14 research outputs found


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    Turizam je najprogresivnija industrija 20. i 21. stoljeća, a tome iznimno doprinose manifestacije, pogotovo sportske. Svaka manifestacija trebala bi biti realizirana na način da donese puno viÅ”e dobrog nego loÅ”eg lokalnom stanovniÅ”tvu i destinaciji, no jedini način za to je da je lokalna zajednica na ispravan način shvati i prihvati. Upravo zato, u ovome radu istražuje se utjecaj manifestacija na turistički razvoj ne bi li dokazao mogu li manifestacije biti faktor atraktivnosti destinacije, nositelj njenog imidža i atraktivnosti, promicatelj njezine slike u svijetu te generator ekonomskih prihoda. Predmet istraživanja ovoga rada je utjecaj održavanja sportskih manifestacija (teniskim manifestacija Cro Circuit i Bol Open) na lokalnu zajednicu i turistički razvoj mjesta Bol na otoku Braču. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 105 ispitanika koji su dio lokalne zajednice Bola. Podatci su prikupljeni primarnim online istraživanjem (boljani.info ā€“ mjesto namijenjeno lokalnoj zajednici Bola) od 3.9. do 9.9., a kao instrument poslužio je strukturirani anketni upitnik. Istraživanje je ukazalo na polovične zaključke, tj. utvrđeno je da se održavanje sportskih manifestacija pozitivno reflektira na život lokalne zajednice Bola (H1.1.), ali nije se mogla prihvatiti pretpostavka da održavanje sportskih manifestacija pozitivno se reflektira na razvoj turističke ponude i potražnje Bola (H1.2.). Budući da je jedna pomoćna hipoteza potvrđena, a druga objaÅ”njenja, o glavnoj hipotezi o tome da održavanje sportskih manifestacija utječe pozitivno na lokalnu zajednicu i turistički razvoj Bola nije donesen jednoznačan zaključak.Tourism is the most progressive industry of 20th and 21st century and it is significantly contributed by events, especially sports ones. Each event should be implemented in a way to make a better than harm to the local population and the destination, but the only way to implement this is that the local community accept and understand events in the correct. This paper researches the impact of events in the tourism development in order to prove that it can be a factor of the attractiveness of the event destination, carrier of its image and attractiveness, promoter of its image in the world and a generator of economic income. The subject of this paper is the impact that hosted sporting events (precisely tennis events Cro Circuit and Bol Open) have on the local community and tourism development of Bol. The study was conducted on a sample of 105 respondents who are part of the local community of Bol. Data were collected via online primary research (boljani.info - most visited online place for the local community Bola) from 3rd to 9th September. As instrument for research was used a structured questionnaire. Research has pointed to the half-conclusions. It was found that the maintenance of sporting events positively reflected on the life of the local community of Bol (H1.1.). It could not be accepted the hypothesis that sporting events positively reflected in the development of tourism supply and demand of Bol (H1.2.). As one part of main hypothesis was confirmed while other was rejected, main hypothesis (that the hosting of sporting events affect positively to the local community and tourism development of Bol) was not adopted what led to an unambiguous conclusion


