19 research outputs found

    Current state of invasion of Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) in Ukraine

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    Ukraine is on the invasion front of spotted-wing Drosophila suzuki (Matsumura, 1931) spreading in Europe. Despite this globally important pest was confirmed only on the southernmost tip of its territory, recently published species distribution models expect its occurrence also in other Ukrainian regions. Therefore, we conducted two-year monitoring (2018-2019) during the whole fruit ripening season; samples were collected on the whole Ukrainian territory; standard bait traps and active capture by an insect net were employed. Individuals of the species were recorded only at the end of the vegetation season (August–October) and only in the westernmost part of Ukraine (Transcarpathian region); in the region predicted by recent ecological niche modeling. The late occurrence of D. suzuki probably reflects the presence of suitable food/fruit for the larvae at the end of the growing season. Our results confirm the importance of monitoring of this pest, together with the investigation of factors that may affect its invasion

    Detoxification of Copper and Chromium Via Dark Hydrogen Fermentation of Potato Waste by Clostridium butyricum Strain 92

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    The accumulation of various types of waste containing both organic and inorganic metal-containing compounds is extremely hazardous for living organisms. The possibility of polymer degradation, biohydrogen synthesis, and metal detoxification via the dark fermentation of model potato waste was investigated. For this purpose, the strict anaerobic strain was isolated and identified as Clostridium butyricum. The high efficiency of dark hydrogen fermentation of potatoes with yield of hydrogen in 85.8 ± 15.3 L kg−1 VSpotato was observed. The copperand chromium salts solutions were added to the culture fluid to obtain the concentrations of 50, 100, and 200 mg L−1 Cu(II) and Cr(VI) in the active phase of growth (19 h of cultivation). Metals at a concentration of 200 mg L−1 inhibited the fermentation process the most. The hydrogen yield decreased in 7.2 and 3.6 times to 11.9 ± 2.1 and 23.8 ± 5.6 L kg−1 VSpotato in the presence of 200 mg L−1 Cu(II) and Cr(VI), respectively. The efficiencies of the chromium bioremoval in all variants of the experiment were 100%, and those of copper bioremoval were about 90%. A pure culture of strict anaerobes Clostridium butyricum strain 92 was used for the first time for the detoxification of metals. The presented results confirmed the possibility of this promising strain application for industrial H2 production and the bioremediation of contaminated sites

    Determination of Safety Indicators in the Developed Muffins with Non-traditional Raw Materials

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    The aim of research is studying the effect of unconventional raw materials (buckwheat, oatmeal, rye, corn, milk whey, skimmed milk powder, propolis, flower pollen, bean powder, sesame oil, pumpkin seed oil, walnut oil, walnut kernels, candied fruit mixes (apple-cherry fruits of bilberries, natural honey with floral pollen, natural honey with propolis) for the quality and safety of new muffins. The article analyzes the results of the study of the quality and safety indicators of muffins of improved composition, manufactured using non-traditional raw materials. For the preparation of new types of muffins, part of the wheat flour was replaced with buckwheat, corn, oat, milk whey, skimmed milk powder and additives of vegetable origin. Margarine has been replaced by vegetable oils. It has been established that flour confectionery products have high organoleptic properties. From the physico-chemical parameters, the mass fraction of total sugar was determined, which ranged from 28.17 % to 33.07 %, the mass fraction of fat – 16.2–20.66 %, the mass fraction of moisture – 18.0–22.0, mass fraction of ash – 0.03–1.3 %, alkalinity – 0.03–1.8°, the content of toxic elements (copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury) and microbiological indicators were also determined. Based on the data obtained as a research result, the expediency of using non-traditional raw materials to expand the range of flour confectionery products, in particular muffins is substantiated


