analyze gene reserve of Nonius breed, from a point of families´ used in breeding in Slovakia. In evaluation of separated families, the length of impact of family in breed, number of breeding mares in family to present, number of generations in family to present and the number of breeding mares inserted to gene reserve was measured. Also the basic body measurements and the results of exams of performance in families were evaluated. From our results it could be concluded that in Slovakia 14 families of breed Nonius are effective and 34 mares are inserted in breeding. The family 597 Nonius XVI - 15 has the best evaluation. From the results, we can state, that the level of this breed has increased in last 10 years. On the other hand, destroy of Nonius was warded off in Slovakia

    Underground Vertical Seismic Profiling with Conventional and Fiber-Optic Systems for Exploration in the Kylylahti Polymetallic Mine, Eastern Finland

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    Seismic reflection methods have been used for the exploration of mineral resources for several decades. However, despite their unmatched spatial resolution and depth penetration, they only have played a minor role in mineral discoveries so far. Instead, mining and exploration companies have traditionally focused more on the use of potential field, electric and electromagnetic methods. In this context, we present a case study of an underground Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) experiment, which was designed to image a (semi-)massive sulfide deposit located in the Kylylahti polymetallic mine in eastern Finland. For the measurement, we used a conventional VSP with three-component geophones and a novel fiber-optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) system. Both systems were deployed in boreholes located nearby the target sulfide deposit, and used in combination with an active seismic source that was fired from within the underground tunnels. With this setup, we successfully recorded seismic reflections from the deposit and its nearby geological contrasts. The recording systems provided data with a good signal-to-noise ratio and high spatial resolution. In addition to the measurements, we generated a realistic synthetic dataset based on a detailed geological model derived from extensive drilling data and petrophysical laboratory analysis. Specific processing and imaging of the acquired and synthetic datasets yielded high-resolution reflectivity images. Joint analysis of these images and cross-validation with lithological logging data from 135 nearby boreholes led to successful interpretation of key geological contacts including the target sulfide mineralization. In conclusion, our experiment demonstrates the value of in-mine VSP measurements for detailed resource delineation in a complex geological setting. In particular, we emphasize the potential benefit of using fiber-optic DAS systems, which provide reflection data at sufficient quality with less logistical effort and a higher acquisition rate. This amounts to a lower total acquisition cost, which makes DAS a valuable tool for future mineral exploration activities.Peer reviewe