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    Turizam je najprogresivnija industrija 20. i 21. stoljeća, a tome iznimno doprinose manifestacije, pogotovo sportske. Svaka manifestacija trebala bi biti realizirana na način da donese puno viÅ”e dobrog nego loÅ”eg lokalnom stanovniÅ”tvu i destinaciji, no jedini način za to je da je lokalna zajednica na ispravan način shvati i prihvati. Upravo zato, u ovome radu istražuje se utjecaj manifestacija na turistički razvoj ne bi li dokazao mogu li manifestacije biti faktor atraktivnosti destinacije, nositelj njenog imidža i atraktivnosti, promicatelj njezine slike u svijetu te generator ekonomskih prihoda. Predmet istraživanja ovoga rada je utjecaj održavanja sportskih manifestacija (teniskim manifestacija Cro Circuit i Bol Open) na lokalnu zajednicu i turistički razvoj mjesta Bol na otoku Braču. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 105 ispitanika koji su dio lokalne zajednice Bola. Podatci su prikupljeni primarnim online istraživanjem (boljani.info ā€“ mjesto namijenjeno lokalnoj zajednici Bola) od 3.9. do 9.9., a kao instrument poslužio je strukturirani anketni upitnik. Istraživanje je ukazalo na polovične zaključke, tj. utvrđeno je da se održavanje sportskih manifestacija pozitivno reflektira na život lokalne zajednice Bola (H1.1.), ali nije se mogla prihvatiti pretpostavka da održavanje sportskih manifestacija pozitivno se reflektira na razvoj turističke ponude i potražnje Bola (H1.2.). Budući da je jedna pomoćna hipoteza potvrđena, a druga objaÅ”njenja, o glavnoj hipotezi o tome da održavanje sportskih manifestacija utječe pozitivno na lokalnu zajednicu i turistički razvoj Bola nije donesen jednoznačan zaključak.Tourism is the most progressive industry of 20th and 21st century and it is significantly contributed by events, especially sports ones. Each event should be implemented in a way to make a better than harm to the local population and the destination, but the only way to implement this is that the local community accept and understand events in the correct. This paper researches the impact of events in the tourism development in order to prove that it can be a factor of the attractiveness of the event destination, carrier of its image and attractiveness, promoter of its image in the world and a generator of economic income. The subject of this paper is the impact that hosted sporting events (precisely tennis events Cro Circuit and Bol Open) have on the local community and tourism development of Bol. The study was conducted on a sample of 105 respondents who are part of the local community of Bol. Data were collected via online primary research (boljani.info - most visited online place for the local community Bola) from 3rd to 9th September. As instrument for research was used a structured questionnaire. Research has pointed to the half-conclusions. It was found that the maintenance of sporting events positively reflected on the life of the local community of Bol (H1.1.). It could not be accepted the hypothesis that sporting events positively reflected in the development of tourism supply and demand of Bol (H1.2.). As one part of main hypothesis was confirmed while other was rejected, main hypothesis (that the hosting of sporting events affect positively to the local community and tourism development of Bol) was not adopted what led to an unambiguous conclusion


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    Healthy and active lifestyle has led in recent years to the rapid development of antimicrobial treatment. Such antimicrobial materials provide lasting freshness and a sense of security and well-being of consumers. At first glance it seems easy to achieve antimicrobial properties, but the persistence of such treatment is a bigger problem. Application of natural zeolite nanoparticles for antimicrobial protection has shown increased activity and synergism with some antimicrobial agents, e.g. azalide. On the other hand, azalides are not acceptable from dermatological or ethics view, because of resistance development. This paper deals with the selection of optimal antimicrobial treatment which will provide protection against Gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram negative (Klebsiella pneumoniae) bacteria, as well as fungi (Candida albicans). For this purpose, 100 % raw and bleached cotton knitted fabric was treated by exhaustion with natural zeolite nanoparticles and different antimicrobial agents cationic surfactant, azalide and antiseptic. It is well known that the cationic surfactants significantly improve fabric hand, but the high concentrations of activated zeolite getting it worse. Therefore, the influence of these treatments on fabric hand (subjective and objective evaluated) was investigated

    Influence of Prepared Cavity Surface on Microleakage - Pilot Study

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    Caklina i dentin po svojoj su kemijskoj građi dva različita supstrata pa ih je potrebno pažljivo i različito prirediti za postavljanje kompozitnoga materijala. Svrha rada bila je pokazati kako različit predtretman cakline i dentina (ā€œtotal-etchā€ tehnika i samojetkajući adhezivi) utječe na kakvoću sveze s kompozitnim materijalom. Dobiveni su rezultati pokazali da je optimalno vrijeme jetkanja 37%- tnom ortofosfornom kiselinom 20 sekundi za caklinu i 10 sekundi za dentin.Enamel and dentin are, by their very chemical structure, two different substrates which necessitate different preparation before placing of composite resin. The aim of this study was to show how various enamel and dental pretreatment methods (ā€œtotal etchā€ technique and self etching adhesives) affect the quality of bonding with composite resin. The results obtained showed optimal etching time, using 37% orthophospohoric acid, of 20 seconds for enamel and 10 seconds for dentin


