220 research outputs found


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    Dentistry programs should prepare professionals with a generalist profile, having biological, scientific, technical, social and humanistic training. They should be trained for the reality of the job market and to practice Dentistry in both public and private settings, in order to provide leadership in the community in which they are placed. Objective: This study aims to analyze the socio-demographic profile, satisfaction with the program, self-evaluation of academic performance and expectations of the job market of students entering and exiting the Dentistry program of ULBRA/Canoas. Methodology: This is an observational, cross-sectional study conducted using a questionnaire with different questions for students entering and exiting the program in 2015. A questionnaire was developed with both open and closed objective, multiple-choice questions. It was given to 71 (86.5%) students enrolled in the program. Results: Most of the subjects are female, single, childless and between the ages of 17 and 36 years. Most chose Dentistry as a profession because they always liked or were interested in the health field. It was observed that the exiting students worked more in the areas of General Dentistry (90.4%) and Periodontics (77.0%) during their academic time, and intended to work in private practice (49.0%) and in the Unified Health System (65.0%). Conclusion: It was concluded that the profile of the entering and the exiting students is diverse, also that the students perceive that the greatest difficulty in the practice of Dentistry is the insertion and saturation of the job market

    Equine frozen spermatic cell survivor after thawed and dilution using two different commercial extenders

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    O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar parâmetros de motilidade e viabilidade in vitro na diluição do crioprotetor dimetil-formamida a 5% pós-descongelação para concentrações de 2,5% e 1,25%, mediante utilização de dois diluentes comerciais adicionados junto ao sêmen. Após a descongelação, as amostras foram diluídas com a finalidade de manter as concentrações finais (2,5% e 1,25%) de crioprotetor, utilizando-se dois diluentes comerciais (FR4® e Botu-Crio®) em dois tempos: inicial (Ti) e final (Tf). Empregaram-se quinze amostras de ejaculados distintos de cinco garanhões de raças nacionais. Os parâmetros de motilidade foram observados através da análise computadorizada e os de integridade de membrana plasmática pela microscopia de epifluorescência. Verificou-se melhora nos parâmetros de motilidade total e progressiva dos espermatozóides, no tempo final (P0,05) entre os tratamentos quanto à integridade de membrana plasmática. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the motility and viability of stallion semen cryopreserved with 5% dimethyl-formamyde as cryoprotectant and posterior dilution to 2.5 and 1.25% as final concentration of cryoprotectant. After thawing, samples were diluted with two commercial extenders (FR4® and Botucrio® ) in two moments: initial (Ti) and final (Tf). A total of 15 distinct ejaculates from five stallions of national breeds were analysed. Motility was observed using a computer assistant system analysis and viability was analyzed using fluorescent probes. A significant (P0.05) on membrane integrity between treatments was not observed

    Bartonella Henselae As A Putative Cause Of Congenital Cholestasis

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    Severe anemia and cholestatic hepatitis are associated with bartonella infections. A putative vertical Bartonella henselae infection was defined on the basis of ultrastructural and molecular analyses in a three-year-old child with anemia, jaundice and hepatosplenomegaly since birth. Physicians should consider bartonellosis in patients with anemia and hepatitis of unknown origin.58Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino, a Pesquisa e a Extensao (Faepex) [229/06


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    SUMMARY Severe anemia and cholestatic hepatitis are associated with bartonella infections. A putative vertical Bartonella henselae infection was defined on the basis of ultrastructural and molecular analyses in a three-year-old child with anemia, jaundice and hepatosplenomegaly since birth. Physicians should consider bartonellosis in patients with anemia and hepatitis of unknown origin.58

    Bartonella henselae bacteremia diagnosed post-mortem in a myelodysplastic syndrome patient