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    The aim of research is studying the effect of unconventional raw materials (buckwheat, oatmeal, rye, corn, milk whey, skimmed milk powder, propolis, flower pollen, bean powder, sesame oil, pumpkin seed oil, walnut oil, walnut kernels, candied fruit mixes (apple-cherry fruits of bilberries, natural honey with floral pollen, natural honey with propolis) for the quality and safety of new muffins. The article analyzes the results of the study of the quality and safety indicators of muffins of improved composition, manufactured using non-traditional raw materials. For the preparation of new types of muffins, part of the wheat flour was replaced with buckwheat, corn, oat, milk whey, skimmed milk powder and additives of vegetable origin. Margarine has been replaced by vegetable oils. It has been established that flour confectionery products have high organoleptic properties. From the physico-chemical parameters, the mass fraction of total sugar was determined, which ranged from 28.17 % to 33.07 %, the mass fraction of fat – 16.2–20.66 %, the mass fraction of moisture – 18.0–22.0, mass fraction of ash – 0.03–1.3 %, alkalinity – 0.03–1.8°, the content of toxic elements (copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury) and microbiological indicators were also determined. Based on the data obtained as a research result, the expediency of using non-traditional raw materials to expand the range of flour confectionery products, in particular muffins is substantiated

    Дослідження споживних властивостей розроблених кексів з використанням нетрадиційної сировини

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    We have investigated the influence of non-traditional raw materials of plant origin and natural additives on the formation of consumer properties of cupcakes with improved composition. We have defined and scientifically substantiated the formulation composition, as well as proposed model samples of cupcakes, based on the performed analysis of the organoleptic, physical-chemical indicators, food and biological value. Assessment of the organoleptic indicators was carried out based on the developed estimation scale considering such indicators as taste, smell, view at fracture, color, surface, shape, consistency following the introduction of the indicator for flavor; profilograms for samples were constructed. Based on the performed organoleptic assessment, it was established that the devised cupcakes, with the introduction of alternative raw materials to the formulation, have a good taste, flavor; they were highly appreciated by a tasting board. Due to a change to the formulation, it has become possible to reduce the caloric value of products by 16‒39 kcal/100 g. The new samples are characterized by a higher content of protein, by 18.9‒31.8 % (cupcakes without filling) and by 1.6‒1.7 times (cupcakes with filling), by a lower amount of fat, by 3.1–20.1 %, and carbohydrates ‒ by 4.7‒14.9 %. The content of essential amino acids was determined using the automated amino acid analyzer T 339. The new products demonstrated an increase in the content of amino acids, by 1.1‒1.9 times compared to control sample. The fat-acid composition of cupcakes was determined by gas chromatography applying the gas chromatographer HP 6890. The ratio of proportion of unsaturated fatty acids to saturated acids in new products increased by 1.22‒1.55 times. Mineral composition was determined by the method of atomic absorption spectrophotometry at the atomic-absorbing spectrophotometer C-115 PK. The content of mineral elements increased by 1.1‒2.7 times, of vitamins ‒ by 1.2‒2.9 times. Based on the acquired data we have justified the feasibility of extending the range of flour-based pastry products with the new types of cupcakes.