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    Turizam je najprogresivnija industrija 20. i 21. stoljeća, a tome iznimno doprinose manifestacije, pogotovo sportske. Svaka manifestacija trebala bi biti realizirana na način da donese puno viÅ”e dobrog nego loÅ”eg lokalnom stanovniÅ”tvu i destinaciji, no jedini način za to je da je lokalna zajednica na ispravan način shvati i prihvati. Upravo zato, u ovome radu istražuje se utjecaj manifestacija na turistički razvoj ne bi li dokazao mogu li manifestacije biti faktor atraktivnosti destinacije, nositelj njenog imidža i atraktivnosti, promicatelj njezine slike u svijetu te generator ekonomskih prihoda. Predmet istraživanja ovoga rada je utjecaj održavanja sportskih manifestacija (teniskim manifestacija Cro Circuit i Bol Open) na lokalnu zajednicu i turistički razvoj mjesta Bol na otoku Braču. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 105 ispitanika koji su dio lokalne zajednice Bola. Podatci su prikupljeni primarnim online istraživanjem (boljani.info ā€“ mjesto namijenjeno lokalnoj zajednici Bola) od 3.9. do 9.9., a kao instrument poslužio je strukturirani anketni upitnik. Istraživanje je ukazalo na polovične zaključke, tj. utvrđeno je da se održavanje sportskih manifestacija pozitivno reflektira na život lokalne zajednice Bola (H1.1.), ali nije se mogla prihvatiti pretpostavka da održavanje sportskih manifestacija pozitivno se reflektira na razvoj turističke ponude i potražnje Bola (H1.2.). Budući da je jedna pomoćna hipoteza potvrđena, a druga objaÅ”njenja, o glavnoj hipotezi o tome da održavanje sportskih manifestacija utječe pozitivno na lokalnu zajednicu i turistički razvoj Bola nije donesen jednoznačan zaključak.Tourism is the most progressive industry of 20th and 21st century and it is significantly contributed by events, especially sports ones. Each event should be implemented in a way to make a better than harm to the local population and the destination, but the only way to implement this is that the local community accept and understand events in the correct. This paper researches the impact of events in the tourism development in order to prove that it can be a factor of the attractiveness of the event destination, carrier of its image and attractiveness, promoter of its image in the world and a generator of economic income. The subject of this paper is the impact that hosted sporting events (precisely tennis events Cro Circuit and Bol Open) have on the local community and tourism development of Bol. The study was conducted on a sample of 105 respondents who are part of the local community of Bol. Data were collected via online primary research (boljani.info - most visited online place for the local community Bola) from 3rd to 9th September. As instrument for research was used a structured questionnaire. Research has pointed to the half-conclusions. It was found that the maintenance of sporting events positively reflected on the life of the local community of Bol (H1.1.). It could not be accepted the hypothesis that sporting events positively reflected in the development of tourism supply and demand of Bol (H1.2.). As one part of main hypothesis was confirmed while other was rejected, main hypothesis (that the hosting of sporting events affect positively to the local community and tourism development of Bol) was not adopted what led to an unambiguous conclusion

    Linear and Non-Linear Modelling of Bromate Formation during Ozonation of Surface Water in Drinking Water Production