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    This study involves a 49-year-old male, who for three years suffered with a myelodysplastic syndrome and who needed frequent blood transfusions. One day following a transfusion, he presented fever and abdominal pain. The fever became persistent and only improved temporarily with two cycles of intravenous ciprofloxacin. Nearly 120 days after beginning the second cycle of treatment, he had experienced a weight loss of 16 kg and recurring fever. Screening for fever of unknown origin was conducted, including Bartonella infection. No etiology could be found. The patient improved with an antimicrobial regimen composed of oral doxycycline and intravenous ciprofloxacin. After 15 days afebrile, the patient was discharged with a four-month oral prescription of doxycycline and ciprofloxacin. Eight months following the antibiotic treatment, the patient received an allogeneic bone marrow transplant. Five days following the transplant, the patient initiated a febrile neutropenia and died. From a blood sample collected and stored at the time of hospitalization, a microbiological and molecular study was performed again. Blood- and liquid culture-PCRs from the same blood sample were all negative, but an isolate from solid subculture was found. The molecular reactions from this isolate were all positive and the sequence was 100% homologous to Bartonella henselae. The present report points to the limitations of laboratory techniques currently available for investigation of possible cases of bartonellosis in clinical practice, and the potential risk of Bartonella spp. transmission through blood transfusions

    Determination of coumarins from pterocaulon balansae by an ultra-fast liquid chromatography method in topical applications

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    Coumarins from Pterocaulon balansae Chodat, Asteraceae, have received increasing attention due to their biological activities, especially for the treatment of skin disorders. This study aimed to develop and validate high-performance and ultra-fast liquid chromatography methods for the analytical determination of coumarins in extracts, in topical formulations, as well as in porcine skin after in vitro permeation/retention studies. The chromatographic conditions consisted of a mobile phase with 0.1% formic acid (A) and acetonitrile (B) using a gradient elution; the flow rate and a column oven temperature: HPLC-UV, 1 ml min−1; 30 °C and UFLC-DAD, 0.55 ml min−1; 55 °C for 45 min and 8 min, respectively. The chemical marker 5-methoxy-6,7- methylenedioxycoumarin was used for the construction of the linearity curve in a concentration range from 0.1 to 7.5 μg ml−1. A low matrix effect was observed. The method robustness was confirmed using the Plackett-Burman experimental design. These methodologies proved to be linear, precise, and accurate for the determination of seven coumarins in analytical and bioanalytical samples in both approaches. However, UFLC analysis time was shortened to about one-fourth the time and consumes significantly less eluent, being more eco-friendly in comparison with HPLC

    Que os façamos ouvir

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    Book Review of Se me deixam falar, by Moema Viezzer, with the narratives taken by the author of Domitlia Barrios, a Bolivian union leader who fought for the rights of her people, especially women and the working class during the various coups and dictatorships in the history of Bolivia. In addition to being a miner's wife, the union member was also the daughter of a miner and lived for most of her life in a state-owned mining company called Siglo XX, where workers' conditions were unhealthy. The book divides Domitila's narrative into her life, her situation, and her claims, all narrated without changes in Domitila's idioms. The book shows part of Latin American struggle processes from a feminine perspective, almost never found in large historical narratives. It uses a very close past so that we can bring new perspectives of fight of the same struggles for all the Latin American future.Reseña del libro Se me deixam falar, de Moema Viezzer, con las narrativas tomadas por la autora de Domitlia Barrios, una dirigente sindical boliviana que luchó por los derechos de su pueblo, especialmente de las mujeres y la clase trabajadora durante los diversos golpes y dictaduras en el Historia de Bolivia. Además de ser esposa de un minero, la sindicalista también era hija de un minero y vivió la mayor parte de su vida en una empresa minera estatal llamada Siglo XX, donde las condiciones de los trabajadores no eran saludables. El libro divide la narrativa de Domitila en su vida, su situación y sus afirmaciones, todo narrado sin cambios en los modismos de Domitila. El libro muestra parte de los procesos de lucha latinoamericanos desde una perspectiva femenina, casi nunca encontrada en grandes narrativas históricas. Utiliza un pasado muy cercano para que podamos traer nuevas perspectivas de lucha de las mismas luchas para todo el futuro latinoamericano.  Resenha sobre o livro Se me deixam falar, de Moema Viezzer, com as narrativas colhidas pela autora de Domitlia Barrios, líder sindicalista boliviana que lutou pelos direitos de seu povo, especialmente das mulheres e da classe trabalhadora durante os diversos golpes e ditaduras presentes na história da Bolívia. Além de esposa de mineiro, a sindicalista também era filha de um minerador e, morou por quase toda a sua vida em uma mineradora estatal chamada Siglo XX, onde as condições dos trabalhadores eram insalubres. O livro divide a narrativa de Domitila em sua vida, sua situação e sua e suas reivindicações, todas narradas sem que houvesse alterações nas expressões idiomáticas de Domitila. O livro mostra parte dos processos de luta latino-americanos a partir de uma perspectiva feminina, pouco encontrada em grandes narrativas históricas. Vale-se de um passado muito próximo para que possamos trazer novas perspectivas de luta para o futuro latino-americano. &nbsp

