81 research outputs found

    Bloomfield Road Stormwater Storage Tanks Grouting Works, Blackpool, UK

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    Bloomfield Road Stormwater Storage Tanks, owned by United Utilities PLC, were constructed in 1999 in Blackpool UK to provide 60,000m3 of storage to prevent overflow discharges during the summer bathing water season. The asset comprises two buried tanks (36m diameter and 40m deep) constructed as circular diaphragm walls. Significant groundwater inflows with minor fines content and turbidity up to 48l/s have been reported entering one of the tanks since 2001. From 2008 an increase of fines ingress has been observed indicating potential for progressive failure of the underlying formation strata. The site stratigraphy comprises predominantly glacial superficial soils overlying an interlaminated Mudstone/Gypsum and Halite sequence. Groundwater inflows were likely to have initiated failure mechanisms in the formation strata including fines loss, dissolution of both gypsum and halite and potentially significant voiding. An innovative event tree risk analysis tool was developed to identify and allow a focused remedial works design and a cost effective solution to be planned. The main works implemented comprised: sealing of the base slab joint by resin injection; contact grouting beneath the base; ground investigation works including cross hole tomography geophysics; and grouting within the Mudstone formation. This paper describes the implementation of the project which was completed ahead of programme ensuring continue

    Relationship between tinnitus pitch and edge of hearing loss in individuals with a narrow tinnitus bandwidth

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    Objective: Psychoacoustic measures of tinnitus, in particular dominant tinnitus pitch and its relationship to the shape of the audiogram, are important in determining and verifying pathophysiological mechanisms of the condition. Our previous study postulated that this relationship might vary between different groups of people with tinnitus. For a small subset of participants with narrow tinnitus bandwidth, pitch was associated with the audiometric edge, consistent with the tonotopic reorganization theory. The current study objective was to establish this relationship in an independent sample. Design: This was a retrospective design using data from five studies conducted between 2008 and 2013. Study sample: From a cohort of 380 participants, a subgroup group of 129 with narrow tinnitus bandwidth were selected. Results: Tinnitus pitch generally fell within the area of hearing loss. There was a statistically significant correlation between dominant tinnitus pitch and edge frequency; higher edge frequency being associated with higher dominant tinnitus pitch. However, similar to our previous study, for the majority of participants pitch was more than an octave above the edge frequency. Conclusions: The findings did not support our prediction and are therefore not consistent with the reorganization theory postulating tinnitus pitch to correspond to the audiometric edge

    Cigarette smoking, passive smoking, alcohol consumption, and hearing loss

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    The objective of this large population-based cross-sectional study was to evaluate the association between smoking, passive smoking, alcohol consumption, and hearing loss. The study sample was a subset of the UK Biobank Resource, 164,770 adults aged between 40 and 69 years who completed a speech-in-noise hearing test (the Digit Triplet Test). Hearing loss was defined as speech recognition in noise in the better ear poorer than 2 standard deviations below the mean with reference to young normally hearing listeners. In multiple logistic regression controlling for potential confounders, current smokers were more likely to have a hearing loss than non-smokers (odds ratio (OR) 1.15, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 1.09–1.21). Among non-smokers, those who reported passive exposure to tobacco smoke were more likely to have a hearing loss (OR 1.28, 95 %CI 1.21–1.35). For both smoking and passive smoking, there was evidence of a dose-response effect. Those who consume alcohol were less likely to have a hearing loss than lifetime teetotalers. The association was similar across three levels of consumption by volume of alcohol (lightest 25 %, OR 0.61, 95 %CI 0.57–0.65; middle 50 % OR 0.62, 95 %CI 0.58–0.66; heaviest 25 % OR 0.65, 95 %CI 0.61–0.70). The results suggest that lifestyle factors may moderate the risk of hearing loss. Alcohol consumption was associated with a protective effect. Quitting or reducing smoking and avoiding passive exposure to tobacco smoke may also help prevent or moderate age-related hearing loss

    Early-life inflammatory markers and subsequent psychotic and depressive episodes between 10 to 28 years of age