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    Bromate formation is a complex process that depends on the properties of water and the ozone used. Due to fluctuations in quality, surface waters require major adjustments to the treatment process. In this work, we investigated how the time of year, ozone dose and duration, and ammonium affect bromides, bromates, absorbance at 254 nm (UV254), near-infrared (NIR) spectra, and fluorescent components (humic-like and tyrosine-like) during surface water ozonation. Linear and non-linear models were used to determine and predict the relationships between input and output variables. Season, ozonation dose and time were correlated with the output variables, while ammonium affected only bromates. All coefficients of determination (R2) for the multiple linear regression models were >0.64, while R2 for the piecewise linear regression models was >0.89. The season had no effect on bromate formation in either model, while ammonium only affected bromides and bromates. Three input variables influenced UV254 in both models. The artificial neural network (ANN) model with the season, ozonation dose and time, ammonium, and NIR spectra was an effective way to describe water ozonation results. The multilayer perception neural network 14-14-5 had the lowest errors and was the best ANN model with R2 values for training, testing, and validation of 0.9916, 0.9826, and 0.9732, respectively

    Educational Role of the Croatian Medical Chamber

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    Hrvatska liječnička komora brine za postizanje i održavanje stručne osposobljenosti liječnika prema standardima suvremene medicinske znanosti kroz originalne projekte koji su članovima lako dostupni i besplatni. U sklopu sufinanciranog projekta EU-a Kontinuirano stručno usavrÅ”avanje liječnika opće/obiteljske medicine tiskana su četiri priručnika te je izrađena edukacijska elektronička platforma na kojoj polaznici mogu pogledati stotinjak predavanja iz različitih područja medicine. Kroz projekt se provode i trodnevne praktične radionice na naprednim modelima i simulatorima za vježbanje kliničkih vjeÅ”tina i usavrÅ”avanje u snalaženju u hitnim medicinskim stanjima. Digitalna platforma e-Akademija pruža mogućnost pristupa stručnim edukacijama i stjecanja bodova potrebnih za relicenciranje. Kroz e-Akademiju pristupa se elektroničkoj medicinskoj nakladi, bazi lijekova, bazi medicinskih smjernica, razvoju vjeÅ”tina, brige o mentalnom i fizičkom zdravlju. HeMED je internetski portal i mobilna aplikacija koja liječnicima, studentima medicine, ostalim zdravstvenim djelatnicima, ali i svima zainteresiranima na hrvatskome jeziku, u digitalnom obliku, osigurava besplatan pristup najnovijim, kontinuirano ažuriranim, izdanjima kapitalnih medicinskih knjiga. Također omogućava interaktivno pretraživanje knjiga i baza lijekova. Kroz Tečaj osnova medicinskog prava Pravna služba i dužnosnici Komore upoznaju mlade liječnike s osnovnim pravnim aktima iz zdravstvenog zakonodavstva, uključujući i Kodeks medicinske etike i deontologije. Komora je autor i vlasnik Digitalnog atlasa hrvatskog liječniÅ”tva, najopsežnije i najkompleksnije digitalne baze podataka o liječnicima u Hrvatskoj koja prikazuje brojne sociodemografske pokazatelje i podatke u realnom vremenu te se kontinuirano nadopunjava novim analizama i prikazima podataka. Glavna edukacijska svrha ovog projekta jest opremiti donositelje odluka u zdravstvenoj administraciji valjanim i točnim podatcima, neophodnima za uspjeÅ”no upravljanje elementima zdravstvenog sustava.Croatian Medical Chamber takes care of achieving and maintaining of professional training for doctors according to the standards of modern medical science through original projects that are easily accessible and free of charge for its members. As part of the EU co-financed project Permanent professional development of general/family medicine doctors, four manuals were printed and an educational web platform was created. More than hundred lectures from different fields of medicine are available through this platform. Additionally, three-day practical workshops are conducted on advanced models and simulators. The e-Academy digital platform provides access to professional education and acquisition of CME points needed for relicensing. Members can access to the electronic medical publications, database of medicines and database of medical guidelines. HeMED is an internet portal and mobile application that provides access to the latest, continuously updated, editions of major medical books in Croatian language. It is open to doctors, medical students, other healthcare workers and anyone interested. Interactive search of books and drug databases is enabled. Through the Basics of Medical Law Course, Legal Department of chamber and chamber officials familiarize young doctors with key healthcare acts and regulations. The Digital Atlas of Croatian Medicine Profession is extensive and complex digital database on medical doctors in Croatia, which displays numerous socio-demographic indicators and data in real time and is continuously updated with new analyzes and data. The main educational purpose of this project is to equip decision-makers with valid and accurate data, necessary for the successful management of the health system

