
Influence of Prepared Cavity Surface on Microleakage - Pilot Study


Caklina i dentin po svojoj su kemijskoj građi dva različita supstrata pa ih je potrebno pažljivo i različito prirediti za postavljanje kompozitnoga materijala. Svrha rada bila je pokazati kako različit predtretman cakline i dentina (“total-etch” tehnika i samojetkajući adhezivi) utječe na kakvoću sveze s kompozitnim materijalom. Dobiveni su rezultati pokazali da je optimalno vrijeme jetkanja 37%- tnom ortofosfornom kiselinom 20 sekundi za caklinu i 10 sekundi za dentin.Enamel and dentin are, by their very chemical structure, two different substrates which necessitate different preparation before placing of composite resin. The aim of this study was to show how various enamel and dental pretreatment methods (“total etch” technique and self etching adhesives) affect the quality of bonding with composite resin. The results obtained showed optimal etching time, using 37% orthophospohoric acid, of 20 seconds for enamel and 10 seconds for dentin

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