214 research outputs found

    Les comptes financiers de la Nation en 2006 : nouvelle poussée de l’endettement du secteur privé, désendettement de l’État.

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    Les ménages continuent de s’endetter tout en accumulant des actifs financiers. Les sociétés non financières intensifient leur recours aux crédits bancaires et aux émissions de titres. À l’inverse, le besoin de financement des administrations publiques se réduit.Comptes financiers nationaux, compte financier provisoire, agents non financiers, ménages, sociétés non financières, administrations publiques, sociétés d’assurance et OPCVM, établissements de crédit, non-résidents, financements et placements, endettement, dépôts, refinancement interbancaire, titres de créance, crédits, actions, titres d’OPCVM, assurance-vie, bons du Trésor, obligations, obligations indexées, livret A, plan d’épargne logement, contrats en euros/unités de compte.

    La mesure de l’activité des banques en France.

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    L’explication des liens et différences entre valeur ajoutée des banques mesurée par la comptabilité nationale, et produit net bancaire, calculé selon les principes comptables des établissements de crédit, permet de construire une table de passage pour réconcilier ces indicateurs d’activité.Banques, établissements de crédit, intermédiation financière, produit net bancaire, valeur ajoutée, SIFIM, comptabilité bancaire, comptabilité nationale.

    Le partenariat économique et financier euro-méditerranéen.

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    Au moment où la France, soutenue par l’Italie et l’Espagne, propose la création d’une Union pour la Méditerranée, le bilan économique et financier des douze années du partenariat de Barcelone entre l’Union européenne et les pays du pourtour méditerranéen reste mitigé.intégration régionale, banques centrales, Union européenne, pays partenaires méditerranéens, PPM, transferts des migrants, Alena, commerce international, investissement, IDE.

    La composition du patrimoine des ménages entre 1997 et 2003.

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    Entre 1997 et 2003, le patrimoine des ménages a crû beaucoup plus rapidement que leur revenu du fait de la revalorisation des actifs immobiliers et leur épargne financière s’est davantage orientée vers des placements à risque.Ménages, patrimoine financier, patrimoine immobilier, logements et terrains, placements financiers, dépôts à vue, épargne-logement, livrets d’épargne, assurance-vie, valeurs mobilières, inégalités de patrimoine, choix de portefeuille, épargne, actifs risqués, diversification, comptes financiers, enquêtes Patrimoine.

    Different Oxidative Stress Response in Keratinocytes and Fibroblasts of Reconstructed Skin Exposed to Non Extreme Daily-Ultraviolet Radiation

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    Experiments characterizing the biological effects of sun exposure have usually involved solar simulators. However, they addressed the worst case scenario i.e. zenithal sun, rarely found in common outdoor activities. A non-extreme ultraviolet radiation (UV) spectrum referred as “daily UV radiation” (DUVR) with a higher UVA (320–400 nm) to UVB (280–320 nm) irradiance ratio has therefore been defined. In this study, the biological impact of an acute exposure to low physiological doses of DUVR (corresponding to 10 and 20% of the dose received per day in Paris mid-April) on a 3 dimensional reconstructed skin model, was analysed. In such conditions, epidermal and dermal morphological alterations could only be detected after the highest dose of DUVR. We then focused on oxidative stress response induced by DUVR, by analyzing the modulation of mRNA level of 24 markers in parallel in fibroblasts and keratinocytes. DUVR significantly modulated mRNA levels of these markers in both cell types. A cell type differential response was noticed: it was faster in fibroblasts, with a majority of inductions and high levels of modulation in contrast to keratinocyte response. Our results thus revealed a higher sensitivity in response to oxidative stress of dermal fibroblasts although located deeper in the skin, giving new insights into the skin biological events occurring in everyday UV exposure

    Changes in matrix gene and protein expressions after single or repeated exposure to one minimal erythemal dose of solar-simulated radiation in human skin in vivo

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    peer reviewedaudience: researcher, professionalDamage to the skin extracellular matrix (ECM) is the hallmark of long-term exposure to solar UV radiation. The aim of our study was to investigate the changes induced in unexposed human skin in vivo after single or repeated (five times a week for 6 weeks) exposure to I minimal erythemal dose (MED) of UV solar-simulated radiation. Morphological and biochemical analyses were used to evaluate the structural ECM components and the balance between the degrading enzymes and their physiologic inhibitors. A three-fold increase in matrix metalloproteinase 2 messenger RNA (mRNA) (P < 0.02, unexposed versus exposed) was observed after both single and repeated exposures. Fibrillin 1 mRNA level was increased by chronic exposure (P < 0.02) and unaltered by a single MED. On the contrary, a single MED significantly enhanced mRNA levels of interleukin-la (IL-1alpha), IL-1beta (P < 0.02) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (P < 0.05). Immunohistochemistry demonstrated a significant decrease in Type-I procollagen localized just below the dermal-epidermal junction in both types of exposed sites. At the same location, the immunodetected tenascin was significantly enhanced, whereas a slight increase in Type-III procollagen deposits was also observed in chronically exposed areas. Although we were unable to observe any change in elastic fibers in chronically exposed buttock skin, a significant increase in lysozyme and alpha-1 antitrypsin deposits on these fibers was observed. These results demonstrate the existence of a differential regulation, after chronic exposure compared with an acute one, of some ECM components and inflammatory mediators

    ORAI1 calcium channel orchestrates skin homeostasis

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    To achieve and maintain skin architecture and homeostasis, keratinocytes must intricately balance growth, differentiation, and polarized motility known to be governed by calcium. Orai1 is a pore subunit of a store-operated Ca(2+) channel that is a major molecular counterpart for Ca(2+) influx in nonexcitable cells. To elucidate the physiological significance of Orai1 in skin, we studied its functions in epidermis of mice, with targeted disruption of the orai1 gene, human skin sections, and primary keratinocytes. We demonstrate that Orai1 protein is mainly confined to the basal layer of epidermis where it plays a critical role to control keratinocyte proliferation and polarized motility. Orai1 loss of function alters keratinocyte differentiation both in vitro and in vivo. Exploring underlying mechanisms, we show that the activation of Orai1-mediated calcium entry leads to enhancing focal adhesion turnover via a PKCβ-Calpain-focal adhesion kinase pathway. Our findings provide insight into the functions of the Orai1 channel in the maintenance of skin homeostasis

    Skin color-specific and spectrally-selective naked-eye dosimetry of UVA, B and C radiations

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    Spectrally–selective monitoring of ultraviolet radiations (UVR) is of paramount importance across diverse fields, including effective monitoring of excessive solar exposure. Current UV sensors cannot differentiate between UVA, B, and C, each of which has a remarkably different impact on human health. Here we show spectrally selective colorimetric monitoring of UVR by developing a photoelectrochromic ink that consists of a multi-redox polyoxometalate and an e− donor. We combine this ink with simple components such as filter paper and transparency sheets to fabricate low-cost sensors that provide naked-eye monitoring of UVR, even at low doses typically encountered during solar exposure. Importantly, the diverse UV tolerance of different skin colors demands personalized sensors. In this spirit, we demonstrate the customized design of robust real-time solar UV dosimeters to meet the specific need of different skin phototypes. These spectrally–selective UV sensors offer remarkable potential in managing the impact of UVR in our day-to-day life