40 research outputs found
El control de los criterios de higiene de los procesos en mataderos de cerdo ib茅rico como medio para evaluar el funcionamiento aceptable de la producci贸n
La normativa vigente obliga a los mataderos de cerdo ib茅rico a desarrollar e implantar un plan APPCC (An谩lisis de Peligros y Puntos de Control Cr铆tico). De igual modo deben comprobar el correcto funcionamiento de su proceso de producci贸n realizando controles microbiolog铆cos de la superficie de las canales, siguiendo un plan de muestreo dise帽ado de acuerdo al Reglamento 2073/2005. En el presente trabajo se expone el dise帽o de un plan de muestreo de un matadero de cerdo ib茅rico, y se muestran los resultados obtenidos en los primeros controles realizados siguiendo dicho plan
Controles anal铆ticos realizados en una peque帽a industria elaboradora de quesos de oveja y su papel en el contexto de la garant铆a de inocuidad de los productos elaborados
Como parte de las actuaciones encaminadas a asegurar la inocuidad de los quesos, las industrias elaboradoras de quesos deben comprobar la ausencia de antibi贸ticos en la leche que utilizan como materia prima, as铆 como la calidad microbiol贸gica de 茅sta. Igualmente deben llevar a cabo controles microbiol贸gicos de los quesos que ponen en el mercado. El presente trabajo muestra el modo en que lleva a cabo estos controles una industria elaboradora de queso de oveja, as铆 como la comparaci贸n de los resultados obtenidos en los mencionados controles durante el a帽o 2006 con los criterios establecidos en la normativa vigente
Influencia de la insulina bovina y humana sobre los 铆ndices de maduraci贸n, fecundaci贸n y divisi贸n in vitro de ovocitos de bovino
The present study was carried out to determine the effects of supplementation of the maturation media with human or bovine insulin on in vitro maturation, fertilization and cleavage rates of bovine oocytes. Cumulus-intact bovine oocytes were cultured in a maturation medium (TCM-199 containing 10 percent fetal calf serum) with or without human or bovine insulin supplementation (10 mg/ml). For the bovine insulin supplement, the maturation (80.3 percent), fertilization (61.3 percent) and cleavage (55.3 percent) rates were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those obtained in the control group (70.1; 50.1 and 42.5 percent respectively). Thus, the percentages of cleavaged ova obtained in presence of human or bovine insulin (54.8 and 55.3 percent respectively) were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those observed in control group (42.5 percent). No difference was found among human and bovine insulin treatments. These results demonstrate that the addition of human or bovine insulin to the maturation medium increased the percentages of matured oocyte, increasing the subsequent fertilization and cleavage rates of bovine oocytes in vitro.Se realiz贸 un estudio para determinar los efectos de la suplementaci贸n del medio de maduraci贸n con insulina humana o bovina sobre los 铆ndices de maduraci贸n, fecundaci贸n y divisi贸n in vitro de ovocitos de bovino. Ovocitos de bovino se cultivaron en medio de maduraci贸n (TCM-199 conteniendo 10 p.100 de suero de ternero fetal) con o sin insulina humana o bovina (10 mg/ml). Para la insulina bovina, los 铆ndices de maduraci贸n (80,3 p.100), fecundaci贸n (61,3 p.100) y divisi贸n (55,3 p.100) fueron superiores significativamente (p<0,05) que aquellos obtenidos por el grupo control (70,1; 50,1 y 42,5 p.100 respectivamente). Adem谩s, los porcentajes de 贸vulos divididos obtenidos en presencia de insulina humana o bovina (54,8 y 55,3 p.100 respectivamente), fueron superiores significativamente (p<0,05) en comparaci贸n con los obtenidos por el grupo control (42,5 p.100). No se apreciaron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos con insulina humana y bovina. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que la adici贸n de insulina humana o bovina al medio de maduraci贸n incrementa los porcentajes de ovocitos maduros, mejorando posteriormente los 铆ndices de fecundaci贸n y divisi贸n de ovocitos de bovino in vitro
Un m茅todo optimizado para el an谩lisis cromos贸mico de ovocitos y cigotos obtenidos mediante t茅cnicas de maduraci贸n y fecundaci贸n in vitro
Matured bovine oocytes and zygotes obtained by in vitro maturation and fertilization techniques (IVM and IVF) were cytogenetically prepared by using an improved method for chromosome preparations. The method, which involves use of trypsinizedhypotonic solution plus a vortex-agitated system and very cold two-step fixation process, contributes to weaken the zona pellucida and allows the swelling of oocytes and zygotes which helps the subsequent spreading of the chromosomes. This method permits to obtain preparations of good quality for examining the number and morphology of the chromosomes of oocytes and zygotes for any meiotic and mitotic stage.Se logr贸 optimizar un m茅todo r谩pido para analizar citogen茅ticamente ovocitos y cigotos de bovino obtenidos mediante t茅cnicas de maduraci贸n y fecundaci贸n in vitro (MIV y FIV). El m茅todo, el cual utiliza una soluci贸n hipot贸nica con tripsina, un sistema de agitaci贸n mediante vortex y un sistema doble de fijaci贸n en fr铆o, contribuye a eliminar f谩cilmente la zona pel煤cida y a hinchar a los ovocitos y cigotos favoreciendo posteriormente la extensi贸n de los cromosomas. Este m茅todo permite obtener preparaciones de muy buena calidad para el an谩lisis tanto del n煤mero como de la morfolog铆a de los cromosomas de los ovocitos y cigotos en cualquier estad铆o mei贸tico y mit贸tico
