256 research outputs found

    Der Einsatz von Angriffserkennungssystemen im Gesundheitswesen

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    Der Einsatz von Angriffserkennungssystemen im Gesundheitswesen am Beispiel des Krankenhauses in privater Trägerschaf

    Machbarkeitsstudie - Straßenbahnverbindung zwischen Alexanderplatz und Rathaus Steglitz

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    Das „alte“ Verkehrssystem Straßenbahn erlebt in vielen europäischen Metropolen eine Renaissance. In Frankreich gehört es heute zum guten Stil einer jeden Großstadt, ein Straßenbahnnetz aufzubauen. London investiert viele Millionen Pfund in ein neues Netz. Auch in Hamburg befindet sich die Wiedereinführung in Planung. In Berlin hingegen ist die Diskussion um eine Netzerweiterung seit mittlerweile über fünf Jahren festgefahren. Das Bestandsnetz im Ostteil der Stadt ist das größte Deutschlands und befindet sich in einem sehr guten Zustand. In West-Berlin wurde der Straßenbahnbetrieb 1967 vollständig eingestellt und durch U-Bahnneubauten und Buslinien ersetzt. Seit 1990 wurde das Bestandsnetz mit nur zwei Linien und wenigen Kilometern Neubaustrecke in den Westteil der Stadt verlängert. Die Anbindung des Hauptbahnhofs ist derzeit in Planung. Andere konkrete Vorhaben gibt es nicht. Die vorliegende Machbarkeitsstudie überprüft den Korridor zwischen Alexanderplatz und Rathaus Steglitz in Berlin auf seine Tauglichkeit für eine Straßenbahnverbindung. Ziel der Arbeit war nicht nur eine rein verkehrswissenschaftliche Analyse, sondern ein interdisziplinärer, multidimensionaler Ansatz, der den Aspekt der Stadterneuerung in den Mittelpunkt rückte. Die diesem Ansatz zugrunde liegende These war, dass moderne Straßenbahnplanung als Vehikel der Stadterneuerung fungieren und neue Impulse für die Stadtentwicklung setzen kann. Das selbstbestimmte Projekt im Hauptstudium überprüfte in seiner Arbeit die Potentiale einer Straßenbahnstrecke auf diesem Korridor auf ihre verkehrliche, wirtschaftliche, ökologische, soziale und städtebauliche Wirksamkeit. Die Wahl der Trasse erfolgte dabei auf Grund der extrem hohen Kfz-Belastung mit bis zu 55.000 Fahrzeugen pro Tag und der offensichtlichen Unzuverlässigkeit des bestehenden Busangebots. Darüber hinaus zeigen mehrere Stadtquartiere entlang des projektierten Korridors städtebauliche Problemlagen auf. Überprüft wurde die Wirksamkeit einer Straßenbahnplanung auf die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität und die Steigerung der Verkehrsgerechtigkeit. Dazu wurden neben der Reorganisation des Straßenraums in einem städtebaulichen Entwurf ein Straßenbahnbetriebsprogramm erstellt, zu dem eine Verkehrsprognose angefertigt wurde, eine Kostenschätzung der Infrastrukturmaßnahmen vorgenommen, Aussagen über die volkswirtschaftliche und betriebswirtschaftliche Bewertung getroffen und Fragen zu sozio-ökonomischen Auswirkungen von Verkehrsprojekten aufgeworfen. Online im Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin erschienenIn the past decade a tram renaissance could be observed in many European metropolis. Almost all major French cities have built tram systems since the 1990s. London is investing a significant amount of money in a new tramway link. Hamburg just recently decided to reintroduce the tram. In contrast to this development, the debate on an enlargement of the existing tramway network has come to a halt in Berlin over five years ago. While the existing network in the eastern part of the city is in very good condition and is the largest network in Germany, efforts for an extension to former West-Berlin after the reunification have been rather fainthearted with only two new tracks. The effort today is limited to the connection of the new Berlin central railway station which is currently undergoing its planning approval. In this feasibility study the corridor between Alexanderplatz in the center of Berlin and Rathaus Steglitz in the southwest of the city was assessed on its suitability for a tramway link. The corridor was chosen because of the extremely high traffic load with over 55 000 vehicles per day and the obvious unreliability of the existing public transport service with busses. Furthermore, multiple neighborhoods along the assessed tramway link show indications of urban downgrading. Hence, the study tried to examine and discuss the impacts of an improved public transportation on the quality of life of the residents. The study took a multi-dimensional approach consisting of transportation planning, urban design, market predictions, economic and ecologic assessments and considerations of the social impacts

    Microbial Communities of Conducting and Respiratory Zones of Lung-Transplanted Patients.

