
Turizam je najprogresivnija industrija 20. i 21. stoljeća, a tome iznimno doprinose manifestacije, pogotovo sportske. Svaka manifestacija trebala bi biti realizirana na način da donese puno više dobrog nego lošeg lokalnom stanovništvu i destinaciji, no jedini način za to je da je lokalna zajednica na ispravan način shvati i prihvati. Upravo zato, u ovome radu istražuje se utjecaj manifestacija na turistički razvoj ne bi li dokazao mogu li manifestacije biti faktor atraktivnosti destinacije, nositelj njenog imidža i atraktivnosti, promicatelj njezine slike u svijetu te generator ekonomskih prihoda. Predmet istraživanja ovoga rada je utjecaj održavanja sportskih manifestacija (teniskim manifestacija Cro Circuit i Bol Open) na lokalnu zajednicu i turistički razvoj mjesta Bol na otoku Braču. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 105 ispitanika koji su dio lokalne zajednice Bola. Podatci su prikupljeni primarnim online istraživanjem (boljani.info – mjesto namijenjeno lokalnoj zajednici Bola) od 3.9. do 9.9., a kao instrument poslužio je strukturirani anketni upitnik. Istraživanje je ukazalo na polovične zaključke, tj. utvrđeno je da se održavanje sportskih manifestacija pozitivno reflektira na život lokalne zajednice Bola (H1.1.), ali nije se mogla prihvatiti pretpostavka da održavanje sportskih manifestacija pozitivno se reflektira na razvoj turističke ponude i potražnje Bola (H1.2.). Budući da je jedna pomoćna hipoteza potvrđena, a druga objašnjenja, o glavnoj hipotezi o tome da održavanje sportskih manifestacija utječe pozitivno na lokalnu zajednicu i turistički razvoj Bola nije donesen jednoznačan zaključak.Tourism is the most progressive industry of 20th and 21st century and it is significantly contributed by events, especially sports ones. Each event should be implemented in a way to make a better than harm to the local population and the destination, but the only way to implement this is that the local community accept and understand events in the correct. This paper researches the impact of events in the tourism development in order to prove that it can be a factor of the attractiveness of the event destination, carrier of its image and attractiveness, promoter of its image in the world and a generator of economic income. The subject of this paper is the impact that hosted sporting events (precisely tennis events Cro Circuit and Bol Open) have on the local community and tourism development of Bol. The study was conducted on a sample of 105 respondents who are part of the local community of Bol. Data were collected via online primary research (boljani.info - most visited online place for the local community Bola) from 3rd to 9th September. As instrument for research was used a structured questionnaire. Research has pointed to the half-conclusions. It was found that the maintenance of sporting events positively reflected on the life of the local community of Bol (H1.1.). It could not be accepted the hypothesis that sporting events positively reflected in the development of tourism supply and demand of Bol (H1.2.). As one part of main hypothesis was confirmed while other was rejected, main hypothesis (that the hosting of sporting events affect positively to the local community and tourism development of Bol) was not adopted what led to an unambiguous conclusion

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