Analysis of sexual behaviour in male rabbits across successive tests leading to sexual exhaustion
[EN] Various parameters of sexual behaviour were studied in ten male rabbits daily tested with sexually receptive females (ovariectomized, given estradiol benzoate s.c. 5 碌g/day). The aim of this study was to analyse rabbit sexual behaviour during successive tests leading to sexual exhaustion. We allowed copulation ad libitum and determined if sexual satiety was reached within a day and sexual exhaustion across several days. The pair was allowed to copulate freely until the male failed to show sexual interest in that female for 30 minutes. The female was then removed and replaced by another; this procedure was repeated using as many does as needed, until the male showed no interest in any female for 2 hours. Scent-marking (chinning) was also recorded, before and after the copulation test. This whole procedure was repeated daily until the male showed no sexual behaviour at all on a given day. Within a test, copulation ad libitum led to a gradual increase in the time interval between successive mounts and ejaculations, regardless of the day of testing. Such increments predicted that the buck was reaching sexual satiety. The "miss" rate (i.e., the proportion of mounts that did not culminate in ejaculation) significantly increased from a median of 25 on the first day to 55 on the last day of testing. The mean time to reach copulatory inactivity decreased from 4 hrs on the first day to 1 hr on the last day. The total number of ejaculations within a test decreased from an average of 22 to 6 (first vs last day, respectively) and the number of chin marks was reduced by 69% compared with pre-mating values, regardless of the day of testing. All bucks eventually stopped copulating after a variable number of days (range=2-15 days). We concluded that, following copulation ad libitum with several females, male rabbits reach sexual satiety (i.e., they are unable to continue copulating on the same day) and, after several days, they also attain sexual exhaustion, a state in which copulation is totally arrested for at least 24 hours. Some behavioural parameters can be used as reliable predictors that a buck is approaching sexual satiety and sexual exhaustion.Jimenez, P.; Serrano-Meneses, M.; Cuamatzi, E.; Gonz谩lez-Mariscal, G.; Gonz谩lez-Maris (2012). Analysis of sexual behaviour in male rabbits across successive tests leading to sexual exhaustion. World Rabbit Science. 20(1):13-23. doi:10.4995/wrs.2012.1034SWORD132320
Data on the working population in Spain related to training, workplace conditions and accident rates
Obtaining data on worker accident rates is necessary in order to analyze the causes and variables involved in the occurrence of said accidents. The majority of these data, collected after the accident occurs, do not consider the employee's working conditions. Here are presented the data on workplace accidents and the conditions of the workers by analyzing the generic data supplied as part of the 7th National Survey of Workplace Conditions (EWCS) in Spain, conducted in 2011. These data will yield the variables needed to determine if the information on workplace risks provided by the survey respondents has an appreciable effect on the occurrence of occupational accidents in the working population, and will also be used to explore other variables
Producci贸n in vitro de embriones de bovino: influencia de la suplementaci贸n s茅rica y hormonal
On study the effect of different serum and hormonal supplements, when added to the maturation medium, on the in vitro maturation and subsequent fertilization and cleavage process of bovine oocytes. The oocyte maturation, fertilization and cleavage rates in the presence of ECS, FCS and hormonal supplements were significantly higher (p<0.001) than that obtained in the control group. No significant differences for maturation, fertilization and development were observed between the different supplements. The addition of serum and hormonal supplements to the maturation medium improved the in vitro maturation rates and subsequent in vitro fertilization and cleavage rates of bovine oocytes.El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar si diferentes suplementos s茅ricos y hormonales, cuando se adicionan al medio de maduraci贸n, mantienen los procesos de maduraci贸n, fecundaci贸n y divisi贸n de ovocitos de bovino in vitro. Los 铆ndices de maduraci贸n ovocitaria, fecundaci贸n y divisi贸n, en presencia de los suplementos ECS, FCS y hormonas fueron superiores significativamente (p<0,001) que aquellos observados en el grupo control. No se apreciaron diferencias significativas para los estad铆os de maduraci贸n, fecundaci贸n y divisi贸n entre los diferentes suplementos estudiados. Concluimos que la adici贸n de suplementos s茅ricos y hormonales al medio de maduraci贸n mejora los 铆ndices de maduraci贸n ovocitaria y subsiguientes 铆ndices de fecundaci贸n y divisi贸n in vitro de ovocitos de bovino
La disfunci贸n familiar como predisponente de la enfermedad mental. 驴Existe tal asociaci贸n?