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    Inflammation is implicated in depression and psychosis, including association of childhood inflammatory markers on the subsequent risk of developing symptoms. However, it is unknown whether early-life inflammatory markers are associated with the number of depressive and psychotic symptoms from childhood to adulthood. Using the prospective Avon Longitudinal Study of Children and Parents birth cohort (N = up-to 6401), we have examined longitudinal associations of early-life inflammation [exposures: interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein (CRP) levels at age 9y; IL-6 and CRP DNA-methylation (DNAm) scores at birth and age 7y; and IL-6 and CRP polygenic risk scores (PRSs)] with the number of depressive episodes and psychotic experiences (PEs) between ages 10–28 years. Psychiatric outcomes were assessed using the Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire and Psychotic Like Symptoms Questionnaires, respectively. Exposure-outcome associations were tested using negative binomial models, which were adjusted for metabolic and sociodemographic factors. Serum IL-6 levels at age 9y were associated with the total number of depressive episodes between 10 and 28y in the base model (n = 4835; β = 0.066; 95%CI:0.020–0.113; pFDR = 0.041) which was weaker when adjusting for metabolic and sociodemographic factors. Weak associations were observed between inflammatory markers (serum IL-6 and CRP DNAm scores) and total number of PEs. Other inflammatory markers were not associated with depression or PEs. Early-life inflammatory markers are associated with the burden of depressive episodes and of PEs subsequently from childhood to adulthood. These findings support a potential role of early-life inflammation in the aetiology of depression and psychosis and highlight inflammation as a potential target for treatment and prevention

    Planar localisation analyses: a novel application of a centre of mass approach

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    Sound localisation is one of the key roles for listening, and measuring localisation performance is a mainstay of the hearing research laboratory. Such measurements consider both accuracy and, for incorrect trials, the size of the error. In terms of error analysis, localisation studies have frequently used general univariate techniques in conjunction with either mean signed or unsigned error measurements. This approach can make inappropriate distributional assumptions and so more suitable alternatives based on directional statistics (e.g. based on von Mises distributed data) have also been used. However these are not readily computed using most commercially available, commonly used statistical software, and are generally only defined for simple experimental designs. We describe a novel use of a 'centre of mass' approach for describing localisation data jointly in terms of accuracy and size of error. This spatial method offers powerful, yet flexible, statistical analysis using standard multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)

    Association of Dietary Factors with Presence and Severity of Tinnitus in a Middle-Aged UK Population

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    Objective The impact of dietary factors on tinnitus has received limited research attention, despite being a considerable concern among people with tinnitus and clinicians. The objective was to examine the link between dietary factors and presence and severity of tinnitus. Design This study used the UK Biobank resource, a large cross-sectional study of adults aged 40–69. 171,722 eligible participants were asked questions specific to tinnitus (defined as noises such as ringing or buzzing in the head or ears). Dietary factors included portions of fruit and vegetables per day, weekly fish consumption (oily and non-oily), bread type, cups of caffeinated coffee per day, and avoidance of dairy, eggs, wheat and sugar. We controlled for lifestyle, noise exposure, hearing, personality and comorbidity factors. Results Persistent tinnitus, defined as present at least a lot of the time, was elevated with increased: (i) fruit/vegetable intake (OR = 1.01 per portion/day), (ii) bread (wholemeal/wholegrain, OR = 1.07; other bread, 1.20) and (iii) dairy avoidance (OR = 1.27). Persistent tinnitus was reduced with: (i) fish consumption (non-oily, OR = 0.91; oily, 0.95), (ii) egg avoidance (OR = 0.87) and (iii) caffeinated coffee consumption (OR = 0.99 per cup/day). Reports of “bothersome” tinnitus (moderate-severe handicap) increased with wholemeal/wholegrain bread intake (OR = 0.86). Reports of less frequent transient tinnitus increased with dairy avoidance (OR = 1.18) and decreased with caffeinated coffee (OR = 0.98 per cup/day) and brown bread (OR = 0.94). Conclusions This is the first population study to report the association between dietary factors and tinnitus. Although individually dietary associations are mostly modest, particular changes in diet, such as switching between foodstuffs, may result in stronger associations. These findings offer insights into possible dietary associations with tinnitus, and this may be useful when discussing management options in combination with other lifestyle changes and therapies