    Handheld near-infrared spectroscopy: state-of-the-art instrumentation and applications in material identification, food authentication, and environmental investigations

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    This present review article considers the rapid development of miniaturized handheld near-infrared spectrometers over the last decade and provides an overview of current instrumental developments and exemplary applications in the fields of material and food control as well as environmentally relevant investigations. Care is taken, however, not to fall into the exaggerated and sometimes unrealistic narrative of some direct-to-consumer companies, which has raised unrealistic expectations with full-bodied promises but has harmed the very valuable technology of NIR spectroscopy, rather than promoting its further development. Special attention will also be paid to possible applications that will allow a clientele that is not necessarily scientifically trained to solve quality control and authentication problems with this technology in everyday life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chronic lymphadenopathy caused by a Brazilian strain of Bartonella henselae

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    Bartonella henselae is a relevant causative agent of bartonelloses in humans. We described an immunocompetent patient with clinical manifestation of chronic cervical lymphadenopathy after a cat-scratch in her forearm. This case shows B. henselae infection persistence even after prolonged antibiotic treatment

    Micromorphological characteristics of barnyardgrass biotypes resistant and susceptible to quinclorac

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do herbicida quinclorac nas características anatômicas de folhas e raízes de biótipos de capim‑arroz (Echinochloa spp.), resistente e suscetível a este herbicida, por meio de avaliações micromorfométricas. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos de plástico com capacidade de 250 cm3. As imagens dos cortes foram obtidas com microscópio de luz equipado com sistema U‑Photo, acoplado à câmera digital conectada a microcomputador. Na seção transversal da lâmina foliar e das raízes, utilizou-se objetiva de 10X, tendo-se avaliado 20 cortes/campos por planta, com dez medições por corte e quatro repetições por tratamento. Observaram-se diferenças entre os biótipos resistente e suscetível, tanto na ausência quanto na presença do quinclorac. O biótipo resistente apresenta lâmina foliar pouco afetada pelo herbicida; no entanto, há modificação na constituição dos tecidos radiculares com a formação mais acentuada de aerênquima. O biótipo suscetível também apresenta formação de aerênquima quando tratado com o quinclorac, mas em quantidade inferior ao observado no biótipo resistente.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the herbicide quinclorac on anatomical traits of leaves and roots of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa spp.) biotypes, susceptible and resistant to this herbicide, by micromorphometric assessments. Plants were grown in plastic pots with 250 cm3 capacity. The images of plant sections were obtained with a light microscope equipped with a U‑Photo system, coupled to a digital photo camera connected to a microcomputer. For cross-sections of leaf blades and roots, 10X objectives were used, and 20 sections/fields per plant were evaluated, with ten measurements per section and four replicates per treatment. Differences were observed between resistant and susceptible biotypes, both in the absence and in the presence of quinclorac. The resistant biotype shows leaf blades that are less affected by the herbicide; however, there are changes in root tissue constitution with increased aerenchyma formation. The susceptible biotype also shows formation of aerenchyma when treated with quinclorac, but in lower levels than those observed for the resistant biotype
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