Исследовано влияние нетрадиционного сырья растительного происхождения и натуральных добавок на формирование потребительских свойств кексов улучшенного состава. Определен и научно обоснованн рецептурный состав и предложены модельные образцы кексов на основе проведенного анализа органолептических, физико-химических показателей, пищевой и биологической ценности. Для оценки органолептических показателей разработана шкала оценивания, учитывая показатели: вкус, запах, вид в разломе, цвет, поверхность, форма, консистенция с введением показателя флейвор и построено профилограммы образцов. На основе проведенной органолептической оценки установлено, что разработанные кексы с внесением в рецептуру нетрадиционного сырья обладают приятными вкусом, ароматом и высоко оценены дегустационной комиссией. Благодаря изменению рецептуры удалось снизить энергетическую ценность изделий на 16–39 ккал/100 г. Новые образцы характеризуются повышенным содержанием белка на 18,9–31,8 % (кексы без начинки) и в 1,6–1,7 раз (кексы с начинкой), уменьшением количества жира на 3,1–20,1 % и углеводов - на 4,7–14,9 %. Содержание незаменимых аминокислот определяли с помощью автоматического анализатора аминокислот Т 339. В новых изделиях вырос содержание аминокислот в 1,1–1,9 раз по сравнению с контрольным образцом. Жирнокислотный состав кексов определяли методом газовой хроматографии на газовом хроматографе НР 6890. Соотношение доли ненасыщенных жирных кислот к насыщенным в новых изделиях возросло в 1,22–1,55 раз. Минеральный состав определяли методом атомно-абсорбционной спектрофотометрии на атомно-абсорбционном спектрофотометре С-115 ПК. Содержание минеральных элементов вырос в 1,1–2,7 раза, а витаминов в 1,2–2,9 раза. На основе полученных данных обоснована целесообразность расширения ассортимента мучных кондитерских изделий новыми видами кексовДосліджено вплив нетрадиційної сировини рослинного походження та натуральних добавок на формування споживних властивостей кексів поліпшеного складу. Визначено та науково обґрунтовано рецептурний склад і запропоновано модельні зразки кексів на основі проведеного аналізу органолептичних, фізико-хімічних показників, харчової і біологічної цінності. Для оцінювання органолептичних показників розроблено шкалу оцінювання, враховуючи показники: смак, запах, вид у розломі, колір, поверхня, форма, консистенція із введенням показника флейвор та побудовано профілограми зразків. На основі проведеної органолептичної оцінки встановлено, що розроблені кекси із внесенням у рецептуру нетрадиційної сировини володіють приємними смаком, ароматом та високо оцінені дегустаційною комісією. Завдяки зміні рецептури вдалося знизити енергетичну цінність виробів на 16–39 ккал/100 г. Нові зразки характеризуються підвищеним вмістом білка на 18,9–31,8 % (кекси без начинки) та в 1,6–1,7 разів (кекси з начинкою), зменшенням кількості жиру на 3,1–20,1 % та вуглеводів – на 4,7–14,9 %. Вміст незамінних амінокислот визначали за допомогою автоматичного аналізатора амінокислот Т 339. У нових виробах зріс вміст амінокислот в 1,1–1,9 разів порівняно із контрольним зразком. Жирнокислотний склад кексів визначали методом газової хроматографії на газовому хроматографі НР 6890. Співвідношення частки ненасичених жирних кислот до насичених в нових виробах зросло в 1,22–1,55 разів. Мінеральний склад визначали методом атомно-абсорбційної спектрофотометрії на атомно-абсорбційному спектрофотометрі С-115 ПК. Вміст мінеральних елементів зріс в 1,1–2,7 раза, а вітамінів у 1,2–2,9 раза. На основі отриманих даних обґрунтована доцільність розширення асортименту борошняних кондитерських виробів новими видами кексі