    A systematic review of the reporting of tinnitus prevalence and severity

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    Introduction There is no standard diagnostic criterion for tinnitus, although some clinical assessment instruments do exist for identifying patient complaints. Within epidemiological studies the presence of tinnitus is determined primarily by self-report, typically in response to a single question. Using these methods prevalence figures vary widely. Given the variety of published estimates worldwide, we assessed and collated published prevalence estimates of tinnitus and tinnitus severity, creating a narrative synthesis of the data. The variability between prevalence estimates was investigated in order to determine any barriers to data synthesis and to identify reasons for heterogeneity. Methods and analysis: A systematic review included all adult population studies reporting the prevalence of tinnitus from January 1980 to July 2015. We searched five databases (Embase, Medline, PsychInfo, CINAHL and Web Of Science), using a combination of medical subject headings (MeSH) and relevant text words. Observational studies including cross-sectional studies were included, but studies estimating the incidence of tinnitus (e.g. cohort studies) were outside the scope of this systematic review. Results The databases identified 875 papers and a further 16 were identified through manual searching. After duplicates were removed, 515 remained. On the basis of the title, abstract and full-text screening, 400, 48 and 27 papers respectively were removed. This left 40 papers, reporting 39 different studies, for data extraction. Sixteen countries were represented, with the majority of the studies from the European region (38.5%). Publications since 2010 represented half of all included studies (48.7%). Overall prevalence figures for each study ranged from 5.1% to 42.7%. For the 12 studies that used the same definition of tinnitus, prevalence ranged from 11.9% to 30.3%. Twenty-six studies (66.7%) reported tinnitus prevalence by different age groups, and generally showed an increase in prevalence as age increases. Half the studies reported tinnitus prevalence by gender. The pattern generally showed higher tinnitus prevalence among males than females. There were 8 different types of definitions of tinnitus, the most common being “tinnitus lasting for more than five minutes at a time” (34.3%). Only seven studies gave any justification for the question that was used, or acknowledged the lack of standard questions for tinnitus. There is widespread inconsistency in defining and reporting tinnitus, leading to variability in prevalence estimates among studies. Nearly half of the included studies had a high risk of bias and this limits the generalisability of prevalence estimates. In addition, the available prevalence data is heterogeneous thereby preventing the ability to pool the data and perform meta-analyses. Sources of heterogeneity include different diagnostic criteria, different age groups, different study focus and differences in reporting and analysis of the results. Heterogeneity thus made comparison across studies impracticable. Conclusion Deriving global estimates of the prevalence of tinnitus involves combining results from studies which are consistent in their definition and measurement of tinnitus, survey methodology and in the reporting and analysis of the results. Ultimately comparison among studies is unachievable without such consistency. The strength of this systematic review is in providing a record of all the available, recent epidemiological data in each global region and in making recommendations for promoting standardisation

    Re-examining the relationship between audiometric profile and tinnitus pitch

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    Objective: We explored the relationship between audiogram shape and tinnitus pitch to answer questions arising from neurophysiological models of tinnitus: ‘Is the dominant tinnitus pitch associated with the edge of hearing loss?’ and ‘Is such a relationship more robust in people with narrow tinnitus bandwidth or steep sloping hearing loss?’ Design: A broken-stick fitting objectively quantified slope, degree and edge of hearing loss up to 16 kHz. Tinnitus pitch was characterized up to 12 kHz. We used correlation and multiple regression analyses for examining relationships with many potentially predictive audiometric variables. Study Sample: 67 people with chronic bilateral tinnitus (43 men and 24 women, aged from 22 to 81 years). Results: In this ample of 67 subjects correlation failed to reveal any relationship between the tinnitus pitch and the edge frequency. The tinnitus pitch generally fell within the area of hearing loss. The pitch of the tinnitus in a subset of subjects with a narrow tinnitus bandwidth (n = 23) was associated with the audiometric edge. Conclusions: Our findings concerning subjects with narrow tinnitus bandwidth suggest that this can be used as an a priori inclusion criterion. A large group of such subjects should be tested to confirm these results

    Attention in neglect and extinction: Assessing the degree of correspondence between visual and auditory impairments using matched tasks

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    Claims have been made for associated degrees of impairment on both visual and auditory performance in unilateral neglect and extinction. Since this evidence is primarily based on different tests in each modality, it is difficult to properly quantify the degree of association between performance in vision and audition. The current study compares visual and auditory extinction and temporal order judgments (TOJs) in two cases with clinical visual neglect. Stimuli in both modalities were precisely matched in their temporal and spatial parameters. The results reveal a mixed pattern of association between different auditory tests and their visual counterparts. This suggests that associations between visual and auditory neglect can occur but these are neither obligatory nor pervasive. Instead, our data support models of spatial impairment in neglect and extinction that acknowledge differences in the contribution of spatial information to performance in each modality in responses to changing task demands