    Koncert praizvedbi (studenti Muzičke akademije SveučiliŔta u Zagrebu, 31. 5. 2022.)

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    Drugi dio snimke koncerta praizvedbi skladbi studenata Muzičke akademije SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu. Koncert je održan na Muzičkoj akademiji u Koncertnoj dvorani "Blagoje Bersa" 31. 5. 2022. Izvođači: Doris Tkalčević (violina), Luka JalÅ”ovec (klavir), Niko Kos (kontrabas), Svit Å tarkl (udaraljke), Paula Bukvić (violina), Dora Å imunić (viola), Karla Kostović (violončelo), Matej Vukić (truba), Shushan Ghukasyan (klavir), Ana Labazan BrajÅ”a (violina), Marija Matshkalyan (violina), Tin Reba (viola), Janko Franković (violončelo), Mateo Narančić (klavir), Lovro Čutić (truba), Marko Mumlek (truba), Filip Pavlić (truba), Kristina Strinić (truba), Barbara KÅ”enek (flauta), Sunčica HadaÅ” (klarinet), Petar Krokar (klavir), Jana Palac (violina), Ema Perić (violina), Ana Majer (violončelo), Ante Labetić (violina), Filip Nemet Gužvić (viola), Bruno Tarbuk (viola), Zoran Resnik (violončelo), Damir Gregurić, v. umj. sur. (klavir), mjeÅ”oviti zbor (soprani: Dora Ćutić, Vita Jozić, Latica Kovačević, Sara Vrdoljak, Antonija Žarković; alti: Karla Bakter, Katarina Boras, Lovorka Brkić, Valeria Markić, Gabriela Posavec, Marina Veža, Noemi Vučković; tenori: Lovro Bzdilik, Emanuel Tomljenović; baritoni: Lovro Ivić, Bruno Kota, Å ime Vuksan; basovi: Mihael Horvat, Ivan Makar, Ronald Strabić). Program: 1. Tin Ujević: Prva studija za violinu (izvođač: Doris Tkalčević); 2. Luka JalÅ”ovec: Chiaroscuro (izvođači: Luka JalÅ”ovec, Niko Kos); 3. Svit Å tarkl: Prelude (izvođač: Svit Å tarkl); 4. Bruno Kota: Horloge za mjeÅ”oviti zbor i gudački kvartet (izvođači: mjeÅ”oviti zbor, Ante Labetić, Filip Nemet Gužvić, Bruno Tarbuk, Zoran Resnik); 5. Ivan Makar: Stavak za klavir (izvođač: Damir Gregurić, v. umj. sur.); 6. Karlo Bogatac: Nokturno (izvođači: Paula Bukvić, Doris Tkalčević, Dora Å imunić, Karla Kostović, Matej Vukić); 7. Fabijan KoŔćak: Les Episodes, kvintet za klavir i gudače (izvođači: Shushan Ghukasyan, Ana Labazan BrajÅ”a, Marija Matshkalyan, Tin Reba, Janko Franković); 8. Josip Prajz: Omne vivum ex vivo (izvođači: Mateo Narančić, Lovro Čutić, Marko Mumlek, Filip Pavlić, Kristina Strinić); 9. Fabijan KoŔćak: Tri večernje slike (izvođači: Barbara KÅ”enek, Sunčica HadaÅ”, Petar Krokar, Jana Palac, Ema Perić, Tin Reba, Ana Majer)