    Дослідження споживних властивостей розроблених кексів з використанням нетрадиційної сировини

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    We have investigated the influence of non-traditional raw materials of plant origin and natural additives on the formation of consumer properties of cupcakes with improved composition. We have defined and scientifically substantiated the formulation composition, as well as proposed model samples of cupcakes, based on the performed analysis of the organoleptic, physical-chemical indicators, food and biological value. Assessment of the organoleptic indicators was carried out based on the developed estimation scale considering such indicators as taste, smell, view at fracture, color, surface, shape, consistency following the introduction of the indicator for flavor; profilograms for samples were constructed. Based on the performed organoleptic assessment, it was established that the devised cupcakes, with the introduction of alternative raw materials to the formulation, have a good taste, flavor; they were highly appreciated by a tasting board. Due to a change to the formulation, it has become possible to reduce the caloric value of products by 16‒39 kcal/100 g. The new samples are characterized by a higher content of protein, by 18.9‒31.8 % (cupcakes without filling) and by 1.6‒1.7 times (cupcakes with filling), by a lower amount of fat, by 3.1–20.1 %, and carbohydrates ‒ by 4.7‒14.9 %. The content of essential amino acids was determined using the automated amino acid analyzer T 339. The new products demonstrated an increase in the content of amino acids, by 1.1‒1.9 times compared to control sample. The fat-acid composition of cupcakes was determined by gas chromatography applying the gas chromatographer HP 6890. The ratio of proportion of unsaturated fatty acids to saturated acids in new products increased by 1.22‒1.55 times. Mineral composition was determined by the method of atomic absorption spectrophotometry at the atomic-absorbing spectrophotometer C-115 PK. The content of mineral elements increased by 1.1‒2.7 times, of vitamins ‒ by 1.2‒2.9 times. Based on the acquired data we have justified the feasibility of extending the range of flour-based pastry products with the new types of cupcakes.Исследовано влияние нетрадиционного сырья растительного происхождения и натуральных добавок на формирование потребительских свойств кексов улучшенного состава. Определен и научно обоснованн рецептурный состав и предложены модельные образцы кексов на основе проведенного анализа органолептических, физико-химических показателей, пищевой и биологической ценности. Для оценки органолептических показателей разработана шкала оценивания, учитывая показатели: вкус, запах, вид в разломе, цвет, поверхность, форма, консистенция с введением показателя флейвор и построено профилограммы образцов. На основе проведенной органолептической оценки установлено, что разработанные кексы с внесением в рецептуру нетрадиционного сырья обладают приятными вкусом, ароматом и высоко оценены дегустационной комиссией. Благодаря изменению рецептуры удалось снизить энергетическую ценность изделий на 16–39 ккал/100 г. Новые образцы характеризуются повышенным содержанием белка на 18,9–31,8 % (кексы без начинки) и в 1,6–1,7 раз (кексы с начинкой), уменьшением количества жира на 3,1–20,1 % и углеводов - на 4,7–14,9 %. Содержание незаменимых аминокислот определяли с помощью автоматического анализатора аминокислот Т 339. В новых изделиях вырос содержание аминокислот в 1,1–1,9 раз по сравнению с контрольным образцом. Жирнокислотный состав кексов определяли методом газовой хроматографии на газовом хроматографе НР 6890. Соотношение доли ненасыщенных жирных кислот к насыщенным в новых изделиях возросло в 1,22–1,55 раз. Минеральный состав определяли методом атомно-абсорбционной спектрофотометрии на атомно-абсорбционном спектрофотометре С-115 ПК. Содержание минеральных элементов вырос в 1,1–2,7 раза, а витаминов в 1,2–2,9 раза. На основе полученных данных обоснована целесообразность расширения ассортимента мучных кондитерских изделий новыми видами кексовДосліджено вплив нетрадиційної сировини рослинного походження та натуральних добавок на формування споживних властивостей кексів поліпшеного складу. Визначено та науково обґрунтовано рецептурний склад і запропоновано модельні зразки кексів на основі проведеного аналізу органолептичних, фізико-хімічних показників, харчової і біологічної цінності. Для оцінювання органолептичних показників розроблено шкалу оцінювання, враховуючи показники: смак, запах, вид у розломі, колір, поверхня, форма, консистенція із введенням показника флейвор та побудовано профілограми зразків. На основі проведеної органолептичної оцінки встановлено, що розроблені кекси із внесенням у рецептуру нетрадиційної сировини володіють приємними смаком, ароматом та високо оцінені дегустаційною комісією. Завдяки зміні рецептури вдалося знизити енергетичну цінність виробів на 16–39 ккал/100 г. Нові зразки характеризуються підвищеним вмістом білка на 18,9–31,8 % (кекси без начинки) та в 1,6–1,7 разів (кекси з начинкою), зменшенням кількості жиру на 3,1–20,1 % та вуглеводів – на 4,7–14,9 %. Вміст незамінних амінокислот визначали за допомогою автоматичного аналізатора амінокислот Т 339. У нових виробах зріс вміст амінокислот в 1,1–1,9 разів порівняно із контрольним зразком. Жирнокислотний склад кексів визначали методом газової хроматографії на газовому хроматографі НР 6890. Співвідношення частки ненасичених жирних кислот до насичених в нових виробах зросло в 1,22–1,55 разів. Мінеральний склад визначали методом атомно-абсорбційної спектрофотометрії на атомно-абсорбційному спектрофотометрі С-115 ПК. Вміст мінеральних елементів зріс в 1,1–2,7 раза, а вітамінів у 1,2–2,9 раза. На основі отриманих даних обґрунтована доцільність розширення асортименту борошняних кондитерських виробів новими видами кексі

    Nanomateriály a ich využitie v environmentálnych technológiách/Nanomaterials and their Application in Environmental Technology