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    Background: Lung transplantation (LT) is a recognized treatment for end-stage pulmonary disease. Bacteria from the recipient nasopharynx seed the new lungs leading to infections and allograft damage. Understanding the characteristics and topological variations of the microbiota may be important to apprehend the pathophysiology of allograft dysfunction. Objectives: To examine the characteristics and relationship of bacterial compositions between conducting and respiratory zones of the allograft. Methods: We performed 16S rRNA gene sequencing on bronchial aspirates (BAs) and bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs) collected in pairs in 19 patients at several time-points post-LT. Results: The respiratory zone was characterized independently of the time post-LT by a higher bacterial richness than the conducting zone (p = 0.041). The phyla Firmicutes and Proteobacteria dominated both sampling zones, with an inverse correlation between these two phyla (Spearman r = -0.830). Samples of the same pair, as well as pairs from the same individual clustered together (Pseudo-F = 3.8652, p < 0.01). Microbiota of BA and BAL were more closely related in samples from the same patient than each sample type across different patients, with variation in community structure being mainly inter-individual (p < 0.01). Both number of antibiotics administered (p < 0.01) and time interval post-LT (p < 0.01) contributed to the variation in global microbiota structure. Longitudinal analysis of BA-BAL pairs of two patients showed dynamic wave like fluctuations of the microbiota. Conclusions: Our results show that post-transplant respiratory zones harbor higher bacterial richness, but overall similar bacterial profiles as compared to conductive zones. They further support an individual microbial signature following LT

    Textil studieren an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg

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    Zu den textilbezogenen Studiengängen an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg gehören die Studienangebote der Fachrichtung Mode und Textil im Rahmen der Bachelor- und Master-Lehramtsstudiengänge für die Primar- und Sekundarstufe I im Rahmen des Studienfaches Alltagskultur und Gesundheit, welches die beiden Fachdisziplinen Ernährung und Konsum sowie Mode und Textil kombiniert. Außerdem wird ein lehramtsaffiner Masterstudiengang angeboten und es erfolgen Lehrexporte in bildungsaffine Studiengänge – allen voran in den Bachelorstudiengang Kindheitspädagogik

    Вартісне оцінювання запасів мінеральних ресурсів гірничодобувного підприємства

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    Naturfasern sind leicht, günstig und nachwachsend. Deswegen gewinnen sie auch für Strukturbauteile an Bedeutung. Dringt Feuchtigkeit in die Fasern ein, leiden jedoch ihre mechanischen Eigenschaften. Kavitätenpolymerisation kann die Hohlräume der Fasern schließen, sodass die Naturfasern weniger Wasser aufsaugen

    RegulationSpotter: annotation and interpretation of extratranscriptic DNA variants

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    RegulationSpotter is a web-based tool for the user-friendly annotation and interpretation of DNA variants located outside of protein-coding transcripts (extratranscriptic variants). It is designed for clinicians and researchers who wish to assess the potential impact of the considerable number of non-coding variants found in Whole Genome Sequencing runs. It annotates individual variants with underlying regulatory features in an intuitive way by assessing over 100 genome-wide annotations. Additionally, it calculates a score, which reflects the regulatory potential of the variant region. Its dichotomous classifications, ‘functional’ or ‘non-functional’, and a human-readable presentation of the underlying evidence allow a biologically meaningful interpretation of the score. The output shows key aspects of every variant and allows rapid access to more detailed information about its possible role in gene regulation. RegulationSpotter can either analyse single variants or complete VCF files. Variants located within protein-coding transcripts are automatically assessed by MutationTaster as well as by RegulationSpotter to account for possible intragenic regulatory effects. RegulationSpotter offers the possibility of using phenotypic data to focus on known disease genes or genomic elements interacting with them. RegulationSpotter is freely available at https://www.regulationspotter.org

    Assessing the Predictive Validity of Simple Dementia Risk Models in Harmonized Stroke Cohorts