ObjetivosEl objetivo principal es conocer la relaci贸n entre la disfunci贸n familiar y la presencia de trastorno mental. El objetivo secundario es conocer la prevalencia y la distribuci贸n de los principales tipos de patolog铆a mental en la poblaci贸n atendida en atenci贸n primaria.Dise帽o y emplazamientoEstudio descriptivo y transversal realizado en 6 consultas de medicina de familia de un 谩rea b谩sica de salud semiurbana.M茅todoSe seleccionaron 280 sujetos mediante muestreo aleatorio sistem谩tico de los que acudieron espont谩neamente a la consulta. Mediante entrevista se recogieron las variables de estudio: din谩mica familiar (medida mediante el test de APGAR familiar), estructura familiar, variables sociodemogr谩ficas y presencia de trastorno mental detectado mediante la Mini International Neuropsyquiatric Interview (MINI-DSM IV).ResultadosAceptaron participar 264 sujetos. Un 64,4% era mujer y la media de edad fue de 45,6 a帽os (DE, 16,7). Se detect贸 patolog铆a mental en 87 participantes (33%), siendo la patolog铆a m谩s frecuente trastorno de ansiedad generalizada, distimia y depresi贸n mayor. Se encontr贸 alteraci贸n de la din谩mica familiar en 32 personas (12,3%). No se observaron diferencias significativas en la frecuencia de presentaci贸n de patolog铆a mental entre el grupo con disfunci贸n familiar y el resto.ConclusionesLos trastornos de salud mental son frecuentes entre los pacientes que acuden a las consultas de atenci贸n primaria. No encontramos asociaci贸n entre las alteraciones de la din谩mica familiar y los trastornos de salud mental, lo que podr铆a deberse a la dificultad para detectar disfunci贸n familiar con el test de APGAR.ObjectivesThe main purpose is to describe the relationship between family disfunction and mental disorder. The secondary objective is to know the prevalence and distribution of mental disorders in primary care attended population.DesignA cross-sectional study was conducted in a primary care setting.Patients and methodsRandom sample was selected over 280 subjects from consultant population. The variables (family function, family structure, social and economic conditions and mental disorders) were collected through interview. APGAR test and Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview test were performed.Results264 patients were finally included (64% women). Mean age was 45,6 years (SD 16,7). Mental disorders were detected in 87 patients (33%). The most prevalent disorders were generalized anxiety disorder, dysthymia and major depression. family disfunction was found in 32 patients (12,3%). Prevalence of mental disorders wasn't statistically different in the group with family disfunction.ConclusionMental disorders are a common problem between primary care attended population. There wasn't any association between family disfunction and mental disorders, because of the limitations in the APGAR test in detecting family disfunction
Low-cost irradiance sensors for irradiation assessments inside tree canopies.
The solar irradiation that a crop receives is directly related to the physical and biological processes that affect the crop. However, the assessment of solar irradiation poses certain problems when it must be measured through fruit inside the canopy of a tree. In such cases, it is necessary to check many test points, which usually requires an expensive data acquisition system. The use of conventional irradiance sensors increases the cost of the experiment, making them unsuitable. Nevertheless, it is still possible to perform a precise irradiance test with a reduced price by using low-cost sensors based on the photovoltaic effect.
The aim of this work is to develop a low-cost sensor that permits the measurement of the irradiance inside the tree canopy. Two different technologies of solar cells were analyzed for their use in the measurement of solar irradiation levels inside tree canopies. Two data acquisition system setups were also tested and compared. Experiments were performed in Ademuz (Valencia, Spain) in September 2011 and September 2012 to check the validity of low-cost sensors based on solar cells and their associated data acquisition systems. The observed difference between solar irradiation at high and low positions was of 18.5% 卤 2.58% at a 95% confidence interval.
Large differences were observed between the operations of the two tested sensors. In the case of a-Si cells based mini-modules, an effect of partial shadowing was detected due to the larger size of the devices, the use of individual c-Si cells is recommended over a-Si cells based mini-modules