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    Global deterioration in environmental quality from continuous anthropogenic activity is the impetus for innovations in conventional environmental technology. Nanotechnology provides a promising opportunity to revolutionise environmental remediation techniques, produce sustainable devices for effective alternative energy sources and perform safe industrial technology. Nanotechnology uses the special properties of nanoscale materials or particles such as high surface area, firmness, low weight, small size and the ability to catalyse and to penetrate cell membranes. Innovative technology based on nanomaterials can bring significant cost and time reduction, decreased or no adverse effects on the environment and more effective methods. Despite such promising expectations, the nanotechnology, and especially environmental technology, used in remediation techniques have not been applied as rapidly as desired. This may have been because of worries about nanomaterials’ ultimate effects following their release into the environment. This paper provides a brief overview of the benefits and possible threats of nanomaterials introduced in environmental technology

    Natural Products Biosynthesis by <i>Streptomyces netropsis</i> IMV Ac-5025 under Exogenous Sterol Action

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    Streptomycetes are known as producers of bioactive substances, particularly antibiotics. Streptomyces netropsis IMV Ac-5025 simultaneously produces different classes of antibiotics, including polyene compounds, phytohormones, and sterols, but the metabolic pathways involved in their biosynthesis are largely understudied. The aim of this work was to explore the biosynthesis of polyene antibiotics, sterols, and phytohormones when the producer is cultivated in a nutrient medium supplemented with exogenous β-sitosterol. Gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography were applied to analyze the spectrum of bioactive compounds. The obtained results demonstrated not only an increase in the accumulation of biomass but also polyene antibiotics, intracellular sterols, auxins, and cytokinins, when cultivating S. netropsis IMV Ac-5025 in a liquid medium with the addition of β-sitosterol. The amount of biomass raised 1.5–2-fold, whilst the sum of polyene antibiotics increased 4.5-fold, sterols’ sum (ergosterol, cholesterol, stigmasterol, β-sitosterol, and 24-epibrassinolide) by 2.9-fold, auxins’ sum (indole-3-acetic acid, indole-3-acetic acid hydrazide, indole-3-carbinol, indole-3-butyric acid, indole-3-carboxaldehyde, and indole-3-carboxylic acid) by 6-fold, and cytokinins’ sum (zeatin, isopentyladenine, zeatin riboside, and isopentenyladenosine) by 11-fold. Thus, we put forward the hypothesis that β-sitosterol plays a regulatory role in the network of biosynthetic reactions of S. netropsis IMV Ac-5025

    Melt synthesis and characterization of synthetic Mn-rich tainiolite

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    Large transition-metal contents add desirable physical properties, such as redox reactivity, magnetism, and electric or ionic conductivity to micas and make them interesting for a variety of materials-science applications. A Mn- and F-rich tainiolite mica, Cs(Mn Li)SiOF, was synthesized by a high-temperature melt-synthesis technique. Subsequent annealing for 10 days led to a single-phase and coarse-grained material. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies were performed and characteristic geometric parameters were compared to the analogous ferrous compound, synthetic Fe-rich tainiolite, Cs(Fe Li)SiOF. Both tainiolite structures are outside the compositional stability limits for the 2:1 layer structure, and incorporating the relatively large cation Mn requires significant structural adjustments in both the octahedral and tetrahedral sheets. As expected, increasing the ionic radius of the octahedral cation from0.78 Å (Fe) to 0.83 Å (Mn) reduces the octahedral flattening angle from = 57.05° to = 56.4°, the smallest value ever observed for a tetrasilicic mica. However, even this small value is insufficient to match the lateral sizes of the tetrahedral and octahedral sheets and, in addition, unusual structural adjustments in the tetrahedral sheet are required. The average tetrahedral bond length is much greater (1.643 Å) than the average value observed for tetrasilicic micas (1.607 Å,) and a significant difference between the (1.605 Å) and the bond lengths (1.656 Å) and an enlarged basal flattening angle (τ = 106.29°) are noted. These parameters indicate: (1) that the 2:1 layer might be more flexible than previously thought, to allow matching of the lateral dimensions of the tetrahedral and octahedral sheets; and (2) that many other compositions that appear interesting from a materials-science point of view might be accessible