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Stroke is associated with an increased risk of dementia. To assist in the early identification of individuals at high risk of future dementia, numerous prediction models have been developed for use in the general population. However, it is not known whether such models also provide accurate predictions among stroke patients. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether existing dementia risk prediction models that were developed for use in the general population can also be applied to individuals with a history of stroke to predict poststroke dementia with equivalent predictive validity. METHODS: Data were harmonized from 4 stroke studies (follow-up range, ≈12–18 months poststroke) from Hong Kong, the United States, the Netherlands, and France. Regression analysis was used to test 3 risk prediction models: the Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and Dementia score, the Australian National University Alzheimer Disease Risk Index, and the Brief Dementia Screening Indicator. Model performance or discrimination accuracy was assessed using the C statistic or area under the curve. Calibration was tested using the Grønnesby and Borgan and the goodness-of-fit tests. RESULTS: The predictive accuracy of the models varied but was generally low compared with the original development cohorts, with the Australian National University Alzheimer Disease Risk Index (C-statistic, 0.66) and the Brief Dementia Screening Indicator (C-statistic, 0.61) both performing better than the Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and Dementia score (area under the curve, 0.53). CONCLUSIONS: Dementia risk prediction models developed for the general population do not perform well in individuals with stroke. Their poor performance could have been due to the need for additional or different predictors related to stroke and vascular risk factors or methodological differences across studies (eg, length of follow-up, age distribution)

    Maternal educational level, parental preventive behavior, risk behavior, social support and medical care consumption in 8-month-old children in Malmö, Sweden

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The social environment in which children grow up is closely associated with their health. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between maternal educational level, parental preventive behavior, parental risk behavior, social support, and use of medical care in small children in Malmö, Sweden. We also wanted to investigate whether potential differences in child medical care consumption could be explained by differences in parental behavior and social support.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study was population-based and cross-sectional. The study population was 8 month-old children in Malmö, visiting the Child Health Care centers during 2003-2007 for their 8-months check-up, and whose parents answered a self-administered questionnaire (n = 9,289 children).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Exclusive breast feeding ≥4 months was more common among mothers with higher educational level. Smoking during pregnancy was five times more common among less-educated mothers. Presence of secondhand tobacco smoke during the first four weeks of life was also much more common among children with less-educated mothers. Less-educated mothers more often experienced low emotional support and low practical support than mothers with higher levels of education (>12 years of education). Increased exposure to unfavorable parental behavioral factors (maternal smoking during pregnancy, secondhand tobacco smoke and exclusive breastfeeding <4 months) was associated with increased odds of in-hospital care and having sought care from a doctor during the last 8 months. The odds were doubled when exposed to all three risk factors. Furthermore, children of less-educated mothers had increased odds of in-hospital care (OR = 1.34 (95% CI: 1.08, 1.66)) and having sought care from a doctor during the last 8 months (OR = 1.28 (95% CI: 1.09, 1.50)), which were reduced and turned statistically non-significant after adjustment for unfavorable parental behavioral factors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Children of less-educated mothers were exposed to more health risks, fewer health-promoting factors, worse social support, and had higher medical care consumption than children with higher educated mothers. After adjustment for parental behavioral factors the excess odds of doctor's visits and in-hospital care among children with less-educated mothers were reduced. Improving children's health calls for policies targeting parents' health-related behaviors and social support.</p

    Identification of Eps15 as Antigen Recognized by the Monoclonal Antibodies aa2 and ab52 of the Wuerzburg Hybridoma Library against Drosophila Brain

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    The Wuerzburg Hybridoma Library against the Drosophila brain represents a collection of around 200 monoclonal antibodies that bind to specific structures in the Drosophila brain. Here we describe the immunohistochemical staining patterns, the Western blot signals of one- and two-dimensional electrophoretic separation, and the mass spectrometric characterization of the target protein candidates recognized by the monoclonal antibodies aa2 and ab52 from the library. Analysis of a mutant of a candidate gene identified the Drosophila homolog of the Epidermal growth factor receptor Pathway Substrate clone 15 (Eps15) as the antigen for these two antibodies

    Insightful Problem Solving in an Asian Elephant

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    The “aha” moment or the sudden arrival of the solution to a problem is a common human experience. Spontaneous problem solving without evident trial and error behavior in humans and other animals has been referred to as insight. Surprisingly, elephants, thought to be highly intelligent, have failed to exhibit insightful problem solving in previous cognitive studies. We tested whether three Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) would use sticks or other objects to obtain food items placed out-of-reach and overhead. Without prior trial and error behavior, a 7-year-old male Asian elephant showed spontaneous problem solving by moving a large plastic cube, on which he then stood, to acquire the food. In further testing he showed behavioral flexibility, using this technique to reach other items and retrieving the cube from various locations to use as a tool to acquire food. In the cube's absence, he generalized this tool utilization technique to other objects and, when given smaller objects, stacked them in an attempt to reach the food. The elephant's overall behavior was consistent with the definition of insightful problem solving. Previous failures to demonstrate this ability in elephants may have resulted not from a lack of cognitive ability but from the presentation of tasks requiring trunk-held sticks as potential tools, thereby interfering with the trunk's use as a sensory organ to locate the targeted food