847 research outputs found

    Psychological ownership in organization: A contribution to the Italian validation of pierce and colleagues scale

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    We present a contribution to the Italian validation of the scale of Pierce Van Dyne e Cummings (1992) concerning the organizational ownership. This construct even internationally widely adopted is mostly absent in the scientific Italian debate. Using data from a sample of 598 Italian employees, was studied both the internal and external validity of the version with seven items that of the one with four. The results showed better psychometric properties of the shorter version and good evidence with regard to internal and external validity

    A diagnostic tool to evaluate the proactivity levels of risk-Reporting activities by the workforce

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    Prevention of occupational injuries is an important task of Human Resource Management. Empiric research showed that risk perception, safety communication and worker's participation in safety programs may have a relevant role in reducing accident and injury occurrence - see for example (Conchie, 2013). These considerations lead us to this study to propose a new methodology which consists in an index aimed to assess the proactivity of worker participation in safety management systems. The innovation consists in defining a diagnostic measurement model to assess the degree of workforce proactivity, considering a specific kind of participatory contribute by workers for safety promotion in the workplace, like the spontaneous risk-reporting initiatives. The measurement tool has been defined and tested by an interdisciplinary team composed of four university researchers (human factor experts) and two site safety managers of a chemical site which is chosen with the purpose to apply for the first time the new tool. Preliminary results show that different levels of proactivity were adopted and that the highest levels of proactivity are relatively less frequent. The tool offers relevant diagnostic information for the industrial organizations which aim to achieve higher level of proactivity in risk management, offering practical indications for managerial interventions focused on stimulating and improving appropriate participation by the workforce. © Copyright 2014, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l

    Online recruitment: The role of trust in technology

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    In recent years, online recruitment has become a prevalent human resource management practice worldwide. Although studies emphasized the importance of candidates' perceptions related to the recruiting web site attributes, there is no research focused on the effects of trust toward the IT technology during the online application process. Given the importance of trust dynamics in personnel recruitment, the aim of this study is to investigate the role of trust towards the web platforms supporting online recruitment. Results, from a sample of university students including 330 participants, showed that trust toward the web site affects both directly and indirectly - via company attractiveness - the intention to apply for a job

    Análise De Oportunidades E Desafios Para O Nexo Água-energia

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    O desenvolvimento econômico, o crescimento da população mundial e o aumento da urbanização, tendem a aumentar a demanda mundial por água e energia, intensificando os conflitos entre os setores hídrico e energético e gerando impactos sobre o meio ambiente. Além da interferência direta dos seres humanos sobre esses recursos, as mudanças climáticas e eventos climáticos extremos têm afetado a disponibilidade de água e, consequentemente, a geração de energia de forma significativa. Este trabalho tem como objetivos apresentar a dependência entre água e energia, ressaltando a importância de um planejamento integrado entre os setores hídrico e energético, e mostrar os principais desafios e oportunidades a serem enfrentados por pesquisadores, empresas e governos a fim de que o crescimento populacional e econômico seja pautado em decisões mais sustentáveis com relação ao nexo água-energia. Assim, é imprescindível que se considere o nexo água-energia no planejamento e na tomada de decisão dos governos em todos os níveis, desde o municipal até o nacional3793

    The role of prosocial and proactive safety behaviors in predicting safety performance

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. Employees' engagement in safety is assumed to be a significant contributor to safety performance within the chemical industry. The current study tested this assumption by examining the role of prosocial safety behaviors (e.g., helping others) and proactive safety behaviors (e.g., seeking change) in predicting four safety performance outcomes: micro-accidents, property damage (accidents without injury), near-miss events, and lost-time injuries. Two-wave data collected from 511 employees located in 2 Italian chemical plants revealed that prosocial safety behaviors predicted micro-accidents and property damage, and proactive safety behaviors predicted near-miss events and lost-time injuries. These results suggest that benefits can be gained from distinguishing between prosocial and proactive safety behaviors when seeking to improve safety performance. Organizations may reduce the rate of minor injuries and property damage by increasing helping among employees. However, this approach will be less effective in reducing more serious accidents or increasing near-miss event reporting. More effective in these cases is creating environments in which employees feel able to raise their suggestions and concerns about safety

    Proactivity-and-consequence-based safety incentive (PCBSI) developed with a fuzzy approach to reduce occupational accidents

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. This study introduces a new reward system for enhancing safety during work activities, by improving workers' motivation in performance and thereby reducing occupational accidents. The reward system is based on a safety incentive that can be defined by means of two parameters: the worker behavior, which is measured especially in terms of proactivity (namely workers' attitude in reporting potentially hazardous situations) and the consequences that could be avoided thanks to the reporting activity. In doing this, the fuzzy logic theory can be usefully applied, because it offers the opportunity to quantify the two parameters taking into account their vagueness, through the concept of degree of membership and then it also allows to combine them into the final value of the safety incentive through a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). The model, named "Proactivity-and-Consequence Based Safety Incentive" (PCBSI), has been tested in an Italian chemical plant, with the purpose to evaluate its effectiveness

    Social media usage among wine tourism DMOs

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    Social media is an important tool for tourism destination promotion. The usage and the contents published on these platforms have an important role in visitors’ decision-making process. Information and communication technologies are changing DMOs’ markets and communication paradigm, since they allow the interaction between these organizations, visitors, and stakeholders. Therefore, social media are increasing their relevance on DMOs’ marketing strategies. This purpose of this study is to analyze comparatively social media platforms’ usage by six wine tourism DMOs. The results were provided by the analysis of secondary data available on these platforms and DMOs posts on the four most popular social media platforms to tourism industry: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Results indicate that DMOs use their official accounts on these platforms on different ways. This study also reveals that Facebook is more interactive than other platforms, and YouTube achieves less engagement levels.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Big data marketing during the period 2012–2019: a bibliometric review

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    The present study identifies the most significant trends in production of high impact scientific papers related to the Big Data Marketing variable during the period between the years 2012 and 2019 through a revision of the Scopus database, which manages to highlight the relevance of 113 indexed papers. For this purpose, the following descriptive bibliometric indicators are implemented: production volume, type of document, number of citations, and country of application. In the studied time period, the evidence suggests an annual growth in the production volume of papers related to the variable, but with a significant drop in 2017. The knowledge areas that showcases more researches about the Big Data Marketing variable are computer science, mathematics, decision-making, and engineering domain